p. 4


SURPRISE VICTORIOUS COFFEE PIEDRAS Court proceedings Dr. Grillo are Defeats Excelsior by hold for the covetted trophy. fully kept an appreciable vvhole batted nicely and 104 runs in Orane Cup Excelsior vvere the victors in crovvd delighted yvith an succeeded to amass 157 runs.
the first Cup Match; hence to exhibition of demoniac trun Theprincipal scorers are, for quality insuperable have vvon the second match dling performed by Passmore, the Excelsior, Patterson 18, Limon, Nov. 30. The return the hurricane hitting fo Tom Banner 13, Taylor 10 Chocolate extra special and cup match in vvhich Surprise would have placed them in an enviable and comfortable linson and the lightning sprints while for the victorious SurC. vvere at home to the of Irons betyveen the vvickets.
Superior in taste prise, Tomlinson made 62, Excelsior vvas, played position as prospective chamin the presence of a very res pions for 1930 31. On the EXCELSIOR INNINGS Percy Irons 15, Cubillo 14, unrivalled in flavour and Purity; send other hand the redoubtarle Knott 17, Passmore pectable gathering of cricket The Captain of the Surprise The only duck egg contriyour orders to the Factory enthusiasts on the Limon XI of the Surprise vvere dewon the toss and sent the termined to present to the buted by the team being by Sports Ground. Tense expec.
of JOSE GONZALES tancy and feverish enthusiasm sporting public a delightful Excelsior to bat on a wicket Povvell that was slightly affected surprise packet, and so add The bovvling honours of vvere evinced among the supTelp 3085 SAN JOSE. Apartado 1139 interest to the rest of the overnight by rain. The first porters of the rival clubs, as the day went to Passmore 50 yards West of the North Western gate of the Market pair opened the game at 11:45 competition each club vvas determined to vvho tock vvickets for 11 and made a good start. After runs.
battle for supremacy in order The Surprise lived up the first wicket fell, Passmore, to make a tighter grip on its to their expectation and truthhowever, with his accurate The Next Cup Match and deadly deliveries ably sup December 14th promises to ported by Cubillo quickly be a red letter day among Continued from page disposed of more than half local cricket fans. gigantic the team for 15 runs. Patterstruggle is predicted betwveen son and Banner at this stage therefore, the Court could not and Carlos Silva, while these tvvo rival clubs and became associated and showed Obstetrics, diseases of women members of the plucky Jittle impose on her husband the Mr. Steele is being represensigns of averting disaster as they led by the Limon Service obligation of separate maintateam of the Excelsior of Genito Urinary tract played cautiously and raised sanguine of success. They are substance, says the MagisBureau nance, The Court found in the score to 43 before the val determined not to be outdone Miguel Marin a door tothat allegatrate decision, uable partnership became by the Surprise and so PRIVATE LYING IN HOSPITAL Half door peddler broken. After this dissolution tions on which the plaintiff BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET are getting ready a first class costs the remaining batsmen were demand are based have not Sentenced to pay eleven to do battle for cup rattled out for an additional honours on this day Decembeen proven: no illtreatment, and damages to Lilly Ultra violet and Infra red Rays 11 runs, thus finally amassing ber 14th 1930. All friends and Henry.
no abandonment, nor culpable 54 runs.
negligence have been establish For illegal embargo of DIATHERMY supporters of these clubs as ed; in the meantime the de.
SURPRISE Bats vvell as the sporting public furnitures.
fendant has proven above SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 Irons and Powell opened the morale of these teams by in general are asked to support every shadow of a doubt all Miguel Marin a door to: for the Surprise; but the partthe exceptions invoked to stay door peddler, operating bet.
nership was short lived as assisting at the games and the plaintiff demand.
ween Cartago and Limon, was Banner with his wily twisters contributing monetarily othervvise to encourage our Mrs. Steele appealed against sentenced by the First Alcalde soon passed Powell defence that decision, and the case recently, to pay costs and with the score at three, Tomyoung men vvho are handicapwas taken to the Governor damages to Lilly Henry for By Cumings, Port Limon.
linson replaced Powell and ped by lack of means to office who in turn revoked the illegal embargo of all her with bewildering rapidity he progress as desired.
the Magistrate decision and house hold furnitures, for a Preparations are being made In days gone by, the manners were sublime, and Irons in aggresive style orders that the husband pays meagre amount.
