
Saturday January 10. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA) New Year Message Dental Laboratory Gratitude and Hope nevy year 1931.
Catholic Societies Birthday Party an of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago How old art thou?
Eastern Gate of the Market Nearly every case of deranged Stomachis is traceable to Bad Teeth To my many patrons and friends do At the passing away. of cannot but look upon our Have yours done at once! and the best in Cariaga take this opportunity of extending my 1930. am mindful to write a lifes course as the patriarch is at DENTISTA BATRES heartiest gratitude and apreciation of the short message relative to our did.
First class materials and best workmanship patronage extended to me during the life duration and pilgrimage We are begining a therefore the cheapest past, and hereby crave a continuance of on this earth with the fond milestones of our life jourtheir many favours to me during the hope that it will be profitable ney. Would it be out of reaHow old art thou? This son for us to consider the At the same time it is my Sincere was a question asked by number of days as to hovy wish that, may no cloud mar the brightPharoah of the old patriarch far yve have advanced spiriness of your pathway so that you may Jacob when he went dovvn to tually? Thedays of our age all be blessed with inbounded happiness Egypt at the invitation of his are three score years and and prosperity all the year through.
son Joseph. And the ansvver ten: tho some may depart On Thursday night the very path vvas surrounded McRac to the question vvas. The prematurely and others livve 18 th an impromptu Fare with thorns. He has reaBotica Moderna days of the years of my so much longer above the vvel Party was held in lized that she acepted pilgrimage are an hundred limit, yet it is appointed unto our School Room, to bid the call to evangelize, and and thirty: fevy and evil have all men once to die, sooner Miss. Winifred Irons, sister she stayed up there vvith the days of the years of my or later. Hovy old art thou? of Mr. Percy Irons and all its hardships, ad mayor Itfe been We have closed another teacher of the Siquirres am Dei Gloriam. Mrs Joseph do not intend to vvrite year and vve have got thus Catholic School. Au revoir next read an adress from on Jacob life. Suffice it to far on our life journey: ve The Revd. Frs. Acosta and her Auxiliary, of which say that of all the patriarchs knovv not vvhat is before us Albert Walgarten graced us Miss Irons vvas an active that Scripture has given us in the New Year. There may with their presences. Mrs. member, both in Jamaica account, there is none be joy or sorrovy, yea even Apoline Joseph, President to and here. She has been Christmas Soiree vs Helen Chambers, Miss Edith vvhose life is more pitiable. death. It has been so vvith the Ladies Auxiliary to the Secretary for tvvo conseBerthday celebration.
Carnegie, Mr. Kenneth Bobb, He vvas novv about to begin others, as vve experienced in Kt. of Miss Cristina cutive years at home. Sr. very enthusiastic dance Miss May Lou Stephenson, a nevy course of living. His previous years. But it makes Gayles, President of the Juvi. Gayles gave a smal!
vvas held at the home of Mrs. Mr. Clyde Gallop, Mr. home vvas novv to be in a no difference with the believ niles, Miss. Ester Aimsworth, speech, small, but filled Doris Falconer of Cartago on Nation, Miss Theresa Ricketts nevy country, Egypt, and ers in Christ, and all things school teacher, Miss. Irons, vvith affection. Mr. Irons the night of the 25th Dic. in Mr. Robert Bobb, Mrs. among nevv environments, work out together for good. Mr. Van Brovvn, Secty. thanked the good Fathers conjuction vvith the celebration Cameron and others. fine etc. Taking a retrospective While vvorking for material of the St. Antony Society, and kind friends for the of Miss Jane Robinson time vvas had by all.
vievy of his past life hr success let us also labor for Mr. Percy Irons Hon. Scout sentiments they had disbirth day; invitations vvere Miss Jane Robinson hails beheld vanity and vexation of that which perishes not. For Master 2nd Limon accu: played tovvards his sister.
extended to a large crowd from Mandeville, but has been spirit. He expostulated with vvhat shall it profit a man if pied the rostrum of honor, Miss Irons returned thanks of folly friends from La Florida in the employ of Mr. Cecil the king in the manner as he shall gain the whole on the floor vvere Sr. Her and begged us to pray for and Cartago among those Lindo for several years; and quoted in ansvver to the ques world, and lose his ovvn nández, Sr. Gayle, Miss. a safe voyage for her, and present vvere. The Misses tion. Hovy old art thou. As soul, or vvhat shall a man Hortensia Hernández. St. has promised us to return her presence among her friends Dolores and May Gallop Mr.
in Cartago gave rise to her it was with the patriarch give in exchange for his Vice Juvenile, Sr. Annie if she can help it. She then Glasgovy of Panama, Miss entertainment by them, as a Jacob so it is vvith us one soul? Let everyone vvho has Clarke, Sr. Precilla Davis, begged us to sing with her Enid Benedict, Mr. Guillermo mark of appreciation.
vvay or another in our life been spared to see the davvn organist, Miss Zoila Rosa a hymn to Our Little TeAnteguera of Panama, Miss journey. Jacob vvas 130 years of 1931 resolve to follovy Van Brovvn, and Dolores resita of the Child Jesus. The.
old and he accounted his Jesus in the way. He came Joseph, Janitor.
little entertrainment ended years fevy and evil on ac into the vvorld to seek and Mr. Brovvn explained vvith a light refreshment.
