
y 27 Dicember 10. 30 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE CHRISTMAS TIME Successful Function New Year gift TO THE BOYSCOUTS Again the evolution of parents friends and a shovvn us by his Incarnation, ghts vvill be subjected and lige has brongitus toquaintances and you will adverit and Supreme Sacri replaced by thoughts of true On Monday 22nd. The the gallery were kept speli dat season the year. Find Santa Claus coming fice for us. In that Love fraternal interest in the joys function advertised by bound in silence, one may which not o. y Cliristians by on that happy night our souls shoe find rest or vroes of others reciproc Me Thomas and Sa well immagine they were but all peoples of the ci when the Angels sang and and peace, and in our ated by kind acts throughout muels, came off of Arrusty stunned with delight. The bized world celebrate as filling those little stockings Union with our Heavenly all the seasons that shall Theatre and terminated in behaviour was exemplary christmas: As one passes vvith nicetes vvhich evinces Father, realized through the follovy, grand success The only criticism is that mong the streets he salutes to those little ones the in incarnation, vve should find The performers lived up the Troupe needs an his friends and acquaintan fusion of those lappy strength overcome the lo dil expectations of them eloquent Manager, and in Creed with a Happy Christ parents and friends of the His Incarnation becomes home highly pleased over artists behind the screens, mas, and he in turn court good vill Sung by the Site to us a fact of personal ex.
Thema friends the performance and cluse there was too much going cously returns that expres perior beings and so on perience to each one of us Mr. Fud. Braganza Bowertsified it on the best of it up and down fron stage sion of goouill towards Christmas morning they too coming to us in the Person who had been Clerk tokini ve seen in Limon to audience, and allow no yon, whether he be a Moha are inflated by the spirit of of His Holy Spirit to abide the Municipal Board Professor Symes was a friends to be peeping from medan, a confuscian a Jew, Irappin 23s. We find the poor in us, and to manifest in St Elizabeth for 40 years fals best and Miss Bogle behind the sereens on the or a freethinker; and why and afflicted also get attend and through is that Gooil will be sad to know seemed to have trained audience all this expression of happyed to by those who are vvill and Love of God to his death which arred all her bones into whale This spoils the serious thoughts? because it was the in a position to do so, be extended to our neighon the 2nd inst van ness of your business. Come Mr. Boven was consiexpression of the example with the idea of alleviating bours. by doing into them The success of the troupe ont again set by Angels nearly two their suffering and give ex. as you would like them dered the father of every is therefore assured then thousand years ago, to give pression of that goodvill toto do unto you giving that move of improvement in intention of that great event will mankind.
Joy and happy fellowship the parish. He was Secre.
which had taken place in From the foregoing, ceramong all our brothers and tary of the Munco and the world, the birth of the tainly comes a thought. In sisters not only at Christ Dickenson Trust of the one whose advent into this vvhat manner are we ce mas time, but throughout Potsdam and Malvern Sinful world base brought lebratin this message of all the Year. And so my Schools Peace on earth and the Angels? vvas it intended dear readers in vvishing Founder of the Mannings Goodwill until all men; and as a oire day revelry and you all a Happy and pleg Home for destitute children.
so that spirit of Joy, that rejoicing? or vvas it intend sant season, let us vvisit He wis Borut at Lincea spirit of equality, that spirited as a constant, univer: also that all unkind, un 79 years ago, and entered of comradeship is passed sal, sentiment of joy and charitable unbrotherly thout public service in 1876. fine Portable Organ for the Home along among us at this sea goodwill among us? If we son vvhich seem to make us will foloyy the dictates of Jack Orane will sell you this Il realize that there is the message, it continued intended to be among us by saying it begins today Beautiful Organ for only. 250. 00 that idea of kinsitip that idea and never ceases.
of similarity of interests, This being so let us ask that idea of goodvil, that ourselves the question, vvhat It is pleasing to read the food, and that young bays The People House. Limon idea of friendliness and am doing as a Christian Night Hawks report on the lol Limon can keep mitten up cordiality among us as favvards the fulfilment of Ist. Limon Troop, and through ti lang. But this 45 Children of a common this message of Joy and this medium like to exhort poor sentiment, when their Parent as brothers and goodwill vvhat am doing our troop, the 2nd Limbul very children are in the young sisters of humvvlso give tovvards that holy joy Catholie Scouts, not to remain boys of Limon, and are clips tise to this angelic excla among my kinsmen; hovv behind the line of progress from their blocks. There should mation, rear not said hic, am conducting myself to but try to uphold all that always be unity, we should Tear not, for be hold bring wards my neighbours and scouting calls fol. Mr. Percy be like the gridion of yon glad tidings of great friends during the all time Irons was established as the Rugby Football Team aim to Jon. To you this day is.
he conseguente if illness, Police and his assistant as so as to be in touch with Honorary Scout Master of the win, and win even if we horn a Saviour, who is the intentions of that happy troop, on Monday Night Dec should break a lex SM President of Guatemala the government and civiGeneral Luzaro Chacin well as many employees of Christ the Lord, vvirereuport message.
