
Saturday January 17 NEWS OF SIQUIRRES Activities of the Co.
BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Don accept any tube or envelope packets Within the past six Morrison and Rivera every section along the he belonged to Manchionmonths Eureka Lodge of will be installed as Master, lines as a imeans of provo eal in Portland his name At last the proposals for duce expenditures to its mithe order of Mechanism at Secretary and Tresurer, res cation to every one whom bring William Sutton but planting 1500 Hectareas of nimum, so as to avoid collapse.
Siquirres has made wonder. pectively.
he met, and one could was only known as Pilon bananas on the Atlantic Divi At present the value of the ful strides, no less than. Xcasily come to the conclu cito and in selling his sion by the Company Shares of the Company have forty members of the best Few people of the many sion that the Lunatic Assy coconuts at the Siquirres or rather the Banana Company fallen to such a ridiculous gentlemen of the vicinity thousands who know Pi lum was his rightful home. Station would say Compra of Costa Rica has been started valuation that it behoves the have been initiated into the loncito will be aware that The very day that all Piponcita de su Piloncito in the vicinity of Guacimo. Directors to do everything order among them being he died in the Siquirres was ready to send him my Patron es Aguita de heavy Tramway is to be possible to equalize expendiofficials, lawyers, merchants lock up on the 22 of De away to San Jose he died Dios.
run from the fifth mile post ture to income. With Stock and leaders of the political cember; he broke badly, in Calabose; he got a of the old Rio Frio Railwayfallen to 57 what can we do thought of the community. and was placed in safe most imposing funeral, Two young girls one running North through Costa but sympathize in the moveThe instalation of officers keeping pending the neces being borne by some of named Nelly and the other Rica or Walkyria Farm near ments we see around us.
for the term will take place sary authority to be interned the authorities themselves Putus had a fight and ra the Rio Santa Clara through We have been continually on the 18th inst. When in the Lunatic Assylum. He and accompained by over zored each other brutally. the lands formerly occupied through these columns advo.
Messrs Geo. Chisholm. was a great celebrity at a hundred persons promi Dr. Shaw as usual had to by Messrs Sassa Pirie y Fis cating and advising our peonent in the life of the gratitiously render the first chel towards the Astua Pirie ple to economize in every 1000000000000000000000000000000000000002 township. His real name aid by stitching and dressing contract reservation lands of line, hence in view of recent was known by very few, the wounds.
the Tortuguero valley. happenings it is our duty to Ties cutting has been star again call on our people to ted as well as Underbrushing adopt rigid economy in our etc. but the prices for these homes so as to meet conFROM works are so distressingly low tingencies. The ladies are that the Contractors are ha those to whom we must now ving trouble in geting men to appeal, to cut out everything work. Tramway ties which that has a look of luxury. ce One of the most important houses of Hamburg were formerly cut at five cents the old expensive dresses gold are being paid for now instead of wearing them to Importation and Exportation at three cents, and it is un market to buy your chickens Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica dertood that the prices for etc. Eat economically, cut underbushing, lining, planting out entertainings, whe. e one and felling are being offered room will do, why ent two now at twenty dollars per and three, ofcourse we know hectarea; extremely low in we are up against harsh cri San José, South West Corner of the Cathedral deed, but anything is better ticism and even abuse for our BAYER than nothing, this will prevent advices in this line by a TELEP. No: 3509 APARTADO 1061 us from eating one another. certain element of sports, but All works except actual reap. this is not the class to whom Exportation: All products of the country: coffee, ing has been stopped on the we are appealing we allude to hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
old farms for three months, those ladies who in a sober and it is understood that reasonable way will like to Iraportation: All that may be needed, especially Ger so soon as the coffe Crop is help their men folk to live as man Merchandise, Articles for manufacturing or indus completed a further retrench happy as they can under the ment will be made in the existing circumstances which trial lines; as well as for domestic purposes; for IronmonCommissary and Audit Depart has overtaken not only us gers, iron, Wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cement, Manures; ments, so as to bring ex but the World; and you men Stationery; Agricultural implements; Articles for Drug penses down to a minimum. who have to face the cost of Without the stores; Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, etc.
Some of us are blaming the homelife, insist that every friCompany for all this string. volity be cut out, and if those ency, but with the present around you will not be adviconditions of the world sed, cut them out too, let markets, it is only reason nothing stand in your way of Σιχακισχιασαχοιροιστασιοσχοσχισασαρχιακοσιοσχοχιακοσχιστικη able to expect that any well equalizing your income organized business must re your expenditures.
Christmas Day passed off engaged by Don Cleto Gonin this happy little town as it zalez on the reccommendation TO ADVERTISE IN This serves to advise the public that will not was always wont to be as of don Alberto Aragon and THE SEARCHLIGHT hold myself responsible for any debts contracted by among a large happy family. sent to Puntarenas, where he IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS The principal feature being is now employed under don my wife Elizabeth Vassel, from the fact that she has a football game played between Rafael Beeche who is Supt of left my home and protection and adopted her own the Barcelona and The Com Importation and Exportation course of living bate teams of the town at for the Government; who it Timothy Vassel Plaza Mora Cañas dedicated will be remembered was also Jamaica Town.
to Don Richard Rogers, FoChief Clerk of the Shipping Limón 20th December.
reman general of the New Dept of the Co. in LiPier. The Barcelona won the mon some years ago, similar match two goals to one in a to the job now held by Mr.
most Spirited and happy style. Tarry.
After the match Mr. Rogers an old Limonense presented Better than a first class Ball to the winning team, and entertained both Pomona Biscuits The troubles caused in our was Governor of San Jose, teams at the Eureka Saloon Cabinet by the resignation of which post has now been with Refreshments.
Hello boys. whats up. The Ministers of Finance and filled by a great friend of Both teams were loud in Going up to Booths shop Education and later on by Limon Colonel Abel Robles, their praises of Mr. Rogers man to buy some of his that of Governación and State who was on the Slates for in the Amiability with which Biscuits.
has been tided over success Governor of Limon, don José he was accustomed to treat Eating one you will be fully, Hernández Sanchez being na those who worked under his satisfied of the fact that By the acceptance of don med Municipal Intendente for orders on the Pier, as well as Booth Biscuits lead Tomas Soley Guell of the Limon, but we now hear of all with whom he came in where others fail to follow.
Portfolio of Finance which Mr. Fonseca Zuñiga as Go Contact in the town, and on Now see to it that you CIGARETTES has been hailed with great vernor of Limon, who controll dispersing, shouted three lusty buy a Biscuit branded delight all over the countryed the Costa Rican Legación Vivas for Ricardo Rogers. with the name Booth.
he being acclaimed as the in Panama, but this is not yet It will be remembered that They can be had at a. only man to save the country confirmed.
Mr. Richard Rogers served chinese vendors.
If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior in this crisis, came also the Our friend don Lesmes for many years in the Customs Eating one you will be fall of that of Governación Suarez Jefe Politico of Siqui Commission house of Felipe convinced that they are Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend and Police, señor Arias, this rres has been granted leave Alvarado y Cia in Limon certainly the best Local also has been filled by don of absence for two weerks and later with Aragon and Biscuits in the Country.
Raul Gurdian, and that of while his Secretary Mr. Ni Co. Afterwards opening up Ask for them at Estrada Educion by our veteran colas de la Miranda acts his own Commission business and Matina as well as educator don Justo Facio, who at Jefe Politico.
in Limon, prior to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Bayer Cross From Puntarenas to Warning to the public LIBERTY Our Ministerial Crisis LIBERTY: being Limon.


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