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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Would that our leaders of thought should exhibit to their followers that integrity of purpose which they would endeavour to disseminate to those around them.
The New Bishop of the authority. possible advancement expressing its sympathy with Wind Ward Islands and wrong. In many instan the many friends who vvill In congratulating the Rt. ces Bishop Jackson had, he be losers at his departure. We been less concious of the also vvish. His Lordship Revd Drac. on his dignity and sense of justice success in the greater endeaelection as the second Bishop that the church stands for, vour to which he has been of the Windvvard Islands vvould have kept silent. But called, and that the success Dear Mr. Editor.
Diocese, yve cannot but exAs sat amongst my co remorse. am sincerely asking vvhich attended his ministry officers tonight, and list to press onr sorrow that he must he did not, and for that he you, that if should in any m really tempted to record leave us since the Bishop of gained the respect and esteem in Grenada Anglican Church their many and ardent pro way fall short of your expecof every lover of justice no vill endure in the larger verbatimly theinaugural speech clamations, an unusual thought tations, for God sake, dont this Diocese must also be matter vvhat lie may bave lost. sphere of the Bishopric of of Miss Lindsley, for the struck me. You may consider make me the victim of your Rector of Kingston San Vincent sake of exciting the serpent We feel that there was no But it is not only Bishop the Windvvard Islands.
what was it, it is the prat public ridicule, but in real Jackson that the people of Dr. Jackson New Windof jealousy in the bosom of one else better quailfied for ling of empty barrels. The fraternal feelings, try Grenada me vvill oth miss. Mrs.
ward Islands Bishop.
young ladies, who are the post than Dr. Jackson.
harmful wagging of sharp within prone to consider themselves tongues that scorch the suthe walls of this Learned in Church and lay Jackson has endeared herself Unanimous. election by association, and if found guilty, above affiliating with this matters, virile in speech and to her many friends no less Clergy at Yesterday Syuod movement of racial consideraperficial sentiments of ambi punish me like well thinking than her husband. As a charmaction, unsparing of himself.
St Georges Tuesday Oct 21st.
tious youths, causing them to people. thank you. Applause)
and alvvays actuated by a ing hostess and a vvorker tion. After having qaid due The Rt Revd Dr. Vibert scurry like frightened hares think that this speech was homage to the Hon. Mr.
sense of Christian equality, among the young womanhood Jackson A: Acting Admiinto their holes, for fear of of the Island she will be Garvey, which no other officer a great demonstration of real your Dr. Jackson vvas able to mix nistrator of the Windvvard venemous and uncha eloquence and sincerity: perfreely with all his flock alvvays remembered.
The Islands Anglican Church Liothought of doing, an next ritable remarks. It is your haps it is the inspiration of her to the chair, etc. Miss Lindley spiteful distruction of that irrespective of their social Ranger Girl Guide Company cese, and retired Assistant dead father, who was a Rose vvill remain a standing me. Bishop of Honduras vvas this spoke thus: tabernacle, that would one day that blushed unseen. am sorry position, inspiring them with morial to her fine vi ork here his ovvn restless energy.
morning elected Bishop of It affords me the greatest become your center of wor to say that this was the only Bishop Jackson career, too and her influence as Conmis the Windvvard Islands Dio pleasure to be privileged to ship. This your thoughtless sentiment expressed that night.
sioner of Guides has been justifies his selection.
cese by unanimous vote of thank you for this honor you cries of Crucify them, your This young lady may be a After a long service in a alvvays marked for good. Her clergy and majority vote of have bestowed upon children, because there gleams mustard seed that will become me difficult field in Central Amerecent honour by His Majesty the Laity.
tonight. First, must thank in the distance a brilliancy the greatest of all trees and the King has been the most rica it vvould not have been Bishop Jackson succeeds those members who were that threatens to darken your perfume its neighbourhood popular here for y. ars and a surprising if he had retired Rt. Revd. Dr. Alfred. Beckley, instrumental in making me best achievements, and build with sweet inspiration, to beinto semiprivate life vvhere deserving tribute to the work resigned. Dr.
