p. 6


anlrday January 31 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Wants Column Death of a grat Patriot Carta del Sr. Tesorero de la Junta de Caridad X Happenings in Limon XCompañia Surtidora de Costa Rica Drowned in River We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints Nation. Editor se verifican nuestros sorteos.
All flags of the Republic exemplary life of industrial Señor don One colon per insertion of six lines have been flown at half propensities to his country y Director de The SearchLa razón principal que Ud.
da para que no caigan tan mast since Wedesday even men. He owned some o) the light frecuentemente como antes WANTED ing in consequence of the largest cattle rearing proLimón los principales premios en esa, death of Don Bernardo So perties in the country, which es verdadera, pues antes de la crisis actual se vendía e The Community to know All suferers from Asthma to an old Ex President of to show his opposition to the Muy estimado señor: Limón tres veces más de that there is nothing to break to try Botica Vargas specific the Republic. Don Bernardo Territorial Tax he sold out En el número 62 de su im que hoy vendemos y des up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Cuajani Jordan large sized ascended the Presidential when this was proposed portante periódico del 17 de luego es natural que ent fablet taken in a Cup of hot bottles for 7. 00 chair in the year 1885 and and lived a retired gentle los corrientes he leido su ar más billetes se expendan ei.
tículo titulado The National lime juice ruled the country with great man.
un lugar hay más oportunitea inmediately patriotism to the apprecia The Searchlight mourns Lottery en el cual Ud. se after having contracted a cold.
dad para que caigan los masirve desvirtuar los comenta yores. Además debe tenerse To sell. 14 Manzana of tion of his countrymen until with Costa Rica the pas: rios que se hacen en esa ciu en cuenta el factor suerte que lands a few miles north of 1887 when he resigned of sing of a son vvith such dad por no haber caído pre es bastante caprichoso.
To sell a fine organ at the Cartago at a bargain, with a fice in favour of Dr. Du elevated and noble charac mios importantes del sorteo Dándole las más expresi.
ridiculous price of 250. at small cultivation of coffee and ran living thereafter an teristics.
del 1o. de Enero en esa pro vas gracias en nombre de la Jack Oranes.
vincia. Las explicaciones que Junta de Caridad y en el mio Canes.
da son muy claras y desde propio por su muy importan. luego Ud. hace un gran ser te artículo, es para mi muy vicio a la Lotería, pues la satisfactorio suscribirme su All persons suffering from All owners of Balsa logs of gente que lea ese artículo tiemuy atento y seguro servidor.
Malaria to try Carboni Antheir own holdings are invited ne que convencerse de la letianofela it is the best eradi. Avendaño to communicate with Mr.
galidad y limpieza con que cator of malaria from the George Feeley, Hotel Eu.
Official vacations Old landmarks gone system.
ropa Puntarenas who is here for purchasing all the Balsa. We are sad to record All Turfites to remember scantlings he can get. All in The judicial vacations the Races at 25 miles on formation from him or The will start from the 1st of the death of Madame Sotera Peña, she has been an the 9th day of February. Searchlight.
February, when all the Judges of the Courts will ardent worker in the interests of Limon. We go on their annual twenty beg to tender our sympattQuality Merchandise days leave, except our geWhen you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de R, nial and most affable first y. to her tvvo daughters, Miss Ambrosia and Miss Commissaries you may rest assured that you are youngman by the mother and other relatives. Alcalde don Manuel Martí: Ines, the latter particularly name of Clevelani Hdggins buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods nez who will act as CriDavid Markla has identified herself in the about 18 years old was are not allowed to remain in our stores.
Agent at New Castle minal and Civil Judge until life of the youth of Limon, found dead in the Banana the return of these officials.
having been for many years Zepol and Floradora Products River on Tuesday the 20th The Administration a teacher in the Governinst. at a. His identity France and her Negroes Our Band ment School. Madame SoHave you joined the growing number of our vvas not known until in Paris, 27. For the first tera Peña goodness vvas customers who are saving money by buying Zepol the evening when his clo.
time in History a French. The Limon Band will better known among the and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod thes were found. His moalso officiate as from the coloured people of Estrada ther lives somewhere in Negro will fo part of a Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and Siquirres. He was drowned French Cabinet. The fact 8th February in San José and Matina than even Li.
Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne on Sunday the 18th; it that Mons. Laval in forming while that Band too goes mon. May her soul find the new French Gabinet, on its vacation. This shows peace.
and Lavender Lotion.
is said he went for a bath the appreciation of our. Mr. Parker, a penand wasn found until has given a portfolio to a Band and its well instruct. sioned foreman of the the 20th. He was a well Negro has caused great built lad and looked very Diagne a deputy for Se: Consternation. Mons. Bloise ed Bandmaster don Jenaro Northern Railway died on Solano.
Thursday he was the oldest Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color promising. We tender our employee of the Company heartfelt sympath, and con negal. who worked with dolence to his bereaved great assiduity during the Our Governor Suicide war, has been made Subse.
cretary for the colonies.
