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SUBSCRIPTION (3. 00 OR MANAGER Quarterly in Advance NATION Apartado 123 Cartago SINGLE COPY 25 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SATURDAYS THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA) MAN OF THE DAY Another Function by the Star Combination Company Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally abora por los intereses de Costa ica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment It is said that opportunity calls at our door but once in a lifetime; but it is a fact, that each one of us is qua: fied by talents, instincts, tendencies, abilities and general characteristies of nature to perform certain things better than others, therefore devote your abilities to the one field of effort for which yon are best qualified; and make your own; for the self created opportunity is always the best.
YEAR IT LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JANUARY 10 1931 NUM. 61 her pait is cusgrace that Counseller ta Rica.
Politics in and around as for In Messrs Thomas and SaA. he then proceeded to Indeed the different acts con born players, it only credit to her people. In muels again England vvhere he received entertained performed by there artists goes to shovy vvhat our short there was not one the Theatre Fans at Arrashis secondary training in Encan stand reproduction and people are capable of doing of the troupe that did not glish and later entered the ty on Monday night by appreciation in any coun under proper training. It is perform his or Infantry School of Camp another shovy, vvith his try. Limon and Costa Rica only fair to say that the vvell, ofcourse as Benning, Georgia, troupe of performers; vvho generally may vvell com Benbovv troupe vvould sink tomary with nature, some for military training. But this acquitted themselves in a pliment herself in having into insignificance before with greater ease and brimanner that brought great such a local company, or this Company in time, Itancy than others.
vvas not all.
Immediately after his graapplauses from every sec. ganized trained and com The Buck dances, kickduation from the Military They intend breaking out tion of the house, prised entirely of Costa Riing performances and lim. for San Jose at an early School, he studied at Layola bering and stretching ex date and if they are proUniversity of New Orleans, cercises of the troupe is perly advertised, there is no La, vvhere he again received certainly marvelous.
As a comedian Mi. Sy ve unbounded successes in reason they should not hathe degree of Bachelor of New Year Greetings Arts; and finding that he vvas mes, son of our deceased all the cities of the Interior.
inclined for the legal profesLimon Service Bureau Limonense Tity Symes the Unfortunately the youngsDruggist is a credit to us, ters of the Band have been On December 22 last, An sion, don Antonio entered Wishes to express to its namerous clients and vvill vvith continued tonio Cruz Bolaños, with Columbia University of Nevy friends and collaborators, through this a bit unreasonable in their vvhose photograph vve ho York vvhere he received the medium, its uttermost gratitude and practices be as a good as demands; on the Manager.
highest appreciation for their unselfish anything of his class. The nor these columns, obtained degree of Bachelor of Lavvs, support and cooperation during the year As is customary with from the National Lavy School and vvas admitted as a memleading actress Miss. Bou1930, and anticipates for them happiness and prosperity during the ensuing ber of the Tau Delta Phi fragle, has mastered her train some individuals, they want rt San José, the Degree of Year.
Bachelor of Lavus, after pass.
ternity in the early part of ing with such ease and to get rich overnight hence Emiliano Odio Aurelio Bermúdoz cannot fail to these men, after practising ing his examination vvith ho 1927, vvben he decided to Soliciting Manager afford her a vvonderful cafor six or seven nont nors before a Board of Exá return to his native izd. CosLimon, January 1937 reer on the stage. The ae. they would expect to reminers constituted of five of robatic feats of the perfor trieve all their time lost on the most able members of Upon his arrival here, Mr.
the very first performance the Bar. The significance of mers predicts for them in Cruz inmediately entered the that they put before the the distinction merited to Mr.
years to come great sucNational Lavy School, so as cesses in this art.
public, by demanding an Cruz does not rest alone in to become perfectly informed the fact of he having quali with our jurisprudence, and The hypnotic exercises of exorhitant amt. from Mr.
