
Saturday 29 November 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE RADIO PRESS CRICKET Heavy claim against the govermment To Whom this may Concern The English Team West Indies team won their The Surprise London. Up. The steadily the workers who walked out Washington. Ap. Presifirst match in New South Wales.
The have been Inflicts defeat on Madiminishing world production Saturday at the orders of dent Hoover believes there doing well in South Africa. Unfortunately Cricket has tina by wicket of gold and the consequent labor leaders. Despite efforts will be sinall treasury deficit Playing against the Western lost one of its beest exponents and 54 runs.
rise in the price of the metal of the authorities, a bread at end of Fiscal year. And Parishes combined; they dis of the game W, Whysall together with the huge con shortage was felt.
this view reduced hope of missed the Parishes for 113. who died in England on 11th The Surprise Cricket Club centration of gold reserves in maintaining current reduced of Limon met and defeated Natchez, Miss (Up. While they made at the call inst. from blood poisoning.
the United States and France income tax rate.
death dealing tornado which of time 153 for wicket, on the He came out to the West Matina on the Matina and the possible effect of this struck the Louisiana Oval in decisive fashion and second day play they declared Indies in Sir Julien Cahn situation on the continued Los Angeles, Calif (Up. Mississippi cotton della section Activities of known Kansas their inning closed for 412 team in 1928 and represented Balting first Matina could only payment of reparations and Sunday killed four negroes, runs for seven wickets. AH England against the Ausmuster 50 runs owing to the City gangsters now in Los war debts are among the injured scores of whites and Wyatt 138. Hammond 100 tralian team this year. He was deadly trundling of Passmore subjects of discussion at Angeles were under investinegroes, and caused an unesa prominent figure in Cricket and Groves. Surprise in their secret meetings of internationtimated properly loss.
gation today as police sought Hendren not out 58.
News arrived here that the for twenty years.
turn at the wickets compiled al bankers in London, financial the identity of a bandit who 104 runs with one wicket to authorities said today. The New York. Up. Three slugged a diamond broker and spare. Allen was the most bankers include Morgan. previously undefeated and escaped with 2, 000, 000 in effective bowler for Matina.
Owen Young, Gen James united foot ball teams had unmounted gems, the bandits The batting honours for walked into the office of Harbord, George Harrison, their records spoilet in the Surprise fell to Groves who Montagu Norman and others play of Saturday; and today Reingold and escaped with made 35 runs, Knott (Capt)
of prominence there are only six representafour trays of stones.
tive elevens with no draw or At last the claim of pronounced the speech for 23 not out, Scott 12 and Cole 11 not out. For MaNew York. Up. Wall defeat, according to a compiWashington. Up. Repeal Messrs Thomas and Edward the claimants, Lic. don LeoStreet is now bullish as it of eighteenth amendment has Fernandez for provisions. nidas Pacheco condncted tina Warehman contributed lation covering more than 150 was bearish a week ago. The 24 runs.
teams in all parts of the been definitely discarded by supplied to the Tinoco the case for the Planitiffs.
change in sentiment has come President Hoovers Law enfor army during the regime country made by the united Don Arturo has also been The Orane Cricket so swiftly that many of the cement commission as solution has been settled. The highest retained in the Case of the Cup Matches more conservative press. The teams are Western market Maryland, in the east, North of present prohibition problem. Court of appeals has family of Walter Sagot vs.
At an extraordinary, Meeting observers are worried lest the decided in favour of Messrs the Tramvay Co. for the western and Dotre Name in the of the Provisional Cricket market be suddenly turned (Up. The Fernandez, avvarding them death of that unfortunate Council it was unanimously Wushington middle west, Alabana in the proceeds of the army about, taking everyone unanavy their claim of 190. 000 young man.
south, and Utah and Washing decided that the two city Clubs wares and precipitating a game at New York December and costs with interests It is hovvever expected Surprise and Excelsior should ton state in the far west.
violent reaction. Brokerage 13 will be turned over to the for tvvelve years.
that there will be an extra continue the competition alone, house after brokerage house Atlanta, Ga (Ap. Inves: salvation army for use in This is a great victory Judicial settlement rather as the Construction and Es swung to the bullish side as tigation of commun si activi alleviating unemployinent con for Lic. don Arturo Voliothna going to courts.
trella, two pioneer Clubs found the week ended.
ties in southern industrial ditions throughout the country. vvho is the lavvyer that it inconvenient to compete this centers brought House CommiWashington. Up. PresiMadrid (Ap. Ricting ttee to Atlanta were several year.
dent Hoover and the repuSeveral Clubs, however, are blican leaders are carefully reputed communist organizers brooke out anew on streets of getting ready to enter the are under bond on capital Madrid as strikers clashed and anxiously laying the charges.
with police in various parts competition in the coming year.
groundwork for a short session New York. Up. Tony of city numerous arrests were The Cup Fixtures of Congress which will avoid Canzoner the bouncing young made some of rioters were all fighting issues and confighter from Neworleans and wounded This is to notify the general public that my wife November 30. Surprise centrate on the opposing Brooklyn, is the new light Muriel Walker nee Lawrence, has abandoned my home. versus. Excelsior.
problems of economy and weght champion of the world Hong Kong. Ap. Unve bl occurred that some time ago she told me that my December 14 Excelsior versus from depression relief rified report canton by virtue of a quick one some was haunted and had evil influence in it and Surprise.
