p. 6


THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNAL Saturday 24 January 1931 PAGE Wants Column To help unemployment Railways for British Guiana Notice. Our Lottery very Strange procedure One colon per insertion of six lines Copied from the Clarion upkeep of freight on the RailWANTED We have seen the following ployed persons who found of Belize, Honduras, it is not vvay so as to be able to pay plan proposed by the Minis. employment under the nevv ed that a resolution by the the interests on capital. It ter of Finance in Germany, system.
Hon Eleazer has been un vvas right to say, he vvent The Community to know All sufferers from Asthma as also a move by the Ame The National League of Ger animously carried and approv on that the Guianians had that there is nothing to break to try Botica Vargas specific rican Secretary of labour. man Industrialists oppose the ed of by the Governor, in the great faith in their country up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Cuajani Jordan large sized GERMAN PLANS TO plan put forvvard by Herr Legislative Assembly of Bri and vvould leave no stone tablet taken in a Cup of hot bottles for. 00 HELP WORKLESS Dietrich as they say that Go tish Guiana that the Secretary unturned to make their counlime juice tea inmediately vernment subsidies are likely of States be asked to raise a try the El Dorado they all after having contracted a cold.
Stuttgarth, Jan. Reuter to deeply shake confidence in loan of five million Pounds hoped for.
To sell. 44 Manzana of West Indian Press Service by Germany financial policy.
for the purpose of construc This vvas the recommenlands a few miles north of Cable Coy) new URGE DEPORTATION ting a Railvvay in this Colony daticn he vas sending to To sell a fine organ at the Cartago at a bargain, with a plan for combating unemployfor the purposes of develop Dovvning St vvith the resolu OF CONVICTED ALIENS ridiculous price of 250. at small cultivation of coffee and ment was outlined by the Fiing the interior.
Jack Oranes.
nance Minister of the Reich. Nevv York, Jany. Reuter The Governor congratulatBritish Guiana is an immenseHerr Dietrich, who said it West Indian Press Service by ed the proposer, but suggest ly Rich Colony undeveloped, would be monstrous to spend Cable Coy. The All persons suffering from ed that a committee be form and roads if and Railvvays vvere All owners of Balsa logs of three million marks annually deportation of all aliens conMalaria to try Carboni Aned to elucidate the attractions their own holdings are invited for relief purposes without to be constructed in the invicted of any crime and the tianofela it is the best eradi. to communicate with Mr. getting any valve in return.
developments to be able terior, it would be a great tightening of the Alien De.
cator of malaria from the George Feeley, Hotel Euto attract such a Loan. They inducement for Britishers vvho He argued that the money portation Lavv in general vvas system.
vvould have to make concesropa Puntarenas who is here are being insulted in these should be used to cheapen recommended to the Senate for purchasing all the Balsa and increase production by by the Secretary of Labour.
sions vvhether by land terms countries to go and settle and All Turfites to remember scantlings he can get. All in paying industry part of the or some enticement for peo help to colonize under their He estimated that there were the Races at 25 miles on formation from him or The ple to come in and settle the ovvn flag as they have done wages or salaries of unem four hundred thousand persons lands so as the 9th day of February. Searchlight.
to support the in other climes.
illegally in the United States, of vvhom a hundred thousand FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. vvould be deportable.
In Great Britain also there At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small family residence adjoining the Post Office is voted seventy five million Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES pounds sterling to construct Again is this to be chan themselves, and pay for the On Sunday 1st day of roadvvays by which a quarter February the Anglican million vvorkmen vvill be en ged. We shall revert to three ending Nos of the our usual monthly drawing grand prize as is done in Church of Siquirres vvill gaged for the year to lessen hold its Thanksgiving Serthe unemployment dole. from next month. There Panama. They would be vice. The Catechist Mr.
According to statistics from vvill be ten thousand Tickets able to sell fiften thousand Deslandes vvill conduct the the League of Nations Reports issued, with a first prize Tickets, and so give a fevv Limón, January 20 1930 Division or should be asked Service. several speakers there are tyventy millions of of forty thousand colones, more prizes to encourage The Editor of The Searchlight to remain some time more. He vvill deliver orations among unemployed in the world of a second prize of five the purchasers. There are Dear Sir: is one of the best brainy then being Mr. Suares which there are eleveu millions thousand and tuvo of tuvo too many blank tickets at beg a little space in your vvorkers in the division, and in Europe. There are five thousand and the minor present, but by relinquishing our genial Jefe Politico millions in the United States prizes.
has been the means of Warding with Dr. Shavy in.
the Ten per cent there paper to say a few words for and tvvo millions in Canada. What yve vvould advise could be at least ten more the public good.
