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PAGE Saturday 22 November 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (U UNTERNA)
To Whom this may Concern Explanation in Muriel vs. Robert Walker COFFEE PIEDRAS quality insuperable Chocolate extra special and Superior in taste unrivalled in flavour and Purity; send your orders to the Factory of JOSE GONZALES Telp 3085. SAN JOSE. Apartado 1139 50 yards West of the North Western gate of the Market This is to notify the general public that my wife statements of Robert Walker the necessity of my seeking In view of the lying tenance of him, accelerated Muriel Walker nee Lawrence, has abandoned my home. My husband in name only) refuge with my relatives.
It occurred that some time ago she told me that my in the columns of The His statements about home Was haunted and had evil influence in it and Searchlight of a week not being responsible for she would no longer live under my roof; hence she ago.
me or my debts, is nothing Went and rented a room but continued coming to my should like to explain new, although worthless, for home for her support. was told by a friend she was to the public, that this man never at any time was he in association with a man. started to keep a Watch has forced me out of his much concerned about my around, and on the 2nd night of October found a home over two years now, support. On the contrary man named Tyrel Spencer in her room at nine o clock, by his constant illtreatments, he has always exploited my and when asked him what was his business there at nonsupport, crude vulgar savings from my earnings, that hour of night, he acknowledged that he was in and filthy language to me, to improve his home and illicit amorous intercourse with my vvife, his wife in consequence of which his business.
being in Jamaica have had to seek work He is attributing to me Therefore vvarn the public that do dot hold with certain American fa immoral actions, in consemyself any longer bound to nor vvill be nsible milies being still so emquence of the visits of my for any debts contracted by her.
ployed to support myself. friends and relatives, so as Robert Walker His story about my to damage my character leaving his home on account and shield his dirty actions Jamaica Town; Limon of spirits etc. is all a frame to me.
up. The kicks and blows that received from him Muriel Walker soon after childbirth, SAY MISTER. Whenever deranded sus. November 19 de 1930.
Have you ever taken a little time to think over the iuture of your dependents. Your wife, your mother, your sister, or your children?
After a little thought you are sure to reflect that there SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN is no protection like a Life Insurance Policy to TREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF provide for their welfare Take a Policy with the LAWYERS NOTARIES AT LIMON Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
ENGLISH SPOKEN Dr. Oscar Pacheco DIATHERMY La mala situación Bananera en el Mercado Mundial Supresión de empleados BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Profesía del Profesor Hanff de empleados que trabajan en y el año astrologico cabalistico SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF San José, which is guaranteed by the government of RAVENTOS THEATRE Costa Rica Send us your name Place of birth, and date, with your Con motivo de la supresión Mr. Stein refiriendose a la requirements and we will send you all details.
zona del Pacifico se expresa The Secretary los trenes y oficinas de la en estos términos: BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Northen Railway, se han he. He visto casi todas las cho en el público diferentes plantaciones de bananos que SAN JOSE comentarios, pero sabemos de se encuentran en las cercanias positiva fuente que esto se de Puntarenas y en la región debe solamente a un nuevo sur hasta Naranjo. He encontrado muy buenos cultivos, pero El Dr. Hanff, alemán, ha disturbios, serían Honduras plan de economías que se ha puesto al público alarmado y Costa Rica, que esto se propuesto la Compañía en otros dejan mucho que desear.
vista de las con sus predicciones. En debía a trastornos cósmi referencia, en Suits made to order to the Shortest notice.
Tienen muy buenas tierras en Junio último vaticinó des cos y no estaríamos fuera pérdidas que está sufriendo algunas partes situadas a las complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels debido a la escasez de pasa orillas de los ríos. Pero un gracias de aviación para de peligro sino hasta desalways on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
Inglaterra y Méjico y re pués del 21 de Marzo de jeros y de fletes.
gran porcentaje de ellas, no sirNorth West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts voluciones en Perú, Argen 1931, fecha en que el año la vez declara Mr. Stein ve para cultivos de bananos.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number tina, Brasil y Chile, las astrológico cabalistico ter a la prensa que la mala situa La región alrededor del Golwinnings this week cuales se han cumplido. minara.
ción del mercado bananero, fo de Nicoya sujeta como esIn Serie Drawing No. 37; won by Carlos Ramirez Ticket No. 74 También dijo que la ratá a largas estaciones secas y Muy curiosos, a ser cier hace difícil por el momento In Serie Drawing No. 14; won by Hernán Fonseca Ticket No. 37 cha revolucionaria de Sur tas, resultan estas profesias, el desarrollo de la zona del careciendo de agua para irrigaIn presence of Ruben Zuñiga, Bernardo Rodo, Arquimedes Rojas América se ción, además de estar azotada extendería a según las cuales la paz de Pacífico, y cree que los partiAl shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity but up Centro América y que los la Tierra depende de los culares no deben emprender por los fuertes vientos del Norto date with their payments.
paises azotados por estos astros que nos rodean a nuevos cultivos hasta tanto te, no puede considerarse proBOX 252 San José picia, y los cultivos de esa TELEPHONE 3320 millones de leguas de dis. no haya seguridad en el mertancia. Nos deja pensativos cado, porque se expondrían a zona, mientras no puedan ven.
In presence of Mateo Salazar, José Castillo, Urbino Castro el Profeta.
cer esas dificultades no deben graves pérdidas.
intentar cultivos pues corren el grave riesgo de perder las inversiones que hagan en tales meeting that vvas condiciones. Por otra parte, de arranged under the auspices bido a las malas condiciones of the and AND del mercado mundial y al exceL. of Aug 1929 of the vvorld, to come off on the BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY so de producción, no veo esALMACEN ELECTRICO 2nd. November of the preORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED peranzas de desarrollo en esa región por algún tiempo. Por sent year has been postSouth West Corner of the Cathedral.
San José, lo menos, no antes de que las poned, ovving to certain Bureau established for the greater convenience, underconditions tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu.
condiciones económicas mejo.
blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed ren. En consecuencia es muy Sale of Motors y Dynamos It is again arranged and for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. difícil, a mi modo de ver, que planned to be on Sunday Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a la compañía misma pueda semSIEMENS 23rd of the present month Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the (november, 1930.
public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the brar y cultivar más de lo que Commencing at 1, 30 the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical está obligada por virtud de oclock on the Siquirres Liexperience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts los contratos recientemente he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe firmados, pues tal como se berty Grounds.
rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials ven las cosas al presente, no TELEFONO APARTADO Special subjects on the are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
3509 parece posible hacer siembras 1061 Negro question vvill be dealt EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ extraordinarias durante algún vvith by many prominent Barnster Investigator speakers.
tiempo. Desgraciadamente, el Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Also a musical programmercado, lejos de acusar meme vvill be given.
MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE joria cada día parece empeorar.
All class of materials of installation of Free admission: only a En estas condiciones, es preLimon; Oposite «Arrosty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the lively collection is solicited.
Presidencia ferible que los particulares no Luxurious Lamps at the The general public are hagan nuevos cultivos hasta Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Lowest prices.
tanto no tengan seguridad de Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, WI; California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, tener mercado STEWART EXPRESIDENT Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartage Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistenſa Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Coming Event RAMON ULLOA Co.
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