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EDITOR MANAGER S. NATION SUBSCRIPTION 00 QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 25 Apartado 123. Cartago 0 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en general, especial mente por Cartago y Limón YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29 1930 NUM. 56 THE GARVEY CLUB Court proceedings and decisions the at Estrada, was was 5 71 sanie a Talented Medico was Abraham Mendez, Li Limon most prominent jewe her mariage to Edward Barrett. Cleland Tramway It was a strange sight that this group is treating mon Jeweller, Pays ller.
The retion was established Company Interest Civil to see Messrs. Mitchell and them with impunity, there 1, 250, extra judicially, As it will be remembered by Mrs. Barrett before the Court Decides.
Corwall and the many mem fore a feeling of antagonism for illegal embargo of we informed our readers Civil Court of Limon praying 0bers of the group called is grovving between both house owned by Eliza through these columns a few for the release of the building. The Garvey Club standing groups which does not Barrett at Estrada months ago, that Mr. Mendez after it had been embargoed Justino Vallejos, Police Judge before the doors of the Li tend to progress. Hence it by had filed an appeal before Mr. Mendez on removed berty Hall without being is on account of this 0from the office of Judicial Dethe Supreme Court against assumption that it was the able to gain admittance. stubborness to yield to the That the Courts of Costa the decision of the Appelate property of her husband, positor of the Cleland TramIt appears that there is dictates of the officialdom Rica administer justice impar Court rendered in Mrs. Barret Edward Barrett, who was way Company interest, now some misapprehension as that the doors are kept tially and without any consi favor and in which this Tri indebted to Mr. Mendez at in litigation, in an order issued to the intentions of this locked.
deration whatever as to the recently by the Civil Court bunal held that the embargo the time for some 800, 00 Club; apparently the mani It is to be hoped that a for the Province of Limon.
parties concerned, was undoubt decreed by the Civil Court of originated from Lottery Tickets, pulations of this Club in better spirit will be exhiThe order is the result of edly manifested when the Limon on the strength of a which Mendez alleged he an interlocutory incident estabLimon is so conducted by bited by these tvvo gentle Supreme Court of the Republic petition filed by Mr. Mendez entrusted to Mr. Barrett for the leaders as to give the men; they must remember upheld, in a recent decision, lished by the Legal Depart: unjust, because the sale.
idea to the officers and that when they had the the verdict of the Appellate plaintiff, Mrs. Barret, ment of the Limon Service had In replying to Mrs. Barrett members of the Division reins of government, no Court of the Civil Bench in Bureau who is directing the proven to the satisfaction of action, Mendez denied the that the underlying motive one would dare to enter the case of Eliza Barret, a the Court that the building plaintiff allegations, susta in interest of James Cleland, of this grop is to create those premises and show resident of Jamaica Town, President of the Cleland Tramwas constructed with her own ing then that the house was an antagonistic split in the a slight on their manner way Company of Estrada, in versus Abraham Mendez, meneys, prior to the time of the property of plaintiff membership of the Division of carrying on, vvhy should a suit pending against him husband, Edward Barrett, who from the fact that most they novy be disrespectful was in possession of for supposed maladministraof the adherents of this to the present order of long before his marriage. Thistion and misappropriation of Club are not active mem things. It is not fair, it is he offered to prove.
the company funds and bers of the Division, and not gentlemanly, it does Pienso en tí in which the plaintiffs are The case was tried and dewould like to operate in not tend to create a spirit other members of the ficm.
cided in the Limon Court by the Hall when they care, of unification; a house diDedicado a la bella seño.
rita Consuelo Dodero former Judge Victor Cañas, The petition for Vallejos end how the care, vvithout vided cannot progress. The respetuosamente and the trial conducted by months ago, on the grounds removal was filed some three making themselves subser house is broken dovun and Attorneys Daniel Zeledón, for vient and dependent on the needs Unity instead of that he was not only unable Sentado en la ribera del quieto río Mr. Mendez, and, Antonio Seofficers of the Division, antagonism to rebuild it.
bañado por los rayos de la luna gura, for Mrs. Barrett. Judge corporation with diligence but to manage the interest of the naturally these are feeling pienso en ti amor mío Cañas decided the issue in that he did not seem trust.
bajo esta fantástica alfombra moruna Mr. Mendez favor.
