
Saturday Janual Mrs. Joseph address to Miss Cricket News fron Estraua Winifred Irons of Siquirres LIMON SERVICE BUREAU learn very enjoyable game of 21 runs before being bovvled Cricket vvas played at Estrada, by Levvis and Dovvner betvveen the Britanic of vvho got run out for 15, Sister of our noble Order, always are in evidence. We were not permitted to labour member us constantly in your Estrada and the Wanderer Gallimore 6, Forbes 4, teacher of our Catholic School, have all heard of your accom amongst us in Limon, but prayers, and speak of as to of Limón on January 5th, Hamilton, Foster and and faith ful Catholic.
plishments in Kingston as the a we humbly resigned ourselves our Sisters and brothers of The Captain of the Wande. Forbes got each runs.
Nothing gives me better Scholar of the Alpha School, to the dicision of Fate, by our Holy Faith, at home.
rer called the Coin Correctly For the Wanderers Calvin joy, than to be able to bid Convent of Mercy, and as a giving you up to Siquirres, Represent Limon by giving and sent the homesters to vvas the only one who got you fare well, in the name of teacher of both St Joseph who perhaps needs you more our best respect to Fr. Vida!
bat. The Britanic vvas victothe Ladies Auxiliary. For the and St. Anne Schools. We into double figues 14, Scott than ourselves. Now, we and kindly beg his blessings rious by making 54 vvhile the and Levvis got each, four years that you have have heard of the pieties of ultimately have to lose you, for us. May peace and Good labored with us, you have visiters could only muster 49. Smith, Lavvson and Ware.
the Iron s, their fidelity to our altho we hope not for long. will of the Child Jesus be Special mention must be made ham got each, vvhile vvhite entwined yourself into our Holy Mother, the Church, We are sure that every means always with you. Accept my of Mr. Scott the Captain Levvis and Tomlinson mushearts. Although your visits and now, we have had ample will be employed te keep you firm grip of love in the name of the Britanic for the able tered each, for the Wande to Limon have always been proof by having you into our away from us for ever, and of the Ladies Auxiliary to the manner in vvhich he engin rers, Levvis bovvled overs short, yet your pleasantness, very midst. We regret from the against that we will earnestly Knights of St John.
eered the game so as to modesty and got vvickets for only and congeniality depth of our hearts that you pray.
We hope that you Yours Truly, bring about the victory over runs. Reid in overs got yourself will harken to our Apoline Joseph. such a formidable club as the vvickets for 23 runs; for pleas, and return to us in a short while. To us, here in Pres. of St. LiWanderer, also vve have to the Estrada team; Spence got Limon, where we can vvickets for 29 runs in 11 mon Rica.
admire Mr. Sankey, the President of the Wanderer overs, Foster got vvickets from the simplicity of your AND life, sterling qualities and and Mr. Smith, the Cap for 13 runs and Johnson tain in shovving they are vvicket for no runs in overs.
BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Christian resignation, we have «real true sportsmens, Thanking you Mr. Editor ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED appreciated your many little The principal scorers for for your kind courtesy.
talks of Christian Unity, the Britaníc being Johnson Bureau established for the greater convenience, under and more so, as we have seen tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu it demonstrated. We heartily blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed wish you a bon Voyage, for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
home; but we hope that when Mules for Sale Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a you shall have arrived, you Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the will not retrospect upon the SAN ANTONIO public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the Should you need Mules for your Farm, Cart the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical time you have spent here, or any other uses, you can procure them in Siexperience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts and say, time wasted. NoRemedio eficaz, quirres, from Mr. Rizo who has a great he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe thing that is done for God rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials para la expulsión variety in different sizes and prices is wasted, and the little seeds are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
de lombrices.
