
Saturday January 31. 1931 Buttings. Random NEWS OF INDIA AN ADVICE fuse my Cine MODERNO To our Correspondents you Brazilean Coffee By The Round Table Conferen, but the Princes and wiser amnesty has been given to ce on Indian affairs has given heads of India know full well all political prisoners: Ghandi Standing at the corner of Bros. Yes, at any rate in for the first time he took ex so far satisfactory results both that she is not yet in cultural has been liberated along with he offices of the Cía. Bana Limon; but may tell you, it ception, Harold Smith please. to the Indian dignitaries as condition to enjoy in its fu all the members of the Naera a gentleman passed by, is easier to inform you of the asked, are you Scotch, Yes, well as the Ministers repre llest an independent govern tional Congress. Ghandi will nd by his appearance de posts have not held than to vvas his reply. by absorbtion. senting the British government; ment, and so diplomatic tac resume his position as head cided that should intervievy tell you those have held. Novv Mr. Harold Smith vvould it is only left to be seen how ties will be brought strongly of the National Movement, this «beings; not being in Li. Excellent, replied. Just you mind letting me knovv the reports and proposals will to urge acceptance of Dominion but will need much rest and mon for any length of time then a buick motor car belong your last appointment. Yes, be accepted by the Indian Na Status in the form extended change before entering in any to knovy off hand who he ing to an inmate of Camp Colombian Consul. and tell tional Congress, until now to her which undoubtedly is activities of a political nature, vvas tracked this goodly One passed by, and the chau you served Colombia Good there is a certain faction that a great step in advance. especially in discussing the person and found that he was ffer tooted his horn. Mr. Ha and Truly. met lots of Colom. will hear of nothing else but In consequence of the agree terms of the Anglo Indian heading for the Palace Hotel rold Smith nearly fainted. Said bians, too met a most cul Independence pure and simplements arrived at, general Conference at London which Consulting my vvatch vvhich I, can be of any assistance tured Columbiana promptly affects so much the Nacional shovved the time to be 13:40 to you SIR, and what is replied, and with a slight adCongress as well as his own o clock, said to myself, this wrong. Adjusting his glasses justment of his glasses he position in the movement; is some «Guy to be lunch he replied, every time that car asked, very feelingly, Let his health does not warrant ing at this aristocratic hour, passes and the chauffer blovvs change the subject.
him taking any active part in hovvever, not being timid his horn have the feeling its Do you go in for sea baMindful of a duty out of friendship the matter for the moment, approached the table at which my Peerless car, in Jamaica. thing. Oh yes, that is vvhat he is much reduced physically he sat and handed him my Oh, you ovvn car in Jamaica.
the most popular Soap PALMERA being just a mere skeleton of card. Oh: yov are GHQ of Oh yes, and may tell you it keeps me so fit. am in the Has arranged, with a view of the approaching scarcely a hundred in weight: THE SEARCHLIGHT, ans. took first prize at a motorsea at 00 every morning and Christmas seasons, to distribute a value of almost dou. The 26 Was observed as a day svvim faround the basin at vvered. He replied quite courtcar shovy vvhere it was the ble the value of the Soap on the wrappings as a Puita tvventy five times, vvhich of great rejoicing throughout eously and with dignified only competitor. Am troublbenefit to its many patrons who use it is at least ten miles. Do many prize to any one who brings us 25 wrappings the country in consequence speech, lam Harold Smithing you whilst eating not in of class No. will be valued in our next catalogue of the liberation unconditio. Please. he asked, dont con. the slightest GHQ, in fact persons bathe at this spot.
more or less 15 Soaps of No. class nally of the members of Conname with other you add to my appetite. The Oh, yes, the clergy bathe The No. wrappings will have a much greater gress and all political prisoSmiths, am Harold Smith a vale than the No.
vvaiter then served a dish, there, and become so abnorners. Flowers Were strewn in mal vvhen meet them, acgood old english name. That vvhich resembled Haggis (A PALMERA SOAP the pathway for Ghandi to OK. Sir, replied. Are you good old scotch dish) Seeing tually vwish not to meet them.
Walk on and Mr. Harold Smith having Is always sold in a packet and its wrappings will be exchanged some people the Manager of Messrs Lindo this asked Mr. Smith and for valuable prizes. We are preparing a magnificent assortment of finished lunch he kindly invi gifts which we place at the disposal of our clients as from the 1st.
prostrated them selves on the ted me to his office and as of December.
street in adoration of him.
Our Agent in Limon is DON ELOY GOTAY passed by the White Horse Our Agent in Turrialba is Sres. ROJAS CORTES Cia.
the Tovvn Clock chimed 15, 30 clock. As yve entered Mr.
LIMON APARTADO 271 SAN JOSE TELEFONE 3103 Harold Smith office the offiLet us ask a Follower If wish to see the best Talking, Musical, ce boy snored and avvakened.
for his identity, not necesand Silent Films.