London. Up. Lack of round knockout over Al Singer, the would no longer live under my roof; hence she December 21. Surprise versus Continued on page accord on a unified plan of the title holder.
Went and rented a room but continued coming to my Excelsior action separated the hindu home for her support. was told by a friend she was The first of the Series of 00000000000000000000DOWN00000000000000 in association with a man. started to keep a watch four Cup matches was played and moslem delegates to the Indian round table confereace.
around, and on the 2nd night of October found a October 5th and won by the Despite earlier intimations that man named Tyrel Spencer in her room at nine o clock, newly organized Excelsior they stood firmly together in and when asked him what was his business there at in the Limon Stadium.
their demands for self governthat hour of night, he acknowledged that he was in This therefore places the Exment and dominion status in illicit amorous intercourse vvith my wife, his vvife celsior as prime favourites for the only legitimate Boxes, they give an agreeable the British Empire After being in Jamaica the coveted Trophy. On the almost a month of private breath and keep the mouth clean and fresh. Therefore vvarn the public that d dot hold other hand the Surprise Eleven negotiations, the representa Keep the empty Boxes, for which. Prizes are offered myself any longer bound to her, nor will be responsible are determined to retrieve tives of the two religions doin December for any debts contracted by her.
their loss and so put a difminant in India will start the DISTRIBUTORS Robert Walker ferent aspect as to the result round table deliberations with ol the final struggle.
little progress made to solve SANTIAGO PALACIOS Cia.
their vital differences, it was Jamaica Town; Limon An Appeal that Merits revealed Attention SAN JOSE, PASAJE JIMENEZ Washington. Up. UnemThere is a pernicious atmosAPARTADO 1000 TELEP, 2599 ployment was estimated today by the commerce department 00000000000000 WOUDOUD00000000000 the realm of sport. There have 3, 400, 000 in September, an been one or two busybodies, In view of the lying tenance of him, accelerated who when things will not be census bureau estimate of last April. The total does not.
In consequence of the vvhich says it is not the in the columns of The His statements about world, set themselves the include persons working less than the normal work day or arrival and disembarcation Nationality that is prohi. Searchlight of a week not being responsible for loathsome task of criticizing by the Ulua of four Chibited entry to this country ago.
me or my debts, is nothing the actions and purposes of work week.
nese there is again a serious but the Race to vvhich should like to explain new, although worthless, for others with more constructive Winchester, Va (Up. Three breach between the Civil the subject is belonging to, to the public, that this man never at any time was he activities. Such folks of harmi.
persons including a father department and the Police. hence if a Chinaman is has forced me out of his much concerned about my less simplicity do however who rushed back into his It appears that with the even naturalized he is not home over two years now, support. On the contrary dissmirate hostility among less home in a vain effort to save consent of the Governor allovved reentry on account by his constant illtreatments, he has always exploited my simpler sportmen than them his wife and three year old and Administration of the of his Race; This is the nonsupport, crude vulgar savings from my earnings, selves and so the propaganda son, were killed in an apart. Customs, the Harbour Mas stand we understand the and filthy language to me, to improve his home and widens and plays havoc with ment fire here today. They ter permitted the disembar Military are looking at, in consequence of whtch his business.
those who do not reason for were Nr and Mrs Roy Stewart cation of these prohibited hence there is again fric have had to seek Work He is attributing to me themselves but simply listen and their son Dorn.
Aliens tion between these vvo with certain American fa. immoral actions in conse.
to every little criticism or Madrid. Up. Bread riots The Police later savv branches of our govern milies being still so em quence of the visits of my allegation made from one angle in Madrid marked the obser. these brand nevy Johns mental service in our little ployed to support myself. friends and relatives, so as or viewpoint alone. This type vance of a 48 hour General about, who could not Seaport Tovun, and His story about my to damage my character of individuals is legion in LiStrike, with tens of thousands speak a word of Spanish, one can vievvvvhere it leaving his home on account and shield his dirty actions mon. But the climax of it all of workers idle in protest altho boasting of Natura vvill end a Special Com of spirits etc. is all a frame to me.
and one that perplexes the against suppression of a labor lization papers as Costa mission vvas sent by the up. The kicks and blows writer is that even demonstration Friday. The Ricans, and took the matter President Wesday to enquire that received from him Muriel Walker Iwo so called intelligent enti Strike was scheduled to end up, arrested them under the ints the matter.
soon after childbirth, tomorrow. Bakers were among Immigration lavv, whenever demanded sus. November 19 de 1930.
Continued on page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Chew Adams Chiclets Explanation in Muriel vs. Robert Walker Robert Walker phere permeating among us increase of 900, 000 over the Misunderstading again between our Civil and Military Chiefs statements of Robert Walker the necessity of my seeking permitted to go the way they 110 one or nevy


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