Proffesor Thomas vvas clean Thomas, by vyhich the in the meantime obtained perfied to practice as an Attorney at Lavv before the Tribu mission to function in the and well done. In fact the Comandante had to inter nals of Central America, but Civil and Criminal Courts.
presence of this Company vene, or there would have. valuable services each for one year, and during in any tovun is vvell worth been no shovy on Monday.
During the past for In Panamá there was a the support and apprecia It is evident that consithat he will be able to render the third year he worked in night much unrest has ari Coup etat, by which to the public in general, es association vvith his father, to sen in political affairs not President Arosemena vas.
tion of any community and dering that the instruments pecially to the english speak acquire practice in proceedure. only in Rica but in some forced to resign and Mr. Company of players great and Samuels that they will vve are predicting for this belong to Messrs. Thomas ing element residing in Cos. Mr. Antonio Cruz Bolaños is of our Sister Republics. Alfaro has been called from ta Rica, because of his unusual a son of Mr. Luis Cruz Meza Our Ministers of Finan Washington to take charge successes vvherever they go. have to reorganize this Little Miss. Leon vvill section of the Company culture and commad of En a popular and eminent Attorces and Education, Messrs. of the Presidency. The Star glish in every subject of the ney of Costa Rica and the Carlos Aragón and Ricar and Herold has been sus.
be a great actress and a by a feasible contract.
nephew of the late Antonio do Fournier have resign pueded in consequence.
Just as his father and other Cruz, considered as one of ed their portfolios.
The nevy government ancestors, Mr. Cruz has been our lavvgivers, vvho in 1888 foolish attempt at re. of Guatemala has been fortunate to have lived the vvas appointed a member and volution was made in Gre acknovvledged by Costa life of and have been a stu president of the Commission cia by Mr. Ernesto Martín, Rica and the United States dent for some tvventy years, composed of such noted Jua prominent lavvyer of San of America.
never allovving the opportunity risconsults as don Cleto Gon José aud a fevy followers, President Moncada of This is the phrase of was not given by the to acquire knowledge to go by zalez Viquez, don Ricardo Ji but they vvere arrested and Nicaragua is protesting a consternation now in Li husband; children are being He has trod the doors menez, don Ascension Esqui.
all is quiet. Four guards gainst the vvithdravval of mon. The heads of families sought now.
and occupied a student vel and don Jose Astúa vvhich were wounded in the fra the American Marines from of Limon are living in fear On New Year, night it bench in some of the best codified the Civil and Comhis country, but the popu and trembling in conseis said that this man mys.
educat al and professional mercial Lavvs of the country.
lace demands it.
quence of the perambulaSince his graduation, Mr.
teriously got into the home insttutions in Central Ame.
rica, England and the United Cruz has been offered a protions of this suppose. Sa of Mrs. Duncan near the crifice: man around the and was luring States of America. After com minent position by a foreign town.
one of her children to him pleting his elementary and Corporation of repute opera.
It is said that this man but got away when the secondary training here, he ting in the country, but, as in conjunction with his attention of the Police was entered the Guatemala Nation he desires to obtain a vvider partner Martley, have been called, by climbing down al Institute from vvhich he Continued on page digging a treasure in the the Verandah Post in the graduated with the degree of in wishing her many patrons and readers vicinity of Rio Bartolo and back. Since then it is said es great happiness and contentment throughout Moin, and another near by other attempts have been OCCULISTIC CLINIC to the Pocomyah Church made to entrap children, this year, begs to express its appreciation on the road to Camp one, but a few days ago an Dr. JOSE CORVETTI for the many favours extended to our but for Want of a sacrifice attack was made on three efforts, and solicits the continuance of of human blood, as is the girls at Cieniguita. The OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY your kind sentiments during the past, practise among these black attention of a Detective Deseases and affections of the eyes throughout the ensuing year.
art Wizards especially from was called to this, but nothHaiti and the French west ing has been done.
Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres Indies the treasures cannot It is time that the Police The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA be lifted. Hence it is said investigate this scandal that as Mrs Martley life around Town.
THE MAN. THE MAN. cas. The Searchlight Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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