
Saturday January 10. 193 NEW YEAR THOUGHTS a even RAMON ULLOA Co.
a LIBERTY Son of the time HOUGHTS OF PROS and molding their future in every created thing. Man does somewhat more personal. when we accept or claim any wihch you build. See that for PERITY AND HAPPINESS the matrix of the mind and not possess separate or WHEN YOU ARE THINKING, condition for ourselves through the year 1931. Faith, ConfiDURING THE NEW YEAR that each mental process of the distinct life. The func YOU ARE CREATING! When recognition, we build that very dence, and Activity, are the ARE THE OBJECTIVES YOU present is drawing life and tional activity of this univer we examine the matter in condition into our conscious materials which compose your DESIRE MOST IN LIFE? vttality from ihe thoughts which sal life is dependent upon the this light, it begins to dawn ness and because our cons fundation as well as the supergave it birth and must of ne. state of consciousness of the upon us that if this is true, ciousness is the real part of structure which rises therefrom.
Many and varied concepts may cessity evolve, bear fruit after individual, in that the man and it can readily be proven us, the effect becomes an Let us choose, therefore, be given to this question, and its kind and thus be justly may and can appropriate only to be so by anyone who will established fact or part of tis. wisely and well, that our as one contemplates the matter compensated.
that degree of its abundance make the effort, it would be Your predominant thoughts creations may be substantial is a serious vein, some surpriwhich he can realize within a wise plan to look into the In some instances this compof today, automatically build sing facts will disclose themseland enduring and bring forth ensation will appear in the himself. The degree of this kind of thoughts we are your tomorrow. If your conves and you will be able to gain the abundance of infinite good realization is aptly called a entertaining.
ceplions are high, the results from the storehouse of nature form of Happiness, Peace, a rather accurate perspective state of consciousness of Thoughts become things, will be likewise, but be assured as to what your future will Good. will, Abundance and which is replete with luxuries which there are many, yes, or, in other words, they bebe. The ideal which you hold those constructive, desirable of one thing and that is, that and so draw unto us all countless states. Through earncome effects which agree in in mind today will surely and and profitable effects we so your conceptions must not happiness, prosperity and est study of the priceless their polarity with that of the certainly become the actuality earnestly desire. In other ins knowledge which comes to thought, either predominantly distrusts, uncertainty, fear, be interferred with by doubt, goodwill in the ensuing year, so that our lives may be a of the future, and for this tances the results will be less us we raise the level of our positive or predominantly neworry and like qualities for continuous unfolding of sunreason it is highly profitable favorable, sometimes involving consciousness step by step, gative and the degree of the these only serve to neutralize, shine and cheer to all around us.
to examine your conscious sickness, distress, despair and prividing we make use of polarity will be determined and as is often the case, want. We do not like ness, search out those attitudes For thoughts of hate, and to contemplate these unhappy diligently to the various prothis knowledge by applying it by the intensity and character which are preeminent today actually become the domi illvvill brings unhappiness and of the thinking. If the results and come to a determination affairs yet if we have invited nating processes of thought deprivation into your own blems which daily confront or effects are negative, such as to their worth, and decide them, there is no escape until rather than those which Soul, vvhile thoughts of goodsuch time us. As this aplication is made as sickness, inharmony, dis.
represent the true ideal. It vvill and love to all, brings whether you truly wish them as we come into we gain experience, and tress, want or lack, we may the light of understanding will be seen from this that for future companions in the into your being the echo of and perceive that they may through experience, wisdom be assured that the mental discipline of the mind is an the state of your mind, hapgame of life.
and understanding unfold process or mental cause was The most urgent problem be exchanged for the more essential to demonstiation, for pines, and sympathetic vibrafrom within, and we presently also negative, for the manifes. this is the foundation upon tiens from all aroud you.
which confronts man today is promising ideas, by our attenfind that another rung of the tation must eternally corresnot so much the lack of tion and refocusing the mind.
ladder has yielded itself in pond with the cause. The knowledge, as, the capacity and God is the essential life of our upward climb. One may cause being mental, the effect willingness to test the virtue every man and this life cons. read and re read all of the can be regarded as a mental of knowledge. Many do not titutes the one creative or books, manuscripts and leccreation also, no matter what realize they are today building universal life which flows into tures which the world conform this creation may assume.
tains and yet utterly fail in What has actually occurred OVE the quest of wisdom, undersis that you have projected a ALMACEN ELECTRICO tanding and demonstration.
thought into the consciousIt is true that our intellecness which may be likened South West Corner of the Cathedral. San José, tual comprehension will be unto seed bed. There it enhanced and enlarged, but has taken root and set about this attainment is not of the the business of producing an Sale of Motors. y Dynamos slightest value to the student effect which conforms strictly who aspires to the personal to the vibratory nature and SIEMENS solution of the mysteries of polarity of the implanted life if he rejects, neglects, or thought.
passes over the one impor If you desire the new year tant and indispensable factor, to be replete with excellence ACTION, which means the APARTADO TELEFONO then you must build into it applied use of knowledge. now, those qualities and con3509 1061 As children we spend many ditions from which will spring years attaining an outer edu the fulfillment of your checation that we may be pre rished ideals. Let us endeavour pared to meet the world and to vanquish fear, worry, doubt assume its responsibilities, yet mistrust, hatred, selfishness All class of materials of installation of here and there we find one and many such phases of Luxurious Lamps at the who believe that the study existence which so easily beset of life itself and the mental us and devote our minds and Lowest prices.
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its full significance and miss changed.
The sole deposit and representation a very vital point, one which All cause is mental. This of which is in should be of the highest being true, we must also beThe BOTICA VARGAS importance, not only at the lieve all effects to be mental Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color present moment but in the as well. It should thus be SAN JOSE days to come. Let us, there. clear that effects are not fore, change this statement changed until we have chanApartado 716 Telephone 2812 around a little without losing ged the mental cause which its meaning and present it in may be found in our cons2000WSDDODUODUODOXXX000000000000XXIDE a diferent form, making it ciousness. In other words, 910 CIGARETTES Compañia Surtidora de Costa Rica LIBERTY There is no forgetting the fact 000000DD. CO.
fore us.
000000000000000000000000000000 We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints DO DOO Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago. Teléfono 137 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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