
Saturday Bebruary 1931 The Pan American.
One Jewel Lost LASTENIA Miss Lastenia Roberts, comComments on the proposed Tax Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago. Teléfono 137 SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Continued from page capitalists in the United States.
Extremely sad it is to record the very secertain American publications They are not granted concesHow fatal. She was just at that age rious blow which has fallen ou not only a sions. Foreigners are invited to urge the government to when youth seems to hold svvay over its surmuch esteemed family but on the Community to make investments.
declare war on that country.
by the unexpected death of The work is ours though they roundings. When her heart seemed to have been Its agrarian laws were denounfilled vvith that expectancy of a bright and hapare welcome to invest in it.
ced as arbitrary because recent py future Youth never synchronizes its thoughts Latin Americans have had Administrations decided to vvith somber days. Youth seldom thinks sadlyshter of Mr and Mrs. Daniel Roberts of repudiate the unbearable conharder bargains driven with Why should it? LASTENIA vvas intelligent, them than any other peoples is town.
ditions left by President Porhandsome, pleasant, admired, jovial and beloved, in the world.
The young lady a member of the Gymnas firio Diaz, who was a traitor in so much that her playmates sought her out Holders of concessions in ric Basket Ball Club of Limon, after playing a to his country. He bargained so as to complete joviality in their sports. Hovv America should be made to game a few days ago, went home famishing way hundreds of thousandsr did not her accomplishments and the attachment take into considerati the from heat and lulged in cold refreshments of square miles of his countryof her friends and relatives fill the heart of which seem to have clogged the Bronchial tubes men territory and squandered legal authority of the officials her Father and Mother vvith joy vvith vyhom they are dealing, and developed Pneumonia from which she unthe proceeds to support his She had developed into perfect companionship fortunately succombed on Sunday last.
tyrannical goiernment. If all just as an established business to her Mother and had entered into the soul of American citizens had known man investigates the standing Great sympathy has been exhibited to the her Father to estimulate him in his determined of an individual offering to bereaved parents who have always enjoyed the the truth they would surely sell diamonds at the price of efforts of fighting life battles visioning his dear highest estimation of all who knew the Family. have sympathized vvith patrioLastenia, her brother and younger sister provided crystals. The United States The funeral was a great manifestation of tic Mexico and rebuked all for. But destiny vievved all this vvith ironyshould regard as speculation condolence in the shock; The members of the those vvhose culpable alliances Destiny had planned differently. Lastenia vvas to the act of any man or several Clubs of this game, The Gymnastica, vvith irresponsible tyrants have occupy her place in some other garden. So she pany applying to be a usurper Barcelona and Hollywood all attended with their caused most of the disorders could stay no more. She has been transplanted of the vvealth and rights of banners draped and Carrying Crowns. THE and international tangles in his country for the acquisition to more beautiful surroundings, vvhere we hope SEARCHLIGHT begs to tender its most Central America. They Would she joins in constant praises to Him vvho of territories belonging solely sincere expression of Condolence to the bereaved have understood better vvhy knovvest best and doest best to all of his creato the people. If the United President Wilson also said: tures. LASTENIA lives in the hearts and me.
parents of this precious Bud; and will beg them States really vvants to base its to find consolation in the fact that «She is safe You hear of concessions to international mories of her parents, brother, sister, relatives relations on in our Father keeping foreign capitalists in Latin good vvill, such a ruling is and companions. When their hearts are sad, America. You do not hear of and vvhen on their playground they feel disnecessary. It vvill eliminate concessions granted to foreign vvould be dictators in the sappointed, suveet memories of her vvill animate small countries and discourage them, avvaken their spirits and comfort them.
those colossal receivers of Friend stolen goods vvho have bred the antagonisms and revolutions that SO often have marred Pan Americanism in Envíe sus impresos a la Many and varied have been that safety and protection of should he begrudge vwriting the past.
he different coments and opi life and property enjoyable off a certain percentage of his Will be continued nions eyeressed relative to in civilized Countries. earnings to offset the expenses the passing of this lavv go. It is true that there is hardly of the care, protection and NOTICE OF GENERAL verning the Cedula Personal a law established by the vvis facilities provided by such goFOR SALE GOING CHEAP. Income Tax, Some Con est heads, that does not ca vernment to have safeguarded id that the Tax too hea.
At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small rry its corresponding Amend his private interests in such a family residence adjoining the Post Office Notice is hereby given and on the large orchants ments as necessities arise a manner as to enhance his Apply to Sam McIntosh tó all SHAREHOLDERS SIQUIRRES Lided proprietuis, some com general Tax on earnings may chances of rearing a fortune OF THE AGRICULTU.
a that the distribution is be new to Costa Rica but it or a livelihood for himself RAL AND BUILDING equal, some think it unworkis a most usual thing in most aud his.
