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PUBLISHED SATURDAY Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment contented peasant proprietorship makes a prospe.
rous country. The prosperity of a Nation depends on the consuming power of the wage earner because it is he who must consume the products of Farm and Factory to transpose the Farmer and business man into great Consumers. The difference therefore between their maxi.
mun and minimun consuming power will be the difference between prosperity and privation of any country.
YEAR 11 LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JANUARY 17 1931 NUM. 62 From the pen of an optimist Notice to our Patrons Tramway Extensions Races. Races. The year 1931 seems to organization vvill carry on. It the temporary confort afforded before them in the new year have opened up vvith a cer allovved us as spectators to the more unfortunate ones, but and that there is a decided tain amount of optimism teel hopeful as yve vvitnessed the great satisfaction that one effort in spreading intellectual This serves to notify gain our instruments and among our people in Limon, to interrelation on Nevv feels in having the opportu improvement among their mem the public that Walford establish order. These insand there is no doubt that Year day of members of the nity of being even for once bership; for there is no doubt Cousins is no longer Band truments were bought by there seems to be the desire and leaders of unselfish.
that all of them although not of an entire ayvakening among master for the Central Ame. the organizers Thoothers fraternities and religious In continuation of the acti lacking their inspasmodic interthe various Associations and bodies joined in a common vities of our various organi nal troubles, are a great means rican Star Orchestra nor mas Wellington and John Organizations.
zations vve must mention the of contributing to the moral is he nor Stanley Beeks Samuels in April 1930 for We find the of But it vvas not the great revival that took place bearings of our people. If in the drummer connected any purposes of our practices, Limon making a strong effort alone that contributed to in the hall of the Costa Rica this Nevv year every member longer with the troupe. but loaned to these men and determination to eliminate the cheering of the hearts of Burial Scheme Association on should resolve and make a These two men were to play for private parties the rebellicis and querulous the poor during the holiday the night of the 5th of Ja determination to mend some found conspiring characters from the Division, against to earn a living; by force season, the Wesleyan Society nuary when Mr. Sin of his shortcomings and to end vve find those in charge also, but under a clair vvas more rethe organizers and Finan the saxophone, has been installed as Presi live strictly in conformity vvith joining in an open display of served manner distributed gifts dent. This Ass is a local the teachings of his individual cers of the Company be returned without reeds and Benevolence and Unity, by to their poor ones. This being creation of Mr. Laidley Society or Association, hovylieving they could take a patched up Key; the scattering cheer and kindness the case there is reason for based upon similar ones much vvould not the social charge of the concern and drum is also destroved and among the poorer ones of the us to feel hopeful that other Jamaica. At its opening the condition of Limon be imcarry on without us. Conour lives threatened. How.
race. We do hope that this organizations vvill endeavour membership rose to nearly 1000 proved. It is a fact, but vve effective demostration started ever the Band will soon also to lighten the burden of but on account of the inconsis must rehearse it for the be. sequently the intervention ou the first day of the so many of our fellovy crea tency its members «vvhich nefit of our ovvn selves, that of the police authorities yerr vvill lead to further be tures as is our real duty, for regretful to say is generally the people who indulge in had to be called in to reContinued on page neficent astivities that this vve should not only think of the case, the fever of the the most obscene and vulgar movement abated and the language on the streets, are membership dropped, much our people, the greatest amto his regret and unquietness. ount of vagrants on the streets Nevertheless, ardent in his are the boys of our oven race, desire to keep its flag flying, the continual reports of lude schooner load of rails brought to be used in the he raised a strong campaign and rude conduct are people arrived in Limon during Rio Frio extention, in view The Madre de Dios Div. them performing, thus for nevy members, confident of our race. The lavvyers and the week; these rails are of the new plantings being of The will run making this the biggest that he would bring about a judges are made rich from the those taken up from the put in execution by the Cia a great Race at the New revival of his organization. pockets of our ovvn people, Co farms around me Si race for the year.
