
Saturday January 31 1931.
PAGE QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Presentation Cricket Match Excelsior The Champions CAFIASPIRINA down to play exhilarating The Atlantic Municipalities Death of a great actor Limon; 11 January. 1931 bean, fanned all around add started at 12:05 o clock. The BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! The presentation match play ing complacency to buoyant Captains of the Champions the merriment that marked Dont accept any tube or envelope ed on the Limon Plaza provwon the toss; but elected to BAYER take the field sending the Surpackets without the ed a veritable sporting festi day event.
BAYER CROSS val. The day was an ideal one fair turn out of cricket prise to bat.
calm, balmy and with an ef fans fringed the ground and Tomlinson and Irons fulgent sun whose rays, tho crowded other pointsof vantOpened and both settled ugh fierce were assuaged by age eager to witness the en.
the soft zephyrs which, blown counter.
cricket, setting up a record from across the placid Carib Eventually the game was first wicket stand for the sea The newly installed Muni attention that in keeping vvith til now and ought to be conson in local cricket. When cipal Boards are having their ideas of hygiene the City fa sidered by the Board.
Irons succumbed to a slow time of it to cope with the thers of Siquirres are disposed Deputation of residents of one which broke in sudden stringency of Revenue. to put the beefs talls on Limon have also approached ly from the off the score The Siquirres Board headed the outskirts of the market; the Ministers of Interior and board registered 63 17 by the shrewd business gebut they will have to acconFinance on the dissatisfaction Tomlinson in his usual vi nius of that place Mr. Lester dition thes talls, beforere movof the administration of the This is what the Editorial vvhich he acted the part of gorous fashion hit up 47 be Norton, backed up by another new Board by creating seveappearing in The Paul Block the Angel Gabriel.
keen financier don Alfonso ing the present tenants. There ral new positions, one being newspapers has to say of the He will sing the song for fore falling a victim to Moore also Johnson was undefeat Rivera, are feeling by their is the rumour afloat that this a Foreman of works at 350 funeral of Charles Wesley Hill us no more, because last Week ed with 13 when Myers, arguments before don Cleto is being done so as to give and an intendente (quarter a famous coloured actor who he vvas killed by an automo.
Captain of the Runners up government that they have the monopoly to one butcher, master general) at a salary of got killed by a collision with bile, and perhaps his vvish applied the closure at 101 for enough brains to direct the mean while the others must 650 this latter post is how.
a Txicab. Hill was the prin has novy been fulfilled.
ihe loss of wickets.
affairs of the township with find a place of their own, let ever provided for by the govcipal actor in Marc Connelly Hill vvas a colored man, a out having the unnecesary us hope that this is false be ernment as a sort of veto on play «The Green Pastures great actor and a fine human Match Drawn expense of an interventor or cause the persons to be preunnecessary expenditure which representing the Angel «Ga being. In that section of New Excelsior in turn batted intendente, especially at a time judiced by this latest move, really is being forced on all briel» in the play, and was York vvhere most of the peo Stubbornly and effected a draw of distressing hardships like are they who have helped to Municipalities of a certain familiarly known among his ple of his race live, he vvas amassing 76 runs for the loss the present.
pay the expenses of that mar grade of revenues; This delepeople as Gabe» the servant beloved because he played the of wickets. The champions It hasbeen brought to our of the Lawd «Harlem Me.
ket from its construction ungation, two of whom were part of Gabriel both on, and appeared at the start as if they members of the former Board thodist Episcopal Church was off the stage. All of his race, would be beaten, having lost Mr. Ricardo Alvarado and Mr.
packed to its utmost with both and white people, too, are wickets for 13 runs. Howraces and was a most impos better for his having lived LAWYER AND NOTARY Antonio Escalante and the ever, they made a great recothird Mr. Filadelfo Granados, ing spectacle, while the Revd.
amongst us, because he had Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
very and amply lived up to Treasurer of the Charity Board Dr. John Robinson acknow. religion in him and he vvas their reputation as a good allConveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal proved to the Ministers that ledged Harlem farewell para sincere in his vvish that after round team.
documents prepared. Honest advices on points of they were only able to meet phase of Wesley Hill chief life he vvanted to go to that The principal scorers were Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a the refunds of their Loan on line from the show «Ganvvay city called Heaven.
losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto. Jones 14 not out, Streets and waterworks by abo.
for the Lawd, but he said, He vvas a colored man, but Johnson 13, McKoy 12 and Rufino Solis. Lawyer there was no «gangvvay for Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
lishing nearly all employes of he vvas vvhiter than some of Banner 10.
English and French Spoken the Board so as to have been Gabriel Novv.
the people we knovv.
