
Saturday January 24 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LALINTERNA)
Shoes For Ladies, young ladies and gentlemen. Special shoes for workmen, we guarantle our better make and attention to orders from all parts of the Line. We have many clients in the Line.
APOLONIO BRENES LIMON East side of the Public market ELEGANT SUCESSORS CARTAGO, Calle Comercio front of Farmacia España Lodge Installation Cine MODERNO Murder avoided at Beverly by a Superitendent Co Farms Notas de Limón res Dental Laboratory of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago On Sunday the 18th lation. The Lodge vvas Deslande to open vvith the Eureka as asst. Master Eastern Gate of the Market January the Eureka Lodge tastily decorated and was prayer and called the meeting of Ceremonies.
Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth of the thronged vvith visitors. to order, ably assisted by The follovving Bros. were Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago entertained the friends and At three o clock Bro. Bio. Franco Daniel Jimé duly installed to direct the is at DENTISTA BATRES relatives of its members to Nation Past Grand nez Secretary of the Frater operations of the Eureka First class materials and best workmanship an enjoyable function by Master of the old Costa nidad Lodge of Limon and Lodge for the ensuing therefore the cheapest witnessing an open instal Rica District asked Bro an officer of the Union term. Bros Geo Chisholm District as Master of Cere Sheddon Dep.
monies, Bro. Percy Bedward Master, Edvvards, of the Progressive Lodge Alfonso Rivera as Treasurer; as Senior Deacon; Bro. Ricardo Oms Tyler, Adan LIMON Morrison as Junior Rivas. Jur. Deacon; Bro Deacon, Bro Juan de Dios Saml. Best acting Secretary.
If you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, Ramirez of the Alma Mater The ceremonyvvas ably and Silent films.
Lodge of San José as Grand performed by Bro. Nation Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and Secretary, Bro Carlos Menin both languages.
doza of the FraterThe usual complimentary On the 18th January Mr Fortunately Mr. Carranza, p. all filas direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós nidad as Grand Treasurer speeches were indulged in, Arthur Barcley Foreman for the Superintendent, running Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the comand Bro. Edwards of but the best of the evening the Co. farm Beverly, up on his gasoline car, fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
vvere that given by Bro at about a. vyas met on rushed up and saved the murFranco Jiménez on his his vvay near to his home der as Barcley vvas unarmed; conversion to Mechanism, going from one section of the the vvould be mur lerer on and that by Bro. Rivera farm to another, by a Nicara seeing the approach of the on the utility and sublimity guan labourer named Eliseo Superintendent on his car of fraternity to mankind, Chávez, to whom he had made his escape in the vvoods vvhile Ice Cream and Cakes given a job to clean a section but was later arrested and vvere passed around, after of this farm.
taken into Limon and lodged Chávez demanded that he Don Angel Zecca in the cuartel.
20 del mes que cursamos, dital tuvimos el gusto de vvhich the function vvas un ataque cardiaco vino a Otro viejo amigo que saludar a nuestro distin brought to a close vvith should go at once to have Mr. Carranza rushed the nos abandona para eterna tencia, en plena madurez cortar el hilo de su exis. guido amigo, Lic. Guiller prayer by the officiating his work measured up, he injured man quickly into the mo Serrano.
Grand Master. Bro replied that according to the Limon Hospital, vvhere the memoria, ha sido este esde la vida. Contaba el Sr.
Nation when all repaired rules of the Co. his work Doctors are trying all they forzado artesano que en Zecca 52 años, quien era Regresó de San José to their homes having spent could only be measured vvhen vida se llamó Angel Zecca oriundo de San Marcos el Lic. don Daniel Zeledón, can to save the arm.
a most pleasant evening.
it vvas properly squared up; Hace varios años este recientemente nombrado InTHE SEARCHLIGHT begs de la Calabria, Italia.
amigo radicaba At p. a banquet was thereupon unexpectedly Cháen esta tendente Municipal de este held in honour of the visivez attacked the foreman Bar to sympathise vvith Mr. Barciudad, donde se estableció El sepelio de este buen Cantón.
