
Saturday 24 Januar. 19, Buttings Random by Nicaragua by on of her youths SASTRERIA GRANT GRANT Hotel ATLANTICO RAMON ULLOA Co. C.
Effect of the Banana Industry on Commercial developments decided to take a leaf left my offfce armed with pa passed heading for Park Var self and imagined things, but from our West Indian Daily per and pencil. Proceeding gas. What is the name of that dared not go further. Tell me We have deviated from our of Foreign Affairs of the «The Gleaner and despatch down the main street stop man who have just passed something Mr. Spyer, do you programed releases regarding Republic of Nicaragua, repreed my principal reporter with ped opposite the Company Mr. Mason. Oh, that is Mr. think Limon very perjudiced this subject as arranged for senting the President. Gral the following instructions: Go Comissary and chatted with Aubrey Spyer who works for as regards color? Yes, came with «The Searchlight, so don Santos Zelaya.
you and interview a West In a local motor car magnate, the Cia. Bananera de Costa the reply, a white West in that we could at once eradi The first Article of the dian on any subject. The re whose name is that of a Rica. bade Mr. Mason, a dian is black and a black cate some erroneous statements treaty abrogates the treaty of porter bade me farewell and tradesman. Just then a person diós and followed my prey Columbian is white.
recently published in local Managua between Great Britain whom caught seated on a How old are you. was the and other foreign periodicals and Nicaragua of 1860, and bench reading a paper. Good regarding what is cited as next question and with a Article 2, says (verbatim. His morning Mr Spyer, let me the HARRISON ALTAMIRANO Brittanic Majesty agrees to reslight twinkle in his eye, he introduced myself to you. treaty replied am in my thirty cognize the absolute sovereignam principal report. fifth year. Do you go in for The Harrison Altamirano ty of Nicaragua over the Suits made to order to the Shortest notice.
er of THE SEARCHLIGHT. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels games Mr Spyer? Yes, play Nicaragua on the 19th day former Mosquito Reserve as treaty was signed in Managua, territory that constituted the always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. May have an interview with most games, but indoor, no you. With pleasure, he reof April 1905 by Hierbert defined in the aforesaid treaty out door ones, the reason being William Broadley North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts plied, provided it is not on baHarrison of Nicaragua.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number nanas or Company business. comiort than speed. Are you distinguished Order of St have now got more for Esp, Companion of the most This Harrison Altamirano winnings this week understand you are the loa monthly employee of the treaty consists of articles.
In Serie Drawing No. 46; won by Gonzalo Vargas Michael and St George, Ticket No. 72 cal authority on racing. Yes Company? Well dare not Article dealing in its clauIn Serie Drawing No. 26; won by Humberto Cubas Ticket No. 89 to a certain extent you are s Charge de Affaires in answer you truthfully. Why? the Republic of Nicaragua, and obligations between the ses, a, b, c, d, e, with rights In presence of Jose Cedeño and Alfredo Calvo right, but you see the reason Well, all can say, received representing His Majesty the All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must o necessity bet up is, that nobody else reads the balance of my last pay at to date with their payments.
about racing and that gives King of England, c, and Government of Nicaragua and the end of the month if you SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW SERIE YK IN FORMATION the Mosquito people only nd me the monopoly whether His Excellency Sr. Dr. don wait until after the retrenchright or wrong. What is the Adolfo Altamirano, Minister Continued in page BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 ment hurricane has subsided name of that paper you are will give you an answer to reading. Horse and Hound. the first part of the question.
came the reply. Printed in JaOne more question before niaica? No, it an Enhlish depart Mr. Spyer? Did you Weekly devoted entirely to Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go a see how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make horses and dogs. am made attend the sbarratillo» at the Surtidora? Yes, we bought to understand that you once you comfortable at rediculous prices said you prefered animals to things at the same prices write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ ALMACEN ELECTRICO 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA human beings. No, not such with the addition of the word a sweeping assertion, what barratillo. as the inducement.
