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PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment In he tragedy of human progress the individual is the actor. He enters life and acts his part for good or evil then makes his exit, because his appearance upon the stage is but for a moment. The actors of life are many, but the drama is one and proceeds uninterrupted.
Act your part well, so that your exit many leave an indelible footprint of a good example to the actors who shall succeed you.
YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JANUARY 31 1931 NUM. 64 Gleanings from afar Court procedure and Decisions Negro hampers his Progress Death Sentence Brown will act as York. the Dorsetshire and Engineer be sent out at The bad man of Smith Chief Justice of Jamaica in Norfolk and the Adventure. once, to advise on the posthe absence of Sir Fiennes Village will die on the gáIt is expected that one sibility of the Construction Surety in civil case cannot quently exist betyveen himself Jows for the murder of Barrett Lennard, who has of these boats will give of a deep water Pier at renounce responsibility at will and the principal debtor, as it Ernest White with a knife been ill for some time and Limon a visit early. Montego Bay, to accommonor force release from security is a contract vvhich implies 12 inch long perforating Sanatorium. He has been confined to the St. Josephi Deep water Pier date large boats; from the fact that the Co. has Limon Civil Court.
is precedent laid down by an obligation on the part of his Lung by the stab.
the bailor; and as it is an granted six months leave Cable has been sent decided to make Montego An attempt made by Coun immutable rule in civil lavy Dangerous Lunatic of absence.
to the Crown Agents by Bay the first Port of Call on sel for defendant, in the case that a liability cannot be re.
Percy Buckanon for kill Mr. Hector Josephs the government at the re the way down from New of James Miller versus Augus nounced, Grandison request ing Ethel Hill his former is also expected to be quest of Messrs Kerr and York instead of Part Antine Tarry, to stay the that the security be cancelled lover, was sent to the Lu appointed Attorney Gene Co. asking that an Expert tonio.
procedure by influencing is absurd, and the substitution natic asylum. He was de. ral of Jamaica, on the reAlexander Grandison, the sure. of the surety he solicits should clared insane by the tirement of The Honorable ty for plaintiff, to renounce be denied, for independent for Kingston as well Wells Durrant his surety ship or force the from the doctrines that have as the Superintendent of which will be in June. Mr.
plaintiff to release him from already cited, in vievy of the the Lunatic Asylum, who Josephs is now Attorney the responsibility was frusfact that Grandison surety found him a dangerous General for British Guiana.
trated, when Judge Octavio is not a gratuitous one, article kind of Lunatic, being an The Prince Rodriguez Mendez of the 1324 of the Civil Code cannot extreme egoist, would be Limon Civil Court held, in a be applied to this case, as liable to do anything when of Wales decision of December 18, 1930, impliedly invoked by Counsel disappointed or ashamed. The Prince of Wales and for defendant. The Negro and the New and genial to his people, he that the surety for costs in a He had been an inmate of his brother Prince George Year this was the thought becomes insultive, arrogant, re civil case cannot renounce his «The plaintiff presented some Niental Hospitals in Cuba will arrive on 2nd instead three or four letters, along which Mr. Marcus Garvey pulsive to his less favoured. suretyship at pleasure nor and America.
of 3nd February, as for President General of the So customers, naturally they go force his substitution, especial vvith his argument, to confirm wave of murders have merly scheduled. The Prin ciety for the Improvement of the allegation that Grandison elsevvhere to purchase, and ly vvhen the surety is not a been passing over Jamaica ce train was delayed in the negro introduced to his hea so it is in every line of life, gratuitous one. The decision was paid to give the security, during the close of the year. France for five hours due rers at Edelvveiss Park Kingston one is continually vvarring vvas handed dovun after and therefore he could not to a wreck ahead of him. Jamaica on the night of the Alexander Grandison, the Fruit Co. paralized renounce or cancel same at against the other; the more They are in route to Ar 31St. December last, and vvell favoured despises the unfor plaintiff surety, submitted the his pleasure. And the plaintiff Due to the many losses gentine Republic to open might every man and woman continued further in his argu tunate, vvho in turn vvould follovving memorial on Deand reverses by fights with an Exhibition there, they of Negro descent in every do all in his povver to dravy cember Ist, to the Civil Court: ment stating that. The conthe Co. The Co. go via Bermuda, Havana, part of the world engage very him back to his lamentable Your Honor: gave my tract of suretyship is no exceplombian Cooperative Ba Kingston. After fulfilling his seriously this thought, of ma conditio. let us hope that Mr. guarantee but in reality have tion to the general rule of nana Association has found official engagement, the king 1931 the pivot on vvhich Garvey argument will begin not sufficient property for the lavv, that a contract is binding: it necessary to retire from Prince will fly acoss to the their progress in unification it is a general rule also, that to bear fruit in 1931; that responsability. My property the Fruit Trade. The fi Pacific and back to his shall revolve.
they will begin to think tovalues but very little and is the surety, once he has benishing blow was when ship.
