p. 6


PAGE Saturday December 27 1030 ELEGANT THE SEARCHUHTU better make and attention to orders from all parts of the Line. We have many clients in the Line.
Shoes For Ladies, young ladies and gentlemen Special shoes for workmen, we guarantle our APOLONIO BRENES LIMON East side of the Public market ELEGANT SUCESSORS CARTAGO, Calle Comercio front of Farmacia España SHOE FACTORY OF (ZAPATERIA)
How do we Compare?
From the Pocora Division Dental Laboratory American clean but not are flushed with an abunthe cleanest.
dance of water.
Comparison of the relative Automobiles send a great cleanliness of American and deal of dust to the gutters, European cities is the theme and the wind scatters it. of an article in Hugria (Chi slight breeze, in Nevy York ago. causes their to be filled The author. Ines Stearns with dust and scraps of paper.
Macaulay, bases her comments The dust blovvs into people a recent tour of European eyes, and settles on their cities by Dr. George Soper, clothes and in their lungs.
to observe street and outdoor Germany, Austria, cleanliness. We read: Czecho Slovakia, and England. Altho American cities are Di. Soper found that a nevy far ahead of some European system of collection of refuse oties, they are far behind the vvas being used, which abso clearest European cities. In a lutely eliminated dust. The ivvo hour ride about Munich cities oven special house cans, the cleanest city of all. The vvhich they lease to household armount of litter seen vvas ers. The can is emptied into no more than could have a closed collecting vehicle by been carried avvay in a man means of a shutter, vvhich land, Soper reported. automatically sens vvhen Litte baskets, attractively the can is prest against it, designed, securely placed, and and closes vvhen it 15 emptied frequently, are provided withdravvn. so thal it is in the cleanest European cities. impossible for dust to escape.
In Paris, gutters and streets COD000000000000000000000000000000000000000 The Scandal on Ginger, cleared Hotel ATLANTICO Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make On Sunday, Dec. 14th beth and Miss Downer, you comfortable at rediculous prices the members and friends representative of the La write to EDUARDO ESCARRE enjoyed an enthusiastic time Africa div. represented Tret 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA at our Liberty Hall. The ri lawny, there was a slightualistic part of the meeting difference in their offering was presided over by Mr. and so a contest took place SEEEE Holder secty of the Es but at the latter end the trada div.
Madre de Dios Div. took The meeting was then the first place financially, of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago turned over to Ms. AA whilst La Africa ran a Eastern Gate of the Market Johnson president of the pretty close second.
div. after welcoming the The chairman at this Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth friends to the liall he made juncture held the audience Have yours done al oncol and the best in Cartago a few brief remarks and spell bound, a small but is at DENTISTA BATRES introduced Mr. Harrison truly great man he is, Pocora First class materials and best workmanship (Day school teacher) ancongratulates him.
therefore the cheapest officer of the Waldeck div. At the close of the chairas chairman, who introduc mans oration the president ed himself to the audience made his closing. remarks this being his first visit thanking the friends for making some most inspiring the success they made of remarks, he turned to the the function. The meeting programme; a song by the was then closed by the Ginger Paralysis Traced alcohol vwhich that ligud choir. The open door; an ad chaplain.
to Unique Drug contains. The chief symptom dress by Mr. Barret of We are thankful to the of the disorder vvas a more Cairo div. a recitation by many friends for their coopeOne method of getting ration and financial aid or less complete paralysis of Miss Consilla Brown; an around the Prohibition lavy the hands, feet and lovver address by Mr. Sydney which brought about a promises to give medical parts of the legs and arris. Montague, sectry of the great success, after having scienee knovvledge of a nevy The rest of the body was Madre de Dios div. a song spent a fine day.
and interesting poison and but likle affected and, contrary by the choir, within thy Fred Johnson a drug useful in biological to the usual action of paraly gates; a recitation by little Reporter experiments, perhaps even in zing drugs, there was no Miss Brown; an address medical practise, says Dr. disturbance of the senses of by Mrs. Rates of Zent Free in his Week Scierice touch or pain. The poison div; followed by an address (New York. We are told: Romoval probably acted, the experts by Mr. Barnett, of Sin This drug and poison conclude, on a more or less quirres div, a song by the apparently is identical with definite spot in the spinal, choir, We are pilgrims beg to acquaint my or closely similar cord, so that the nerves looking on many friends along the compound already knovvisto controlling movements lines that am novy nicely of The Rally on the fourteen situated in a large airy chemists and named tricresyl legs and arms vere blocked. parishes of Jamaica was Home at Cartago, evhere phosphate. This is the material, No other drug or poison is now set in motion. Nine experts of the Public known to act in this way of the parishes were can be at the disposal of Health Service have decided, The peculiar effects of com presented, by representati Cartago for a change.
re my friends coming up to vvhich probably caused the pounds of the tricresyl class ves of the following divi mysterious cases of paralysis on the spinal nerves ΠΟΥ sions: La Africa, Cairo Ci Charlotte Biggerstaf vvhich turned up in large vvill be investigated in detail marrones, Madre de Dios, numbers early this year as fo see vvhether facts of Waldeck, Estrada, Liverpool, result of drinking synthetic biological or practical impor and Zent.
The Blackman exiract of ginger for the ance can be learned.
The Madre de Dios div. Get The Blackman whose representative was from Mrs. Jane DouLAWYER AND NOTARY Mr. Montague represen glas of Limon. The ted the parish of St. Eliza. New Agent Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal documents prepared. flonest advices on points of Law given before going in to Courts; Never contesta losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto Rufino Solis. Lawyer Upstairs the Commercial Store and Avenue, Limon English and French Spokon One of the most important houses of Hamburg Importation and Exportation QU! CK RELIEF FROM PAINS CAFIASPIRINA made a comand BAYER um BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Don accept any tube or envelope packets Without the Bayer Cross 0000000OXDUOXDUODUOD00000000OUOXUDU000000000 Will these Pickings.
SCHLUBACH, THIEMER Co Champagne from Sugar Cane Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica RAMON ULLOA Co. SC Spaniard named Leon feel that a great salvation Elso Blasco, has been suc has come to the Sugar Continued from page as Secretary until the mem cessful in his experiments Industry because the proSan Jose, South West Corner of the Cathedral ing to foul means to wreak bers can get some capable in manufaturing champagne duct is said to be as live lier Vengeance but can person that they can trust, from the Sugar Cane and as French Champagne of TELEP. No 3509 APARTADO 1061 and will furnish all infor if cant honestly serve its bye products in Cuba. the oldest Vintage and to mation as to my past, and will step out in sorrow, The Cuban officials of the have a flavour to match Exportation: All products of the country: coffee, she can ask any second but not in disgrace. When Department of Agriculture any of the finest wines. hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
inan of note whetheir you start to critize, remem NATIYE or WEST INDIAN ber the Stone that roboundImportation: All that may be needed, especially Ger in Limon of Pearson, in ed, it may hit you very AIDA CAFETERIA man Merchandise, Articles for manufacturing or indus.
or out of Society, as to seriously. If it is made to any character, have no reboundd.
trial lines: as well as for domestic purposes for Ironmons The hard times infuses us to cater for your best entertainment Strings unto me, My hands Thanking You Sir in All Limon knows there is no one to please your taste and gers, iron, wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cement, Mangres; advance.
appetite as Alda are clean, as an officer of When in Limon drop around the NI. comer and so Stationery; Agricultural implements; Artieles for Drug.
titis division mean to am yours gratefully.
for yourself stores: Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, etc.
Work honestly, on bohalf Once you come is always to return of this association, acting Willian Pearson Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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