p. 6


Saturday 29 November 1930 News from all around Plan of the big raffle that will take place in Limon on December 15th 1930 It is likely that Prince THE DESERTS MASTERED 200 Notas Sociales y Personales de Limón Dr. Grillo Derial Laboratory Current itmes Six day Race Current items First prize. 000 the first prize 1792 By the Gleaner we find Ambassadors of good. ternational travelling Agents Second 400 that Citizens Associations will to meet.
Thvid 271 prizes with (8952 are the order of the day George will accompany his.
24 prizes of 40 be in Jamaica, and as a result It is probable that the brother. They are both All these prizes will be ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Sept.
each for the two deliverd to the winner its of these Societies in every Prince of Wales will meet studying Spanish for this. 30. Iraq will soon have its ri ending numvalue in Costa Rica Lottery ti Parish, large properties are Colonel Lindberg on his occasion own air force, King Feisal bers of the first prize.
960 tickets of the new year.
ti announced today after flying being bought by the gov trip to South America as Repatriations from Abukir to Amman with 20 Prizes of 30 Only 2500 tickets are issued ernment to be sub divided he too is contemplating a each for the apand sold to the small fly to those regions just By the report of the a Royal Air Force escort to for this raffle. The double proximats of the settlers to pre vide indepen about the same time that Protector of Immigrants in visit the Emir Abdullah.
nought (oo) in front of the first prize ten Cuba we find that for the dent holdings. We find our Prince will be there.
Numbers has absolutely no Airplanes, King Feisal said, nos, above and Burnt Savannahs in West. As both these are looked last six months no less are essential to Iraq, both for ten below. 600 meaning its only an error in moreland a property of 537 upon as Abassadors of than 939 Jamaicans have defense and communications, 224 Prizes of 8 printing each for one en acres is to be bought at good intentions for their been repatriated, while 840 and early next year eight ding Number of Lee the stimulation of The Hon. indiv Countries, it is Were sent home for the machines will leave England Hudson to be significant the coincidence year 1929; he claims that in the hands of Iraqui pilots sold to settlers.
of the meet of these in there have been 60. 00. Ja to form the nucleus of the maicans in Cuba 25000 of air force, which by 1934 is to whom were employed as comprise three squadrons. The do nestic servants 15000 as personnel is now in training De la Capital, vimos Partidos Independiente Liskilled artesans and 20. 000 and conscription will be aquí en asuntos de su promonense y Unión Atlantias labourers entirely depen introduced. The King has fesión al Lic don Gaño ca Limonense, donde dent on the Sugar Estates, purchased a plane, which he Serrano muy amigo nues. harán uso de la palabra, Obstetrics, diseases of women and as there are most of proposes to fly himself to in tro.
los Candidatos a la Muof Genito Urinary tract them in a bankrupt condi terest his people in aviation. nicipalidad por este Cantón tion, that great distress and The Anglo Iraq treaty, accordprivation are staring these ing to Feisal. will be subHace algunos días se y otras personas. Muy PRIVATE LYING IN HOSPITAL Half labourers in the face; to mitted to the Iraq Parliament la Capital, la estimable se encuentra de temporada en interesantes resultarán. BLOCK NORTH OF MARY ET cope with his tiresome in November.
ñora doña Dalinda Ariano Cédulas electorales. Des.
duties in trying to relieve am sure it will pass, he de Montero, digna esposa de el 20 de los corrientes Ultra violet and Infra red Rays these men and answering added. The treaty is the last de nuestro apreciable ami comenzó la Junta Electoral the many thousands of step of independent Iraq for go don Rafael DIATHERMY Montero respectiva, a entregar a los letters he receives monthly the liberation of other Arab Fernández Jefe del Tele ciudadanos hábiles para asking for relief, he is now countries.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 grafo de aquí. Le deseamos votar, sus respectivas Cé.
asking for another Assistant New York Times muy feliz temporada. dulas. La entrega se ha in office; as his travelling estado haciendo todos los being so very tedious, when EEEE dias desde las de la EEEEEEEE it is considered that Cuba Reunión política y talvez noche hasta las is 750 miles in length; and la última de la temporada he has to attend the Courts, tendrán hoy sabado 29 en of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago plantations, villages and sus respectivos Clubs los Cronista Fisgón cities daily. narrow escape from Eastern Gate of the Market death.
Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth While Motor Car No.
