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EDITOR MANAGER SBUSCRIPTION (3. 00 NATION Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 Apartado 123 Cartago ARE WEEKLY NEWSPAP THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica General especialmente por Cartago y Limón Phrase of the moment Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
If you do not read you become doll and ignorant, even though you might have reached the highest Standard in your Elementary School. Many servants are ignorant and unfit for service because from the time they left school they have never opened a book, Magazine or Newspaper.
You can only keep Company with great minds by read ing their literature. MARCUS GARVEY.
YEARII LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1931 NUM. 65 BUTTINGS RANDON Sad Event at old Harbour Wronged Man Old Harbour and its ad Black Cross Nurse s, Execujacent districts along the tire Officers of the Division Atlantic coast vvere throvvn Members of the choir under into a state of consternation, Actg Choir Master Wm Dean, By vvhen the nevvs flashed, around Juveniles, Members of the Romey shot dead.
Div and Division Bannre, have now been in Limon please On enfering Shylock Moses Esau George my «nighties and cool off The unfortunate young man Friends and acquaintances one year, all but six months the house he offered me a Levy, born at Whitechapel, for a few hours before going left his sister home one then the file of the guard.
and by readirg a volume pub chair and calling to his boarding London, England.
out, he remarked and retired. Thursday Jan 29th on a hun. Precisely at am the Cerelished by the late John lady he demanded that another These names are certainly As gazed on the pictures ting expedition accompanied mony, began with the chaplain Coupee and by introducing plate be placed at his table. Jevvish, Mr. Levy?
hanging on the walls. Pictu by his little nephevy Ralph repeating the Odes for occamyself and being introduced (You vvill please forgive Yes, am an Anglican Jew. res by well known artists. Patterson a juvenile of 11 Sion continuing on the slow to peole by other people my if digress by stating Where vvere you born? Wimmer, Roche, Pitt, etc, etc. summers, immediately aftermarch for a chain when the acquaintanceship roll has now in print vvhat ate. This is At the Bridge Foot. Black The floor covered with beauti having his mid day meal; a music struck the dead march mounted to 18 persons of not due to being untrained River.
ful Persian rugs, the book case couple hours after, the nevvs in Saul leading to the Liberty both sexes. It was ten twenty but to shovy to this man You told me vvhile Walking filled with the chiocest collec vvas brought back of the Hall where the rites were o clock, and happened to be intimates, vvho vilify him that that you sold tottery tickets in tion of manuscripts and books, fatal accident.
performed, there was riot even at the Railroad Station vvhen he is a connoisseur in fee your spare time. Yes, he stated, the flowers artistically fixed As per statement he vvas standing room, not a dry espied an nepoleonic figure simple. As vve sat at the table have sold the grand prize in an epergne in the centre crossing on some logs lying face was to be seen, the vending lottery tickets, his he took from his bag a paper tvvelve times, but of late my of the hall.
across a dry creek, some 12 Chaplain as always in his mustache distinctly appealed and handing it across the tickets are «sallovy. We Were Said to myself, this man or 14 feet deep stepping from solemn but stentorious voice to me, and thinking he vvas table to me he said nearing the end of a delight has the most refined taste of one to the other, vvith a load read the Obituary, at times he of french origin, approached have subscribed to this ful meal, and leaning across any have met during my ed No. 16 shot gun, he had to stop the wailing being this goodly person thus paper for thirtyseven years. the table, and speaking in a sojourn in Limon. door missed his step and fell, the so high, never since the colo Bonjour Monsieur his reply recognized immediately it vvas soft tone of voice he said, opened and my host appeared hun going off, shot him in nization of Old Harbour Was vvas instant, vvhat number an there such a ceremony and do you require frenchy, ting and Dramatic Nevvs» The afternoon siesta, would you with a gold band at the neck.
tantaneous death. Immediately gathering of all shades from replied quite politely, thought vvaitress then arrived and this care to come over to my Dont bu alarmed he exclaimed after the nevvs arrived the far and near; on leaving the you vvere french, please pardon vvas our Menu.
residence. Yes with pleasure This is an old chief of Police, señor Enrique Liberty Hall for the New Ceme. You are excused he said. Hor dovre Limon; Soup replied. Handing me my jewish custom handed down Barrientos Diaz, señor Rafael metry in Mrs. Forbes ProperI then opened further conver Llevvellyn; Fish Greenvvood; hat and stick and taking leave to me by my forebear. Would Muñoz of the Resguarda Fis ty. Eulogy Was given by sation with him. Let me Roasted mutton a la Henri; of the boardiug lady we depart. you care to look over the cal and scores of men vvomen the Spanish Officials of the introduce myself to you, am Roasted beef a la Brock; Veed, not more than a hundred house Certainly and children left for the locus deceased career and good «O. of the Search. getables assorted. Biscuits, yards we turned sharply to replied. My host then led the en quo, for the removal of conduct.
