
AN EXPLANATION Dr. Oscar Pacheco The Accident at Bonilla DIATHERMY that may an NOTICE Cricket News Correction won SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN TREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF sad accident occurred lull of earth and stones Limón, Diciembre 1930 and not with farce nor crimes The Editor of the Searchlight.
to darken his honest reputaat Bonilla lastweek by which the chain seemed to have a youngster James Ennis oosened from the hook in tion. We explain these concepCartago who was the principal sup the block of the boom and tions only because there are Dear Sir: port of his mother Mrs. the load fell to the ground silly people and others of OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF There appeared in the good intention George Muir of Siquirres killing the unfortunate RAVENTOS THEATRE SAN JOSE Searchlight No. 56 of last believe these crooked things lost his life. The youngman youngman.
Saturday, that you publish, from people of bad propensities.
seem to have been one of the This ought to be a case article relating to the attendants on the Brownh for remuneration to the As far as we know, the affairs that we the undersigned defendant James Anson Cleland oist Crane clearing up the have placed in the hands of slides around Bonilla when has presented some ten in Continued on page Justice against James Ausoncidents and has lost all of in gripping up a bucket Cleland with whon we formed them; and now stupidly The list of Officers Chairman of Trustees a Society of eight parties to makes boast of one that the elected and installed since Charles Rhoden SecretaLAWYER AND NOTARY construct and exploita tramway Judge of Limón has pronounced November 2nd 1930 to ry of Trustees, George which turned out to be Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
in his favour and which even, guide the affairs of The Barnes, Sydney Marryett, exploited solely by James is not conclusive, being under Limon Division No. 887 McDonald, Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal associate Anson Cleland since 1927 documents prepared. Honest advices on points of appeal awaiting the final until now, without giving us of the Universal Negro Trustees; Abijah Brown Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a decision of the High Court, Improvement Association Chaplain, Mrs. Sypriana losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
any account whatever, nor. bearing in mind that whats and African Communities McPherson Lady President Rufino Solis. Lawyer even of moneys belonging to oever be the findings of this League for the year Mrs. Charlotte Salmon Ist. Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon us; and by such reasons set High Court, this incident is 1930 1931 are as follows. Lady Vice President Mrs.
English and French Spoken forth, we were forced to of no importance on the Mr. Reid, Presi Esther Wilson 2nd Lady repair to legal justice to basic principle of this suit; dent: Fitzbert Barrett 1st Vice President. Miss Aledefend our rights.
Such are the facts in the judgment will be revoked.
and we are sure that that Vice president: John thia Lindley Associate Se.
Samuels 2nd Vice president; cretary.
case and even the cited puIn time we will expose William blication is of no importance those persons who under 3rd Vice President and Pearson Pearson whatever to us; it is rather a cover, are attacking Mr. Vallejo, acting Executive Secretary; Port Limon, December 9th. 1930.
barefaced Satire calculated primordially to decieve and before the bar of plenary surer, Samuel Brown See Oficial Gazette so that they may be arraigned Daniel McKenzie Trea. Acting Executive Secretary On Sunday December 7th, the Excelsior crossed mislead the public against justice. At all events, those bats with the Penshurst of Penshurst on the Lion Oval the authorities duly constituBefore a very sportive and enthusiastic crowd, the willow who are directly interested in ted to deal with the affairs, this business, already know wielders and leather trundlers made their demonstrations. Toss and meting out harmful visitors, and they elected to bat. Caleb McCoy for difamation to the reputation that James Anson Cleland is the correct state of things, the home side starred, making a dashing 55, which included of a public employee, in three sizes, and seven fours. His batling and superb hitting defendant and Mr. Justino With reference to an the 22nd inst. And not the making him appear as an was worth going miles to see.
