
Saturday November 29. 190 THE SEARCHLIGHT (U LINTERNA)
PAGE Our Political Political Movements New Mechanic Lodge in San Jose 21 score one Cine MODERNO SCHLUBGAH, THIEMER Co.
From Puntarenas RAMON ULLOA Co. SC COFFEE PIEBRAS Municipal honours have tro C, Víctor Casco The Municipality begun to be contested se and Juan Trejos Shedden, Rivas and the Alcalde of Pococi or Guapiles Grand Council England, openFor several months a Social riously by the different par. For the Limon Indepen.
has been in formation in Saned the Lodge in due form from Siquirres, as well as tidos who are standing for dents whose colours are The Union Cantonal Party José to open up a Lodge to and initiated sixteen candidates; members from the Progressive, Phoenix and Mizpah Lodges those positions on Sunday green, red and blue, Carlos with the help of Whose colours are green be known as the Alma Mater 7th December all over the Manuel Fernandez Presti and blue. The Candidates this came to realization on of members from the Frater special train was chartered Republic nary: Horacio Tasies Piñiera to bring these Brothers from nidad of Limon, also several are, Francisco Rodriguez Saturday 22nd inst when Bro The registered candidates Jose Ledesma Chinchilla: Rodriguez: Martin Jimenez Nation who secured the from the Eureka of Siquires Limon who returned at for Limon are necessary Dispensation from headed by Bros. Chisholm. on Sunday.
Union Atlantica Limonense Rafael Angel Campos Qui Mendez, Rafael Mora. SuThe Çereniony was befitTicket whose colours are ros; and Filiberto Barbosa plentes; Ricardo Arias Fi.
tingly conducted by Bro.
Blue and Red Eladio Calvo Morales. Suplentes Arturo. gueroa, Jose Rodriguez Cantillano.
Nation in the Spanish language F, Fulgencio Campos Fernandez Rios, Antonio ably assisted by Bro. George Frank Maduro, Aurelio Cas. Anibal Castro Rojas; Luis The Progresitas of GuaLIMON Chisholm as Deputy Master Montes de Oca Rivera. piles. Colours blue and Bro Manuel Martinez as Master red Enrique Mangel Rosalt, If you wish io see the best Talking, Musical, of Ceremonies assisted by Victor Bolaños Quesada, Bros. Past Master Etelberto and Silent Films.
Ricardo Arias Figueroa. SuArroyo, Alberto Brenes, Mike plentes; Aureliano Rojas Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and Shedden, Alex Grant, as well Cordero; Panfilo Valerio p. all filnis direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós as Bros. Chajud, Ramirez, Barquero.
Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the comBarboza, Julio Brenes, Eduardo One of the most important houses of Hamburg The Partido Del Pueblo fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
Escarre, Castillo, and Herrera Colours green red and the latter seven of whom will Importation and Exportation Blue Ricardo Feo Pacheco, be the Officers to guide the Francisco Rodriguez Rodestinies of the Alma Mater Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica driguez, Jenaro Flores. Sualong with Brother Nation plentes; Ronulfo Castro, as Presiding Past Master.
After the ceremony wilich Virgilio Murillo Arrieta.
Our correspondent at developed the youngest was a very arduous one was Puntarenas writes informing being 18 years of age and The Municipality of the strangest sight seen the eldest 37 closed: all repaired to the San José, South West Corner of the Cathedral of Siquirres for many a day, that is, a Attempts were made to Banquet room, which yvas TELEP. No. 3509 APARTADO 1061 most exquisitely prepared and The workingmen group of Lilliputians eleven photograph the group but in all, who arrived at this the caretaker who is taking decorated by Bro. Eduardo Exportation: All products of the country: coffee, Pro Siquirrres Escarre owner of the Hotel place on board of a German them across charged a hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
Whose colours are, Red cargo boat the Vancover hundred dollars per picture Atlantico, and after some most white and blue Messrs. Ro.
these people it is explained of these little people. The enthusiastic, elaborate, inspirImportation: All that may be needed, especially Gering and complimentary speechare being taken to Hamburg group comprises three se.
dolfo Cervantes Durán, Mamau Merchandise. Articles for manufacturing or induson exhibition; the tallest parate families.
