
Saturday November 22 1930.
PAGE The unexpeeted is happening a Armistice Day commemorations in St. Mark Church Chew Adams Chiclets 00000000 Death and life For all orders in Flowers by Bishop William Crosweli Doane Who vvould have conWe are so stupid about death. We will not learn Cavalry who guarded the CALL UP TELEPHONE No. 2233 How it is, wages paid to those who earn, jectured say tvvo decades old royal stage coach.
How it is gift for which on earth we yearn, ago that labourers vvould Where you can count on select service, As their Majesties passed To be set free from bondage to the flesh; have been called to parti. through the royal robing and a varied assortment of How it is turning seed corn into grain, cipate in such functions as room of the House of flowers, especially in How it is winning Heaven eternal gain, vve see constantly occurring Lerds in all the glittering How it means freedom evermore from pain, novy. On the 27th October procession of arms, uniAMERICAN ROSES How it untangles every mortal mesh.
for the first time in history forms and robes, they were vvas Parliament opened attended by the youthful Octavio Loaiza We are so selfish about death. We count our griefs with a labour government, Duke of Norfolk aged 22 far more than we consider their relief, participating in all the years, vvho is the hereditary Pie de Cuesta de Moras SAN JOSE Whom the great Reaper gathers in the sheaf, Earl Marshall of England pomp and display on such an No more to know the season constant change: occasion. Who vvould have and conducted to the Throne And we forget that it means but life, told such men as the right vith all the pomp and Life with all joy, peace, rest and glory rife, Honourables Thomas Hen ceremony of former years.
derson, once Ship The victory Won, and ended all the strife, the The speech from And Heaven no longer far away and strange.
Carpenter, today the Comp Throne vvas a very brief troller of the Kings Royal one but it exhorted the Their Lent is over and their Easter won.
Household; and Ben Tur members of the House preWaiting till over Paradise, the sun ner, once a Taxicab driver sided over by the Hon.
Shall rise in majesty, and life begun in the streets of London Ramsay MaDonald, himself Shall glow in glory, as the perfect day today The Treasurer of the a labourer, to vvork harder Moves on to hold its endless, deathless way. very impressive service Among the appropiate Royal Household, that they that they ever did before to maintain the dignity of was conducted by Father psalms and prayers that were This is so expressive of the real sentiments of those would have occupied such the Empire and the unifiRyecart at Mark Anglican selected for the occasion the of us who have lived to see the frailties of human positions in life?
Church of this city on Armis ceremony was opened wite cation of every unit of the tice Day.
the well known hymn.
existence, the many disappointments, the instability of His Majesty and the Empire, so as to assure worldly things that one feels tired of the many illusions Queen on going to the the prosperity and happiness Let saints on earth in concert sing which disappear as quickly as they appear aud would House of Parliament vvere With those whose work is done of every member of the For all the servants of our king welcome as Bishop Doane says The Relief. escorted by the Household great Domain.
In earth and heaven are one 0000000 00000000000000000000000 Extreme devotion seems to Church and St Mark Church have encircled the entire con amalgamated, which added lusAIDA CAFETERIA gregation as the Priest uttered tre to the Church ceremony and recommended prayers for and fitted it appropiately with The hard times infuses us to cater for your best entertainment those ushered into eternity that atmosphere of Unity so All Limon knows there is no one to please your taste and on account of the cruel war expressive of the abolition of appetite as Aida When in Limon drop around the corner and see that has done no good to war.
Boxes, they give an agreeable humanity. But we cannot help the only legitimate for yourself It was then a deep thinker empliasizing the spirit of could feel the literal translation breath and keep the mouth clean and fresh.
Once you come is always to return Unity and Christianity display of the second verse of the ed in this ceremony, when same hymn as the choir Keep the empty. Boxes, for which. Prizes are offered through the influence of the voices blended with the bold in December.
young Father over 200 units and harmonious strains of the DISTRIBUTORS EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS of the boys scouts from the Organ chanting. the Roman Catholic SANTIAGO PALACIOS Cia.
Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and One family we dwell with him Commissions on Legal affairs.
One Church above, beneath, SAN JOSE, PASAJE JIMENEZ Though now divided by the stream ERNESTO ORTEGA The narrow stream of death.