Mules for Sale count of the dificulties that save the lost. And may the reason for the gathe. Miss Irons has indeed been outvveighed the good, in your daily motto be.
ring, as he acted as chaic. one of the fevv young vvoShould you need Mules for your Farm, Cart comparision vvith his foreA charge to keep gave man Fr. Wolgarten gave a men vvho kept up their inte.
or any other uses, you can procure them in Si.
fathers Abraham and Isaac. God to glorify lovely adress to Miss Irons, grity, even as they were quirres, from Mr. Rizo who has a great What sayest thou of this my never dying soul to save explaining the tough time wont to do at home. Hope And fit it for the sky.
variety in different sizes and prices brethren? Looking back on she had had in Siquirres and we may have more of her Communicate to Rizo, Siquirres.
the past ve cannot but Wishing one and all a very that her bed was not type here and less of the behold breaches and gaps of Bright, peace ful and prosper strevvn vvith roses, but her other.
unsatisfactory nature. Bereav ous. Nevy Year.
MULAS ed of comforts, of friends Prof.
and relatives by death; sufSi Ud. necesita para su finca o cualquier otro ferers of pain, need, sickness Thomas Wellington Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see objeto, puede conseguirlas en Siquirres con el and other adversities yve how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make señor Rizo, quien ciene de varios tamayou comfortable at rediculous prices ños y precios.
EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and Commissions on Legal affairs.
to Hotel ATLANTICO What is there in a name?
ERNESTO ORTEGA AIDA CAFETERIA Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartago The hard times infuses us to cater for your best entertainment All Limon knows there is no one to please your taste and appetite as Aida When in Limon drop around the corner and see for yourself Once you come is always to return great acquisition On Sunday last, The child at Baptism is the name Ven. Archdeacon Oakley by which that child is known kept his audience spell to God, so parents should bound by his sermon on not be frivolous in naming the significance of the name their children, beause every Jesus and went on expresname has an influence on sing that all names carry that child for good or evil, their corresponding signi especially when named after ficances and influences. some saintly person who He took his theme from has gone before, would the 21st verse of the 2nd we expect the life of that Chapter of St. Luke gos. person to weigh some good pel, proving that this name influences in the life of the was selected by the Angel child so named. He proved before the child was even that there is therefore much conceived, because there in a name.
was the significance of He announced that his what his life on earth should Lordship the Bishop would have been Saviour to soon be here to perform fallen mankind; and he went the rites of Confirmation on to show that all Chris. early in February. It was tian names for Children of pleasing to note the marked christlike parents should attention of the congregacarry some ihought as to tion to every word that what they would like that fell from the lips of this child to attain in life. As venerable leader of the every name given to a Faith of our Fathers.
AN ADVICE Mindful of a duty out of friendship the most popular Soap PALMERA Has arranged, with a view of the approaching Christmas seasons, to distribute a value of almost double the value of the Soap on the wrappings as a benefit to its many patrons who use it prize to any one who brings us 25 wrappings of class No. will be valued in our next catalogue more or less 15 Soaps of No. class The No. wrappings will have a much greater vale than the No.
PALMERA SOAP Is always sold in a packet and its wrappings will be exchanged for valuable prizes. We are preparing a magnificent assortment of gifts which we place at the disposal of our clients as from the 1st.
of December Our Agent in Limon is DON ELOY GOTAY Our Agent in Turrialba is Sres. ROJAS CORTES Cia.
APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE TELEFONE 3103 The entire country ap.
on the resignation of don plauds the appointment of Carlos Aragón.
Don Tomás Soley Güell With this confirmation to the Portfolio of Hacien hovvever is expected the do and Commerce. Don To resignation of don Jual más Soley Güell is the Rafael Arias as Minister of greatest financial expert in the Interior, in consequence the Country and as a sta of former personal differtistician can be compared ences with don Tomás.
favourably vvith any in the This is lamentable, bevvorld; great confidence personal disagre.
in the government by all ments should not be factions is the result of the dered in matters of paraacceptance by Don Tomás mount importance to the of this position, consequent State by public men.
cause Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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