
y January 17 1931.
PAGE Nicaragua by one of her youths Words of Encouragement Some one will be helping you AN ADVICE Old Harbour in Turmoil Narrovy mindid people es does not intend to erase these the country has been famous otherrepublics jointly. Her trade pecially those who have done opinions or prejudices as he of may in a vvay allow us, and commerce is free from very little travelling have realizes that they have been to vvink at the very narrovv monopolies.
come to all kinds of ridiculous brought about from the aggres vievv; but if there are impar The Eastern Coast of NicaraWhen you see some one in trouble.
opinions of Nicaragua, in so. sive attitude that the unfortu tial minded people, they vvould gua measures 325 miles long Walk right up by him and Stand; much that a majority of them nate labourers of the country readilly come to the conclu from Cape Gracias to Grey Show the world that you are ready, have concluded that this is a have had to take in their tra sion that Nicaragua is not Tovun, and the Western Coast For to give a helping hand; Try to Speak a word of courage, singular in their internal dis line is 200 miles long from land of savages; forgetting vels in others countries, so as To the one you find so blue; that all peoples and every to enable them to carn a li orders, as big countries like the Bay of Fonseca to Salinas And while you are helping others, country have their short comvelihood. On the other hand Peru, Argentina, prosperous Bay. Numerous large navegaSome one willl be helping you.
like Panamá and Cuba, peace ble rivers, are on the Eastern ings. Of course the vvriter the so many revolutions which full ones like Costa Rica, side, the most important being Try to lift them one step higher, not to mention those of the As you pass along e road; the Segovia, Rio Grande, Es.
Stop and give them Strength and courage, old vvorld are having right condido and the San Juan.
Help them bear their heavy load.
noyv their upheavals, vvhile There are tvvo big lakes: MaNever mind the scorns of others, Nicaragua is vvorking as hard nagua and Granada; the latter To yourself and God be true; Mindful of a duty out of friendship as she can; building roads, is the largest lake south of the And while you are helping others, Some one will be helping you.
macadamizing the streets of great lakes in the Nathe most popular Soap PALMERA her principals cities, beautify tural extensive grazing lands Show the Master spirit in you, Has arranged, with a view of the approaching ing her Capital, reforming her create her possibility to supTry to do some good each day; Christmas seasons, to distribute a value of almost dou lavys and developing her yvell ply all of her sister republics Let your light shine through the darkness, ble the value of the Soap on the wrappings as a knovvn agricultural resources. and other foreign countries As you travel er Life way.
benefit to its many patrons who use it We are not regarding at this vvith cattle. Gold and silver Just a hand clasp will encourage, prize to any one who brings us 25 wrappings Just a smile to those that blue; of class No. will be valued in our next catalogue moment the important and mines in her central districts.
For while you are helping others, more less 15 Soaps of No. class prominent position in vvorld Mahogany, cedar, pine and Some one will be helping you.
The No. wrappings will have a much greater finance and politics that Ni other vyoods abound in her vale than the No.
caragua vvill be called upon forests. So that for a country When your work on Earth is over, PALMERA SOAP to take in case the of of so great resources it is And you leave this home of clay; Is always sold in a packet and its wrappings will be exchanged North America should decide neccessary that its people If you have been kind to others, for valuawle prizes. We are preparing a magnificent assortment of to build the great vvatervvay should have a temperament You will not regret the day.
gifts which we place at the disposal of our clients as from the 1st.
of December through her territory; but ve adequate to its developement For while you are helping others, On this earth so full of woe; Our Agent in Limon is DON ELOY GOTAY vvish to detail a fevy of her and for its protection.
Some one higher up the ladder, Our Agent in Turrialba is Sres. ROJAS CORTES Cia.
great possesions. temperament consisting Always was a helping you.
Of the five republics of of an equal amount of frankAPARTADO 271 SAN JOSE TELEFONE 3103 Central América herlands ness, boldness, fearlessnness, When you travel through the Valley.
are the most fertile, her com zealousness, inteligent deterTo that land so bright and fair; mercial possibilities alone are All the friends that you ve been helping mination, hospitalty and above They will meet you over there.
equal to those of the four all laboriousnees.
