
Saturday 13 Dicember. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Continuation of article Was she inspired Athletics in all its phases take an upward trend in Limon Our Elections The ladies Club a in last issue Encouraging a Hope More Sport Grounds couldn refrain from men gize to Mr. Reid for my last It is to be hoped that the Needed tioning the 1st Limon Boy article. Night Hawk (cor.
sudden and pronounced inteThe problem that confronts Scout Dance, on Friday Nov. decles verginianus) is an Amerest shown quite recently in the clubs of today is that of The recent Municipal elec Arias and Mr. Jose Rodriguez.
1th. No finer spectacle could rican brid, the size of healthy outdoor sports aniong a a ground on which to play tions have been carried out In the Canton of Siquirres be seen than when over fifty sparrow; and is akin to the the youth of Port Limon will their various engagements. throughout the length and The following are elected be productive of much good young men, in Boy Scout goat sucker. It hunts the insects There is a considerable amount breadth of the Republic with Messrs, Lester Norton Curling, Uniform wheeling gracefully on which it feeds, towards at least physically. Time and of congestion at all times, not the greatest order possible on Ishmael Garcia Solis, and time again, it has been the in the spacious Hall of Liberty, evening, on wing, and after, Adan Rivas Salvatierra, with and finer still, when such diving dowr perpendicularly. experience of many old citizens only on the Plaza de Sport. Sunday last.
but also in the Stadium.
In the Province of Limon their substitutes Mr. Vicente young men are the pich of produces, a loud whirring here, that many a good proHundreds of athletes are to for the city of Limon The de la Peña Gonzalez, Mr.
Limon negro youth. say sound, like that o a spinning position comes into existence be seen evening after evening Partido of the Atlantic Union Zacarias Rodriguez.
the pick, because these boys wheel. Webster Dictionary. backed by fair promises of engaging in a veritable medly won the majoriy of votes There is one thing however are struggling against odds Therefore the Night Hawk is support and allegiance only of games with the consequent thus returning Messrs Eladio that has been clearly portrayto build for Limon a monu not a carnivorous, sanke eating to be deserted again by its danger attached owing to the Calvo, Fulgencio Campos, ed and that is the apparent ment of sterling manhood. chicken stealing quadruped, as pseudo supporters and then Frank Maduro, Aurelio Castro, lack of interest shown by say pick, because, the few was defined by certain oratons go out of existence with the diversity of sports in the one small area; cricketers, footballVictor Casco and the the inhabitants, to immagine rapidity with which it came young men who hold them to the applauds of the entire ers, basketballers and even Independent Party succeeded in a City of the size of San selves aloof from the struggling members) It would take very into effect baseballers have been seen to in getting in one of its Jose only recordnig 2911 mass, and qualify themselves little to unfeather the night Fresh Interest Candidates Mr. Carlos Manuel engage in practices simultavotes and in Limon 901 in Car as the brains of the commu hawk, but these are graver It would appear, however, Fernandez.
tago 1233, in Heredia 678, and comThis is a first class nity, are only a representation things to unfeather. Journalis that a new and lively spirit nesusly on a ground with an area not exceeding an hectarea.
in Alajuela 1266. In Puntareof shocs and selfishness. In tic criticism of one appeaof friendly rivalry among the bination of workers in whose Cricket Impeded nas 721 Any way the President other countries they are the rance and attire, as a man of various clubs of foot ball, hands we shall entrust the expressed himself as being real leaders of thoughts and public appreciations is only cricket, basket ball and base The inconvenience of arrang affairs of Limon in Municipal highly satisfied with class of lofty sentiments, but here they legal, whilst slanderous reball has augmented to a cre ing cricket fixtures above all improvements with a congenial gentlemen who have been are so choked with pride and marks are not hinted at. do ditable extent. In foot ball there is very problematic. It is futile Governor as from the 1st returned headed by such men prejudice that their very asso not think that my article are the two eternal rivals and engaging the stadium for January.
as Mr. Roberto Smythe and ciation is repugnant. One sees sounded so. It is also humifamous sport clubs the Gimcricket, as the baseball league In the Canton of Pococi, Mr. Jorge Hine etc. with that the directing of the ne. liating to hear The Searchlight nastica Limonense and the has priority to its use even on Guapiles: The following are practical experience in the groes lies on the shoulders referred to as some kind of Barcelona, in cricket the two a last minute engagement. This elected Messrs Francisco Ro Commerce of the world.
of the so called common class, a newspaper. thought that most enterprising and energe was amply demonstrated in driguez, Martin Jimenez, and At Limon however a proand one day wonders will this regime was friendly with tic clubs are the Surprise and the regrettable experience of Rafael Mora; with their subs test has been entered on acup from their midst. The young such uplifting oughts a The the Excelsior, in baseball the the Commitee who endeavour titutes in case of absence of couut of alleged irregularities, women that answered to make Searchlight inspires. am exCosta Rica, Giants and the ed to arrange a few matches any of the former. Mr. Ricardo which is being enquired into.
