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SUBSCRIPTION 00 EDITOR MANAGER Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 NATION Apartado 123 Cartago WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA. Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment The only true Love and Peace on earth, is the love and Peace of Christ. It is inipossible to have Peace on earth, meanvvhile all classes of mankind fail to entertain a Complete recognition of each others rights and priveleges to exist together in a world created for all families of one common Parent to dvvell in.
NUM. 60 YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY DECEMBER 27 1930 Thoughts of Christmas Convention of International we as by die decoys, thereby Is this Is this Witchcraft?
as. Nearly two thousand Propaganda backed up esoterical participation of Wake because of the speyears have elapsed since the by diplomacy has such an Christ birth day the event culative propaganda carried Dear Mr. Editor: young eople gathered, the Special train bringing its free greatest Initiate that ever illusionary effect upon the is deprived of its sanctity; on by the wise. to lorde. As patience is the ground lived on the planet was human mind that even the hence the whole truth up millions and keep the work of all of God Creative riders in time to make the born, and nearly the same most intelligent at times should be told regarding mass in mental and spiritual Acts, it is but reasonable that ceremony more impressive amount have elapsed since fall as victims to its tena Christmas day, because it obscurity. Be attentive to his methods should be adopted This day was one of Religious His followers are paying cious tentacles. The Clirist is impossible to attune one the dictates of The Holy in most of what is done in rejoicing as the general topics homage to the day that mas celebration has been self to the astrological in Spirit who is ever striving his cause. Well, this has been specifically dealt with fulfilled He was supposed to be so judiciously planned that fluence that favoured the to bring new ideas to our our attitude since November Prophecies and Physical facts born, traditionally called millions have been placed time if one is noncorrobo. minds so that every day 7th to 9th. On these dates which proved that the world Christmas day. The 25 of into the pockets of the rative. deem it essential will be a birth day of the some of the most eventful present unrests are but a Biblical expositions came off removal of those injustard December which is annually Keepers of this Sacred that Christians take a new Christ within us.
means under worshipped as the birth day Trust. The average mind, outlook on Christmas day: here, and knowing or beleiving unrighteous of Jesus the Christ, was childlikein its nature is prone observe the desintegrative David Luke that your journal carries which Humanity suffers so nothing new a rite to accept digmas in good influence it brings in its Alba Farm correspondents here long, and the setting up of Hundreds of years prior to faith, therefore is easily hesitated, but still seeing no the Kingdom of God on earth Jesu birth, the same time caught in the nets spread mention of our meeting, hence since 1914, through which was observed by other rethis letter every man shall gel justice to ligious devotees as the birth becoming easy prey to the Prior to the above date. it sit under his own Vine and way of their Saviours, and fastidious appetite of the was arranged by the Board of Fig tree (or Cocoanut tree all religious enthusiasts wolves in sheep clothing.
a Comitee from the three if you please) 30 PM Following on Our mote all sorts of gestures and artilebrow from each the me Admitting that Christians representative classes, namely: closed ille Convention withi relative to the matter before culations with his stick dioeval church dignitaries homage 25th December as the Limon Tabernacle (iearby a public lecture, Topie, God cunningly affixed this to the birthday of Jesus The the Tribunals in Limon for an though beating some one.
She rose up early that the Anglican Church. Rio Kingdom is Here. This lecture will be Honda) and Guacimo of forthcoming 500 be the birth day of our Christ. presume that it alleged attempt of Murder by Saviour. From then it has should be done in simpliBlack Art practises.
morning to go to Mass and the Watch Tower Bible and persons al least listened to Become an established city it and in truth, The statement given by asked her husband to go with Tract Society of Brooklyn edeturer witir ribattention Mrs Martley whose husband her as it was dark, he went not a whisper was heard thus and homaged, worshipped so that all can be attuned New York, to have a three a half way called on a lady and exclusively honoured to the vibration is now in the Cuartel of Liwhich days General Convention of proving that people are good Bible with feasting and hypocriti attended the auspicious momon for biting the nose of friend who accompanied her Students at Pena when their attention is taken the obeahman supposed 1o Church and the husband cal solemnity. However ment when He was born up by reasonable suggestion Theatre here, with a special went back home, but Quinzie from the Scriptures.
whether this day is the Premonitary vision of Quenzie. is the effect train from Limon. This was awaited him, and caught hold All on board again right day or no, is of very the Christmas Day celebra: Quinzie who wiad recently obtained through the instrurented a room on her premises of him saying as he would for Limon. With no report of little importance to the tion sees some of its ce mentality of the Society in Jamaica Town. seem to not give up the wife he must President, Judge, Rutherany confusion smoking, Master; for he Himself lebrants; participating in have entered into an agreement die and be put in the grave boozing, as might be expected.
