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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment If we are to be hopeful for all yood things in the future, we must dedicate our lives to the achievement of the goal aimed at, but in doing 80 we must be mindful of the interests of others; attaining our aims would not be enjoyed to its utmost, if our consciences condemued us of having succeeded by doing unto our neighbour what we would not like to be done to us.
YEAR IT LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JANUARY 24 1931 NUM. 63 CURRENT NEWS IN MEMORIAM Faith And Hope a as In fond and loving memory of my dear Our Tourists to an understanding relative to such a Taxon their pass the Laws to govern vvite Cristina, vvho served the Limon Division The Tourists trade has to all discrepancies as to property, but Tinoco saw this Dept. Considering that of the N A as Lady President for six months started to give the spurt valuation of Territorial Tax the wisdom of it and con we have 813 private cars, vvith all her soul and departed this life on 4th to the Gran Hotel Costa and other unpaid revenues tinued it, and today we find as against 321 Carson July 1930.
Sica, during last week there by, which the Company it a most valuable asset to hierage, with 292 Camiones Six Sad and lonely months have passed were over a hundred guests paid in as a compromise the revenue of the State, and 103 autobuses, 325 Short and sudden vvas the call to this most elaborate resort. somewhere about three having risen from 245. 000 Coaches and Carts. and Your sudden death surprised us all Commercial trade will also quarter of a million colo in 1918 when it was adop 82 Motorcycles according The Shock was great, the blowv severe be revived a bit because nes, while this new Contract ted, year by year to the to the Statisties of the Its only those who ve lost can tell considering thateach Tourist was being discussed. immense figure of Inspection of Traffic.
In the meantime some one drops the country twenty The pains of parting such farevvell 1. 475. 000 in 1930.
Our revenues and has accused him of passing Not gone from Love, but to her father dollars there will be a conWheeled Traffic home above.
siderable circulation left in a false document through Expenditures the country.
the Record office by which This is another item of Is but the feelings of a loving husband.
he placed himself in posses revenue which needs re Don Tomas Soley Guell De facto governments sion of a piece of govern modelling; In 1930 it yielded is determined that in Spite Randall James and friends.
It seems as if the Ame ment property in San José. the government 171. 414, of the depression, there rican government has unthe cost of its collection must be a net balance to Property revaluation conciously wiped the law and control was 43. 050 the good in his Depart governing the recognition The Company has in the thus netting to the revenue ment, by economizing in of de facto governments meantime called for a reva 128. 363; but considering very item. In the Consular off the Statutes of the luation of her properties, the many millions that are and Diplomatic Services country by the recognition in view of the world de being spent on Roads and there is considerable reof Panama and other recent pression the value of all streets, this impuesto should trenchments, The European rebellious governments of properties, coupled with the be doubled for at least Legación is reduced to a Central America or is it as many houses she has sold years without any murmur. Charge Affaires, that of High hopes that burned like stars sublime, Go down the heavens of freedom; The owners of trucks Panama is reduced, that at the Literary Digest put it and demolished the imA Government establis. mense area of cultivations Camiones and Motor Cars Washington is also much And true hearts perish in the time.
We bitteriest need them.
ned by bloodshed is not she hasa bandoned and sold save much money in time, retrenched. In the Fomento wear and tear to tires. Public Works) there will But never sit we down and say: vvorthy of recognition until out; the many miles of it proves itself capable of Tramways she has with repairs, gas and oil, by be a saving of over There nothing left but sorrow; protecting investinents. drawn from the abandoned better roads, the travelling million; he is determined We walk the wilderness today, that Expenditure must not The promise land to morrow.
Panama is also recognized farms of Sixaola Talamanca. public would not mind bCosta Rica.
The destruction of her pine paying 25 more for exceed 22. 000. 000 factory by fire as well as easier and quicker travelling, against 29. 000. 000 last Our birds of song are silent now, An Informant claim the industry by abandon thus assisting our Ministerio year. The principal item of There are no flowers blooming; But life beats in our frozen bough, Don Alfredo Saenz whom it ment; she does not consider of Finance in quickly paying revenue The Customs And freedom spring is coming will be remembered was the her holdings Worth anything off the loans for Roads; but has fallen from over twenty And freedom tide comes up alway, greatest oppositionist to the near the former appraise ofcourse again you would to thirteen millions, hence Though we may strand in sorrow: granting of the Concession ment placed on them of have the same squeal as the all Salaries from one hunAnd our good bark, aground today to Company in times gone 26. 795. 332. 28, an equita Territorialfrom the rich, who drid colones upvvards must own the Motor Cars and be reduced to have a parity Shall float again tomorrow.
by has placed a claim against ble valuation now would must the government as infcr be about 21. 231. 370. 04 who are they that of Expenses vvith income Our hearts brood o er the past; our eyes mant for one and a half by which this great Concern With Smiling future glisten; million colones, for a half would be economizing about Lo, now the dawn bursts up the skies.
the amount which in his 14. 500 by a decrease in Lean out your souls and listen.
opinion the Company Territorial duties yearly.
The earth rolls freedom radiant way should have paid into the Territorial Taxes And ripens with our sorrow; Treasury, for alleged duties And the martyrdom today on oil gasoline, machinery, After all, don Alfredo Gives victory tomorrow.
merchandise etc. Which Gonzalez must be considerwere introduced free of cost ed a great benefactor to The Agents of Prohibition by Ratification by the people Tis weary Watching wave by wave.
contrary to certain laws the country. His introduction have been thrown into con themselves in Conventions call And yet the tide heaves onward; which he cited; and as of the Territorial Tax on fusion all over the United ed for that purpose.
We climb like corals grave by grave informant he wonld be all property was the item States from the decision of He cited that past decisions entitled to a half of such that caused him his over Justice William Clarke of the Yet beat a path way sunward, of the Supreme Courts vvere We re beaten back in many a fray, duties; but he forgets that throw and bronght into Federal Bench of Nevv Jersey. only considered on the 18th Yet never strength we borrow; whether such was the case existence the Tinoco regime; William Prague a farmer Amendement itself and the And where our vanguard rests today or no, the Company and because all the rich men vvas prosecuted before Judge lavvs making it effective, not Our rear shall rest tomorrow.
the government had come were strenuously opposed Carke for unlavvfully trans having been asked to pass porting in his vvaggon a van judgment on the method of DAVIDSON load of beer to a nearly Road the adoption ol the Amend.
XOCCULISTIC CLINIC The Judge dismissed the The Literary Digest is full Dr. JOSE CORVETTI case, holding that Prohibition of Pictorial Hints of the Hulvvas contrary to the spirit of labalos Judge Clarke deciOF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY the Constitution, because the sion has started all over the Races in Cartago Deseas. and affections of the eyes 18th amendment deprived the States among the Wets as Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres the States of powers reserved well as the Dry s, relative to syndicate of racing gentlemen is proposing a to them by the Constitution; Prohibition authority and the three days race in Cartago around the Easter Monday ne Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA because such deprivation could consequences to past rulings Festivities, vvhen an Excursion Train vvill be run in only be constitutionally made by the Supreme Court. Combination. Keep your eyes focused on this Ecursion Serious Blow to Prohibition ment.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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