
Saturday January 10. 1931 School Breaking Up. LA. HAPPENINGS If you need a first class Medical man see Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca People will talk you know New Year gift Beautiful Organ for only 250. 00 Current Items Chic de Paris Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica The annual breaking up At the close of the proThe business transactions reports, forwarded to Jamaica.
TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 function in connection with gramme there was an exhi of the Limon Division of this Much annoyance was felt, the Baptist School of Wal bition of needlework and great Organization were Carried over the carelessness of the magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by deck, under the charge of fancy work done by the ont in a most business like Jamaica Headquarters in notre the French method of heat application. Specialist on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose Mrs. Douglas, was girls of the school and of and orderly manner on Tues plying to communications sent successfully brought off on specimens of handwork in day the 30th day of December. enquiring as to the acknowThursday night, 18 th. De paper modelling by the Among other things there ledgment of finances sent up cember. Mr. Harri boys.
were brought to the attention and the forwarding of a new Stanza by Prol. Thomas Wellington, son, master of the Mr. Harrison and Mrs. of the members the findings Chart; as well as the financial School at the same Elfreda Reid spoke in high of the Board on two impor Standing of the Division.
place, presided.
terms of the good work tant matters, one the nonac On Sundaynight was the In the presence of a fair Mrs. Douglas has been counting for of the yearly annual Harvest Thanksgiving, ly large audience, did the doing among the girls, and assestment Tax for 1930 of there were several Speakers scholars of this very pro wished for her a success.
Mr. Young, by the Secreamong them being Mr. Reid gressive little school, make ful school vear in 1931. tary Miss Cummings, and and Mr. Flemmings President You ll get through this world, but vvil be very slov, a fine display, of wit and The lady very suitably reanother the matter of plotting and Secretary of the Estrella If you listen to all that is said as you go.
talent. The hoop dance and plied, and this brought the and disharmony and dis Div. Mr. Williams and Mr. You ll be vvorried and fretted and kept in a stevy modelling song as staged proceedings to a close. respect to the Officers bronght Nation and Miss Alcott For meddlesome tongues must have something to do, by the girls being pieces against Mr. Mitchell the Tecently from Cuba. There For people vvill talk you knovy!
of an unusual kind.
Cyrillo President of the Garvey Club were many songs and recitaIn the first case it was decitions by the youths and If threadbare your coat and old fashion your hat ded to recover the amount Anthems by the Choir. The Someone vvill certainly take notice of that so lost by the Parent Body Harvest offerings were many, You can pay your vvay, they gen rally do say: and administer to the lady a and displayed the change of But don try to stop them, vvhate er they choose to say, rigid Censure for her careless enthusiasm in the workings For people vvill talk you knovy!
ness in the matter in the of the Organization, since the second case, it was decided two months of operations of If dressed in the fashion, don think to escape to suspend Mr. Johnathan this new regime. The Search. For they ll criticize in different shape Mitchell the President of the light extends hearty congratu You re ahead of your meals, or your tailor unpaid fire Portable Organ for the Home Garvey Club, for three lations and best wishes for But this being your ovvn business, don feel uneasy Months, from priveleges of many successes in the year For people vvill talk you knovv!
active membership in violation 1931. It is noted that for the Jack Orane will sell you this of the Rules of the discipline two months operations there If modest and honest, they ll have it presume!
of the Association. Several has been a fair balance to the That your humble position is only assumed other matters were gone into, good, meanwhile during the You re a vvoli in sheep clothing or else you re a fool.
among them the Gazetting of former administration there But don be vvorried keep perfectly cool, The People House Limon the names of the Officers of has been a continual deficit For people will talk you knovy!
the new Regine as well as in the revenue nearly every Or if in certain events you act your own part the reading of the financial month.