Mrs. Barret was not satisworthy, to some extent.
Amony some of the facts Un extasis soñador oprime mi alma fied with the decision and brought to the attention of y busco refugio cual cansado peregrino immediately after she the Court Very fevy people are to uphold the cerca del murmullo del remanso en calma advised of that decision, she avvare that in Costa Rica engaged the services of the petition, it was pointed out que doblega mi corazón de indómito beduino.
a medical Legal Department of the Limon that in submitting his report man, who holds the Hall Más en esa soledad apacible y tranquila Service Bureau who after for operation expenditures, mark of the medical prola cadencia de hojas semeja tu voz studying the matter decided corresponding to November fession the vyorld over. We It is decided to again and December 1929, and from y una delicada flor en el agua una barquilla to and did file an appeal refer to Doctor Roberto hold exhibition of arrastrada por la corriente veloz.
against Judge Cañas decision January to April 1930, Vallejos Quesada vvho is the only thoroughbred horned stock before the Appelate Court of made charges for supposed to atleast payments two of London in this at the Campo Ayala of Mi pensamiento torna a ti the Civil Bench who unancountry.
Cartago or the 25th Fe.
y ensueños evoca, eres dueña imously disagreed with the individuals, the receipt of We vvere certainly sur bruary 1931.
which was not acknowledged.
de mi alma que se aleja de mi decision of the Limon Court Payments on his statement prised on finding such a The judge vvill be invited buscando tu imagen en cada flor y cada peña. and consequently decided in Diploma in Costa Rica, by from the National Guernsey said to be made to SecretaMrs. Barret favor.
rio and Carrero vvere accident vve had occasion Cattle Club.
It was then that Mr. Menmost denied, in some of its to enter the genial medico It is hoped that this dez appealed to the Supreme office, and confronted by exhibition vvill be a general exorbitant items Court, but he was just as In the final argument subthis exhibition of talent. Agricultural shovy by which unfortunate before this Tribumitted in the issue, Cleland This is one of those all planters will be inthused nal, as the decision of the Counse made particular stress Prizes that can only be to cultivate and exhibit second instance was upheld, got by extreme merit, not all the products of the line, Al evocar el recuerdo de tu dulce mirada on the fact that Vallejos had unanimously, and Mr. Mendez by favours or purchase.
not refuted nor even attempted and so render competition adivine tintes de melancolía en tus bellos ojos ordered to pay costs and to refute the allegations on We therefore encourage the keynote of better pro que siempre aguardarán impacientes, ansiosos damages.
vvhich the petition for his All English speaking pa. duction in all branches of el momento de ser amada.
Upon the return of the case removal as Depositor of the tients who need careful agricultural pursuits.
to Limon, a claim for dama Company interest is based.
examination to consult the Esperas de la dicha un instante de amor ges amouting to 2, 000, 00 «Your Honor In the course affable ovvner of this muhc que siempre anhelas al soñar was presented to Mr. Mendez, of this incident offered coveted scrap of paper.
Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartaog y tu alma se oprime en el dolor by the Limon Service Bureau, evidence to prove and did de no hallarlo al despertar.
in Mrs. Barrett behalf, but, prove that Vallejos, the depo. after certain mitigating circumsCuando evoco el recuerdo de tu mirada sitor, vvas and is at the preOCCULISTIC CLINIC tances were brought to bear, bellos instantes de suprema alegria sent time Police Magistrate at by Mr. Mendez, an offer to Estrada; that he ovvns a farm Dr. JOSE CORVETTI vibran en mi corazón por ti joven amada, pay 1, 250, 00 was accepted on ZentLine vvhich demands deseando llamarte siempre vida mía.
and it was accordingly paid; his personal attention precisely OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY and a suit where might had on the very days that he Deseases and affections of the eyes MARCEL LE BLANC been fettering with right was should be supervising his Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres brought to a close.
trust the tramvvay; and that Limón, Noviembre de 1930.
The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA Estrada Police Judge no account vvas submitted to Must not Administer Contiued on Page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
there operates Another Exhibition an Tu Mirada


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