They will thank you for your kindness, When they, were down and out; FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. So while you are helping others, Some one will be helping you.
At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small family residence adjoining the Post Office Every deed it is reported, Aleandro Mitchel a peon by the Agent of Police.
of Francisco Ramiriz shot Aleandro Mitchell is still Apply to Sam Mcintosh SIQUIRRES Be it good or be it bad; Every one will have to answer, Jose Maria Rodriguez a as large and the agents of For the chance on Earth they had.
Fiscal guard on the 23rd Police will not trouble him.
WWW. 08000000000000000000000000000)
Just a word will oft bring sunshine of Dec.
What action will the Sub To the heart that sad and blue; Francisco Ramirez had Inspector of Hacienda and So while you are helping others Some one has been helping you.
a fight in Mr. Brocks shop the Governor take in this with Johnson who was tied matter is left to be seen.
but was released as p.
Thre are several persons by Thomas Wellington to take the Wounded man mixed up in the shooting That the only medicine which to El con Johnson return of the coast Guard.
ed two days later but The inhabitants of Old cures Asma, and acute Bron: unable to face his home; Harbour are all scared to chitis is the he is being run down by death over the action of a Cuajani Jordan a gang as the instance of certain gang here who some one, he is at present defy the law.
The sole deposit and representation Tasmania at Launceston showing. The Australians (Dec 30) at manzanilla of which is in Went down to defeat be batting first made 369 to where he is sought for Resident fore the west Indian Tou which the visitors replied The BOTICA VARGAS ring team by an Inning with only 107, the highest and 50 runs.
scorers being Barrow with SAN JOSE West Indians 353. Tas 17 and Scott 15 not out, mania 184 and 119 the in the second inning they Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 Bowling of Scott and gave 67 for wickets, Griffith was disastrous to hence the remaining 00000080000000000000000000000 100M the homesters.
wickets would have to Just arrived! the greatest assortment of elastic belts to suit the latest silhouette They left for Hobart make 195 to save an InCuts of the latest fashion for Balls, to suit any fancy where they were listed toning Defeat; for the AusDresses, hats and scarfs for sports meet another Tasmanian tralians, Ponsford got 183, Fancy woollen sweaters, caps, gloves, purses etc.
team 24th to 26th. So as and the Captain Woodfull to play the second Test 58; For the West Indians Beasitiful dresses, shoes, fans, and purses for Balls. Do not forget that our beauty parlor, is always Our Catholic School generosity amongst match on New Year Day Scott bowled well capturing our had its Closing exercise people towards our chilat Sydney.
at the disposal of our clients for manicuring massag. wickets for 66 ruus. The ing, permanent champooing, as well as the Sunday Night Dec. 21st. dren, as Reward sweeters In this match the West Australians won the second Kermolite application. There is an expert attendant His Lordship Bishop Bles. Labor. His Lordship was Indians gave a very poor test by an inning and 172runs in this line of adornment.
sing, Rev. Frs. Acosta and proud at the display, and Wolgarten were present. exhorted more supporfrom Mr. Irons acted as Chair the parents. He promised See Mrs. Woodbridge in her children department man quite a crowd gathered in the coming year to make to see the children she has just received the latest novelties in Italian two more schools, a Nordrill an Obstetrics, diseases of women dresses, embroidered felts, caps and purses, dresses drecite. Three mal girl and boy schools, and sombrillas of Scotchlisle for children from girls were given prizes, but that depends on the and of the Genito Urinary tract C1. 25, Woollen goods for knitting baby wear, altho there was a list of support the Catholics will embroidery needles, hoops for pouches, and soon seventeen Children. Miss give to their own. It is PRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC Dorothy McRae, Miss time that we should do will arrive French clasps for your locks.
Half BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET See our show windows for pretty designs in Lena Walters and Miss something and cut out pl. vslip flaps, pictures, wool in skeins Evangeline Palmer were selfishness.
PYHSICAL THERAPY for as classes of fancy work inflowers. etc.
prize receivers. The Chairman regreted to say that Dolores Joseph.
SAN JOSE, CO TA RICA Box 108C there ought to be more REPORTER Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
There is no forgetting the fact WOVU CRICKET Chic de Paris SVUUDUVA Catholic School closes Dr. GRILLO


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