
Saturday February 1931.
The rising youths of.
you to Cafiaspirina Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca com The nto user Mentioned the Quay tasa use tican dictators; the superiority thy of that classic land of are still QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Coniinued from page eration of his or her Church ment to better the living conapproach your Pastors and or Association to put a pro ditions of the youths of the leaders moving them to sym. position before the governProvince.
pathy, by which they would appeal and go with you the Governor, or the President If you need a first class Medical man see if necessary and ask their help by constructing a place where these at present useless band Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! of human beings might be TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 Dont accept any tube or envelope placed with an idea of educatA magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by BAYER packets without the ing them in trades and octhe French method of heat application. Specialist cupations which would change BAYER CROSS on Ladies ailments Box 987 San Jose them into useful members of the Community and thus make them an Asset rather than be drifting into a State of Liability in the prisons, hospitals and poor houses? this NA is as sure to happen as night follows day and you inteligent, affluenced and ambitious memBy Diomedes de Pereyra in Current History bers of the race who might not own parentage to these While there is not as yet henceforth not to be conside nental policy to be pursued by policy while operating with become the hope and not th imps, can you not help to any deep rooted ill feeling be red as subjects for future co the United States itself, some dictatorial bluster and a taunt fear of future generations.
put a stop to this degrading tween the United States and lonization by European povvords limiting its ovvn he ing, chameleonic interpreta What stands in the way downward trend of these Hispanic America, there exists, vvers.
We should gemony vvere found lacking. tion. Nor are they alone in this? small minority members of your Race? Can nevertheless, an irritating situaconsider any attempt on their There shall be no xtension condeming it. President Wil. Congressmen, influenced you not reflect that their dis tion vvhich prevents the sopart to extend their system of the monarchical system to son in his address to the Me capitalistic interests and grace also affects your prestigelution of their problems, ori to any portion of this hemis republican America. says the xican editors spoke of it in ported by the jingoistic in the Community? Let us ginating from four capital phere as dangerous to our second principle. What, then, these withering terms: which hes failed to all rise as one man and make causes the Monroe Doctrine peace and safety. Such being vvas the status of Canada The famous Monroe Doctrine duty in the most mome represi tation to the income the substance of the Doctrine, and the Guianas? And why was adopted and its odious child, armed governwithout the international problem o ment individually and collective intervention; America blus the United States vvas hailed had the United States permit consent of any of the Central ting the United State ly to provide such an Assy tering policies supported by by the Latin American repu. ted Great Britain to occupy or South American States. my country. right orlum for these unfortunates as the majority of the American blics as the great democracy the Falkland Islands in 1831, We said: We are going to policy is costing the Um will regain them into useful pres; the policies of extortion presiding over the civilization vven Argentina had been col be your big brother, whether States millions of friends and lives.
of the American capitalist in of the Nevv World. and the onizing them?
you want us to be or not. more money than there In our recent article we his statement iteslf as one vvor The United States will de.
There was nothing in it to all the oil fields of as a use.
fend the indepedence of the protect you from the aggres.
and South America. Sustain.
ful place for such a Scheme, complex of the North Ameri liberty.
American countries against Eu sion from us. Let us agree imperialistic interests on the can vvhich has made him In 1847, hovvever, the United ropean aggression. is the that if any of us the United issue so vital to the busine same opinion, where dormitor conspicuously tactless and in States, succumbing to its des third principle. Again, it will States included viola. es the and understanding of the is ies, schools and workshops tolerant. All these factors, even sire to secure territory from be observed, American ag.
political independence or the Americas is inexcusables could be erected to transform more than differences of od Mexico, declared vvar on that gression is excluded. An interterritorial integrity of any of sightedness, for with sing these unruly human beings; and language, separate the two country. Thus the United Sta pretation of the genesis and the others, all the others will and justice the press COI but if the government canAmericas, and the United Sta tes, vvhich through the pro scope of Doctrine was thus jump on her.
