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PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT UNTERHAD Saturday 22 November 1930 EDITO Dissolution to be discussed Our Exportations and Importations IS furt WEB De Cine MODERNO Abd el Crim the Hero The excurtionist from Bocas The Gleaner understands as the Graft Commission, According to the reports lues have decreased consi Kilos and in value by Our Importations thus that amongst the matters and the subsequent dissolu of our Statistical Depart. derably due to the falling (401. 295.
far have been C33. 046538 sich will come up fortion of the Council. It will ment we find that there off of the world Markets Bananas; this has decreas as against 61. 079. 900 discussion at the coming be urged that the late is much variation in our during the corresponding ed by 44. 591 Stems and for 1929.
session of the Legislative Officer Administering the exports and imports. Some nine months.
given a decreased value of Our Exportation of coffee Council will be the opera. Government had acted products have increased Coffee, vvhile this increas. 733. 443. Lumber; has so far has been 23, 536. 645 tion of the newlycreated wrongly in die solving the their output while others ed by 860, 530 Kilos yet also decreased by 47. 627. Kilos; and in 1929 Transport Board Council in thway he had have decreased; but in as the value has decreased by Hides and skins; have 19. 676. 115 Kilios; of BaIt was learnt last evening done, and His Excellency much as some have increas 7. 225. 087. Cacao, has shovin an increase of nanas, 506977 stems; and; that certain elected members the Governor will be asked ed in production, the va also increased by 282. 421 C4. 627 other products; have in 1929. 751568 stems have got some important to shorten the period of increased by 349. 159. Cacao, 338721 Kilos, as questions to ask with regard dissolution one year.
The total of exportation against in 1929. 056, 300 to the decisions which have Of course, it will be neces.
of Costa Rica has decreas Kilos. Hides and skins, been made by the Board sary for a new Corposed by 250. 544, our 215. 710 Kilos as against and, renerally, certain ration Law to be drafted, LIMON total exportation for 1930 so in 1929. 215. 401. Kilos amendments will be suggest and as far as can be ascerfar has been C59. 867576. other products 025723 ted to the law tained no definite action If you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, as against 67. 118. 120 for Kilos as against in 1929 Another rutter which has been taken in this di and Silent Films 1929.
991. 649 Kilos.
will be discussed at some rection. Anyway, the views considerable length will be of the Governor on the Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and the recent dissolution of whole question are awaited op. all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós the Kinsgton an St. Andrew with interest. His Excellency Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the comCorporation. His Excellency the Governor who only refort of all classes of his patrons alike.
will submit the supplemen turned to the Island last tary estimates of the Cor Week will have his hands Most of us seem to have what St. Helena was to Na.
poration for approval, and full at this sitting of forgotten the glorious charac poleon. Abd el Crim lives in ther several elected mem the Legislative council on ter who fought so valiently luxury on his Island home, bers, led by the Hon. all these matters which and sagaciously all the scien full of luxuriant vegetable Smith, K, C, and the transpired during his abs tific appliances at the command growth, among which he Hon. Theo. Wint, will ence in the United Kinof the French government spends his time. His greatest comment on the recent gdom on Holiday.
The Motor Launch of Mr. music in our midst and withdrawn from the battle occupation is in reading and report of what is known The Council met on the Surgeon, Nellie Moulton at Siquirres.
fronts of Verdun and Marne, studying, his children mixing 12th inst.
vvas chartered in Bocas On account of the so persistly and efficaciously freely with those of the del Toro and brought up misunderstanding over the for a considerable time; doing township.
FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. a party of pleas e seekers question of the proceeds away vith some of France There wer 29 souls who At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small from that place on Satur of the gate money to the best men and machines of were transported from Crim day last, to spend a vveek stadium no games of sport war.
