
PORS THE SEARCHLIGHT IU UNTERNA Saturday December 27 1930 The great Injustice explained Harvest Festival The last of the Mormons Going christmas urge Limon Division UNIA of the 500 colones received on UNIAHer claims of en The Siquirres Division of preached amongst us by Conspecial mention of Mies Mills scientious men and women as also Miss Kellerman for CL the 5th, of August to run a couraging loafers and paupers the staged a 21st December, 1030. pic nic train. Se did not make to sit in high places in Liberty Harvest Festival on Sunday of our racę, who feel the urge the songs they 50 forcefully MES. Nation any entry of same in any of Hall, and play dominoes and the 21st, which came in for of Nationhood, and who knows rendered, and which called for her books or papers except cards, if it was 10, as she Editor Limon Searchlight the one book of liabilites, ilmuch comment, and which that there is no other way much applause. Short lectures Respected Sir: claims to be a lady, he should has acted as an impetus to Negroes to make genuine were given by representatives which she entered the loan as not have allowed heçself to many of the backward ones headway, than through the of the Pacuarito aid Liverpool Please permit us received on the 4th of August, be identitied vvith such lov amongst us who are lagging way mapped out by the Divisions, and this interspers a little space in your esteemed in Sante book, she stated that ed by songs and anthems practices, and bring it be behind and are trying to forget founders of the paper to explain the piece in the sum of 300, 00 with the fore the general membership: thier obligation to a cause your news paper entitled So as to catch the train the by the Choin much praise terest was paid to Mr. Holnes, it would seem that her loss of that needs assistance to their meeting was turned over to injustice by Miss. Cumagain must be shovvered on mings past Executive Secretary on the same deal. How much job is compelling her to tesort future in the distance, and Mr. Stewart, Expresident Mr. Jones for his untiring was the interest? She enterof this division to extreme falsehoods. The the good that they can do of the Div. who in his masterly efforts to give the members ed into the same book, in She states, The Officers acted Officers of this regime are not right now.
custom carried forward the and the publie healthy and ungentlemanly towards her the month of September. no afraid of the most drastic scru Mr. Brown of the Liverpool program many songs and clean entertainment and unconstitutional there was date attached that the sum of tiny, Mr. Reid vvas No. Div. acted as Chaplain it the recitations were rendered by mob, etc. By the following James Secretary.
15. 00 was paid to Mr. Honles on the roll that founded the Spiritual exercises; among other the tots, but we must make the public will see whether on to same deal, for one month Limón division N tirings this gentleman stressed the foregone statements are interest. This is only one An its first Treasurer. Mr.
the needs of Patience, Opticorrect or not of the many instances of faulls Samuels vas a President in mism, hope, and love, in their found. At the close of the inFollowing an investigation Cuba Mr Pearson was one different and cooperative vir held by the general membervestigation. charge was laid of the founders of both the tues in their application to slip at which some of the Of against the said Miss. Cum Havada Division Also the Guaboth the plantings of spiritual ficers of other divisions where mings for gross Negligence tabacoa division serving as and temporal, le referred to It is with regret but not Any way the satisfaction present, it was brought out As per constitution Page 43. Trustee, then Secretary of the the patience of the Husbandthat She had made out a re So 10. Sams was taken to Havana Div. Asst. Secretary man in contradistinction to a surprise that we learn that is ours to see them fall.
Mr. Cleveland Duncan one by one. Sometimes in ceipt for the sum of 500. 00 the bodrd, for their decision, then Treasurer and also Pre. child who did not experience she was but she allowed Mr. A tried and found sident of the Guanabacoa Div.
the things of life, how impa owner of the premises triplets; and will only say Smith to sign the recept and guilty, which was brought back the other officers, have served in most children are, and formerly owned by the like the Count of Monte relatives of the lace Jack Cristo. The same God who affix the seal of the Division to the general membership for it offices some of them over that it is most incumbent on them to penalize or acquit hier and over again the public experienced, and grown up Williams who was the oldest has permitted us to live to to the receipt. when it was as per latter clause of same exclusively her duty as secretarule. The President who as in krovys it ilicy are trust vor persons to exercise this virtue inhabitant of Limon up to be of use to those who the time of his death, has upheld our hands in the with ry to do so) She Made the rehty or no. We the officers are both in their relations any organized society has pow. vvilling to tep out individually the world. Spiritual as well skipped the town leaving coritroversy, lus also per ceipt in the name of the divier to convene special meetings as temporal) and especially mitted is to live to sion but did not receive any see or collectively it a legimate of our Banks as owner of when necesary Appointed an money, the receipt was made on fault can be produced so in relation to the seeds for those who plotted to wreck this valuable property.
hour to regulate the Secretary their fruition, the subject was the 20th August for the loan our good name, fall in the Thanking you in advance, This is the subject whom Matter in reference to the charvery ably handled by Mr.
for on behalf of the present stall Brower, and this Div. hapes a minor ge, He then laid out the debut powerful pit that they made we are yours fraternally Section of the LA others. See how the last Better than the cision of the board and what that suchi eloquence in Reid lines of truth will always be choose to prejudice the of the Plotters las disap Paloma Biscuits they were required to do, readgood name of the writer peared. Vengeance is mine, President ingin tite mean time the by accepting his testimony saith the Lord and will boys. whats up. latter clause of tule sec. 10 in preference to a tried and repay it Tly will, no up to Booths shop page 44 worthy philantrofist mine Lord, be done.
man to buy some of his Her friends instead of using Biscuits.
the oportunity 18 move her Eating one bu will be acquital started a commotion When Christmas comes. pattern after which our satisfied of the that asking questions, and making we are compelled to face lives should be moulded.