The members vvere glad to Jersey (27 miles) Race Track Bananera.
something should be done to Watch for programmes.
on Monday 9th March 1931. All information will be have nevy faces and voices eradicate this bad impression. xaola Division which are Turfites and Sports gladly given by.
among them, the result is that these things reflect on the remember that many of they elected Mr. Sinclair to the best of us. Nine tenths of us the big horses will retire Sydney Montague. Presidency and Mr. Bond are connected vvith some Ass permanently from the Turf from his position as doorkeep of moral teachings or some in March; therefore this Secty de Dios Div.
er to the First Vice presidency, religious body, vve must then will be the last time to see these changes brought so cooperate either in a direct or The parties who caused at liberty, thus proving that much satisfaction to the mem in an indirect mannerto raise the revolt at Grecia a couple there was little or nothing bers that the instalation vvas the morale of our people. weks ago have all been put in the little boozing fracas made a public affair vvhen We must face things as many friends vvere invited and they are and instead of hidWe have been gleaning hands of private farmers an enjoyable evening sand. ing from the truth yve must vviched vvith speeches, iceendeavour to prepare ourlately a little news to the at 60 cents. And bey ond that effect that The Cia Bana. amount naturally they are cream and cakes took place. selves for the nevv evolutions But vve still have the prove.
that has started from 1930.
nera de Costa Rica will not liable to take advantage of In consequence of the the National City Bank by our introductory statement The vvorld is making rapid be renewing any Contracts the situaticn. Small Settlers our government at the present prices with should bevvare therefore by saying that there was also changes. Old beliefs of supe appointment of don Tomas Soley Güell in the Another loan of three growers when these ex of the length of time of a revival in the Limon Friend. riority has a job keeping in its legs, it is only for us to Ministerio of Finance the hundred and fifty thousand isting shall expire. your Contracts, in making ly Literary Ass n, vvhen the conservative members see it, then having been prep Central Hannover Trust dollars to the Banco NaIf they are to be renewed investments for improve more can take the opor Bank has immediately taken cional de Seguros has been it is said that prices shall ments, so that there is no gave room for choicing as tunities that are going to open be thirty cents. Ofcourse slumping of your fruit; officers for the 1931 term, ир the responsability of agreed on as to assist themselves to us. We must if you watch the Conces deal intimately and confi from among some of the start by inserting in the resothe payment of the million the goverment in the sions, the Company is not dentially with they officials more virile and sportive, relution of our organizations in dollar which was due to payments to her employes.
obligated for more than before spending your reserve sulting in the election of Mr.
this Nevy Year, a determined 3000 Hectareas of their funds. Because the prefe Charles Hayling as President effort to survive, and to prepown planting and to faci rences will go to the big and Mr. Bourette as Secretary.
are ourselves morally to take litate another 3000 in the producer who can squeal These men are young, liberal minded, and filled with the our right place. Don be discouraged, if you lose your spirit of the day, much then jobs get a doing something in expected of them in revoelse, think of jobs as seconIn spite of the vigilance necessary is the modificaOCCULISTIC CLINIC lutionizing in a progressive dary, and alvvays prepare of the Pro! Jition agents tion if not abolition of the manner.
Dr. JOSE CORVETTI Then vve see that the Dha yourselves for something else. in the United States, the eighteenth amendment. ranians unveiled tvvo Charters Be determined to exist and authorities have confessed Law which attempts io OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY on one day, besides, nearly in vve must exist. But vve that there has been more coerce into subjection the Deseas as and affections of the eyes every one of the other socie must be unselfish in these drunkenness among determinations ties and organizations some Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres the freedom of thoughts and so that those spectacular event has taken vvho are officers as vvell as inhabitants of the dry cities habits of an enlightined The Optician of the clinic. GUILLERMO RIVERA place. We do see that all these than has ever been known. population. organizations have a great aim Continued on page This goes to show how Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Our Recent unrest Farmers look out Among the financiers ared vve Christmas Liquors


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