
Saturday Dicember 27. 1930 Theatre Arrasty Christmas message Colonel Mary Booth in Costa Rica in its new feature a to VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO Cine MODERNO Wonderful Remedy is Elixir Antianofelo benefited by the pressure of Once more the familiar bution? What are you doing Limon, Dec. 19, 1930, Duncanson The Division strains of Christmas carols to make December 25, 1930 The latest novelty in the artists. Or may be you have and the enlivening chimes of Mr. Nation Officer of the Army, the Lady Theatre going world of Limon come from the Stadium, and indeed a Happy Christmas. Christmas bells float upon the Colonel and her private Secy.
This Yuletide offers more is been created by the have yourself you know Teacher Hylton, and myself; Arrasty management. touched up afresh with your air. The birds warble Christ opportunity for doing good Dear Mr. Nation: and Pastor Clyde Ellis Since December 14th, this Sunday best, with that mas; the music of the breezes than perhaps any other that Allow me to express my as they sough through the has passed. Financial depres appreciation of vvas inspiring to listen to the Theatre which has provided for anxiousness of continued rehonour vvords of vvelcome spoken leaves seems a Christmas an the comfort, entertainment, and creation, it is so opportune sion tends to make many you have conferred upon me by each, but especially inspiring them; and the rivulets dance satisfaction of its numerous to drop in and see a fine unhappy. Here is chance of contributing another Christ were the words addressed by patrons, has their way down mountainsides for those more lavoured in installed picture. It makes such an mas Message to your paper into the arms of their great this direction to do their bit.
the Lady Colonel. She spoke addition to its O clock elegant show to strut along for the benefit of our people from the text Jesus Christ mother who coos them it Matinee on Sundays, a creti in the evening, viewing the Then there are those upon think you vvill agree with the same, yesterday, today dezvous evening show which girls with their dressy sweeps.
Special Christmas welcome.
vyhose body the blight of me that the thoughts to vvhich and forever. Personally, feel Reader. whal Lakes place at o clock. wending their way the is your contri disease has fallen. Kind words have tried to give expression that could never have missed The initiative show was Parlor Theatre «ARRASTY of cheer, of hope, of courage are just what are needed for such a meeting. The meeting wonferiul. Limon theatre fans where you are escorted 10 may shed rays of sunshine such a time as this was held in the Wesleyan look advantage of and enjoyed your seat that you pay for into such hearts and make hope. am not taking too Church, the Rev. Duncanson it. The pioture was sublime. without being inconvenienced this, for them, in spite of their much upon myself, sir, but of Bocas del Toro presiding It has been discovered that with obnoxious querries. Then pains, a Happy Christmas.
am persuaded that mention as Chairman. The Lady Colonel an evening show brings out there may be a chance of cannot help but think of ought to be made through is the grand daughter of the many qualities and advantages meeting a Pals that at another those who mourn the loss of the column of your paper great Founder of the Salvation both to the picture and the hour you would not be able loved ones. Call not by an with regard to a meeting Army, and has been assigned goers. In the first case and to.
encouraging word help to which attended last night, the post of Commander of the chiefly, we note that the perfect make this for such ones a and at which meeting your clock is such a conArmy Forces in the West lines of the artist on the screen Happy Christmas?
humble servant was privileged Indies and Central America.
venient and innocent hour is more perfectly realized, and These appeals make espe to speak. It was in connection We all wish her success in the similarity to human beings At the Show of the 14th Remedio eficaz, the «Metrotone was exquisite, cially to the youth, who may with the vvelcoming of Colonel this her new sphere of endeaare more identified at this para la expulsión be tempted in their indulgence Mary Booth of the Salvation vour.
time of the eyening, and the in its rendering, the sychro de lombrices in the Christmas festivities, to Army, vvho by the way is on of Wishing you a Very Happy appearance reality mization is was complete the overlook the less favoured a short visit to these climes.
voices distinct and the public emphasized in a superlative Yuletide and a Bright, pros.
satisfied De venta en la the poor, the sick, the aged. There were on the rostrum manner perous and Happy 1931, many speakers representing remain.