They ll call you an upstart, conceited, and vain bully! contentious; and seemingly insane To a delicate mind surely it must give some pain When people talk so you kno vi The best vvay to act is to do as you please When your heart if you had one, vvill alvvays be at ease In the article sent us for 0Just arrived! the greatest assortment of elastic Of course you ll meet with all sort of abuse belts to suit the latest silhouette publication from the Pen At 27 miles on the Cuts of the latest fashion for Balls, to suit any fancy But do not try to stop them, it of no earthly use of Mr. Reid, entitled property of Mr. MorDresses, hats and scarfs for sports For people vvill talk. you kuovy. Thegreat Injustice explaingan there was born a heifer ed, we Fancy woollen sweaters, caps, gloves, purses etc.
are asked to calf on the 23rd December, Beautiful dresses, shoes, fans, and purses for Balls make a correction, the sum without any signs of where Do not forget that our beauty parlor, is always LAWYERS NOTARIES repaid to Mr. Holness by a tail ought to be; it is in at the disposal of our clients for manicuring massag.
AT LIMON Mr. Smith on the perfect health and condition Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON memorable Picnic deal ing, permanent champooing, as well as the and CARLOS SILVA otherwise.
Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors should have been two Kermolite application. There is an expert attendant before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; in this line of adornment.
hundred instead of three Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
hundred colones, as the Lord Olivier passed ENGLISH SPOKEN original reads.
through Limon on New Year day on his way from See Mrs. Woodbridge in her children department 0England to Jamaica and she has just received the latest novelties in Italian dresses, embroidered felts, caps and purses, dresses By the plans of the the West Indies. He Spent and sombrillas of Scotch lisle for children from membership of the Limon his day sightseeing around the town. 25, Woollen goods for knitting baby wear, Div. a picnic train is being embroidery needles, hoops for pouches, and soon arranged for Guapiles will arrive French clasps for your locks.
Sunday, December 28 1930. by Miss Veach entilled love around the Easter season The British vice ConsulSee our show windows for pretty designs in Was observed as Ladies and unity, address, by Bro (date not yet fixed) to ate of Limon will soon which excursion all branches be seeing another change, pillowslips, pocket flaps, pictures, wool in skeins Day, at our Liberty Hall Smith, La Janta, Song by for all classes of fancy work inflowers, etc.
Choir, Praise the Lord; a and sympathizers of the Mr. Bob. Johnson will With Mrs. Lucy James Recitation by Miss Williamson; are cordially soon be installed as Vice lady President; occupying the another by Miss James. invited to cooperate, so as Consul in place of Mr.
Chair, it was really a red Solo by Misses Mckenzie to ensure its success. Bowden resigned.
letter day for the Division and Huston, an address by LAWYER AND NOTARY Every available seat vvas Master Morris.
Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
occupied with a representative Song by Choir. Marching Conveyances of properties, and all sorts of legal audience.
to Victory address by Mr.
documents prepared. Honest advices on points of The meeting began, with Johnson of Pocora vvhen Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a the opening of the ode from after several other recitations LIMONI losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
Greenland Icy Mountain and tvvo addresses, one by If you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, Rufino Solis. Lawyer follovved by prayer from the Miss Knight and one by Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
ritual. Scripture lesson was Mr. Scharschmidt and a Duet and Silent Films.
English and French Spoken taken from Saint Matthevy by Mrs. Harvey and Miss Go to the CINE MODERNOevery night at and Gospel Chapter Keet and a Solo by Mr.
The programe resdered Was Kennedy. p. in. all films direct from The Gan Teatro Raventós Where the most affable and gentil propietor attends to the comas follovys.
Our popular President Mr.
fort of all classes of his ptrons alike.
PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres Welcome address by Miss Lawson, delivered the McKenzie. Song by Choir, closing address of and Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away God Bless our president the meeting closed with the and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be TO ADVERTISE IN address by Mrs. Foot lady singing of our national an shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies president Madre de THE SEARCHLIGHT shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
address by Joseph Pacuarito Siquirres Reporter Knighe PILE vvhich vvas encouraging and IS TO DOUBLE YOUR USINESS interesting, then a Recilation Secretary Cairo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de linisterio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. 0Ladies Day at Cairo Cine MODERNO Dios them.


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