APARTADO 1000 TELEP, 2599 Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartago The behaviour of the boys there was a conspicuos ab 0000000000 MODUUUUUUUUUUU both in their parade and sence of representatives of attendance at Church was those who were instrumental excellent. After they had lined in conducting the savage war.
themselves up in front of the Although all over the world Church for retiring, Father in every place where some Ryecart reviewed them and commemoration is carried on passed before each Troupe, this day, the majority of the speaking kindly and admiringly white race especially those of By the Gleaner we find on very reliable authority that and the ship pingend controll control whatever, would be to the boys.
any importance has never that the nature of the business ed by the di Giorgio interests, regarded with any particular Outside of the scouts the failed in taking interest and discussed was in regard to an with, of course, necessary pleasure by him. Moreover Church was well attended participating in such special Speculation has naturally considering the tendency of the Banana that worship commemorations. But Limon been very much alive recently offer made by Mr. di Giorgio safeguards for einer party.
started at clock early folks are singular. Everything to the Producers to pay a WHAT WOULD BE ITS Producers to dav is towards as to what was the nature of morn.
was left to the poor unrecogflat rate of 6 per bunch for the separation the shipping We do hope that further nized folks that have up to the business discussed between the fruit contracted by them, VALUE?
and growing est entirely steps will be taken to empha now received only but the Mr. Joe diGiorgio and the for the remaining time which As stated, we do not give (as clearly skin by the size the spirit of unity so worst part of the World war. executive of the Jamaica Bathe present contract has to run the details in any way United Fruit Company in their vacant in our people. But in These people should familiarize regards to the Armistice Day, themselves with the anthein during his recent visit here.
nana Producers Association (about years. this flat rate official, but opinion in fruit sale of their entire holdings we have to say with much God bless our humble to replace the original terms circles seems to think that in Costa Rica. and it has regret that outside of the people.
That it was of considerable of tire contract entirely; the such a offer was extremely generally been found a very British Vice Consul his wife Special Reporter importance was made sufficienidea behind the offer, as far likely just at the present time.
and Mrs and Miss De Pesa much more expeditious and tly clear by Mr. diGiorgio as can be gathered, being One well known shipping economic way of running own statement in an interview with this paper just before he that Mr. di Giorgio contends man said: It has been known things.
for some time that di Giorgio As regards the value of leit, when he stated that the that it is against the interests matter was of the first im of both parties to have both with the way the contract was was not altogether satisfied a flat rate of 6 for the next or 10 years to the grower, portance to the banana industry the shipping and growing working out in fact he is it is hard to say how it might in the island.
part of the business run half said to have had several pretty turn out. At present it looks the most popular Soap PALMERA and half by each party, and OFFER OF FLAT RATE big rows with the Producers as if the trade were in for that it would be far more Has arranged, with a view of the approaching over it already. Nor is it likely three or four years, at least, christmas seasons, to distribute a value of almost dou.
While we are not in a posi economical and efficient to that the obvious intention of when 6 a bunch would be ble the value of the Soap on the wrappings as a tion to make a statement of have the growing end controllthe Producers to acquire their a very good price indeed. For benefit to its many patrons who use it any official character; we hear ed entirely by the Producers prize to any one who brings us 25 wrappings own fleet as soon as possible, next year it will probably not of class No. will be valued in our next catalogue as evidenced in the ordering rise above 21 on the other more or less 15 Soaps of No. class The No. wrappings will have a much greater LUMBER. LUMBER. of two new ships in which hand, things may look up di Giorgio has no interest or Continued on page vale than the No.
Do you need LUMBER? Send PALMERA SOAP yours Is always sold in a packet and its wrappings will be exchanged orders to for valuable prizes. We are preparing a magnificent assortment of gifts which we place at the disposal of our clients as from the Ist. LESTER NORTON, SIQUIRRES of December Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see Our Agent in Limon is DON ELOY GOTAY Who can supply you any class, quantity and how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make Our Agent in Turrialba is Sres. ROJAS CORTES Cia.
dimensions of Native Lumber from his own you comfortable at rediculous prices INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Sawmills at Siquirres at the lowest prices write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ APARTADO 271. SAN JOSE TELEFONE 3103 possible.
150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA THE FATE OF THE JAMAICA BANANA INDUSTRY as AN ADVICE Mindful of a duty out of friendship Hotel ATLANTICO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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