light vvhat is your name? Cheese, Fruit, Cofee, Tea, the right. This is one of my way turning in to his bed the corpse to the deceased Then came the time to lay He replied, am George Cocoa, Ice Cream, Cigars, houses purchased years ago. room. there beheld the granhome. The young man reach the faithful soldier to rest Emanuel Levy, My next Cigarettes. live in these apartments and dest bed mortal would care ed his 21st birth day a amid the heartrending cries question vvas. Might have Could you possibly get tenant the remainder. coto lay on. This bed, said my couple of days before his from young and Old When the an intervievy with you? His this lady to board me? asked llect no rent, leave that host, cost me one hundred dcath measuring ft. 10 in benediction was pronounced reply vvas most rude. Want to their honesty. Sometimes and fifty pounds in pre war ches tall and weighing 160 and We all left him to sleep no damn intervievv vvith you vvill ask her they pay and most times times landed in Limon. As lbs. He was a favourite of the on until the bugle call of or any other man its near time but may vvarn you, she is they dont.
gazed on the linen, the finest neighbourhood and other out that resurrection morn.
for my lunch and am gone. very expensive. have to pay What do you do then? made in Ireland, noticed that b;ing districts, a keen young Buckanan Just one vvord please Mr. her seventy colones per month. never trouble them.
on each bed post was affixed sports man, a member of the The Reporter Levy, might vvalk along ansvvered dont mind We better off householders an electric bulb diffusing a Catholic Faith, also a member vvith you? Yes, he replied. As paying that much. Readers should be philanthropic. different colour. red, white, of the UN IA and ACL vve vvalked confided my please note this was my first As he unlocked his door, blue and yellow. His wardrobe, since child hood, was a jutrouble to him, vvhich vvas decent meal in six months, gazed in the drawing room, to the left, made of mahogany venile of the cadet corp until that could not get a good and eyeing my prey most gasped and wondered. Sit down 18 years when he was transperson vvith vvhom to board. carefully, noticed he handled generally put on Continued on page ferred to the UAL under Come along with me he ans his knife and fork vvith quite command of of Col. CAR.
vvered, and as vve proceeded an aristocratic touch.
Buchanan was promoted to along the sidewalk, vve he confided, have carethe rank of Top Sergeant and conference of 700 conversed most freely and fully eschevved matrimony as holds the position of secre. General Chairmen of the friendly, ending his remarks am a selfish man and feel The West Iudian team secures for the boys three tary to the Uniform Depart Big Four railroad bro.
by inviting me to lunch vvith that can conveniently spend has vanquished New South county matches, but All ments, and the choir. He was therhoods, and the Switch hir. accepted vvith pleasure all my vvorldly goods on my. Wales on the 26 January Australia has proven much appointed recording Secretary men Union of America, his invitation. We proceeded self. You are quite right of the Division in may 1930.
together until vve arrived at a replied.
by Run and an Inning too good for them. At Vic by Mrs. Demena meeting in Chicago, endorse nice villa opposite the sea and Mr. Levy, your name is making 399 Runs of which toria they made 387 for which position he was occu the principle of the, six touching me by the arm and very English Constantine contributed wickets.
pying until the time of his hour day, with no re.
opening a gate he said center Yes, my father Was Judas 149 in 99 minutes and death.
The Cricket season has duction in present daily bowled batsman for 24 started all around in the The interment took place wage rates, based on the on Friday Jan 30th at am.
runs. Headly 65 and Sealey West Indies and Panama. The Military Department uneight hour day, but decide OCCULISTIC CLINIC 60 not out. They travel Costa Rica is the only place der command of Col Buchnot to begin an imme.
Dr. JOSE CORVETTI 738 miles by Motor to where this enthusiasm is anan with Actg Capt. Douglas diate campaign for the inGeelong Victoria where not alive in Cricket, there as Adjutant for the occasión, novation until after a conOF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY they will meet the Counare several Clubs but no the formation being, headed ference of all the interests Deseases and affections of the eyes Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres each one fearing to lose Flag on the Legions and travel Melbourne to play its past laurels and is Firing party, Chaplain Buch presidents. railway bankers The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA from the 2nd to the 4th only engaged in quarreling anan, Pall bearers and corpse, and representatives of the 84666666666666 6 February. This win now Cricket Body guard Motor Flag and public.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Mr. Levy, Something ought to be done Our Cricket ty of Victoria on 29th then sporting spirit among them, by the music in. attendance involved, including railroad


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