off many of the attacks, made terpreting.
the Directors to do is, to prizes of five hnndred giving On Monday night the mem against the Dision. Next, give up the Ten per cent greater impetus.
bers of the Limon Div. were Remember Mr. Pearson is the PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres that they are reserving for told by the President Mr. officially acknovvledged SecreA. Reid that the time of his tary of the Division, by the Keep apushing and ashoving you push them dark clouds away appointment of a Secretary government. see the Official and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be was closed hence the people Gazette. he stands out as a shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies must give him a Secretary. perfect gentleman. When shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
Thereupon the people elected reminded him of his claims Siquirres PILE Mr. George Wellington to the through the Official Gazette position of Executive Secretary. he says he knovvs, but does The precious fluid has the necessary reservoirs in Now, one wuld think it not vvish to fight for no such been the greatest drawback Limon, but they reckoned quite strange that at a time thing, and if he thinks that in the domestic as well as without taking into conside like this, when that office needs any responsability the industrial life of Limon. ration the capricious Works through Great fortunes have been of nature, the pipeline was the best brain of the commusuch publication should come nity to combat the many against him he vvill send a spent to give Limon an not properly protected from difficulies surrounding the denunciation to the offical Kingston Jamaica. duties as President of the adequate vvater supply the swollen currents of Limon Div. that such a sudden organ of the government, Mr.
3rd January 1931 above Society, but as within the past three de treacherous river hence pipes change should be made without Pearson is novy engaged in cades but to no purpose.
To the Shareholders of am novy advised by my Were broken and the suppl, notifying the General Mem translating the Registration the Agricultural and Build Doctors that must unThe Commiltee on Sanea. Wrecked. Commision vibership that such an election vvhat vvill happen if he should ing Corporation of 28 dergo an operation for my miento composed of Messrs sited the source on Sunwas to be made. Then next, refuse to further continue, it miles Costa Rica. illness and not knovving Findley, Galbraithe Wendorf day last, and decided to Mr. Reid declared that Mr.
vvill be some delay if not In consequence of my vvhat may be the result, Golcher and others, thought repair the damage. Our LiWellington would take charge some expense on the Div, if failing health hereby beg deem it fit to resign said that they had everything mon enthusiast Don Wenof the job on Wednesday, they wish to have it done, to tender my resignation position so that my Society vvell arranged vvhen they die has promised to get vvithout any obligation adyou have no faults against as President of the Agri may adopt the necessary dam at Agua Dulce and old man.
built the new reservoir and the loan necessary. Bravo ministered to him as an elected him except that he is short cultural and Building Cor measures to fill my posiofficer should be. This is not tempered. He is honest, edu poration of the District of tion.
legal, and it does not look cated and vvise, and has a 28 Miles, Costa Rica; Farquharson vvell Mr. Pearson has remodel great reputation among the Be it understood that ed the office and made it up to masses. Be vvise, dont throw yvas granted six vveeks President and Cordate on the short time he avvay your stick until you are leave of absence from my poration 28 Miles.
vvas acting as Secretary. up the hill.
The world is blockaded defeat altho not fatal of think he should remain there Thanking you in advance.
with Crises at the present. MacDonald proposition; for the best interest of the Follower trial, Agricultural y hasta to one is tempted to ask.
By a recent meeting of We have just settled our men in high Politics it Parold Patterson, a young most accommodating and luxMinisterial Crisis here, Pa seems as if our Grand old Obstetrics, diseases of women man residing in Jamaica Tovun urious hotels of this tovvn, nama her presidential one, man don Ricardo Jiménez vvho made it a constant prac vvhere he spend a fine night.
vve find France has again is going to be proclaimed and of the Genito Urinary tract tice of entering Mr. Mc. Kehad another Ministerial by the entire country as He vvas escorted next mornsey fovvl coop at night vvas ing by a police officer to see crisis by the fall af her the only Candidate for PrePRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC captured on Saturday night don José Vivo, vvho told him Cabinet. and that of En sidency to solve our Crisis, Half BLOCK NOF TH OF MARKET 10th inst. at p. by Mr. that he could stay there for gland is tottering by the Nemiah White, vvho vvas like 30 days vacation. We hope a Scotland Yard Detective in this young man vvill take this TO ADVERTISE IN his achievement as a lesson to himself and SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 The young man vvas taken his friends.
THE SEARCHLIGHT to Robles Hotel, one of the sgd. Miller IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS The Limon Water Works Resignation Political Crisis Jamaica Town Fowl Thief is Captured Political, Financial Indus. where is the world heading Will Spend 30 days Vacation at Robles Hotel fraternal.
Dr. GRILLO PYHSICAL THERAPY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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