
Saturday February 1931 The reising youths of Limon You can get well LIBERTY 10 CIGARETTES Dental Laboratory You can get well. You can there seemed nothing much TURE. We can put you be strong again. Iis the easiest wrong with them. THEY got right with Nature. We ve In an article of a past issue Assets or liabilities as the harmful and useess, ignorant, thing in the world. You ve well. you can get well. done it for thousands of we refered to the possibility case may be to the country, imbecile, rude and uncouth been making it the hardest You can get well. Or, you others; we can do it for you.
of a training school of our and in our way of estimating citizenship who cannot be perhaps, but that only be You havn been able to get can Stay Sick. You can spend youths, but as no association their values they are very much coaxed or coerced into an cause you ve been making it what time you have left on well by yourself, you probably religious or fraternal, nor indi on the liability side of the aspiration to betterment? To So. By following our simple earth getting diagnosed, telling don know how to get right vidual has taken cognizance Book.
the sobérminded West Indian, instructions, you can get well.
other folks what is wrong with Nature. We Know how of the ggestion we are in There are so. of the more it is a problem which is loomYou can get well. lot of with you, and how hopeless to put you right. Those who clined to bringt he matter more hopeful whose only ambition ing up in the distance with those who accept our gener your case is, how it has all have given us a chance to forcibly before public gaze, as is to get a cheap pair of an awful menace to the ous offer to help you WILL Doctors puzzled, or you can help them know that we can to what will be the value pants, a pair of baratillo shoes, integrity of the West Indian get well, some of them in get well, you can say that help them. We can help you to the country, econumically an immitation silk shirt and a of culture, and will yet only a few weeks of treatment. our treatment can heal you and you CAN GET WELL. You and intellectually of this vast forty cents necktie from the present a Crisis to the resYou say «Well, but my case. and refuse even to try it and can get Well. Your friends quantity of Street Arabs we Commissary so as to fit them pectable West Indian that will don know what yous case can get well. Tell them SO. prove that you are right!
see growing up around us to to take part in Base Ball or be extremelly hard to face in is, of course, and don care! you can even pretend to take Make them believe it if you take the places of their fathers Foot Ball sports and the Cock the near future; consequently still say you CAN GET WELL. our treatment to prove that it can. May be you will find when these have crossed the pit of the Theatres. Does this something must be done and wish could make you beli can help you, and then fail that they don want to believe.
great divide. Ti ere is no get element of Costa Rican youth that early to safeguard the eve it, believe it enough to to follow instructions and Some folks would rather beting away from the fact that of West Indian parentage not possibility of the honorability bring into instant action the leive in Sickness and death. prove that your are right!
they are Costa Rican subjects appeal to the relatives and of the entire coloured popula full force of the povver that But you can take our treatment than in health and life. Maybe and must be accounted for as the government as a mass of tion from being doomed to can heal you, no matter what and follow our simple instruthey like to believe that nothing dammation.
is wrong with you. You CAN ctions and prove that can heal them. Many jeered «you There is another lot who GET WELL.
and died when his followers not even for the appearances CAN get well.
said that Jesus could heal aluded to above to fit them You can get well! get that You CAN get well. It is them. Many jeered and died, to be allowed into any gather straight! No matter how you ve natural for you to be well, and been going down hill, no they needed only to believe ings Whether for sports or strong, and happy. When you matter how long you ve been fall sick, it is natural for you and ask him to heal em. If pleasure of any kind, and your friends prefer to jeer and sick; you can get well. ve whose only ambition is to to be well, and strong, and die you can stop them, but Seen a lot of folks who run the streets like wild pigs, happy. When you fall sick it at least give them chance showering the vilest abuses seemed to get well easier is natural for you to get well to believe and live. They can and obscenity of language to when every one thought they again. What is natural is easy, get well. You can et Well it anyone who would be bold were sure to die, than when when you get right with A is easier for you to be healed enough to offer a rebuke to in this modern time, when their vices, and discourteous thought of the world is behaviour.
PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres helping you than it was for These youngsters or rather Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away James Shears, and his mother gangs of useless vagabonds, bums and indigent slovenly and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be be healed so long ago. No matter what may be wrong shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies specimen of humanity cannot be allowed to roam about in shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
with you, you can get well. The power that created you can their wiles and vices any longSiquirres PILE heal you.
er, think of it you members It only needs to be awakenof the race, they must eat, ed to intense activity and CIGARETTES sleep. where. get movie given an opportunity to work money how? for their dames, unhindered to heal all diseathey must get excursion fares ses, no matter how serious. how. will you not begin of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago they may be.
If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior to consider to adopt means to be presented to the governEastern Gate of the Market Don be content to accept Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend partial health; insist on having ment to provide better equipNearly every case of deranged Stomachs is traceable to Bad Teeth perfect health. Don try to ment, education and efficiency Have yours done at once! and the best in Cartago get through life day after day to cope with life existence is at DENTISTA BATRES with just enough energy to of usefulness in this beautiful First class materials and best workmanship country?
therefore the cheapest get by; have all the energy Some of these unfortunate you can use. Get up in the ragamuffins have parentage morning «feeling full of pep who are belonging to the and ginger. Go to bed at Churches Lodges and other night reluctant to give time Associations which aim at betto sleep and eager to meet ter ambitions; can your hearts the new day that will give not bleed at the thought of you another opportunity to On Sunday last roadmaster proceeded through vvithout the present and future condi Limón 15. 1931 Williams the night caller do things. Live! Live abunGill again met a very serious consulting the Agent, vvhen tions of these urchins, and This is to make the he was arrested and taken dant life.
mishap on his Gasoline Car so sooner than he got to Las to the Cuartel but as he was Thos. Wellington T, Continued on page people of Límon underNo. 110 at Las Animas. This Animas, here loomed up stand clearly how Fuller Was begged off by certain Limon unfortunate employee of the Engine 53, the collision vvas arrested. We on the build gentlemen, he was given Northern Railvvay Co. has unavoidable vvhich resulted ing that am living and a chance by the Agent of To advertise in just returned to duties hardly in the death of his Foreman The Searchlight tvvo months yet after meeting Juan Campos foreman of the bourhood are continually Now it is not because a similar accident on the line, gangs at Las Lomas vyho want to show him up is to double your business vvas on by vvhich he got his leg the Car with him; preparation guaranteed as a radicay loosing things in our Kitchens.
cure for Yellow fever, blackwater to the Motor man Rafael Muñoz broken.
the public; but that threvy himself off in the fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds being on watch saw want everyone to unHe got running orders to bushes but Gill got and all classes of fevers.
Fuller into my Kitchen on derstand clearly that Mrs.
proceed Cartago to Turrialba seriously damaged and taken It is reccommended for cleansing Monday morning 12th. Bozwell never knew Fu.
to avvait freight train No. 53; a disordered Liver.
to the William Allen Hospital inst about 30 AM, heller until the 12th. inst getting to Turrialba and not In proof of the above see the at Turrialba vvhere he lies following, for four months had entered through the Kit when he was caught seeing the freight train, he in a very precarious condition.
been suffering from Hay Fever chen window and on hope every one will unand after trying all sorts of medicines seeing me he flew out derstand everything about was advised by Mr. Antonio bird. went after this incident clearly.
Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago him and with the assisto buy a flask at Carboni Co tance of the Police and SAN ANTONIO BOZWELL did so and after taking it, was permanently cured.
Obstet ics, diseases of women in turn reccommended it to Remedio eficaz, and or the Genito Urinary tract Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, LAWYER AND NOTARY para la expulsión and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea Vieja who used The Elixir AntianUndertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
de lombrices.
PRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC ofelo with marvelous effects as a Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal Half BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET re for all socurts of tropical fevers. documents prepared. Honest advices on points of De venta en la No household should be withou. Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it at losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
FARMACIA Carboni Co. Cartago.
Rufino Solis. Lawyer ESPAÑA Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA LUCAS MORUA Box 1080 English and French Spoken Farmacol. 60 CARTAQO. R.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
LIBERTY Serious Railway accident night prawler captured Wonderful Remedy is Elixir Antianofelo the people of the neigh Police.


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