
Saturd y January 17. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Hecho de sangre en el corazón de la Villa de Siquirres The Nacional Lottery will Collision of of Trains Dos muchachas de 18 años se batieron a duelo en el Very much discontent of tickets in the hands of the exists on the Atlantic Zone general public, as against the corredor de la Bodega del ferrocarril in consequence of the fact one or two that the Officials that all three prizes of the might buy; then again if La noche del 26 Diciem nación, pues ninguna de Dr. Shaw, con la diligen pago, en todas las atribu 1st January have fallen in San collusion was possible think bre, al rededor de las ocho, ellas quiere referirlo a nadie, cia de que está caracteriza laciones, en cualquier mo José and nothing of conse of the many with whom this Jas jóvenes de 18 años, resultando del encuentro do les hizo las primeras mento, se le encuentra quence fallen along the Coast. would have to be Shared, Nelly Gidden y Clara ambas seriamente heridas curas cosiendo a Nelly, seis dispuesto a ayudar aunque There are all sorts of con would it be worth the game?
Elkins (a) Putus, se retaron y de no ser, que a los heridas que presentaba y a we enfatically say no.
sea con sus consejos, a la jectures of foul play by the investors, some going so far Fortunately the grand prize a duelo de vida o muerte, gritos acudiera el público Putus dos de alguna con humanidad doliente.
as to say that the Numbers has been divided up among a cuchilla limpia sin testi. y la policia, la lucha habría sideración siendo su pro of tickets sent for sale to the many persons, some very tigos al amparo de las som seguido hasta matarse, esto nostico reservado.
Se preparan para ingre. inhabitants of the Zone are poor ones; one man, Mr.
bras de la noche, sin que a juzgar por el estado ya que nos referimossar a la Logia Eureka never placed in the Urn or Zamora a piece was stuck in his pocket by a vendor when sepamos los motivos que exaltado de ánimo en que al Dr. Shaw, vaya para él No. 10 de Siquirres, de la globe to be mixed with the las indujera a esa determi se encontraban las dos. El un voto de sincera admi orden de mecanicos únidos, others with a possibility of he refused to buy it; another being drawn.
one Mr. Jiménez, a piece was ración, para este viejo ve. siete honorables miembros cino que pone al servicio latinos de cuya recepción that we have had to speak This is the second time given him by a debtor of his to pay a debt of 00 and de la humanidad sus cono nos ocuparemos oportunaon this matter and we so on, these incidents will cimientos médicos sin es mente.
Tu Mirada advise our readers that such give an idea how ridiculous perar la retribución de un Un Observador a conjecture is frivolous and is the conjectures of foul Dedicado a la bella Srta. Juanita ignorant, and will only emaplay; but now to reason, formCoblentz, respetuosamente nate from a Scandalous, basely erly when the Atlantic Zone immoral and dishonest mind; was in prosperity, it is well Cuando voy a mi templo PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres all the Balls are replaced in known that 75 per cent of oriental, donde siempre oro día y noche tu mirada contemplo Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away the globe as soon as the the Tickets were sold around y en plegarias siempre la imploro.
and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be Lottery drawing is made and Limon, today there are hardly shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies securely locked with three thirty per cent of these Pregunté entonces una noche a la espesura shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
locks and each key kept by Tickets coming to us, must po, tu mirada, y me contestaron las estrellas different gentlemen, one by a our chances not be less?
que tus ojos tienen del campo la dulzura Siquirres PILE We hope our reasonings scrutinizing Clerk in Dn. Cletos y de ellas todas las luces bellas.
Office, one by the President ideas of fraud banished from will be considered, and these of the Lottery scheme, and ¿No oyes en las noches mi debil queja the minds of our readers and cuando empiezo a orar one by the Treasurer. Now their friends, because it is recordando tu imagen amada?
would it be supposed that uncalled for, it is scandalous men of such reputation as slanderous and injurious to Será que la noche, ya cansada, me deja serious collision between letely covered him. Tuvo these would stoop to such the interests of our Nacional sólo, solo para implorar two electrically driven trains prisoners being escorted from mean actions? What wonld be la bella luz de tu mirada.