hombre se efectuó a las ting brethren at the Hall cley vvith his machete, giving cley vvho has alvvays been varias veces con las mejo: p. del 21, en medio poli en vía de negocios. el establishment vvhen again and made a chop at his neck, The Daily Gleaner and con. Estuvo en la Metro. of Bro Mike Sheddon left arm and across his chest, SEARCHLIGHT as vvell as him three nasty chops on his an ardent supporter of THE barberías, las cuales siempre fueron visitadas de un numeroso acompa: simpático comerciante esto de la sociedad, a quie además las colonia italia pañol, don Antonio Fandi: comed the guests of honar but the mule jumped avvay gratulates Mr. Carranza for no, dueño del Restaurant most agreeable time was and helped to avoid his head his energy is saving a dastnes atendía siempre con na, colombiana, siria y es Valentino. spent. The principal toasts being slashed off.
ardly murder.
esmero y pulcritud. En el pañola.
país formó este gran lu Procedente de Nicara for prosperity of The EuPara su afligida esposa reka and Mechanism vvere chador su hogar, en el e hijos, va nuestro más gua se encuentra entre nosotros el caballero don given by Brothers Jimésentido pésame.
cual deja cinco hijos peMules for Sale Prado Salinas, hermano del nez. Juan Ramirez and queños y una esposa que Viajeros Dr. Prado Salinas. Lo Nation which yvere Should you need Mules for your Farm, Cart llora su ausencia.
eloquently responded to by or any other uses, you can procure them in SiEn el amanecer del día. Procedente de la caBros. Lesmes Suares, Al De Cartago, y en vía fonso Rivera and Burnett, quirres, from Mr. Rizo who has a great de paseo, estuvo variety in different sizes and prices en ésta, vvhen all retired to their Communicate to Rizo, Siquirres.
la familia del culto cabaIlero don Filadelfo Grana ing Mr. Clarke the owner homes at 10. 3) eulogizdos of the restaurant and his MULAS Having been ill with tu Grato placer sentimos attendants for the very berculosis during the last 12 al estrechar la mano de courteous attention served Si Ud. necesita para su finca o cualquier otro years, being a patient in the nuestro viejo amigo, Lic. out to them.
objeto, puede conseguirlas en Siquirres con el Hospital for a long time, don Otoniel Fonseca.
señor Rizo, quien diene de varios tamaobliged to keep to my bed there for more than six Visita ños y precios.
months, was submitted, along with various other En vía de inspección patients to the Friedmann Antituberculosis Treutestuvieron el domingo pró000X200 800MMAD WONDON ment receiving in total three ximo pasado en Río Bainjections.
nana, los Regidores MuniToday feel completely cipales. El objeto fué reviwell, which is also demons sar la bomba que surte de trated by my considerable agua a esa ciudad y orde.
increase in weight 22 pounds nar las reparaciones y traSAN ANTONIO from the time of the first That the only medicine which bajos que sean necesarios.
injection in August 1930, and make this testimocures Asma, and acute Bron.
nial spontaneously for the benefit of all those sufRemedio eficaz, Mejoría ferers from tuberculosis in this country so that they para la expulsión chitis is the can see in me an example of one who sought his Casi restablecida del de lombrices salvation in this notable treatment.
todo, de la operación suCuajani Jordan express in this manner my most sincer thanks frida en el hospital de esThe sole deposit and representation to he Hon: Lic. don Alberto Echandi, foi ser Preta ciudad, se encuentra la De venta en la sident of the Junta de Caridad, who by ordering of which is in the purchase of the vacunas for the Hospital, with gentil señorita Prado Sa FARMACIA which was injected, has undoubtedly saved my life.
casa, hija del dilecto amigo ESPAÑA The BOTICA VARGAS Dr. Prado Salinas. Nos LUCAS MORUA. Bolaños Jimenez alegramos infinito de trasFarmaceutico SAN JOSE mitir al público. tan grata CARTAGO.
San José, de Enero de 1931 Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 Cronista Anunciar en La Linterna 2000000 UUD0000000000000000010X080000 KOK Voluntary Testimonial VERMIFUGO There is no forgetting the fact nueva.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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