But travelling these days from clime to clime wiped out delicit before the by the clubs in the cup comhis wife. 75, 00 per month as small amount of the daviChanged Yes inassa And Yes missis without a dime fall of the second wicket and petition to put in mages has been already paid, separate maintenance. Steele, Which blends with the phrase Tempora Mores goroils and systematic practice upon being notified, gave not in just only six overs of the but Miss Henry, with the aid match. Eventually Irons just the sport loving public to an in preparedness for treating ice of an appeal on revision of the Limon Service Bureau It not from the knowledge of due respect, when set and gave signs of who has been conducting her to the President, and this is exhibition of exhilarating But equality is suspected to be the quest, being dangerous vvas unforcase from the beginning, will now pending decision.
cricket It prompts the youth to himself inspect, demand a further payment of tunately run out for 15 runs All roads vvill lead to the The main grounds for the And yields to the phrase, Tempora Mores.
at least 500, 00.
vvith the total at 65 for tvvo. Limon Sports Ground on Police Magistrate decision Tomlinson vvent on to carry December 14th 1930.
It would appear that the Where e er we go there a pleasure seeking group. his score to 62 a great peris a tell tale letter presented door to door man used the as documentary evidence by embargo system only as a In dances in picnics they select their troop; formance. The team on Sapientia Come what may, though they be in one coop, Mr. Steele, in which his wife means of intimidating the neBut the phrase it is true, Tempora Mores.
admits expressly that she had gro woman so as to exact been very bad to him, while moneys from her for supposed o the hard times and the rough manners. LAWYERS NOTARIES he has been very good to her indebtedness which she denies Has made the world all strung with banners, in the past. You are an Angel enphatically owing Marin.
AT LIMON and am a Satan, part of the will never be changed, tho so many planners Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Very unfortunate for Marin, letter reads. The case will no Have done nothing to change Tempora Mores. Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors however, Miss Henry happens before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; doubt be decided in the course to be a native born Costa Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
of the week and we shall then If we sleep or wake, it O Tempora Mores. Rican and being possessed at ENGLISH SPOKEN give our readers authentic in.
If we walk or talk, it O Tempora Mores.
least with the Latin American If we ride or drive, it O Tempora Mores. formation as to the President customs she would not take Then let all be satisfied with Tempora Mores decision. Mrs. Steele is being the bait but preferred to represented by the Law firm battle at the Bar.
of Tempora Mutantur, Et Nos Mutamur in illis Messrs Daniel Zeledón Bar Reporter or Tempora Mores sonie Plan of the big raffle that will take place in Limon on December 15th 1930 If you need a first class Medical man see Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by the French method of heat application. Specialist on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose AN ADVICE Mindful of a duty out of friendship the most popular Soap PALMERA Has arranged, with a view of the approaching Christmas seasons, to distribute a value of almost double the value of the Soap on the wrappings as a benefit to its many patrons who use it prize to any one who brings us 25 wrappings of class No. will be valued in our next catalogue more or less 15 Soaps of No. class The No. wrappings will have a much greater vale than the No.
PALMERA SOAP Is always sold in a packet and its wrappings will be exchanged for valuable prices. We are preparing a magnificent assortment of gifts which we place at the disposal of our clients as from the 1st.
of December Our Agent in Limon is DON ELOY GOTAY Our Agent in Turrialba is Sres. ROJAS CORTES Cia.
APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE TELEFONE 3103 First prize 5. 000 Second 400 Third 200 24 prizes of each for the two ending numbers of the first prize.
960 20 Prizes of 30 each for the approximates of the first prize ten nos, above and ten below.
600 224 Prizes of C8 each for one ending Num.
ber of the first prize.
1792 271 prizes with 8952 All these prizes will be deliverd to the winner its value in Costa Rica Lottery tickets of the new year.
Only 2500 tickets are issued for this raffle. The double nought (o o) in front of the Numbers has absolutely no meaning its only an error in printing.
Dr. Oscar Pacheco SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN TREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF DIATHERMY OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF RAVENTOS THEATRE SAN JOSE Lee Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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