South West Corner of the Cathedral. San José, did say to an individual was, In my next interview Thope that if a horse could speak to meet other West Indians in Sale of Motors y Dynamos d rather keep the horse the same jovial mood and company than the individual bade Mr. Spyer Adiós, exDid he reply to you? Yes, he claiming to myself as SIEMENS replied, it is because am walked away, the words of not married why you call me Archemidees, have found a a gelding wondered to my most extra ordinary individual By the Gleaner we note in trade in these countries, but clipping from The Nation that very much more can be TELEFONO APARTADO business that Mr. Cutter has done. As for example two 3509 1061 given a very significant report decades ago American trade of the transactions of the in these regions was only Co. covering the last quarter five hundred millions, whereas century in the Carribean Latin last year it was two thousand of every tissue of the System countries.
millions of dollars, and it All class of materials of installation of He quotes that his compa should be more that five times ny has over 1000 American that much if trade was inteLuxurious Lamps at the College graduates employed lligently pushed; for instance Lowest prices.
in their operations in these he says that in these countries countries comprising Cuba, 65 per cent of the Indian poMéxico, Central and South pulation were without shoes, 100 yards North of Corner of Alsina Printery America; aggregati nga and the momentone took home population of 85 million souls; a pair, all the others vvanted SAN JOSE that his company put in Ciroue too, and so on vvith all other merchandise, thus provculation in these countries lasting if trade was pushed, ComWE year, 28. 420. 060 in payrolls merce would increase corresand 13. 999000 disbursements pondingly.
New castle Diy. 116 of then read the 11 chapter of Envie sus impresos a la in buying fruit etc.
We note also by the same and St. John gospel beginning He points out that his com means that The Co. has from the to the 23 verse 13. 31 pany has been the means of lifted last year from Jamaica for the evening lesson. He To Editor of The Searchlight took his text from the 90 great expansion of American 11. 400. 000 stems of fruit. The Producers Association took Dear Sir have very much Psam and the verse several Better than 100. 000 stems, and the Atlantpleasure in thanking you for hymus were also sung which tic Fruit Co. 300. 000, making space in your valuable Search were prepared for the purpose.
PomonaBiscuits an aggregate from that little light to drop in my report as After the end of the SerIsland for 1930 24. 760. 000 as follows. On Sunday January vice the Chaplin gave hearty Mindful of a duty out of friendship Hello boys. whats up. against 22000. 000 for 1929.
11th 1931 the above mentioned thanks to all friends and Going up to Booths shop of this amt. The Atlantic Fruit Division held a most solemn welwishers who had given the most popular Soap PALMERA man to buy some of his Co. took to the A, memorial Service, in memory their hearty attendance to Has arranged, with a view of the approaching Biscuits. 300. 000 stems The Co.
of Mr. Chas. Barretour commemorate the service with Christmas seasons, to distribute a value of almost dou. Eating one you will be 600. 000 and the Jamaica Baauditor and an earnest worker us; also to Miss Sawyers ble the value of the Soap on the wrappings as a satisfied of the fact that nana Producers Association in this division. He was called who had given her valuable time benefit to its many patrons who use it Booth Biscuits lead took 400. 000 Stems.
away by the cold hand of and service to accompany Us prize to any one who brings us 25 wrappings of class No. will be valued in our next catalogue where others fail to follow.
To Canada, The Co.
death on the of January on the organ rendering great more or less 15 Soaps of No. class Now see to that you took 300. 000 and the 1930. We therefore thought satisfaction. The meeting was The No. wrappings will have a much greater buy a Biscuit branded took 900. 000.
best to keep a memorial ser then brought to a close at vale than the No.
with the name Bouch.
To Europe the Co.
vice for him conducted by the 30 o clock With the PALMERA SOAP They can be had at all took 500. 000 stems The Chaplin Mr. Chas Gordon, singing of the doxology.
Is always sold in a packet and its wrappings will be exchanged chinese vendors. took 800. 000.
beginning at o clock Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep for valuable prizes. We are preparing a magnificent assortment of Eating one you will be gifts which we place at the disposal of our clients as from the 1st.
The prices have fallen much with the singing of hymn 450.
From which none ever wake of December convinced that they are this year on an average the Oh God our help in ages past. to weep Our Agent in Limon is DON ELOY GOTAY certainly the best Local growers got in 1929 two shiHe then led us in prayer calm and undisturbed repose, Our Agent in Turrialba is Sres. ROJAS CORTES Cia.
Biscuits in the Country. llings and eleven pence ballthanking the Lord for his great Unbroken by the wish of foes.
Ask for them at Estrada penny per count bunch whereas benefits and asking him to take James McPherson APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE TELEFONE 3103 and Matina as well as this year they have only realized our meeting in charge. He Reporter Limon.
two shillings on the average Most minute examinations by Dr. Roberto Quesada. of London Memorial Service Sociedad Tipográfica Cartago. Teléfono 137 AN ADVICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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