es by Bros. Nation, Chajud, riano Gomez Garita, Georof these dwarfs is 32 trial lines: as well as for domestic purposes; for IronmonArroyo Such a sight must cerVargas, Fernández ge Chisholm Giscome. Sugers, iron, Wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cemen: Manures: plentes; Ruben Castro inches, and they are fully tainly be very interesting. Tyrell, Montes de Oca, José Zuñiga and others, a most Stationery: Agricultural implements; Articles for Drug Solano, Manuel Cordero enjoyable and uplifting funcstores: Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, ele.
tion vvas brought to a close at a. when all brothers The National Union. left for their homes in a Whose colours are (blue happy fraternal mood.
white red and green. Another batch of sixteen LUMBER. LUMBER. Messrs, Lester Norton will be again initiated on Curling, Ishmael García SoSaturday 29th after which Do you need LUMBER? Send lis, Adan Rivas Salvatierra.
an early date will be fixed yours Chocolate extra special and orders to Suplentes; or Substitutes, for the Dedication, ConfirmaVicente de la Peña GonLESTER NORTON, SIQUIRRES Superior in taste tion and Installation when zalez; Zacarías Rodriguez another blissful time will be Who can supply you any class, quantity and Alvarado.
unrivalled in flavour and Purity; send spent, for which function dimensions of Native Lumber from his own Although it is early yet your orders to the Factory Representatives from the dif.
Sawmills at Siquirres at the lowest prices for talks of Presidential of JOSE GONZALES ferent Lodges will be asked possible.
Candidates, from the fact thus giving rise to the occa that don Cleto Gonzalez Telp 3085 SAN JOSE Apartado 1139 sion of another Special Train Viquez has eighteen months 50 yards West of the North Western gate of the Market from Limon.
yet to run; yet we hear Continued on page Radio Press Cautinued from page Mr. Horacio Acosta died dead in his bed on the suddenly at his home in Thursdaymorning.
said communists retreating from Kian, Kiangsi province his bed on Thurfday morn He was heavily insured ing a weekago. This in the Banco National de had passed through town of Within a few weeks we most lamentable incident, Suguros, which was taken shall be having a rush of It is pleasing to note Columbia.
Hsinpu which they put to this gentleman being one out in the name of his son sword and set afire killing Several of the Directors that the Costa Rican Beer Tourists, from California factory has decided to rush of this concern were some 000 men, women and of the leading Druggists who came in for the sum on in the country, he had just of fifty five thousand coas well as from New York. their factory to a finish; the spot to witness the children in few hours. Two There is also a consign: opened up his drugstore lortes.
thousand houses works have been started disembarking of their mawere set on Sunday 16th inst in From this it shows the ment of over a hundred cleaning up and get terials. This will be a means afire on raid, report said, and the lovver floor of the necessity of insuring ones some 5000 more of inhabiPanamanian tourists ting ready to continue the of affordnig much labour expectHotel Costa Rica where life against such emergencies ed here to spend a few which has been much under construction at San Pedro to the artisans and labourers tants were carried off for he got burnt out ranson by reds and approxisome to provide for the loved of San José, and as soon years when the Hotel Franmately 000. 000 ones left behind. Insure your days in December.
way, but suspended for as the vats etc. are in damage ces was demolished. life at once with the NaMost of those from some time now. All the operation it will also afford was done.
As is stated he opened tional Life Insurance Bank. California will be princi machinery for the factory work to the girls as well; Chicago. Up. giant up a immense stock of The Searchlight will give pally business men coming has been landed recently at it will be a blessing to Robber armed with a gin medicines, perfumes etc. on you all information.
Puntarenas by the unemployment.
bottle of water which he said Sunday and was found out to see our possibilities was int attempted to rob the in so far as commercial First National Bank here today transactions are concerned.
and was captured after loop li you need a first class Medical man see The winter in the United shoppers were terrorized by Police bullets.
States is said to be very SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN TREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF Washington. Up. SecreOffice 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica intense, consequently it is tary of commerce Lamont was TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 expected we shall be having urged today in a telegram magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by quite an influx of those from senator Oddie rep. Nethe French method of heat application. Specialist who can afford to get away OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF vads to call a domestic Silver on Ladies ailments Box 997. San Jose from the rigidity of the conference early in December RAVENTOS THEATRE climate.
to consider plight of producers.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
quality insuperable The benefits of Insurance OUR TOURIST TRADE THI THE NEW BEER FACTORY a Dr. Oscar Pacheco Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca DIATHERMY


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