Jackson is eligible for so august a posi for themselves a fort that will come the cradle of an insshe has been doing here and there vvas less to do. But eminently suited for his nevy tion, and sincerely intend to with stand all the battering titution, that will (rock) Limon Bishop Jackson felt himself, vvill doubtless continue to do post having been Archdeacon reward such brotherly affection of their future foes. You forgot from its very foundation. Perin her nevy sphere of activiin Central the and vvas indeed very far from America, having with gratitude. It is my earnest wisdom of the still haps this youny lady migh being a spent or even vvaning tion. She will surely be missed, charge of the Anglican work desire to please, and shall tongue; but away you go take advantage of such an force. He came to Grenada and but we can only point to the in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and contrive to render the best wagging the length of that inspiration, and accept the on at once his forceful yet genial fact that our loss vill be St. Panama to the Canal service possible, if the hands scrap of flesh to public call, to preach the gosped of personality manifested it self. Vincent gain and vve took Zone previous to his Granada that gave me bread, would annoyance, and your child improvement far and wide Because of his fearless chamforvvard to seeing Bishop and appointinent.
not be withdrawn, to return rea dishonot, and keep mass living within the pale of such pionship of right against Mrs. Jackson occasionally in After the election members meetings over their me stones.
good sentiments, and one day she vyrong. Bishop Jackson ran Grenada where they and of the Synod repaired forth have felt those solemn names in the market places, may grace a page in hictory, foul of the late Governor Sir their promising son vvill vvith to St. Georges Anglican words of pledge have taken, cross roads and rum shops. as an unshaped diamond who Frederick Seaton James. But alvvays be sure of a hearty Church where a solemn Te and firmly believe if Little do you realize how obeyedt he call, and so become vvelcome.
is vvas characteristic of the. Deum vvas sung as much you furnish the key to a self made Woman. Friends a mark should desecrate them, would The West Indian in congra of Thanksgiving your natural man that he chose the side of to enemy who snub not such talent, nor the be guilty of serious moral loveliness and right against tulating His Lordship joins in Almighty God. The Bishop transgressions.
would not desist, until the censure her, but encourage (Here this elect gave his blessing at the lady paused, and one would should have learnt all your weak her for percieve in that piece service. In the near future think she stumbled or nesses until he should have of dull stone a possible disBishop Jackson will go to St. tonguetied, but she continued realized how little you appre covery of a priceless gem, Vincent vvhere his enthronem with more fiery eloquens. ciate the good names of your for the adornment of a society ent vvill take place.
boys and girls, and use your that needs conception.
very method as thumb screws Ed. Note The entire com satisfaction than that which to your disadvantage and To be continued munity of the Province of he had captivated among us Governor revokes decision Clifford Steele, the de Port Limon vvhere himself vvhile he attended to our of Limon magistrate fendant, pleaded not guilty and his dear vvife had labour spiritual comforts here for to the charges and filed a ed vwith such unstinted In case for separate mainseven years. And contintre tenance filed by Mrs.
counter demand in which he affection, vvill follovy Bishop our fervent prayers for Greta Steele nee Gooden prayed that he should be Jackson successes in his long life of usefulness for so versus her husband Clif released from the obligation succeeding field of labour good and afectionate a pair Suits made to order to the shortest notice.
ford Steele.
of giving his wife separate with no less pleasure and of church vvorkers. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels mainteinance, on the grounds always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
Case taken to President of certain inisconduct which North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viguez Tramway starts on Revision.
he later offered both docu OCCULISTIC CLINIC Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number To secure separate mainte. mentary and oral evidence to winrings this week mance, Mrs. Greta Steele nee prove.
Dr. JOSE CORVETTI Gooden presented a demand After a hearing was given In Serie Drawing No. 39; won by Enrique Vargas Ticket No. 71 In Serie. Drawing No. 19; won by José Aguilera to the Limon Magistrate OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY Ticket No. 88 the matter by the Police MaIn presence of Ruben Zuñiga, Bernardo Rodo, Arquimedes Rojas Court, alleging illtreatment, gistrate, José Vivo, he decided Deseases and affections of the eyes that abandonment and culpable neMrs. Steele demand Al shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must o necessity but up Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres to date with their paymeyts.
gligence, against her husband, was not justified and that, to whom she has been married The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 but five months ago Continued iron page In presence of Edgar Arias, Abelardo Rojas Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
was Court Proceedings and decisions SASTRERIA GRANT GRANT a


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