Booth Bisculis leaddemands in such a boisterous a very real and central fact. If We could only rid where others fail to follow. manner that the President had it is that in Christ the ourselves of the obsession Shallil be Pease or war propriations of the Italian Now see to it that you to threaten them to call the God head was self reduced of selfishness, and count buy a Biscuit branded police if they did not chey. but real, whose strength it a joy to render service The constant observers government will bear oud our obscrvations, the ent with the name Booth.
of world affairs become As he could not get order.
was perfected in weakness, to our fellows, with the vote for expenditures for They can be had at all He resorted to the power vest who consented not 1931 is 965, 515, 554 liras: to purest and highest motives. e. ery day more and more chinese vendors.
Would realise our sceptical as to the profesin him by the constitution, know, with an ignorance we while the Ministry of sions of the Powers of Eatirg one yon will be pages, 40, see. and 44 sec.
divinely wise, who emptied Master will.
the globe in their alliances 537. 622, 600 liras with war will appropriate convinced that they are 11 He therefore dismissed her himself in virtue of his To our community, and certainly the best Local from the office of executive divine fullness the wide world, in which and afiliations to the League 752. 890. 000 for the Navy, Biscuits in the Country of Nations in So far as secretary While some many have Each seeks to rule for hence it will be seen that Ask for them at Estrada We are now compelled to difficulty in understanding his own self and hand questions of a lasting peace war preparations much and. Matina as well as send a copy of this proceeding how The Incarnation came and making war upon each are concerned.
exceed the expenses of To coincide with our Limon to the Parent Body of the have no trouble in knowing the land the meaning of conclusions the recent apto pass, we all ought to other, spreads ruin through State Is this looking toward Peace or war?
what it means the message of Christmas, The first is a matter of should become clearer as science, the latter of the years go by. And as religious faith. The science We hear, let us obey, and AND of it can wait, but the worship the King of Peace, Bought from you are grateful for what they BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY religion of it cannot just as the shepherds did are doing for your hays. Not ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED we know On the first Christmas What The Incarnation mor.
that soul inspiring Do not only the Catholic parents, but follow the footsteps every mother and father in Burel established for the greater convenience ander means, it is lasy to unders.
Bertram Siley foolish leaders, foolish parents Linton should be proud to andling, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pusfand the relation which it see a Scout Master passing blle in their legal affairs and Collection Department annexed has with mankind.
Wesleyan Methodist who shake their heads with for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
scorn, condemning these boys the structs. YouScouts of It means selfless devotion Church Law from that does not encourage litigation to lose a to eternal perdition, squeezing timon, you cannot expect Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the to a purpose, and as such Limon then out from their inheri.
the Good Lord tove you public to onesty and efficieirey. Both now operated under the is the noblest and highest tance, your moral support everything, if you are not the direction of Barrister with over twenty five years practical Help them to meet their liawilling to reach for it your experience, acquired on the Bench of the vartous Circuit Courts he presided as fudge and by fraction before the Circuits Supe.
bilities. Encourage Catholic sell. Pay your soul dues LAWYERS NOTARIES rior and Supreme Court of the Republic His heat testimonials Culture and contribute to their Sacrifice some of your movie are records of the case in conducted a judge and Counsel AT LIMON moral upkeep. Remember fares for scouting go to Messes DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA that there is EWNO ODIO MENDEZ To class or Eeria and save a quart MUREUD BERBULE Ofer their services to the English Speaking Public is solicitors distinction in Catholocity tholic Scouts, attend regularly before the lower as well as the Supreme Court of the Republic Notarial documents also prepared at lowest pricos Now is the time to show at your parades and Camp ENGLISH STOKEN what you are made of Do fires, and route marche ReMAIN OFEICH BRANCH OFFICE not quarrel if your boys member to do a good turn Limor Dosite Joserowe should be corrected by the every day, and that turn may Scout masters, they are like be trying to avoid the Broad Correspoydenis alid Agents at the principal ports and cities of FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. teachers. They have voluntarily way of Social Destruction anana Colombia Nicaragus Dobi Taman At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small given their service to do their Mr. Editor, thanking your tallennita, New York, linals and Pennsylvania, insa family residence adjoining the Post Office best to the upliftment of the for the space for this article Apply to Sam Mcintosh Yours truly SIQUIRRES community Respect them as Dolores Joseph Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguer Obregon Lizano del sistema Nacional e Blowotecas der Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica. ful that Worlds affairs LIMON SERVICE BUREAU To the Boyscouts As soon as


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