15th and he gave a very ins. Dixon gave a graphic detail resigned and turned over lians were killed, vould spring from this If there are animosities piring and cheering lecture on of the material site of scout lo his second Vice Presi.
The United States gov.
realization Peace on earth vexations, unpleastnesses what scouts ought to do, para los and it parents would and goodwill to all mankind: treache y going on betwveen ticularly Catholic Scouts. He rod The Searchlight they will but the liberal, Progresista tigations as to the intendent, sinor Bandilio Palma, ernment are making inves.
Therefore that ecstasy lias our acquaintances and tis. exhorted them te be worthy always hear something new been continued throughout then there is no idea of and independent parties tions of Orellana before children of Our Holy Mother Now, catholie Boy Scouting would not acknowledge him, recognizing the Rebellious the ages in the history gooduvill, thus being so, let the church, and by so being, means more than that, it means hence General Manuel Ma government. He is said to of the civilized vvorld, vve each one of us search our they will become gallant every Catholic Scout is bound ria Orellana started are have given an undertaking find ourselves looking for minds and see if the fault Scouts. He begged the Scout to obey the laws of the church, vvard to that day, that time is ours if 50. oot it out, voll and compelled Mr. 10 certify that he will only Masters Messrs Lavincere and the monal laws of God. They with a idea of happiness and leave on minds and Palma to sign in the occupy until the people that is of exchanging consciences clean, so that boys, but try with them as Firell, not to desert the ave being taught the fundarevolt the Minister of war clect their man; but will mentallism of their faith. They General Mauro de Leon the election be impartial?
happy thoughts happy mo our sohils may find rest they are looking up to them are compelled to receive their pents, lappy acts; each one The Director General of and peace because as the as their leaders. The Scout Blessed Lord once a year, Trying to make the other coming of our Saviour is masters responded, expressing and by thal, they are compelhappy and comfortable, one. a message of Hope of Peace their sincerity, and their de led to live moral lives. acquaintances pass by, he and Goodvill. vvhich he termination to stick, as long Catholic Scout ought not to TEATRO VARIEDADES is invited in spontaneously taught and lived on this to sip that sip of goodwill. earth, exhibiting that perfect But one problem that faces Tumble and modest, that every as life remains in their systems be a braggard, but to be so Domingo, 28 Cuatro Grandes Funciones that sip of be therly or love vvhich must emanate them now is the Financial one may feel the noble in Sisterly good. The chil. from goodvvill, thus revealluence effiising from his very Jugador de Golf dren too look forward to ing to us that infinite Love His Lordship Bishop Blessing, responsibility of each meinber presente. Catholic Scout TIEMBLA TITUBEA that spirit of affection, that of God to us. by permit has shown his interest in such should not be seen in any spirit of generosity from ing tirat self abnegation las 230 Especial para señoritas a loity organization, by builds disreputable place, nor asso ing for them a club room to ciating with moral lowering DETRAS DEL TELON be enlarged as they grow in number. He has supplied then Now Catholie Mothers and las 30. EL AMOR ES CIEGO with a lot ol literature and thens, do not drive your has helped with the financial children on the streets. re Shit made to order to the shortest notice.
part too: a bit, but he cannot member your religious obliA las 30 est English and Aineis tweeds, sergings and Flannels supply us with all we need gations. Its no he who cries stawien in San Jose come in and set my recent arrivals It the parents of these boys Father, Father will enter the La Magia de la Mujer Horth Wal Conus of Contral Iraniu where Plaza Viguez Tramway starts would only give helping Kingdom of Heaven Suit also made on the Raffle System. come in and get a number hand, and donate amite Blessed Lord. calls the chil Extra Sonora per month for the uplift of dren unto him and likened winning this week Insene Drawing No. won by Gonzalo River their own children, many of heaven to a kingdom of little Ticket No. 31 them would not in years 10 children. Do not let your big TO ADVERTISE IN able, his ladies Il Draw No. 21; won by Rafael Cardores Ticket No. 57 come cry Oh, where is my boy grow up as Hous style In presence of Gonzalo Clinvartial Max iron wandering Boy to Night It Roigh Necks Sleek THE SEARCHLIGH orchide wishful of obtaining the suits must o necessity but up has ever been hinted that these but encourage them all PILE to date with their payments elders are looking forward to IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSIN BOX 252 Sant Jordi TELEPlekte documento as propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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