The Presentation able to meet their repayments No Color Line In Hea And those vvho believe in and interests on this Loan of ven.
the Hereafter should be proud Mr. Irons, President 208. 000 out of the year There is a city vvant to if permitted to mingle vvith of the Surprise and orrevenue of 0471. 803, but go to, and its name is Heaven. him in that CITY he used ganiser of the Orane Cup when viewing the financial That is vvhat Charles Wes to sing about.
Matches gave a brief review condition of the town, Reveley Hill used to sing in The Paul Block of the origin of the Compenue must be much less this Green Pastures, the play in The West Indians yvon the 3rd. Test, 558 Runs; Bradman tition. The cup was generousPublisher.
year hence the merchants and ly donated by Mr. Jack Orane State Match at Brisbane 223 thus making another reother ratepayers deem it unat his suggestion to be comQueensland by 219 Runs. cord of highest individual business like to be creating new peted for by Cricket Clubs. West Indians 309 and 276 score by Australia, Vicior Posts at this time; both MiFour clubs had originally enof vvhich Constantine vvho is Trumper did some time ago nisters agreed to investigate Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see tered for the competition namely considered one of the vvorld 216; Ponsford made 109 and and act on the matter at an how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make Construction, Surprise, Esbest allround cricketers made Kippax 84.
you comfortable at rediculous prices early date.
trella and Excelsior.
75 Runs in the first inning The West Indians had 193 write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ Two withdrew, leaving only and 97 in his second. The in the first of vvhich Headley 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA Surprise and Excelsior which Queenslanders made 167 in made 102 not out, and in the clubs agreed to play a series the first and 188 in the se.
We beg to acknovvledge second innings 148 thus leavvvith thanks cond inning through our ing the of four games, of which the Australians again Agent at Moin, Mr. WilThe boys cannot stand the victorious. Their next engage liams, the sum of 6 50 from latter won matches thus Test. Australia made in the ment is at Nevy Castie.
earning the Championship.
our friends. Mrs Samuels, Messrs Bovvens, Watson, Spence, LesMessrs. Duckett, Richards, The Madre de Dios Div. them performing, thus Foster, Brissett, Myers and lie and others tovvards the of The will run making this the biggest Drummond, representing ExNevv Year Dinner, vvhich vvill be carried tovvards our next a great Race at the New race for the year.
celsior. Penshurt, Estrada, CaHoliday treat.
Jersey (27 miles) Race Track Watch for programmes. huita ade Surprise Clubs all AND on Monday 9th March 1931. All information will be spoke appropriately on the BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Turfites and Sports gladly given by.
topic of cricket.
remember that many of ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Mr. Irons then requested the big horses will retire Sidney Montague Mr. Chas. Hayling, who, in Bureau established for the greater convenience, under permanently from the Turf the absence the donor, kindly To kill malarlal fevers, the only tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Puin March; therefore this Secty de Dios Div.
preparation guaranteed as a radical consented to present the tro blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed will be the last time to see A cure for Yellow fever, blackwater phy to the winners. It was for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulos debtors.
fever, Ague, intermittent iever, colds the unanimous opinion that Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a and all classes of fevers.
Mr Hayling speech was a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the It is recommended for cleansing Mules for Sale public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the a disordered Liver.
the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical In proof of the above see the The cup was filled with experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts following, for four months had Should you need Mules for your Farm, Cart ruddy wine and the health of he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe been suffering from Hay Fever or any other uses, you can procure them in Sirior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials the clubs drank amid much and after trying all sorts of medicines quirres, from Mr. Rizo who has a great are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel. was advised by Mr. Antonio variety in different sizes and prices cheering and glee.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago Communicate to Rizo, Siquirres.
Barrister Investigator to buy a flask at Carboni Co. did so and aiter taking it, was Attorney at Law Notary Publlo Soliciting Manager permanently cured.
The Freidman AntiMAIN OFFICE MULAS BRANCH OFFICE in turn reccommended it to Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, tuberculosis Injection Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea Si Ud. necesita para su finca o cualquier otro Vieja who used The Elixir Antianobjeto, puede conseguirlas en Siquirres con el can be had by writing Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of ofelo with marvelous effects as a señer Rizo, quien ciene de varios tamaPanama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, cure for all sorts of tropical fevers.
to Messrs Atwell y Cia ños y precios.
California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, No household should be wi 1001 it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it at Apartado. San Jose Carboni Co. Cartago.
Cricket in the Antipodes Hotel ATLANTICO Further acknowhedged Races. Races. LIMON SERVICE BUREAU Wonderful Remedy is Elixir Antianofelo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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