Then clock is just the It is certainly a holiday treal Beader, are you any befter FARMACIA to day than when you read different denominations.
time that one would be ready that Arrasty has opined in ESPAÑA my last Christmas Message? There vvere, to name a few.
Very respectfully yours.
after the noon nap, the contributing to the Holiday LUCAS MORUA Have you been successful in Pastors Ford, Siley, Pitt, Keith Chesterfield Harrot brains and body having been festivities Farmaceutico CARTAGO. living down some undesirable refreshed, to concentrate on trait of character? Has the the picture and appreciate the SCREEN CRITIC PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres life of Him whose birth you at this time commemorate, Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away inspired you to nobler thought, and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be to nobler action to nobler shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies living? Has some life been shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
LIMON Siquirres EPILE your influence upon it? If not, If you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, To kill malatlal fevers, the only you have wasted one whole and Silent Films.
preparation guaranteed as a radical year of your life; you have hot cure for Yellow fever, blackwater Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and cumbered the earth for twelve fever, Ague, intermittent fever, coldsumonths all film direct from The Gran Teatro Raventos and all classes of fevers.
Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the com It is recommended for cleansing The world to day has need fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
disordered Liver only of men and women In proof of the above see the whose lives make it better Obstetrics, deseases of women following, for four months had for their being in it; nten and been suffering from Hay Fever of Genito Urinary tract women who from year to year and after trying all sorts of medicines was advised by Mr. Antonio add their quota in making it PRIVATE LYING IN HOSPITAL Half Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago a better place to live in.
to buy a flask at Carboni Co The Almighty has a purpose BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET This serves to advise the public that will not did 30 ud after taking it, was for every one who is born hold myself responsible for any debts contracted by permanently cured.
into this world. Do you seek, in turn recommended it to Ultra violet and Infra red Rays my wife Elizabeth Vassel, from the fact that she has Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, reader, to find out His purpose left my home and protection and adopted her own and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea for you; and, finding, do you DIATHERMY Vieja who used The Elixir Antian course of living seek to accomplish it? How ofolo with marvelous effects is a perfect must be the peace, SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 Timothy Vassel entre for all sorts of tropical fevers.
the contentedness of heart of No household should be without Jamaica Town it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al the one who can sit veath Limón 20th December Carboni Co. Cartago, the saffron clouds of his life setting sun with the full consciousness of life course 00 well run!
The Editor of Mowart, Clifford Royal and Und UUD May my Christmas Message THE SEARCHLIGHT James Johnson, are mere 00) this year awaken you to the Cartago goats for the sins of some000 WWW responsibilities of the hour. Dear Sir: one else and fine diet for the VVU may my Christmas message, The article appearing in greed of a certain shark, VUU help you to enjoy this festive your issue of Saturday the has been given my attenseason in its fulness; may my 13th instant,. der the tion; and as it offers me mon Christmas Message help you caption of An Explana an opportunity to give to 000 to gain a new vision of what tion instead of as accu the readers of The Search o the Christ expects of you; sation as it happens to be light a little amusement to 000 may iy Christmas Message and regarding which am the health of the absurdi.
000 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA 00 inspire you to nobler living satisfied in my mind that ties and errors that have WWW And examine the extensive assortment of buy and voices atuned to the note during 1931. Then, with hearts the public have seen just crept into the columns of as have, that the sub scrib your popular cual the UDO TOYS and SPORTS GOODS UWV struck by the Heavenly choir, ers Reginal James, William enemies may prepare for 000 WW we can with Mendelssohn ani coming WWW make the arches of the universe My reply to Explanation 000 000 ring with our Christmas reconciled! Joyful all ye will be sent in time for WWW Andres Brenes Co. Barrantes e hijos Manuel Alfaro WWU anthem 000 nations rise, Join the triumph your next issue.
CARTAGO of the skies. With the ange. is ALAJUELA HEREDIA Hark the herald angels Repectfully, sing. Glory to the new boru host proclaim Christ is born King Peace on earth and in Bethlehem.
James Cleland mercy mild. God and sinners Keith Chesterfield Marriott per B Dr. Grillo Warning to the public Hold the Foot CHRISTMAS PRESENTS It will. PAY YOU to visit EL CENTRO DE SPORT Agents in the Provinces Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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