
Saturday January 31 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE A PIONER DE AD Literary and Sporting Club for space, LIBERTY An Appreciation VERMIFUGO EEEEE Dental Laboratory of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago From the Panamá Star and The Rev. Sobey and his sistauce in a movement which Guy Allen of Mount Hope Eastern Gate of the Market Herald of January 4th we wife were the pioneers of resulted in the for many years continuing her Nearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth clip the following; in conse protestantism in Costa Rica. becoming associated with the great and good work among Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago quence of the love and respect They planted the Baptist life of the army.
the and prisons Hospitals. The in which the Rev. and Mrs is at DENTISTA BATRES Church, here somewhere in Among the many Thousands poor and needy everywhere.
Sobey were held in this counFirst class materials and best workmanship 1895, after his star the Epis who resided in or who visit She was given continuous try we feel it our duty to make copals came, then the Westherefore the cheapest ed Panamá during and after passes on the that the insertion.
leyans. This pair ot early mis the construction of the canal she might carry on her labor sionaries did remarkable work 110 one was beter known or of Love. After many more in the spiritual comforts of the loved than «Mother Sobey. years of service on the Isthearly West Indian labourers, She was gladly welcomed in mus she accompained her who made the Railroads and home of the Governor and Grandchildren to Hudson planted the first banana farms; that of the lowest laborer, where she still worked in her when men were dying by the Both Colonel Goethals Colo Masters Vineyards until the Editor, The Searchlight to the great authors both On Wednesday the 21s scores weekly. For the kind nel Gorgas valued her aquain summons came «Enter into Dear Sir: ancient and modern and the inst the members played their and loving ministrations here tance. She was known up the joys of the Lord. very interesting lectures which first game of Rounders» on in days gone by, the name of and down the Line in the Although «Mother Sobey» crave your indulgence for are given by we founders the Waldeck Cicket Field. The Sobey associated with prison pen and on the ships had lived the full allotment a space in your valuable paper every Wednesday night from good many persons in the the Baptist faith, and that of that came and went.
of man and was ready to lay to announce the formation of 00 to community turned out to Pitt with the Wesleyans will In 1910 Rev. Sobey went many jewels at the Masters a New Club in 28 Miles. The Club shall be very watch the game which was ever live, so long as Protesto the United States for rea feet still a host of Isthmian This Club is known as the thankful to any one sending very interesting.
tantism lasts in Costa Rica. son of his health and passed friends will regret that they Waldeck Women Literary them few books or magazi Thanking you Shortly after o clock on away at Watkins, After will never see her dear kindly and Athletic Club and is nes to increase the stock in Mr. Editor.
Friday morning, Nov. 23th. that time Mrs. Sobey return face again. Beloved by all she founded by Mr. Hathe library. All donations should am, yours for Educational Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Sobey, ed to the Isthmus and resided will be remembered, with Love rrison and Mrs. Douglas, be sent to the Club Secretary, Uplift.
widow of Rev. Joshua Heath with her Granddaughter, Mrs. and Reverence.
teachers respectively of the Liberty Hall, Waldeck, 28 Mary Davis and the Baptist Sobey passed into rest at the Miles.
Waldeck, 28 Miles.
home of her son, Melville Day Schools, Valdeck.
Application forms for mem Ed. Note: It is to be hoped Sobey, 66 Glenwood BouleThe Club aims at raising bership can be had from the that gentlemen vvith a stock vard, Hudson.
the moral, social, and educaSecretary at the aforementioned of books vvil ansvver the above tional status of the women large number of friends address.
in Waldeck and to provide gathered to pay their last rethem with useful and healthful spects to one who was so exercises to wear away the dearly believed as «Mother»
monotony of dull cares.
Sobey, who devoted a long life to the services of her MasA special feature of the ter and her fellows. There Club is the Library to which the members are introduced was a profusion of beautiful Fortuna, Estrella Valley 14 1931 last but and not least the floral tributes.