That is all pay this fellovy sary for publication, but to do GHQ. To vvhich the for our Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and own guidance.
boy replied, have not been Your article may be right paid my last month salary p. all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós in principle but we canWhere the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the comyet Sir, Dont argue he exclaimOf the twenty millions of prices, altho it is said that not publish it not know.
fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
ed, sleep on sacks of Coffee which had our Coffee is of a superior ing with whom we are dealAre you married? Oh yes, been stored up in Brazil as a quality, yet in the depression of ing we admire your article and my family reside in St. guarantee of Security; fifteen the purchasing power of world but without your signature Andrevv, Jamaica, British West millions have been financed by finances, the consumer will it cannot be published.
Indies, and my boys go to the State Banks of Brazil and be tempted to buy an inferior If the membership did the leading public school thrown on the markets, which article to suit the strings of not have at least a fortthere. One of them is an exsupposedly will have some night notification of the cellent svvimmer in fact GHQ effect on the world market election of so important February 2nd, and 3rd. vvill galore, dancing, guessing, bis.
it vvould not surprise me if be galaday for the Catholics cuit eating, Dress making. If he suvam from Jamaica to an officer as Secretary, you ard their friends in and around you are long for a really pleas. Costa Rica. Oh yes, don arequite right, it is wrong, Limon.
ant evening dont fail to at look frightened, he is vvonand must give rise to disThis Garden Fete vill have tend. Write the Secretary Mr.
content; but you must opderful. believe you Sir, all sorts of amusements and Gaston for information humbly replied. Do you go Suits made to order tn the Shortest notice.
pose error courageously, curious diversions.
as to terms of competition etc in much for the National complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels not by writing anonymous sarcastic letters; certainly There vvill be competitions Game. Lottery) Oh yes, always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
not, no intelligent officer IK 发发 have vvon several times, but North West Corner of Cen zal Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts should insult anyone for not great amounts, in fact.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number their opinion, if such opin.
The ast time vvon, had winnings this week ionis erroneous, it must be tvvo pieces of the 100, 000 January dravving and everyIn Serie Drawing No. 47; won by Ricardo Johaning with Ticket No. 27 corrected by logical reasHaving been ill with tuIn Serie Drawing No. 27; won by Claudio Schielzet with Ticket No. 102 onings but not by insults body disbelieved me, in fact, berculosis during the last 12 In presence of Mariano Mora Orino Feoli or abuse, any leader who one friend vvent to the extent years, being a patient in the All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity bet up refutes an opinion by abHospital for a long time, telling me he had the other to date with their payments.
uses shows a lack of tact obliged to keep to my bed eight pieces, vvhich vvas very SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW SERIE IN FORMATION and intellectual leadership.
there for more than six sarcastic of him. rap at the We can only gain the conmonths, was submitted, door, and a man entered, and BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 fidence of our colleagues, along with various other patients tº the Friedmann before this being vas allovved by doing everything above Antituberculosis Treat to speak don Harold said, 1000000300000000000000000000XMSMabao board, otherwise you can ment receiving in total three come back tomorrovv. The not attract concord and injections.
telephone rang, and convercooperation. leader must Today feel completely sation ceased for a vyhile, be firm, but impartial in well, which is also demonstrated by my considerable during vvhich a rather short all discussions.
increase in weight 22 pounds individual with bag in hand from the time of the first vvalked in another yogi on That the only medicine which British Justice injection in August 1930, and make this testimo the National Game and look. cures Asma, and acute Bronnial spontaneously for the benefit of all those suf ing though the door into the chitis is the Waterlows Ltd got caught ferers from tuberculosis in this country so that they back yard he exclaimed don by an immense award can see in me an example of one who sought his Harold, you have a nice lot Cuajani Jordan before the British Courts salvation in this notable treatment.
of vvhite Poetry to vvhich express in this manner my most sincere thanks The sole deposit and representation of Justice. The Bank of to the Hon: Lic. don Alberto Echandi, former PreMr. Harold Snith replied, yes, Portugal brought a claim sident of the Junta de Caridad, who by ordering and the Cocks name si Byron of which is in against them for carelessthe purchase of the vacunas for the Hospital, with thanked Mr. Harold Smith The BOTICA VARGAS ness in making an issue which was injected, has undoubtedly saved my life.
and bade him Adios, inquiring of Bank notes, thereby oc.
the name of his friend vvhich serious casioning them (f) Bolaños Jimenez SAN JOSE found out to be George Livylosses. The Court found in Sin José, de Enero de 1931 rian and vvhom hope to Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 favour of the Bank and intervievy some day in the granted them damages to SKI 没完 near future.
00000000000000000000000000OCXWXXE the amount of 569. 451.
Catholic Lawn Fete his purse.
SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT Voluntary Testimonial KO There is no forgetting the fact Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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