As he rightly points out if besides burdened vvith a vvards Progress; to realize come such, cannot terminate she lifted fruit in Columthe people of Jamaica vvere New vessels his contract by merely giving that Conflict among themselmortgage which have not bia which had been conunified in their sentiments to ves do not tend to Progress; as yet cancelled; and bring notice to the obligee; and tracted for by the The fifth vessel of the each other, the government this renounciation to the vve talk of Liberty but this that although the parties to Eo. causing a lawsuit in Jamaica Banana Producers would not be worried novv cannot be attained except by plaintiff so that may be the contract, strictly speaking, England where the fruit Association The Jamaica over the question of putting triumphing over the errors of substituted. Sgd) Alexander are the obligor and the obligee, was landed.
Pioneer will be launched an end to immigration. the past. Let each individual Grandison the presence of and the con An export Tax on ba on February 3rd and fi. ted The entire trade in the Island act his part vvell, be sympa Tarry Attorney approves tinuing liability of the principal Danas has been passed in up for service sometime in today vvith very fevv excepdebtor cannot be lost sight of, thetic with those vvho are not Columbia of three cents March. The order for the tions is in the hands of Chi so vvell favoured as you are, Grandison action as his relation and his contract vvith the creditor is the basis per stem, to come in force sixth will soon be placed; nese and Syrians, whereas if and endeavour to guide him Grandison memorial conin June. The President has the Overseas Trade Deve. the inhabitants vvould support into the right line of thought tained a of the surety liability, he foot note, vyritten Powers however, to exempt lopment Board has voted their ovvn, there would be should not be ignored.
that vvill lead to Progress; and subscribed by don An.
any Company, Corporation a grant toward this sixth no place for them in Cominer renie mbering that the truly tonio Segura, Attorney for Court Agrees With Plainor body of traders from vessel of 50. 000. ce, but instead, the ordinary great is great because he has defendant Tarry, praying that tiff Theory payment of such Tax accordThe Fleet coloured man vvould not buy become impersonal, he has ing to his judgment as to the petition be granted, thus: from another if there vvas entered into a oneness vvith The Court decision vvas the influence such impues. The spring cruise of the some other nationality for him humanity and the Universal. Antonio Segura, Altorney in conformiiy vvith the plaincause to the North Atlantic Fleet has to buy from. There is no place lovver tread of the ladder let To those vvho are to would on the for defendant, do hereby accept tiff theory of therule governthe renounciation and cancel ing the subject matter, practrade.
started and will end in vvhere negroes live that the them submit themselves to the lation of the security and begtically in every detail, proTwo deserving Sons March, the vessels appor. lack of Unity is so terribly guidance of the better informtioned on the visits of this lacking as in this country. ed, and that the plaintiff be instructed of Jamaica nouncing itself against the do all in their to substitute same with a cruise, are The Ne. son, the Were these to take to heart povver to safeguard the Propetitions of both Grandison person of sufficient solvency. and Tarry Attorney.
His Honour Justice Rodney, the Hawkins and Mr. Garvey remarks in this gress and dignity of the more address there vvould not be (sgd) Antonio Segura.
favoured brother, remembering Notice of Appeal Filed felt in another year the lack that this brother glory is Plaintiff raises objection and Admitted CCULISTIC CLINIC and vvant that is among the also his uplift, and although The plaintiff immediately coloured people today. Should he may never be able to attain raised an objection in a vvritten Attorney Segura immediately Dr. JOSE CORVETTI the race be honest, true and his eminence, he may be argument addressed to the gave notice of appeal vvhich sympathetic to each other the inthused to help to elevate Court, which, in part read vvas accepted and the OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY commerce of the tovyn vyould some kin of his to the desired as follovvs. Your Honor: It has been since pending final Deseases and affections of the eyes be entirely in their hands, but capability, then and only then is a universal doctrine that a decision before the civil bench Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres no sooner than one fellovy shall vve be making the right judicial security given in a of the Appelate Court. The gets a vvee bit better in po about face tovvards Unifica. civil case cannot be renounced plaintiff, James Miller, is repreThe Oprician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA sition than the other instead tion and Progress and may by the surety at his vvill e: of being kind, sympathetic that be the motto of 1931. even if enmity should subseContinued on page case Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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