Editor of The Searchlight Searchlight has done it in Costa The above item which is Rica, keeping in practice one clipped from the Hudson weekDear Sir: of the greatest laws of God ly Gazette will be of interest As a Subscriber of the Search«Charity which is love Spri to the people of the Panama tually, have Shared the joy light a journal which much Canal.
with the poor ones at the appreciate, think it my duty very wide and scattered dinner though far away for to give you thanks for the host of friends will regret her the allwise one said in as much passing. Rarely is one privigood work the Searchlight has started for the new year as you have done it unto the leged to meet just such a least of these my brethren SAN ANTONIO in proposing that New year character. In a long and useful Dinner for the poor people you have one it unto me.
Your reward is Sure «Blessed of the world, scarcely a tholife spent in many quarters CIGARETTES of Limon; as have seen in Remedio eficaz, is he that considereth the poor the latest issue, also a vote ught or a moment was spent para la expulsión My only hope in is the next of thanks to those that donaupon herself, hers was prede lombrices. ted to the cause philanthropic; Season, Churches, Lodges and eminently a life of service to If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior other friendly Societies May her Master and her fellow men.
Organizations and individuals follow your example and exQuality at a cheaper price we Recommend did it in Jamaica in the holiday, De venta en la Rev. and Mrs. Sobey came hand of Charity to from England in their early FARMACIA the poor irrespective of creed days in 1886 and after pasESPAÑA To advertise in or colour, thus fostering the torals in the West Indies divine proclamation of ChristLUCAS MORUA FA inaboutico The Searchlight mas morn On Earth peace where a work whose effects CARTAGO. are still felt was accomplishis to double your business good will to all mankind.
Your for Charity ed, they located in Port Limon, Costa Rica. Spencer All along The Mosquito coast they did a memorable work and no small part of Better than it was done by the one who have reported a lot of is my gretest delight to state, happenings about different that young woman was held grew to be called Mother Pomona Biscuits Sobey) by those in every societies, and have poked my in high esteem amongst all.
One of the most important houses of Hamburg walk in life. The East Indians nose here and there, but There is nothing can say Importation and Exportation Hello boys. whats up. and West Indians left by the have not yet poked my nose would be fitting the praise of Going up to Booths shop defunct French Canal Co.
in any of the Colored Catho this young lady. learnt that lic affairs. One would hardly she was the President of the Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica man to buy some of his were her special care. They Biscuits.
grew to Love her and her think that they were the deadest Children of Mary, and that husband, the work firmly es group around this town, and much tears were shed by her Eating one you will be tablished there, they entered that they are not doing any sisters, whils. the knot was satisfied of the fact, that into a broad and fruitful work thing to alleviate the Social being tied by the Rev. Fr.
San José, South West Corner of the Cathedral Booth Biscuits lead of evangelism in the republics Depression that abounds in Wolgarten. To fill up the gap, her sister was elected prewhere others fail to follow. of Colombia and Costa Rica. this Vale of Tears. It was my TELEP. No. 3509 APARTADO 1061 Now see to it that you After the Revolution in Pa. delight to be an uninvited sident, and a snappy little soguest at a surprising little fare cial was held to show their Exportation: All products of the country: coffee, buy a Biscuit branded namá and the acquisition of with the name Booth.
the Canal Zone by the United well party, given to another good will towards her.
hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
States Rev. Sobey assumed of the good little girls, that Now, last night, Jan. 18th, They can be had at all charge of Baptist work here we so seldom find deserving quite a number of ladies and Importation: All that may be needed, especially Ger chinese vendors.
and served as a chaplain of of praise. But before recording gentlemen were gathered to man Merchandise, Articles for manufacturing or indus Eating one you will be the commision and resided at the affair, must remark, that bid Miss Priscilla Davis farewell trial lines; as well as for domestic purposes; for Ironmonconvinced that they are Ancon and Empire during the in one way or the other, the She and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Stay will be leaving gers, iron, Wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cement, Manures; certainly the best Local period of construction. Mr. Catholic group is losing all Sobey visited his boys in the its good girls. Two weeks ago, on Thursday, for Trinidad, Stationery; Agricultural implements; Articles for DrugBiscuits in the Country.
where Miss Davis will be sent States and was interviewed by Ask for them at Estrada one was captured by one of stores; Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, etc.
to School. The little that the late President Theodore our promising young men, and Matina as well as Roosevel, in Washington and taken before the altar to could gather, Miss Davis was Limon.
where his advice was of as swear perpetual obedience. It Continued on page tend a LIBERTY Another Faſewell SCHLUBACH, THIEMER Co.
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