Lottery; hence we would occurred on the Government Puntarenas to San José, made their reasons for doing it?
advise our people not to Vladimiro Dubrouski Pacific Railway at 11. 15 good their escape, the Police If there was the remotest propagate such injustice, as Wednesday 14th between the man accompanying them got chances of its falling into if this idea isuntinued, some Stations of Concepcion and seriously vvounded vvhich their ets one might have Limón 12 de Enero de 1931 one may le punished for Hacienda Vieja. Conductor gave them the opportunity of reason to be led to conjecture these slangerous statements Victor Manuel Cabrera and escape.
evil in such a way, but just before the Courts, hence be Engineer Nestor Ramirez handthink of the many thousands warned.
ling a work train with Engine ran into The Local train on Wonderful Remedy its way to San Jose, under LAWYER AND NOTARY Conductor Guillermo Vargas and Engineer Daniel Montero is Elixir Antianofelo Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
with Engine One Engine Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal documen No was completely destroyed To kill malarlal fevers, the only prepared. Honest advices on point of Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a beyond repairs, the other preparation guaranteed as a radical Así como Dios presentó al eso sí, si el señor Presidente very badly damaged; as cure for Yellow fever, blackwater losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
a mundo a Jesús para que lo le cumple su palabra empe result there was fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds Rufino Solis. Lawyer one death ñada y no resulte más tarde, and fifteen wounded some and all classes of fevers.
sacrificaran los judíos en bien Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
It is reccommended for cleansing de la humanidad, así hoy, el un nuevo Judas o un segun seriously.
English and French Spoken a disordered Liver.
Lic don Cleto González Ví. do Poncio Pilatos!
In proof of the above see the quez, Presidente de la Repú La supresión de puestos There were four carloads following, for four months had been suffering from Hay Fever blica, por acuerdo en Junta innecesarios se impone más, of Gasoline in the local which and after trying all sorts of medicines de notables primero y en que la rebaja de sueldos, y caught afire by the Contact of the Electric overhead wire was advised by Mr. Antonio consejo de gobierno después, es a lo primero que tiende Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago and exploded, destroying presenta al país que agoniza don Tomás sin contemplacioOn Saturday 10th inst the Alfredo Barboza Senior Deacompletely the Cars and the to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
económicamente, a este in ciones. did so and after taking it, was confirmation of The Alma con, Bro Vargas Junior signe estadista, a este gentil y Si los proyectos hacenda roadway. The loss to the permanently cured.
Mater was accomplished, which Deacon, Bro Julio Brenes sublime escritor y periodista darios que tiene en mente el government is estimated at in turn reccommended it to bronght this branch of The Secretary, Bro Miranda Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, que se llama Tomás Soley señor Secretario de Hacienda, abuut a million colones.
Mechanic Order into formal Treasurer. Much business was and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea Güell.
encuentran éco en el Con The work train under Conconciencia ductor Cabrera who is serious.
Vieja who used The Elixir Antian. acknowledgment as a Lodge transacted, so as to place the Costa Rica, en manera algu greso y en la ofelo with marvelous effects as a of the Order. The Installation Lodge on a sound business na sacrificará al señor Soley ciudadana, podemos gritarly wounded and Engineer cure for all sorts of tropical fevers. of the Officers was performed platform after which the Brothen Hacienda como lo hicieron desde ahora a pulmón batien Ramirez overran their orders No household should be withou by Bro. Nation past ers repaired to the Banquetroom te. El País está salvado! Pero and vvas going rapidly to it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it at los Judíos con el Divino Grand Master of the old where the usual Toasts and si esto no ocurriese, también clear the local at the nearby Carboni Co. Cartago.
Maestro en Jerusalen, nó: Es after dinner speeches were Costa Rica District, ably don Tomás el que va a sacridebemos gritar llorando. To.
station vvhen the collision assisted by Bro. Neil Campbell indulged in. The Speech of occurred labourer named ficar a unos cuantos para do está perdido, crédito y To advertise in a Past Master of the Progres by Bro. Artino Fernandez on the evening was that given honor!
Sanchez vvho vvas travelling poner a flote el Crédito púsive Lodge, Bro Pedro Pablo the utility of Fraternity, as blico y salvar el buen nomCarlos Orozco Amador rock got killed by the dumpbre de la actual administracion, Limón, 15 de Enero de 1931.
ing of this Car, which comp. is to double your business Moore Past Master of Bro Vargas, Bro Chajup Loyalty Lodge of Colon, Bro suitably replied to all the EZE EZE3EE33 Fernandez of The Fraternidad, Congratulations offered to the Bro Campbell of Cuba.
Officers, after which all left The Bros. Installed to govern for their respective homes LIMON the affairs of the Lodge are fully satisfied that the Alma of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago Bro Jose Angel Chajud, Ven. Mater No was fully ConsIf you wish io see the best Talking, Musical, Eastern Gate of the Market Master, Bro Juan d: Dios tituted as a full fledged entity and Silent Films.
Ramirez Deputy Master, Bro of the Mechanic order.
Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago is at DENTISTA BATRES 91 all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós Envíe sus impresos a la Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the comFirst class materials and best workmanship fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
therefore the cheapest 30E Don Tomàs Soley en Hacienda MOVEMENTS FRATERNAL on a vvork Car laden vwith The Searchlight Boza of the Eureka, Bro well as an address read by Cine MODERNO Dental Laboratory Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago. Teléfono 137 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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