
Saturday Dicember 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAOE ABOUT SCOUTING LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Bureau established for the greater convenience, under tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
EMILJANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Investigator Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager MAIN OFFICE Limon; Oposite «Arrosty Theatre BRANCH OFFICE San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, 1: California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Strange happening at Germania There is no forgetting the fact To The Editor of the Search Parents etc (Law 7) to smile cook with or without cooking camping, working, helping, Light instead of swear when put utensil. It teaches him to cooking but not Soldiering.
Sir out (law 8) To be loyal (law rescue, to sigral, to operate Hoping that those with Kendly Permit me space in 2) To cease wasting monies the telegraph, to debate etc. understanding may understand, a column of your weekly (Law 9) to be friendly to etc. If should try to tell all and those which were led to paper to explain to the mem harmles animals (law 6) and that scouting teaches, the think evil of the Boy Scouts bers of the Pto. Limon Div.
to be trustvvorthy (law If Editor would have to change may think good.
of the the boys Practice these laws the naine on this issue from Stan Dipon and also to the staff of and try to live up to them Search Light to Scout Scout Master 3rd Limon iliterate asses which from pits they will become good citizens light any how it does not present regime something abou and real men; not asses or teach war and Bayonet Char The 3rd Limon:Boy Scout scouting, Registration as Baden cannibals.
ges as what Mr. Cooper is no longer connected with Powell. To begin with, scou Scouting teaches First Aid (The Col) wants to do, the Div. in Limon ting is not that sort of thing If the boy studies and becomes neither does It teach race hate but works separately, which teaches the boys to be a second Class Scout he as Mr. Barrett thinks. Scouting A. Troopon the lines please enemies of his fellow brother would be able to tell you the is an international nonpolitak Note because he is of another race difference of Poisons and how tical concern which tends to Scout Master or nation or because he belongs to treat them, he knows what bring frendliness and harmony to another troop (see law to do in the case of cuts, between the boys of today, Notice. In accordance with No. below) Scouting is to bruises, Sprains, burns fits so that when they become information from the Revd.
develope the boy mind in etc. He knows a little about the men tomorrow they may Ryecart Scout Commissioner clean thoughts so that he may bandaging Oh! he can hepip be peaceful rulers and not for Costa Rica; the officers speak clean words and do at least untill the doctor comes. tyrants. This international chain of the Universal Negro Imclean deeds (See law 10) It Scouting gives Physical excer of boys is called the Bory provement Association have teaches him to be of service cises which developes the Scout Association. The Asso dismissed their Scout boys to humanity. See law 3) It body, makes the boy healthy, ciation is anxious to promote and are forming a troop of teaches him to be courteous which tends to longer life. international peace by entering Juvenile Legionaires, from the (law 5) to be Obedient to Scouting teaches the boy to into friendly relations with orga fact that Scouts cannot be nizations outside the British utilized without permission 000000000000000000000000000000000000 mpire which have similar from the Scout Commissioner, aims in view etc. See Boy and vvhereas the boys of the Scout Rules Policy Orga A. Troop, had renisation. In becoming a Re gistered with the Scout Comgistered member of the Boy missioner six months ago Scout Association you have clandestinely, without the That the only medicine which become a link in the brother knovvledge of the members cures Asma, and acute Bron hood of boys, you have agreed of the They therechitis is the with, and promised to carry fore stand disassociated with out the Scout Law and teach the Division.
Cuajani Jordan ings. It dosen mean that you have Registered in the The sole deposit and representation British Army as Mr. Sam Brown of which is in and others think. Scouting is not military, not Political, not The BOTICA VARGAS governmental concem. It SAN JOSE just an out door school, the place your boy ought to be.
To kill malarlal fevers, the only Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 Lord Baden Powell preparation guaranteed as a radical M, etc (an Englishman)
cure for Yellow fever, blackwater fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds 00000000000 is the founder of the Boy and all classes of fevers.
Scout Movement, the rest of It is recommended for cleansing 1000000 the world adopts it. At a a disordered Liver.
Jamboree held at Olympia in In proof of the above sec the the year 1920 where Scouts following, for four months had from 26 different nations met been suffering from Hay Fever and after trying all sorts of medicines and Camped, he (Lord Baden was advised by Mr. Antonio Powell) was given the title of Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago the only legitimate Boxes, they give an agreeable «Chief Scout of the World. to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
breath and keep the mouth clean and fresh.
not of England but of the did so and after taking it, was World permanently cured.
Keep the empty Boxes, for which. Prizes are offered in turn reccommended it to in December If ever the word boy Scout Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, flashes across your Brain even and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea DISTRIBUTORS if you are from Talamanca Vieja who used The Elixir Antian ofelo with marvelous effects as a it means Baden Powell for SANTIAGO PALACIOS Cia.
care for all sorts of tropical fevers.
he is the father of Scouts.
No household should be withou SAN JOSE, PASAJE JIMENEZ To be a Boy Scout you it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al must take the three fold Pro Carboni Co. Cartago.
APARTADO 1000 TELEP. 2599 mise, to Keep the Promise W0000000 you must be a link in the 00000000000000 Wonderful Remedy is Elixir Antianofelo immedately a near liver. Mr.
a VERMIFUGO Chew Adams Chiclets On Tuesday of this week, find out what was the matte a Lady by the name of Mrs. with her. And with intense Vic. Allet. While her husband searching efforts in the woods, Wilfred Allet was away to his she could not be found. So they vvork at Parismina about retumed, it being night and five. Oclock, went a little way rainy thus unable to see. One behind a neigbouring house Miss Adela Blake a near liver to removed her husband horse. After interval of an also very sympathetically, quick hour and a half, her little ly went around. Gathered up a children that were left at home larger gang with lamps and cried out that their mother guns etc. They all returned had not get returned. And again into the woods shouting and firing guns. But no result Grant and a few others of of her discovery. While at the the vicinity, hastily went to same time another gang of men, went on a journey of ten miles, to call her husband.
And after reaching home about twelve o clock the night. He, much excited by the affair desired to go and look for his wife, but was prevente from doing so. Atearly morning on the following day, they all arose, and still making efforts to find her. She was surprisingly found at six thirty Remedio eficaz, and was brought back para la expulsión to her home, more dead that de lombrices.
alive any how she was attended to by the surrounding De venta en la friends. And after surviving.
She explained that as FARMACIA she went to loose the horse; she ESPANA was strangely and consciously LUCAS MORUA Farthaeutico over shadowed with an impel CARTAGO.
lingd esire to run away into the woods without resistance, such an unusual phenomena tends to strange considerations. The news went to Cairo our neigh breuring town. And a gang of loving and interesedt men came to take part in the Search But when they came the lady was allready found.
SAN ANTONIO chain. Scouting spells, outing, Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartaog MIGUEL MACAYA AND Co.
IRONMONGERS The oldest hardware store as well as that of the greatest popularity in the country By popular vote we were awarded the Diploma of Honour in the merchants popularity Contest instituted by the Diario of Costa Rica Tully Germania To advertise in The Searchlight is to double your business Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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