
Saturday November 29 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT LINTERNAL PAGE ELEGANT Shoes For Ladies, young ladies and gentlemen. Special shoes for workmen, we guarantle our better make and attention to orders from all parts of the Line. We have many clients in the Line.
SUCESSORS CARTAGO, Calle Comercio front of Farmacia España Should high officials be partial? Trinidad Advance VERMIFUGO PAINS CAFIASPIRINA the convenience of the house Notice The following resolution of her Peoples throughout granted a fuller measure of The Minister of Finance Canteen, Mr. Gonzalez, him for conveniences is down to be forwarded the Empire full measures representationin the governand the manager of the claims that the order for supplied him from the by the Legislature of Tri of representation upon ment thereof: Be it resolved Canteen of The Club So his closure originated from Canteen, in which a bottle nidad and Tabago to application Downing St.
And whereas it is the That his Majesty Princial of Cartago are having a personal spleen of the of whisky was disputed That whereas it is the opinion of this House that cipal Secretary of State for tiff over the closing of Minister Mr. Aragon, seeing but subsequently paid for, policy of the Imperial go the Colony of Trinidad the colonies be requested the Club canteen on Sun that this has never been but a threat was issued vernment to grant to such and Tobago should be to appoint a Royal days in keeping with the done in all the experiences that the Canteen Would be Commission, at an early requirements of the Law of the Club in its 24 years closed on Sunday, which date, with a view to making with regards to the dis.
of existence; but from the was effectively carried out; Hotel ATLANTICO investigations into the question of granting to the pensing of spirituous Liqu fact that himself and Mr. hence he feels that a man Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see inhabitants of the Colony ors.
Aragon had a dispute over in the high offices of the how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make of Trinidad and Tobago The Manager of that a bill which was presented Minister should be imparyou comfortable at rediculous prices Self government.
tial in the manipulation of write to EDUARDO ESCARRE Efforts are also being the Law and close all 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA made to grant the privelege PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres other canteens of the kind to women of sitting in in San Jose and all over Legislature and Municpal Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away: Councils.
and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be the country, which have Why should Jamaica not shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies been hitherto granted con.
take the example of Trinishoes are matchless in beauty and style.
cessions to supply the needs dad we wonder? This is an Siquirres E, PILE of its members by Tickets News has arrived here in the Hospital for the example of the injustice etc.
that the famous prophet insane, a resigned and peace. done by the Dissolution Alexander Bedward is dead. ful patient for all these of the Corporation Council.
10000000000000000 As it is will known he had years and died on the Sth been confined in the Asylum inst.
for many years now, after His body was taken by trial by Mr. Sam Burke as his many followers to Judge, for inciting the people August Town where he Brought from page FROM in his memorable proces was buried with great cesion at the Liguanea Plains, remony; as needless to say of the authority which they soon after his attempted Bedward was looked upon dispense.
flight to Heaven like Elijah, as a martyr by his thousands These two officers are when he advised his adhe. of believers all over the SAN ANTONIO also endeavouring with the rents to sell out all their Island as well as outside limited means at their dis belongings and bring the of it.
proceeds to him. He lived Remedio eficaz, posal to cons. ruct the para la expulsión most important Streets, for de lombrices.
BAYER holders, who are they, who De venta en la pay the taxes for the up As Mr. Paul Perera is no longer my Agent, FARMACIA keep of the Municipal re. alvise all my subscribers as well as advertisers in venues and therefore Worchy The Searchlight, not to make any payments to this ESPANA of all the attention of the man, on my account, at the same time again ask Mr.
LUCAS MORUA Farmaceutico authorities. Long will the Perera to call at my office in Cartago to settle accounts CARTAGO. names of these gentlemen Don accept any tube be cherished in the memory AVISO of the inhabitants of Sior envelope packets Our Political quirres for the affability Como el señor Paul Perera, ha dejado de ser mi Without the and interests shown by Agente, suplico a los suscritores y anunciantes de Continued from page them to everything that «Searchlight» que no deben hacer ningun pago al much buzzing around as Concerns the Canton.
citado señor, ni de suscrición ni de anuncios. Ruego al to who and who might mencionado Perera, pasar a mi oficina en Cartago, para be coming forward. Dom que arreglemos cuentas.
Leon Cortes recent MinisA Wonderful Remedy ter of Fomento was asked 0003 to stand and he has conis Elixir Antianotelo sented, don Carlos María Jimenez ofcourse is the 000000000000000000000000000000000000 To kill malarlal fevers, the only Republic Ticket holder.
preparation guaranteed as a radical Mindful of a duty out of friendship Don Oscar Rhormoser, cure for Yellow fevar, blackwater fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds the most popular Soap PALMERA president of Congress will be and all classes of fevers.
the government candidate It is recommended for cleansing Has arranged, with a view of the approaching for the Union Nacionalis.
disordered Liver.
christmas seasons, to distribute a value of almost dou tas, while we hear of That the only medicine which In proof of the above see the ble the value of the Soap on the wrappings as a don Arturo Volio, and don following, for four months had cures Asma, and acute Bronbenefit to its many patrons who use it been suffering from Hay Fever prize to any one who brings us 25 wrappings Alberto Echandi, there is chitis is the and after trying all sorts of medicines of class No. will be valued in our next catalogue also rumours of don AlI was advised by Mr. Antonio more or less 15 Soaps of No. class fredo Gonzalez Flores comCuajani Jordan Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago The No. wrappings will have a much greater ing back again, undoubtedly to buy a flask at Carboni Co. vale than the No.
a first class man, but these The sole deposit and representation did so and after taking it, was permanently cured.
PALMERA SOAP of which is in as we have said are in turn reccommended it to Is always sold in a packet and its wrappings will be exchanged long way off yet; with The BOTICA VARGAS Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, for valuable prizes. We are preparing a magnificent assortment of plenty of time for confirand Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea gifts which we place at the disposal of our clients as from the 1st.
of December mation, needless to say Vieja who used The Elixir AntianSAN JOSE Our Agent in Limon is DON ELOY GOTAY ofelo with marvelous effects as a if our grand old man don Our Agent in Turrialba Is Sres. ROJAS CORTES Cia.
Ricardo Jiménez would cure for all sorts of tropical fevers.
Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 No household should be withou INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
consent to come back all it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE TELEFONE 3103 Would frizzle away before 00000000000000000 Carboni Co. Cartago.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
to my Patrons BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. vvith me.
Bayer Cross AN ADVICE There is no forgetting the fact 00000000000000

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSpain

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