Vallejo, the actual Agent of article relative to the Central 24th as was erroneously interested party in the suit, With the leather, Bonner came of with the magnificent Police in Estrada is only American Stars Co. of stated. Come out and give average of wickets for 12 runs. He delighted us with some meanwhile, he is only a judicial Judicial Depositor of the Messrs Thomas and your own a chance of depositor appointed by the rare spin tossers, and was certainly deserving of the results embargoed tramway by ap Samuels, we made proving to you vvhat they that attended his efforts. During the entire innings he was Civil Judge of Limón, and in a mistake in the date of are capable of doing under which capacity he has been pointment of the Civil Judge master of length and spin.
of Limon and this is all.
discharging his duty with their first performance in proper tuition. They are certJ. Barrett of the visiting Eleven was the only double ample satisfaction to the Editor to give publicity to the Respectfully requesting Mr. Limon at The Arrasty ainly good come out and figures He made 17, at a time when a run was worth its Society, except to the one Theatre This perfomance see them.
weight in gold, thus saving his side from collapsing.
will be on Monday night partner, the respondent, James Our popular Harold, showed sound defence for his We are, Dear Sir, Yours Anson Cleland.
contribution of seven.
Mr. Justino Vallejo, respectfully.
the Appended are the scores and analysis.
William present Agent of Police in Reginald James, Estrada, has been there, in Mowatt, Clifford Royal, James Gunney Taylor Johnson. Whittaker Hazel at capacity, for many years, Moore Thoгре Roberts 13 Translated and sent by.
and is well known for his McCoy Colonel Mary Booth to the spiritual as well as Miller Gomms 55 honesty, moral and material Geo. Roman Roberts responsibility and as a Govern Hylton territorial Comman the material comforts and Hunter Stpd. WKp.
Thorpe 13 Secretary der of the Salvation Army needs of the wounded and ment officer of lung standing: Samuels Miller to the Central American fighting men of both be Allan Brock Thorpe W. Benn Hazel 10 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Republics and the West ligerents. in Germany she Indies will visit Costa Ri14 was much appreciated for Chambers Not Out Patterson Edwards Roberts ca along with her Secre her impartial, self sacrifiC. Bonner (Cpt) Edwards Roberts tary Brigadier Miss Eva cing care and attention to EXTRAS Smith and Brigadier Joy, the men of all ranks. on Thursday 18th Total As an appreciation of FROM 118 inst.
her services among the She will be given a Allies, she was honoured Penhurst Welcome at the Wesleyan with the distinguished Bad Walface LBW Bonner chapel at 30 of ge of Commander of The Thorpe Samuels the same date at which British Empire. She is a Whittaker Run Out Miller Samuels time the general public are great orator, having addressH. Kerr Bonner cordially invited.
ed large audiences in EnJ. Barrett Stpd. WKp.
Bonner 17 The Ministers of religion gland and Canada. Hazel (Cptn. Bonner at Port Limon will give In appreciation of her Iglesia Bonner her Welcome addresses and visit to this remote corner Gumms LBW Bonner G. Edwards Chambers Bonuer BAYER the Wesleyan choir will of the globe, Ensign Wright Roberts Not Out render special Anthems for who is muc respected in the occasion.
the Community and his EXTRAS Colonel Mary Booth, is officers are asking the puTotal 40 grand daughter of the great blic to facilitate him with founder of the Salvation their presence at this For L the bowling honours went to Bonner Army Mr. Willian Booth, meeting, so as afford the who got wickets for 12 Runs and Egbert Samuels being the second daughter distinguished lady an enthu wickets for Runs; for the Penshurst of General Bramwell Booth; siastic welcome among us. Roberts got wickets for 12 runs Thorpe got she worked in the service The Searchlight takes the wickets for 10 runs.
in the principal countries occasion of wishing the LEG STUMP of the world. During the praiseworthy head in these World war she worked most western climes of this self EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS Without the assiduously in the battle denying Organization a most fronts of France attending pleasant and profitable time Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and among us.
Commissions on Legal affairs.
TO ADVERTISE IN ERNESTO ORTEGA THE SEARCHLIGHT Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartago DOO D0UD00000000000000000000 IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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