Have yours done at once and the best in Cartago 115 was running down the is at OENTISTA BATRES eastern leg of the towards First class materials and best workmanship By the Panama Star and the Station at Limon; it Thoughts of the Day November should alvvays therefore the cheapest Herald of the 16th inst mounted on a stone which In this critical hour it be observed as ThanksgivGOES DaCosta Critchlow has 8th street, and got derailed, a Fraternal Fusion of the nothing to be grateful to God for?
been keeping the Police of throwing the motorman several Political Groups Cristobal busy for six days about five yards off. and so as to select for the Continued from page to encourge our youngmen in y don ties allow themselves to think all that is noble and cultural prison gates, under a charge the car, there was a train sentially Nacional.
in a great race against the smashed the front end of country a government Es. Court.
Continued from Page along the same lines of their for such are the assets accrueFelipe Alvarado, of disorderly Conduct as shunting Cars at the same mentally smaller brothers and ing from the Great Universal a busdriver, he is described time and had it not been Earthquake in Japan the Court by him of his fithen blaze along the same British National Game played as a fleet footed driver but for the care and attention nancial manipulations, from trail like innocent lambs. Oh!
on nearly every sport of the the police seem fleeter than taken, another death might of the earthquake of Izu Tokio 26. As a result November 1929 to May of the pity of it all!
he was, and he is now have occurred just on the there are 222 deaths and the current year, until it vvas Comrades in sport let play Cricket serving 15 days in prison same spot where Miss Gilso demanded by the petitioner; besides a fine of ten dollar 500 vvounded, 655 dvvethe game in the spirit that it and as your honor vvill observe.
Let all then help to ammore got crushed to death llings destroyed and 4500 ought to be played. Away for losing out in the six Attorney for Plaintiffs and some years ago.
eliorate and not deteriorate day morathan. The mother damaged.
Depositor limited his argument with baseless criticisms that the chivalric spirit in games are emply as the bubbles of of this fleet of foot used The Cemetery Road Thanksgiving Day in refutation to explain that the spirit by which we know soap and serve no useful to be in Cartago.
At last has the road to he had submitted the said a gentleman Thursday vvas Thanks account after it was so orpurpose.
We saw also how Joseph the Cemetery been started.
On the contrary let us help Sedes Sapientiae! Poll who seem to have won Our energetic Governor giving Day and vvas ce.
dered by the Court, but no 280 by the Lottery, invi. and his staff were on the lebrated by the American thing has been said in regards ted three lady friends of spot to see this work started Colony in its usual happy to the other irregularities attrihis to spend a few pleasant up during the week, it is vvay.
buted to the Depositor, Justimoments with him, and to be hoped it will carried Most people might not no Vallejos. The petition, therewhile entertaining them, he to a finish once it is started be avvare of the origin of fore, should be sustained.
had occasionto leave them but we are feeling it would this celebration, it came An appeal vvas taken against with his roommate to go have been better had tenabout from the time of this decision and the Appelate Now you can enjoy the thrill of international short wave Radio, from your electric light socket!
Court vvill give the final de out and buy some more ders been called for and the Pioneers of American Utterly uncanny is the Super Wasp ability to Jump 10, 000 miles, pulling in novel short wave broadcasts from refreshments, but when he the work given to a local colonization. The Pilgrim cision in the matter.
returned his guests, roomFathers felt the necessity of all over Europe, Central and South America, Canada, South contractor.
The plaintiffs; vvho are Africa and Australia!
mate and the money Were rendering thanks to God Messrs ReginaldJames, WiEasily assembled in a single evening gone, this causing another for his many blessings when lliam Movvatt, Clifford Royal Race, finally they were they gathered in their first and James Johnson, and the rounded up but minus the substantial crop after so Depositor, Police Judge Justino money, and are all awaiting many hardshis avvay from Vallejos, of Estrada, are rethe distribution of the prizes home in their nevr settleDuring the course of one evening, the Super wasp brought From Oklahoma comes presented by Attorney Rufino in 5 SW. Chelmsford, England, and PCJ Eindhoven, in this race at the discretion the nevys of a terrific ment. The thought was Solis and James Cleland, Holland, on the loud speaker, Trans oceanie reception with the of the Judge and as the cyclone which destroyed adopted by all, and Con the defendant, as stated above, Super Wasp is easy! En Star puts it. Poll now many villages taking 21 gress thereafter decreed is represented by the Limon quire of realizes that Lottery money lives, and occasioning much that the last Thursday of Service Bureau.
ISIDRO VILLALOBOS is Easy come and easy go. property damage estimated BOX 210 To advertise in at 350. 000 among this is TO ADVERTISE IN SAN JOSE The Searchlight school the total distruction of a THE SEARCHLIGHT 3460 by vvhich tvvo is to double your business children lost their lives.
IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
we see a young man whose was fastened in the flooring is imperative that we have ing Day. Have we got CRICKET Radio perfection in Super Wasps Europe on the Loud Speaker CYCLONE TELP


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