
Saturday anuary 24 1931.
Press Toward your Mark QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES fairly large gathering was Limon and administered the disciples when he said, Do Service and afterwards propresent at the St. Peter Holy Sacrament at 30 to this in remembrance of me. ceeded to the dedication of BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!
Church, Rio Hondo, on Sunday the few persons who embrac Immediately after the com the steps. He delivered a very the 11th inst on the occasioned the opportunity to be munion service was over, the interesting and inspiring serDont accept any tube or envelope BAYER of the dedication of the new present. The priest lamented priest administered the rite of mon taking his text from packets without the concrete steps. The Rev. Rye the callousness of the members Holy Baptism to the infant Revelation Chap. 21 Verse BAYER CROSS cart, pastor of the Church, in regard to the Holy Comson of Mr. and Mrs. David And saw a new heaven arrived on the early train from munion remarking that it was Wynter of 28 Miles.
and a new earth for the first one of the Special Commands At 11 the Rev. gentheaven and the first earth which our Lord left with his leman conducted the Church were passed away.
There was nothing left to be desired in the manner in which the priest exhorted his hearers to turn a new leaf over in the history of their There seems to be some needle with double threads the open door to true know lives; and those who were fearful and silly sayings ar drawn through the flesh of lege and wisdom that paves present cannot but congratulate ound, about the Hypnotic, the sleeper painless. No blood, the way of all understanding, themselves for the opportuFORGET THE things that are behind, and Cataleptic feat that had no marks, no injury etc. said which leads to clairvoyance nity of hearving such a noble Press onward toward the mark been performed in the Arrasty chap and verse above men and prophecy, etc. Through sermon.
twice, by Thos. Welling tioned add he took out one of Hypnotism Catalepsy is indOf your high calling. At each dawn He paid a warm tribute to Light will replace the dark ton This need some his (Adam s) ribs and closeduced by mental or verbal That shadowed all your yesterdays; those who participated in the explanation. To the uninitiat up back the flesh instead there commands from the operator, construction of the steps, and Love will replace all hate.
ed, there seems to be a wide of. This is no work of the the muscles and limbs of the In stillness seek to understand; requested that they would spread delusion that Hypnot dreamy theorists of the pres subject in the state of hypcontinue to give their support ism is some special and aug. ent day, but of men who nosis becomes rigid and stiff, New strength comes while you wait.
to the Church. He then ust power through which the have spent years of studies and the body when horrizonForget to worry or to frown, announced that His Lordship possessor dominates the minds To criticize or fear; and experiments and who tally laid on two chairs is the Bishop of Birtish Honand will powers of those Blessing the good that comes each day have led a life far different able to sustain up to 1000 duras, of the Central America with whom he comes in con from that of ordinary men.
lbs. in weight without bend Brings happiness and cheer.
diocèse will arrive in Limon tact and renders them mere The fruit of their labour has ing, a knowledge of it awakDo not let yesterday mistakes 011 the 30th instand will Retard your steps today, automatons. Hypnotism is the been proven to you. Indians, ens a man to his latent posconfirm over 104 candidates induction of a state which has Or disappointment, wrong, cr pain whose religious rituals and sibilities and teaches him to to which Limon will be Be milestones on your way.
respect himself and to appre.
no physiological difference ceremonies are embued and having a quota of fifty.
from that produced by natuGive thanks for each new day God sends; pregnant with the elementary, ciate his proper relation to The ceremony having closed, his fellow men. It makes him Rejoice and do your best; ral sleep; as the same faculas well as advanced principles he proceeded to the vestry ties that are dormant and Forget the things that are behind, self centered and confident; it of ocultism, which leads where he was introduced to a And ever onward press irresistible active in the natural sleep, are to the higher phase Yoga. begets in him an goodly number of persons For there part of the sun in an apple, also dormant and active in momentum and makes him Clairvoyance etc. which have among whom was Mr.
the hypnotic sleep. Hypnotism There part of the moon in a rose; more faculties to learn these master of his own thoughts Harrison, the teacher of is one of the most innocent There part of the flaming Pleiades sciences than others. This and actions. It is a valuable waldeck Day School.
In every leaf that grows.
agents known to modern sci subject hypnotism as the truth therapeutic agent in all diseasOut of the vast comes nearness; The priest left on the es of the nervous system ence.
conveys is aged as the world, o clock train for Limon, proand since all diseases have For the God whose love we sing Probably no other science and so simple as to appear mising to return on Thursday their nervous aspect, is of Lends a little of His heaven means so much to the indi. useless when at one time it to hold a special business universal use in the relief of io every living thing.
vidual and surely, no other did command the attention of Meeting the suffering. We are convincmay be so quickly and so wiser heads than ours; a masted that the time is fast apT. Windt (Reporter)
easily mastered. Know what ery of his science means proaching when physicians know; and you will do what thorough knowlege of the will place as much conI do know the truth and ye philosophy of human nature, fidence in hypnotism as in To advertise in shall be free. Gen. 21st. and the development of your medicine, if not more; maybe verse, and the Lord caused a soul. The Omnipotent and all deep sleep to fall upon Adam benevolent creator has not The Madre de Dios Div. them performing, thus derful possibilities of this and he slept; what kind of created masters and servants is to double your business of The will run making this the biggest science and its value as a sleep, is nut mentioned therein in this world, so it is you a great Race at the New race for the year.
therapeutic agent, but none Jersey (27 miles) Race Track Watch for programmes.
but a deep sleep. Key to the and you alone that go to make has hitherto unravelled the reaBible tells. Reference) Sug yourself. The real self. The on Monday 9th March 1931. All information will be Turfites and Sports gladly given by.
gested anaesthesia, as per great within. Hypnotism is mena evidenced during the remember that many of practice of hypnotism, and Sidney Montague never will be able until man permanently from the Turf is able to grasp more of the in March; therefore this Secty de Dios Div.
working of the human brain To kill malarial fevers, the only will be the last time to see A.
than all physiologists and preparation guaranteed as a radical phychologists have hitherto cure for Yellow fever, blackwater done. This subject will be fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds continued. Wishing all a bright and all classes of fevers.
It is reccommended for cleansing er prosperity by getting to a disordered Liver.
understanding themselves. And In proof of the above see the AND thanking you Mr. Editor for following, for four months had BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY space.
been suffering from Hay Fever ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Prof. Thos. Wellington and after trying all sorts of medicines was advised by Mr. Antonio Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago Bureau established for the greater convenience, under to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking PuI did so and after taking it, was blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
permanently cured. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a in turn reccommended it to Any person who will Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the give information leading and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical up to the recovery of my Vieja who used The Elixir Antianexperience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts white gold filled watch.
ofelo with marvelous effects as a he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supewith a heavy silver chaint cure for all sorts of tropical fevers.
rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials No household should be withou CIGARETTES with the emblem of a Hearare records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al on the back, and my ini, Carboni Co. Cartago.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ tials also on the Back, Barrister Investigator which was stolen from Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager If you prefer a CIGRETTE of Superior me at Cimarrones on Sun The Freidman Antiday 6th inst, will be suita.
MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend bly rewarded. All Jewellers tuberculosis Injection Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia are asked to be on the look out for this watch can be had by writing Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of and chain.
to Messrs Atwell y Cia Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Alex Carter Fourth Cliff Apartado. San Jose a Races. Races. all admit the great and won The Searchlight son for the wonderful pheno Wonderful Remedy is Elixir Antianofelo the big horses will retire LIBERTY LIMON SERVICE BUREAU 10 CIGARETTES Lost or stolen AUTONO LIBERTY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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