the dannc a success, must be tremely sorry to have offenBarcelona, in Basket ball the with the recent visiting cricket given credit, too. The gentle ded your personality, but in Gimnastica, Barcelona and the team from Bocas del Toro. It mnnly way in which the dance truth, the negro destiny doesHollywood. The Hollywood, is now a matter of history, was carried is a proof of the t hang on a fevy financial by the way is a recently or how, after all arrangements wonderful way the Rev. Mr. members, but on the cultur ganized Ladies Club compo were made to play the match Our Honourable Director ported by the Rev. Ford es Ryecart and Mr. Hooker sed of cultured and popular in ing of lofty aims, as my article the stadiumit was Mr. Nation who promised to do his are trying to alleviate the mo hinted at. It ignorance to young ladies among whom unceremoniously denied the best for the good and Sir: ral and social depression of are the Misses Abdelnour, Committee who got up worry over nonessentiality, wellfare of the Club after the community. Its a pity that and the best of statesmen are Brock, Alvarado and many programme of games. As a On the 26th last the the Speeches of Our Dithe women of this town criticized, and it is for them others whose names are not result no representative match young Women Standard rector and Rev, Ford would not be bold enough not to fall within the pale of yet acquired.
was played with the visitors. Club celebrated the Ins Miss Gillings responded to tackle the Girld guides. such criticism, providing its The Hollywood Basket There were other motives for talation of their Basket with word of gratitude and think that all that was wanting healthy. Therefore not to wear Ball Club not playing these games; but Ball team which comit was closed. On the 29th was the Girl guides to lend a cloak, accept my healthy re The Hollywood, a youthful the primary motive was due menced at 530 with ve began the Basket Ball beauty to the occasion. Let ports of your future work team of inexperienced players, to the refusal of the use of Auld lang Syne, lead with game and it will be us hope in the next dance, and believe that the Nigh made its debut not very long the stadium for the initial Prayer By the Rev. cortinued on every Tuesday or public demonstration, our Havvk is a friend to all but the ago and won its initial match engagement in the Bocas Es Pitt. Miss Duggins the and Friday evening at demagog. Verb. Sap Sat.
young women will be ably against the Gimnastica Limontrella Match.
Club sport Mistress gave Oclock.
represented. The Hot Six must Again, must endorse the ense. In the return match, An Exhortation a welcome address and Thanking you Sir.
be congratulated on their fine sentiments of a writer who however, played off in Turrialasked the Rev. Gentlemen Member ofy music. think that they are congratulated Mr. Editor of Sportsmen be alert: are you ba some two weeks ago, the and Board of Directors to to be compared with the Me this vveekly, for his adherence Hollywood young ladies keen on acquiring your own gvie a word or tvvo of Ed. Note.
ti opole of Colon. Keep it up to that creed he alvvays though vanquished by the sport ground? What about encouragement to the young Messrs. Sankey and Syndicate folks, Mr. Pitt one of our It is certainly gratifying to advocated.
Red Hot Six.
Gimnastica, lived up to their who have on foot the splendid Honourable Directors gave still holding their own; They find the Ladies Standard Club m sorry to prolong ny Yours truly.
reputation as a crack team of idea of owning a ground of article, but bear with me a splendid promise keeping a their own. We are all hoping and encourageing speech the activities of the a fatherly counsel, advice came into existence during little to enlighten and apoloThe Ngiht Hawk crowd of several hundreds thrilled to the for an early realization of this marrow in a and asked the women of they have died out leaving The Accident.
fast and exciting contest in very ambitious project.
the Club to Struie for a the young ladies struggling: which they lost by an odd Sapientia higher Standard and try to it is to be hoped that the well Continued from Page since it can hardly be congoal. Congratulations, on the ED. NOTE, This ground keep in a straight line and thinking Ladies and gentlemen poor mother. The Coy na sidered that blame is attachother hand, must be accorded never to be downhearted of the Town will stretch out turally as anyone would able to him in this inscan be put in shape within to the young ladies of the 300, but players are reluctant but try to put our hearts the helping hand to these do to avoid responsibility, tance. If the mother will Gimnastica Limonense for their of a mile walk, hence we are and souls in the game, for struggling women and help is always looking to place approach the officials of the fine sporting spirit displayed waiting on the Cemetery its a pure game, both good to elevate the morals of our negligence on the party Company in a judicious, to the losers.
for the Body as well as the girlhood and womanhood to injured, but in this case, we respectable manner, we are soul.
attain a Standard of respect are sure they will do the sure they will do what is This was strongly sup and esteem in the Community right thing by the mother reasonable in her case.
TEATRO VARIEDADES Domingo, 14 Cuatro Grandes Funciones la p. Gran final de la espeluznante Serie We are proud of the the most educated in the EL ARQUERO VERDE magnificent examination Republic.
Suits made to order to the Shortest notice. las 30 Especial para señoritas passed by Mr. Daniel Rey He passed first in the complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels nolds son of our much College with Honors. At always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
EL BESO, por Greta Garbo esteemed Architect Mr. Dan. the taking leave of his North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Revnolds formerly of Si College mates on Thursday las 30. UNA NOCHE EN EL DESIERTO por JOHN GILBERT Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number quirres novy of Cartago. night he delivered a most winrings this week Mr. Reynolds passed his eloquent speech to his las 30 La película totalmente hablada en español Batchelor of Arts, examina Professors and Class ComIn Serie Drawing No. 40; won by Alvaro Rodriguez Ticket No. 134 por los eminentes artistas JOSE CRESPO y la enIn Serie Drawing No. 20; won by Francisco Cordoba Ticket No. 60 cantadora MARIA ALBA y otros de habla española.
tion in a most brilliant and rades. This young gentleman accomplished manner, he is thinking of entering for In presence of Mario Fonseca and Bernardo Vargas has been much feted and either a Lavy or a Medical Al shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity but up complimented by his exami course all depending on the to date with their payments.
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Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT studious pupil OLIMPIA BOX 252 us propredad de la


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