have saved the United Sta not see that this locality tes must modify them if it tective Monroe Doctrine had rendered urgent, more especially Similar declarations of other the vexatious display would be befitting, there are vvants to render paramount been regarded as an idol, be. as two corollaries relating to prominent men, some of whom army and navy and could lots of lands around Portette peaceful influences and cons came a menace, and by the the seeming advantage sought and Moin that could be utiliz tructive endeavors in its he time Walker filibuster expe. by the United States had been have advocated its abrogation, encouraged order and co have so undermined all trust tutionality without armad ed where a Reformatory and misphere, if it vvishes to re dition to Central America vvas appended to the document: in the Monroe Doctrine that tervention within the raining School could be cons gain Hispanic America recog impudently carried out, the The European Governments revolution racked no rhetor cal protestations to cc tructed in which the boys nition of leadership in the tyvo Monroe Doctrine had acquired are not to acquire any Amestill in the throes of fdim the contrary or stressing of could be made to cultivate continents, if, in short, it desi the painful unpopularity it has rican territories, even with the in the Caribbean. Such a pe its original altruistic, almost enough for their maintenance. res to banish the large amouut today. Hovvever, in 1866, vvhen consent of the nation involved would have marked an ei philanthropic spirit, by other Coloured Teachers, masters of of antagonism already engen Spain had made a last effort or by the adjustment of boununassailable Pan American Trade, Wardens and guardians dered.
statesmen and intellectual leadto recover its possessions on daries; non American governNevertheless, with unfla.
could be engaged to discipline The foremost question in the Pacific, the United States ments cannot occupy ers can restore it to respect acrimony, certain news any unless it is amended and sancthese citizens into desirable the minds of Latin Americans had regained some of its lost portion of American republics have consistent members of the Race and is the Monroe Doctrine. It is prestige by successfully me even temporarily for the satistioned internationally by all matically misre Community.
to them the most dangerous diating betyveen that European faction of any kind of claims the Hispanic American counpeople of His We have thrown out this tries. They agree that the docof misinterpreted international povver and its ex colonies. against these republics.
in numberless trine could be made America suggestion with the hope that documents, though once it conference was held at Was The Hispanic republics macatured them Magna Charta to the world. ape like peons or every man and woman who stirred them to enthusiasm. bington in 1870 at vvhich a de many attempts to secure has a spark of sentiment or They like the principle it sets cipled rascals. Fals The doctrine, vvhich ovves its perpetual armistice vvas sign a pact by which the United existence to the necessity the ed. This event re established, States could be made to guarforth and respect it for the ambition for his race or of these de sentiment with which Bolivar humanity, will get the coop Untted States felt of deterring to a certain extent, Latin Ame antee their boundaries. But American citizen the mother countries form ef rica confidence in the friend then, as now, no written agreeadvocated it. They admit that complex and the it did help their cause of inforts to reconquer their old ship of the United States. But ment to that effect could be rican misconception of colonies, vvas proclaimed nine this does not mean that dependence for fifty years in every drawn up, for the United StaUnited States.
the last century. But they also tes asserted that it wished no Mexico internal troubk Much interest in being years after Bolivar had outlin thing vvas forgotten. The ed his conception of PanAme Monroe Doctrine remained a see that today it falls short of social, political and religie displayed by the govern.
entangling alliances. Today all expectations as an instrument to alleviate the suf: ricanism in 1813 vvith these stumbling block to completely we see that this policy made have at various times ment of conciliation and insist fering of the unemployed words: Only a fraternal lea harmonious relations, and its possible its annexation of sethat it be perfected so as to Continued in San José.
gue of the New World and three basic principles vvere veral Mexican provinces, conan unshakable harmony in more and more debated.
trol over the Isthmian territoThe sum of 30. 000 government vvill make them There shall be 110 future has been voted by Congress redoubtable to our enemies and colonization in America by Nicaragua since 1912 and ma.
ry, millitary occupation of to help, and a general conrespectable to other nations. European povvers. vvas the tribution is being taken up; ny other acts of aggression, The Monroe Doctrine reads: first of these principles. Since particularly in the smaller coun to which the Banco Costa The American continents are it did not disclose the contiRica has subscribed 3000 tries of the Caribbean. Latin Americans have therefore conof every tissue of the Syster, and the firm of Niehaus cluded that it vvas no Co. 1000. The Cia.
accident that the United StaBananera has promised to Continued in page Cuenta con los mejores y más baratos artículos en tes vvas not included with Cantina y Abarrotes Europe vvhen the latter vvas mentioned in the Monroe DocThe Freidman Antitrine as a possible violator of tuberculosis Injection American independence. Hence 100 yards North of Corner of Alsina Printe can be had by writing is complete vvith the best and cheapest Wines, Liquors their unanimous scorn of of all kinds as well as groceries of the doctrine. Why. they SAN JOSE to Messrs Atwell y Cia recent importation ask, this perfidious document, Apartado 861. Jose wounded as a magnanimous Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
such as Unemployed Demostrate Most minute examinations mere El Mercadito de Alfonso Rivera Pérez en Siguirres by Dr. Roberto Quesada. of Lond The Mercadito of Alfonso Rivera Pérez in Siquirres


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