We are very sorry to. young colombian know that our pleasant by the name of Manuel and courteous Governor Rosales tried to take his FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. don José Hernández Sán life at La Libia by attempt claimed in a loud voice At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small chez has resigned his poing to shoot himself, the. Take a Friend Advice Who Wants a clean plate?
family residence adjoining the Post Office sition as Governor of Li gun vvas snatched from That man wants me to Apply to Sam McIntosh SIQUIRRES mon; it is hoped that either him and on being taken lend him some money. Do Humdigger Don Enrique or Don Ri before the Agent of Police, you know any thing about Jones had occasion to, cardo Alvarado will be ap when asked his reason for him. reprimand his wife. think, pointed in his stead. Their his rash attempt, he smil. Why, know him the dear, he said soothingly, father vvas an inveterate ed a sarcastic smile and same as know you. Don Limonense and it vvill be threvy himself over the lend him a bean, old man. casionally. that you fib a little oc.
Continued from page as Chairman. The gentlemen a pleasure to knovy that verandah railing, he vvas But Daddy in the Dark Well, think it a wife an ardent little worker in and mentioned above all gave some honor and justice is done taken to the Hospital vvhere out the church. She has becn snappy addresses. Miss Yoto the family.
he died a couple days later.
THE PASTOR. So God duty, Was her response, a member of the Choir, and eto speak Well of her hus.
landa Mitchell had tears flow.
has sent you two more Collector for the League or band occasionally.
ing from the eyes of everylittle brothers, Dolly?
the Sacred Heart. memos? one, with her touching farewell DOLLY (brightly) Yes, Those Not Nailed Dovun of the Children of Mary. Sc. song. Miss Lela Charles, of and He knows where the TEACHER «Alfred, you cretary for the juveniles, to the Black Star combination, money coming from; the Knights of St, John. and lived up to her reputation by may spell the wordneighThe Minister of Finance occupation, Residence etc. heard Daddy say so. bor a brilliant pupil of the Catho giving another touching song Mr. Soley Guell has placed which can be demanded at Wants Her Jazz Straight ALFRED. eig b o lic Day School. It might not of farewell. The occasion was before Congress with the any time by an Authority be fair for me to praise Miss That right. Now, Tomso touching, that was tempt: approval of the President or private individual to Why is Mrs. Wombat Davis for her constancy in my, can you tell me what ed to say something, so an income tax of eleven prove if he has paid such disappointed. She Wrote for a Con a neighbor is?
her religion. The Speeches and gave a song of farewell too. grades or classification of Tax. Visitors for 90 days TOMMY. Yes. ma am.
songs that were rendered were Father Acosta eulogized upon personal responsability of are exempt.
gressional Record. Well?
It a Woman that borrows tokens of the apreciation that the good behavior of Miss Daevery sane, free individual This is to assist to pay things.
the community held towards vis, and exhorted her to conresident male or female in She thought it was somethe Nacional floating debt her.
tinue along the road of sucthe country above 18 years of near eleven millions of thing she could play on Perils of the Deep The following were those cess, He said that he is sure from C2000 down to 00 colones which must be met; the phonograph.
The wife of a man who who gathered to give her a that she will not be found for example Salaries of it is quite right that if we Born Diplomat had enlisted in the Navy warm farewell, the Rev. Fr. wanting in Trinidad, and that C500 per month will pay earn our existence in the Little Betty had been handed the pastor of a Acosta, Mrs. Joseph, he can safely recommend her 75. those of 350 30. 00; country we ought to help allowed to stay up to din church the following note. Gaston, Hernandez, to everything that is uplifting those of 250. 00 15. 00; to liquidate its normal ner one night on the strict Peter Bowers having gone Lewis, Misses Josephine Gay and pure.
those of. 185. 00 00; Working expenses. understanding that she sho to sea, his wife desires the les, Iris Symes, May Brock Quite a lot of presents were those of 83. 34, C3. 00; uld behave very well and prayers of the congregaRodriguez, McGray, the given to her, especially an and those below this monnot ask for anything on tion for his safety.
Williams Sisters, Yoland Mil address from her teacher, Miss To our subscribers thly salary, or 1000. 00 the table.
The minister glanced chell. Miss Hortensia Hernan Ester Ainsworth.
per annum will pay one Mr. Oscar Delevante has When dessert came, all dez, Messrs, Egbert Brown, over it hurriedly and an May all the Catholic girls colon per Capita. Each been appointed travelling the guests were attended nounced: Peter Bowers, Percy Irons, McLaren, Dolores realize that there is nothing person will get a Cedula agent along the lines, he to, but she was overlooked. having gone to Josaph, and many others. Mr. to gain from the life of but or Receipt of indentifica is authorized to collect all She sat despondently for wife, desires the prayers of Brown, being Secretary of the terflies.
tion giving his name, age, outstanding accounts on our a time, and the Was struck the congregation for his Apostleship of prayer, acted The Night Hawk Nacionality, state of life, behalf.
by a bright idea. She ex safety. Tit Bits.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Bits of Wits Another.
Income Tax see his


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