discarded all attempts paid actions very depraved.
ford irom the Compania Bathe woman HIRED SPECIAL TRAIN, HIRED to special feast days, birth Fancy the millions of with Quenzie to kill her as a prepared for manera de Costa Rica at hall sacrifice for higher favours staried hitting him with a THEATRE, LECTURES ALL FREE days, or any day set apart innocent animals that are rate. On account of the with the God he served in stick in the head; the son TO THE PUBLIC, NO FARE, NO as specially holy. But the slain to satisfy the carni.
inclemency of the weather we Black art; on several occasions heard the rompus came out COLLECTION past and present day events voruos appetites of celecould not stage off before reveal the fact that the maOur next Convention will to help his father but Quinzie Quinzie told her that she brants; Consider the miSaturday at seven thirty be held in Port Limon. Our jority of the human family lilions of dollar that are was going to die, hence she let go the father and chased when many Biblical questions Slogan is free free to all are still mentally and spi ruthlessly taken from the should prepare her soul to him down but he was fleeter were satisfactorily explained. Jehoval is the greatest Billionritually enslaved; virtually public by manufacturers of she paid no attention to his of foot than the Spirition meet her God but she says The last sesion for this day aire, the earth his treasury.
believing what have been so calle Christmas comand got into a neighbours was a lecture on Baptism. On little while deliverance will handed down through tramodities. Think of the exorprognostications; she noticed house, the would be murderer Sunday oil at M. One then went back to the father be here to stay. Thanks for dition and manuscript with bitant demands by the am that a grave about six feet Candidate was immersed in out querry, and if any of bassadors of Jesus for back of her premises, and a Mrs Martley arrived on the deep had been dug in the again heating him up when space Mr. Editor the Siquirres river, very Albert Ezra Pile their developed brethen Christmas offering. How orderly and quiet crowd of scene with the Police as some Secretary red Blanket hung aroundit would venture to remove many poor people are de the veil of obscurity that prived of their last to meet but her husband and Quinzie friend had ratt to the Church covers their eyes, such un that Days demand? The told her it was for removing and told her what was hapher hence she did not pening fortunate adventurers are debauchery and immoral dubbed as infidels, apostar practices are sufficient to suspect amy foul play: but They were all arrested taken tes, and even cast out as make the Angels Weep.
recently Quinzie got like a before the Courts, Quinzies Crazy As see Christmas exoobsessed by devils. Jesus man at nights and room was searched, and all disturbed her sleeping and The Christ, also suffered terically, am not antagosorts of Black art books and Limor Dec. 22 1930 believe that its the Pickings, when she asked why he made implements were found, among likewise and was finally. nistic to some of the pasMr. Nation. Editor that is causing so much War for office in the crucified. Hence superstition times indulged in because room, he replied that he was such peculiar noises in his them a Savage white Pigeon Limon SEARCHLICHT and his table and she is no beautifully ignorance, mental and spi the human is material, lence in The Spirit she took it ritual darkness will prolong he will even seek to mani decorated with vvines and Respected Sir: exception, indeed pity hier, for a long long time to fest his physical conviction for granted that he was a if she has lost her share biscuits vvith lighted candles am asking a small as thought ready for a feast; of Pickings. especially if it come.
externally; but without the revivalist of the Pacomiah space in your paper to is caused by me in the people all these are in the hands of answer Miss Cummings auditing of her books 96 6666 Later on Quinzie told her the Criminal Judge, but in her remarkable display of However think it is time OCCULISTIC CLINIC that her husband had made a Quinzie the Spiritman was an aged Lady talent and promise with him and if it set at liberty, while Martley that the Pickings of this demeanour. beg to say division should cease, her Dr. JOSE CORVETTI was not fulfilled he would die, is in jail for biting the vvould that am the 3rd vice, of statements are enough to so he had come for him, and be executioners nose.
THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY whom she speaks. That went to the grave and made show that did not expect Wanted 100, 00 Board any Pickings or would Deseas. and affections of the eyes, and Lodgings and expected not have wanted a salary on Vice Sanataram of Dr. Figueres a lot of pickings etc. for which could live lionestly, TO ADVERTISE IN the work she did for less She Is fretling and resort of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA THE SEARCHLIGHT pay, first say, Honi Soit Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizaro del Sisterna Nadonal de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Ricanse. So Coutinued from page Will these pickings cease!


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