Communicate to Rizo, Siquirres.
of kindness you have planted EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ here and there, will eventually Barrister Investigator grow up to sing Hosanna in De venta en la MULAS Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Excelsio Dei for the blessings FARMACIA he has given thru you. May MAIN OFFICE Si Ud. necesita para su finca o cualquier otro BRANCH OFFICE ESPAÑA little Teresa preserve you objeto, puede conseguirlas en Siquirres con el Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the LUCAS MORUA Presidencia thru your trip, and may all Farmaceutico señor Rizo, quien dene de varios tamathe illconveniences of a sea CARTAGO ños y precios.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of voyage bespared you. RePanama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, ERMIFUGO Dyce If you need a first class Medical man see Trial by Juries Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca Theatrically Crazed Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by the French method of heat application. Specialist on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose LONDON. In the House to this practice.
of Commons to day Sir Grat Dr. Drummond Shiels said tan Doyle urged an immediate in his reply that the suggesenquiry into the circumstances tion that accused persons must in vvhich it vvas possible to a vvhite citizen of the British necessarily be tried by Jury Empire to be tried vvithin the of the same colour as themEmpire before mixed juries of selves vvas not one vvhich vvhite and coloured people, His Majesty Governement vvith a vievv to putting an end could accept.
Suscribe to The Searchlight RKKKK KKKKY Voluntary Testimonial KKKKK Jamaica Mails Reach New York In 48 Hours Yes, that vvhat has hap time to the public, only that pened to Limonites. But it in this instance, it vvas at shovvs good. People vvho love on a lovely Sunday eve and admire the artistic, has a (January 4th. Those vvho did great future before them. Art not take advantage of it have enobles the soul, enriches the lost some rich food. It vvas a mind, beautifies the thoughts, METRO GOLDWIN film.
softens the manners and sharpBut Metro Goldvvin astoundens the vvits.
ed me vvhen savy OLIMSome persons believed that PIA some nights ago in the Limonites could only be ensame theatre. vvondered how tertained with an excesive could a North American conjazz production or a fistic enceri deviate so much from counter reproduction or cheap its pet Americanism and prolove sick grimaces, but the cured the material which comvvriter is satisfied that such posed the purely Latin exa conclusion is vyrong.
pression of thoughts and suThe fact is, yvas stirred rroundings. What beautiful lanvvith emotion to see some of guage! What expressions of the folks vvho most people emotions, with a marked abvvould consider hard boiled sence of excesses. The artists or some vvho you vvould were choiced and they emhave believed immune from phasized that exquisite Latin sentimentalism. holding their culture. We are hoping that breath vvhile they contemplat this picture will be soon stag.
ed and follovved vvith deep ed again one fine Sunday afinterest the picture «Madame ternoon a o clock.
X» vvhich the Arrastry Theatre presented for the second SCREEN CRITIC NEW YORK. Air mail from Jamaica is to be congratuJamaica despatched from King lated on the establishment of ston by Panamericam Aiathe service, vvhich vvill mean vvays Ltd. on Thursday morning 11th inst. vvas delivered a seven day service to Lon.
here early on Saturday mor if connection is made with ning fast mail boats here.
Having been ill with tuberculosis during the last 12 years, being a patient in the Hospital for a long time, obliged to keep to my bed there for more than six months, was submitted, along with various other patients to the Friedmann Antituberculosis Treatment receiving in total three injections.
Today feel completely well, which is also demonstrated by my considerable increase in weight 22 pounds from the time of the first injection in August 1930, and make this testimonial spontaneously for the benefit of all those sufferers from tuberculosis in this country so that they can see in me an example of one who sought his salvation in this notable treatment. express in this manner my most sincere thanks to the Hon: Lic. don Alberto Echandi, former President of the Junta de Caridad, who by ordering the purchase of the vacunas for the Hospital, with which was injected, has undoubtedly saved my life. f) Bolaños Jimenez San José, de Enero de 1931 SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT K Hotel ATLANTICO Suits made to order tn the Shortest notice. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number winnings this week In Serie Drawing No. 45; won by Emique Gómez Ticket No. 29 In Serie Drawing No. 25; won by Guillermo Calderon Ticket No. 139 In presence of Juan Monge, Jose Cedeño All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity bet up to date with their payments.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW SERIE IN FORMATION Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make you comfortable at rediculous prices write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA XKKO DE BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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