CORPORATION OF 28 ble in any form; vyhile others civilized countries, and after Hovy often might his bus.
MILES, that a general that it is unjust to expect all, granted an equitable dis iness have been ransacked Shareholders meeting will people should be called tribution of such a tax there and ruined had it not been to meet a Cedula Per is nothing iniquitous about it. for the vigilance of the author Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see be held on February 15th.
at THE LI. at a time when there If a citizen whether Foreign or ities of the country in vvhich how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make BERTY HALL MADRE no vvork, no prices for our native starts up a business or he operates.
you comfortable at rediculous prices DE DIOS beginning at lommodities enterprise in a country and Tax of ten per cent on write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ 30 a. for the purpose It has been a world vvide that enterprise prospers in earnings vvas placed by God 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA of transacting of matters on the Israelites, and is still cknovvledgement that every such a manner that by it he of trascendental importance continued by some that enjoys the privele is enabled to acquire a hold being and vital interest of the 5m and protection ing for the care and protec. Churches of today, the benefits Investors in the CORPOderived being merely Spiritual, atry, must contri tion of himself and his famiOffice at 5th St. corner of 2nd Ave. Address Box No. 544 RATION.
far as he is able ly by vvhich he obtains the why then should be think Matters dealing especialhard to contribute. 01 per cent to maintenance of recognition of prominence and ly with the present Board try sa dministrative po respectability among his class to our government vvhen in and Directors will be diss to be able to expect in his social sphere, vvhy straightened circumstances. The Merchant may say ah! but Lawyers and Notary Public cussed. Mr. Egbert Polson the Corporation audivve are paying other Taxes General Judicial Commission Business tor will be present at this to the State, quite true but in reality vvho pays such We take the opportunity to offer our services to the meeting. Shareholders who taxes but the consumer; all general public, most particularly the coloured english speaking may not be able to atend people of this and surrounding community in the following cap. are asked to send in rates, taxes and overhead acity which we especialize in.
charges are calculated in the Accounting and auditing, Spanish English Translations and their proxies who will vote Interpretations, Collection of bad depts, rents, etc. Supervision in their stead.
Quality Merchandise selling price to the consumer, and adininistration. Organization audReorganization of firms comercial and industrial. Benevolent and Social Societies. Athetics and yet he too vvill have to David Henry When you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de R, and Sporting Clubs. Write letters and take care of general coA. Gibb bear his corresponding share rrespondence. Prepare balance sheets and financial statements President Secretary mmissaries you may rest assured that you are of this Personal Script Without aud comercial reports. Documents of all kinds, Wills, Leases, Bills of Sale, Transfers, Contracts, etc.
ying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods grumbling The Metropolitan Bureau is established for the purpose ot allowed to remain in our stores.
Patriotism is of cooperating and assisting the english speaking coloured peonot only ple in settling their difficult and intricate affairs and embarrassBrought from page guaged by the vvillingness ing problems with which they find themselves confronted daily.
More especially in the matter of properly and correctly explainstart pol and Flor dora Products to die under arms for one full up work in ing to them, by efficient and truthful interpretation of their incountry, but also by ones terest and rights as set forth in the official language of this svving at once so as to help Have you joined the growing number of our cheerfulness country.
to find employment for to subscribe Misunderstandings and malice are the two most cruel the sufferers.
Vi stomers who are saving money by buying Zepol financially, intellectually enemies of world progress and peace. To understand and be othervvise tovvards the digniunderstood accelerates success and prosperity faster than any Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod Lots of promises are other perceivable agency.
being made to find work, ver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and fied manipulation of the affairs Are you going to be naturalized? Going to organize?
of one Country. Let us all Have you Constitution and Byelaws of your society or club to but no one thinks of the Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne be translated in Spanish? Come let us make your will, before suffering of the poor peothen vvillingly contribute you get sick and die.
and Lavender Lotion.
according to our ple of the Atlantic Zone; means to Lic. Raúl Marín Egbert Polson of course these are chiefly disentangle the country finSan José and Limón Accountant and Interpreter ancial problem so she may Attorney Manager Negroes hence nothing need OFFICE HOURS stand proudly alongside the be done, as the Natives other Nations of the vvorld. to 12 and from to daily dundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color can emigrate to the inteSundays to 12 rior to get in the relief works but the Negroes Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartana Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica: Hotel ATLANTICO THE METROPOLITAN BUREAU Lumpañia Surtidora de Costa Rica Unemployed.
or We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints Cant go.


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