Rif in Morocco, but this graffamily residence adjoining the Post Office among their friends and were indulged in as was We have recently come in fic review, gives an account Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES relatives here; they also expected.
touch with La Estampa a that a child was born to brought up the much appre Many of the tourists vi graphic Magazine of Madrid, Crim on the Railroad Car TO ADVERTISEN ciated Jazz band of that sited the interior and had dated 21st October; in which which conveyed them from THE SEARCHLIGHT vicinity which has been a fine time in the Capital IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS giving exhibitions of jazz They leave us on Saturday hero spending his time in We find our great fighting the ship to his home of exile.
It is considered that no for home svveet home. exile at the island of Bourbon more propicious spot could in a beautiful mansion about have been alotted Crim as a LAWYER AND NOTARY a mile from St. Denis the means of mitigating his hatred Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases. Ladies Please note. Capital of the Island. Abd el for the French or to appease Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal SOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC!
Crimis constantly guarded his soul in the revenge he documents prepared. Honest advices on points of by two French officers. His had anticipated for the French Law given before going in to Couris; Never contest a Covered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, of all colours losing suit. Honesty of pupose Reliability my Motto.
for trimming dresses as well as, Metal Edges and Nail Heads household consists of thirty government, for what he termed Rufino Sc is. Lawyer in silver and gold, can be supplied by persons, comprising his two the exploitation of his country, Mrs. CARMETA SMITH wives, five children, an uncle, The French people expect Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
Near the Star Store Limon a brother who is an Engineer that Abd el Crim will live down English and French Spoken from the Madrid school of his passions and spleen against Eugineering a private Secre France in this luxurious and tary and his servants.
princely method of life, and be converted into a faithful All these persons reside in friend of France as did Abdhis residence and are supportBrought from page banana fields with no new el Kader after he was exiled ed by a pension allowed him Markets being opened up. The at the Amboise castle near The offer was, we undersIt is regretable to state to tenants and occupiers by the French government, present markets all glutted Paris, but those who are more tand, as stated, turned down that a recent meeting of of the holdings in conse supplied from the funds of by the Association we are feeling that it might the Negro Commercial Corintimate with him, feel that quence of vvhich a rovy the French protectorate of be well to consider very poration at this place cited ensued betyveen the officers Morocco, at which place Crim Crim feelings will never be The Searchlight views seriously this offer of a flat price for Sunday 16th inst. ended and one of the organizers reconciled to what he terms was vanquished by arms and We are however seeing that of about the same 60 cents as in a fracaso, and a great which caused the meeting sent to Bourbon Island as an his country enemies, captain of the Army, is with the extra millions of we get in Costa Rica all the dispute. Apparently there to be broken up abruptly. Exile.
stems of bananas coming year round, as the tendencies Crim orderly who is engaged vvas some dissatisfaction It is a pity that Negro Bourbon is an Island of to take his communications from Africa, Brazil, Columbia tend to lower rather than over the manipulations in associations cannot exhibit about two thousand square and other South American higher prices in the world the past administrations as that cordiality and harmony miles of territory, with a potoo and from the governor of the Island by whom Crim countries, all planting Bananas, markets.
vvell as some infringement existing among progressive pulation of about 200. 000 expresses his desires and reCosta Rica resuscitating her of the priveleges allovved races.
souls, so very different from quisitions. If Crim should re pent and acquiesce to the french governments terms of being a friendly chief he would soon be liberated and given a position among his people, but no, he is resolute in his hatred for the government The Fate of the.
New from Madre de Dios MIGUEL MACAYA AND Co.
IRONMONGERS The oldest hardware store as well as that of the greatest popularity in the country By popular vote we were awarded the Diploma of Honour in the merchants popularity Contest instituted by the Diario of Costa Rica Our Roads.
Brought from page les by skidding etc. in vvet vweather. Hovvever it is no use of offering healthy criticism so long as one is poor and has no materials to sell you are considered a fool, and perhaps rightly so since you have nothing to offer a propina on, vvhy should you advise.
Nacional Miguel Obregón ble sister
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