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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment It is not the look that makes the man, nor it is his Fame or possessions he holds. It not the size of the man, that makes him worthy in a cause; it is that dynamic force within that forces him to act and makes him what man ought to be to man that counts in The Visions of his Soul.
YEAR IT LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY DECEMBER 13 1930 NUM. 58 We must of necessity economize ie 50 00 World News Failure of French Banks It is very satisfactory to learn that the International already enormous supply throvvn on the market. The ings, have been the means of calling a halt in our Bank has started up making loans to help agriculture. large producer novv finds he cannot sell his raw mater banking operations, in keeping with the world crisis; This is a good augury that there may be a glimpse of ials to the factory for the manufactory, because the and now that the Bankers feel that we have learnt the light ahead of us, which those who are not in the salesmerchant can find no sales for his goods, because lesson of soberness, brought about by these varied forefront of the Commercial world might not be able the labouring population cannot find wages with which but it will be understood that loans will be granted on occurrences, they are willing to start business again, to see.
to buy his vvares. From the fact of there being so many a sober basis, a basis of possibly a property valuation The International Bank has several millions of millions and millions of people unemployed, rents canof fully fifty per cent depreciation, and consequently the colones invested in Agricultural and other transactions, not be paid, Cacao cannot be sold because the manubut due to the crisis, had desisted from negotiations in facturer of Cacoa products cannot sell his products, if labour has learnt to do away with the superfluities the cost of labour will have to be guaged accordingly the agricultural lines, hence the news now broadcasted bananas cannot be sold, because the starving unemploythat she is inclined to open up such operations again, ed artisan is not thinking of buying a banana, which of life, introduced by the abnormal wages consequent on the War.
must certainly be taken as a token that the Directors is really only a light relish, he must think of taking Consequently we must sport less, drink less cat are able to see that the prospects are brightening up a bit. home a bread, a potato, a pound of rice and beans to Ofcourse we do not believe that there will ever be supply his famishing wife and child, hence the United with very moderate salaries, smoking Camel, Machiaand dress with sobriety; we find the labouring man that open hand in dealing out loans as were done Fruit Co, and other Fruit concerns cannot find a market dos, Chesterfields etc. why so, may we ask? and so on hitherto, because the valuation vvhich vvas formerly put for the immense quantities of fruit produced; as an in every line of life. The tailors, the shoemakers the on some properties were extremely liberal in fact extra instance Columbia which was never a fruit producing milliners will all have to learn the lesson of economy, vagant, but novy that everyone has profited by the ex country and placed on the market this year 12000. 000 but it is for us to compel them to do so by only snpperiences of the past, any help that will be forthcoming stems of fruit, Honduras 26. 000. 000 stems, Jamaica porting those who are willing to step down off the on a sober basis of property valuation will be a great has increased her output to 24. 000. 000; Brazil which fence of extravagance. fancy a tailcr charging eight boon to farmers and property holders.
has never been known to ship a stem of fruit, is now colones to make a cotton pantaloon for a labouring It is clearly evident to all that the value on all preparing for her many millions and so on, with every man when we can buy one ready made for six colonesa properties henceforvvard cannot be guaged from the country, and with no new markets available, what must is it not time to compel him to step down to reason?
standpoint of what they were five or ten years ago, happen to our productions. It is a foregone conclusion The capitalist is economizing on the labourer, why vvhen vve all went crazy over the price obtainable for that the valuation of our Farms and our holdings must should he not demand economy from those with whom our products, forgetting that a reaction is alvvays bound be depreciated, so that as we have said, the extravagant he deals? Let us all now adopt rigid economy to suit o to take place in every such rise or fall in production. valuations that have been hitherto placed on our belong the times in which we are travelling The War came by and there vvas a rush in the demand for man povver, and vvith it the need of supplies, consequently abnormal prices were paid for labour as well as for products necessary for supplying this great straint; hence the price of landed properties naturally follovved in the vvake; cost of labour then made Conspiracy He says that they attemp Albert Oustrice Ex waiter an advice that any amounts 15 the cost af producing necessarily abnormal. The vvar ted to poison him and and French financier vas found in hand might be Several ended, the Capitalist savy that the only way to bring high Indian worse of all they tampered placed under detention on deposited there for safelabour back to a normal stage was in substituting officials have been sentenced with the machinery of his account of his peculiar keeping until the debt be man povver by Machinery hence all brains were di to long terms of Imprison airplane which caused him manipulations in financial came due. It is therefore rected in that direction, with the result that so much ment for conspiracy in an accident in his plane, matters as a consequence left to be seen vvhat will machinery was invented for every kind of industry that making Explosives, Arms on account of which he of which seven Banks have happen before the receiver man povver became a slump, and production vvas so and ammunitions for the had to be sent to the had to close their doors. in Bankrupcy, vvhether it special prolific by the better means of cultivation and man purpose of killing out all Hospital for three months; 11. 000. 000 are involved is considered therefore he thought it in this French financial safekeeping lodgment on ufacture, that an enormous overproduction was the result high European Police wiser to return home scandal.
vvhich an accomodation which overproduction was intensified by the fact that officials and engaging in a among his own people. The Minister Justice who would be paid, or only on account of the slump in labour, there came a re general revolution; three vvas formerly Oustrice an ordinary deposit duction in the purchasing capacity of the inhabitants of Docters are among the Beeks vs. The legal adviser, has had to the globe; because naturally if a man cannot find vvork prisoners some getting as resign his position.
The failure of Bernard to earn wages to support his family, he vvill not be long as 20 years sentences.
able to buy the goods which the capitalist produces by Discretion better than In the abave case, a suit Bros in vvhose Keeping his machinery, he must also nov devise means for vvas lodged by Costa Rica Valour bronght in British Honduras by Mr. Beeks against indebtedness of this country the amount to cover the producing, by cultivating enough stuffs to feed himself Colonel Herbert Julien the Universal Negro Imp to France, is said to be and his family, hence his limited means of purchasing Due to several protests is has also forced the artisan and skilled workman to be who was given the position rovement Association to of Air Minister in the obtain the residue of the had to close her doors on Jamaica on the entry of one of those Banks vvho before the government of also a producer on a small scale, thus adding to the Abyssinian Empire, has Estate of the late Isaiah account of these vvily Chinese, Syrians and Turks resigned such position and Mortor, who willed his operations.
returned to the United entire estate valued at a into the Island a comunission This is a matter giving has been appointed by the OCCULISTIC CLINIC States. He states that the quarter million dollars to much differences of opinions. governor to enquire into Emperor treated him well, the Society, judgment has The President of the Repu the alleged suffering of Dr. JOSE CORVETTI been reserved by Justice blic says that this money the population by such but the natives who are Sisnett.
OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY engaged in the Aviation vvill not be lost because immigration, with a vievv Deseases and affections of the eyes service of the country are principal witness in the the Mr. Marcus Garvey was it was deposited with Bernard Freres by of putting an end to the Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres opposed to progressive case, he went over for this instructions from the admission of nevvcomers ideas of aviation and are The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA purpose and returned to Bondholders, vvhilst other the matter is before the jealous dous. cofacihimiguel Obregón Lizano de Mamaicana Jamaicano those. 26thnisinste culopinions, isski. it was only Legislative Council.
a On Immigration the 42


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