
PAGE Nationalism and the black race To the rescue RAMON ULLOA Co. SC LIMON SERVICE BUREAU After all that has been said vvhich vvas guaranteed by and done, comments of all Pavimentation Bonds for tvvo Mr. Editor, home, when oneness of pur veals the fact that any race tences are great retarders to natures have been passed as millions of colones and vvhich or people who do not nation.
the Nationalism of the black One of the most important pose was the goal of Africans to the intentions «good or vvere liable to be sold out the matter was not needed. alize themselves are doomed problems to be solved favourrace. It puzzles the greatest bad of the Co. to at any time after the 1st Fe ing the stability of the black But the present inconsistent to extinction. From the time minds to understand how in vvards the country, but it is bruary, but the Cia. Bananera race is Nationalism. For condition of the black race the black race begun to de the name of Reason that most very pleasing to note that seeing the disadvantageous centuries past when Africa make it compulsory to congenerate and become a slave of the black race prefer to although it is an established situation, came to the rescue was famed for her grand sider «Nationalism as a case to circumstances and subse. cringe as a mimmic at the ruling of the company to pay by loaning the amount, so as civilization, when the black of paramount importance. The quently to other races, all effootsteps of the other races, Cash for all attentions exten. to save the government paytrend of affairsin this era reforts for reinstatement minus jimcrowed, segregated, ostrarace power was formidable at ded to her, but never to ing tvvo millions instead of Nationalism was futile.
cised, lynched and disadvan make loans, she has made an one.
The majority of the black taged in the most disgraceful exception this time, according This is certainly a philanrace at home and abroad manner than to be a potential to the exigencies of the cir thropic act, and must do avvay under the tutelage and dic entity through «Nationalism. cumstance, by making a loan with all notions and comtatorship of the different races The black race must realise to the government of a ments as to any idea of dominating us, feel satisfied; that the Cosmos» has no million colones on very favou antagonism held by the Comthinking that «Nationalism» exceptional love for us, but rable terms so as to afford pany tovvards the governALMACEN ELECTRICO is non essential because tae like all the other races past her the satisfaction of meeting ment.
philantrophic manouvres, and and present we must either a pressing obligation vvith The Zonta Co. through its South West Corner of the Cathedral.
San José, priveleges given are sufficient keep scaling the ladder of ele. the Wayss and Freytag Co.
representative, Solicifor Mato perpetuate our safety and vation and perpetuate ourselnuel Solera Viquez, also placThe government got invol ed a credit of eight hundred Sale of Motors y Dynamos prosperity, forgetting that these ves through Nationalism» or ved vvith this construction are only delusions to blind keep backing into the abys Co. for the reconstruction of posal of the government for thousand colones at the disour eyes from «Nationalism mal vortex of irrevocability.
SIEMENS the streets of San Jose to so that the Motherland will five months to meet curren Public sentiment might aver the tune of a million colones, accounts.
become an easy prey for ex.
such radical statements but ploitation. Disorganized as the the fact remains the same.
black race is, we can only If we do not «Nationalize TELEFONO APARTADO mimmic, and that gets us no ourselves as quick as possible 3509 1061 further than that line of deour position will be as the marcation. mimmic must be aborigines of America, AustraAND either a beggar or a parasite. lia and New Zealand, yea even BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY beggardly race can expect worst than the lost inhabiORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED nothing but fragments and tants of Atlantis.
crumbs from the Master All class of materials of installation of am not recommending Bureau established for the greater convenience, under table. parasite can exist any particular scheme for us standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking PuLuxurious Lamps at the no longer than the prolonga to follow but teem it an blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed Lowest prices.
tion of the life of the object imperative duty to obey and for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a on which it subsides, hence save posterity and the Mother the deduction is, that despite Land Africa from AnnihilaCollection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the fact that the majority of tion.
the direction of Barrister with over twenty five years practical the black race gloat over the David Luke experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts conception of being the greathe presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, SupeAlba Farm rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials est mimics on earth, believing are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
that such imitative genius will Ed Note: solve their racial problems, It is a pity that our corresEMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ unaware to them, the black pondent after such a forceful Barrister Investigator race is sinking into oblivion. letter on Nationalization, seem Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager The developed and thinking to spoil his argument by reMAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE races are endeavouring to the fusing to reccommend a way best of their ability to perpe(Translated)
out of the difficulty. He says Limon: Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia Board of Charity The primary reason vvhich tuate their nationhood while its an imperative duty to obey the national hope of a large but that is all that the race has Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of San José 28th. January 1931 you have explained vvhy the been doing all these centuries Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, principal prizes do not fall as number of the black race is California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, in a mythological heaven or obeying the other Races. frequently as they formerly did Señor Don Nation in that Province is perfectly some fanciful place «given by In the next issue let us Editor and Director of true, that is, from the fact the other races where milk hope that the writer will THE SEARCHLIGHT that before the present crisis and honey are perpetually suggest a way out the difvvhich is being experienced served to satisfy their luxu ficulty. Nationalize hovv, where, by vvhat means, because it Limon in that section of the Repub rious appetites.
lic; vve sold in Limon three Marcus Garvey, the premier seems to us for a people to Libel and defamation one Ada Dacosta, vvho recent My esteemed Sir: times as many tickets as vve agitator for the renationalism Nationalize they must have a suit had been filed against Mr. lycanie to Cartago from Pa.
of the black race has been country to do so in. Thats In the 62nd issue of your novv sell, therefore it is naturA. Wilson of Cartago by nama vía Guabito and recentdubbed a dangerous man. The the problem confronting the important journal of the 17th. al to expect that the more ly Siquirres; in consequence tickets sold in a locality must colloquial «yes man and premier agitator (as he calls of the present month have of an article published in these Are we have time coupled him) Marcus Garvey, and if Better than columns some months ago enread your article entitled The result the greater opportunity with the deceptive propaganda Mr. Luke will reccommend a National Lottery. in which you of more prizes falling to such Scheme workable he will be Pomona Biscuits which article Wilson explained titled Gratitude repaid In vvere good enough to relate the vicinity; besides the capricious by those who desire the black race to perpetuate a wood fit for premier Presidency factor of luck in games of this unfavourable comments that that this vyoman came beg cutters and water carriers exis Shovv your mettle Mr. Luke. Hello boys. whats up. vvere made in that city because nature ought to be taken into Going up to Booths shop ging him Lodgings in a sick account there were no prizes of condition, this vvoman In the name of the Board man to buy some of his 00000000000000000000000008000000 importance in the dravving of explained was shelter of Charity as vvell as my Biscuits.
his home for several months the 1st January fallen in that Province.
ovvn, hereby beg to express Eating one you will be on Charity and When she Your explanations vvere vemy most sincere thanks for satisfied of the fact that vvas leaving tookvvith her, ry clear and explicit and are your very important article several articles of his, vvhich Booth Biscuits lead of great service to the Lottery which affords me great satisvvere found by the Police in faction to subscribe myself. That the only medicine which because all vvho read that arwhere others fail to follow. her nevy home.
Your most Constant and cures Asma, and acute Bron. Now see to it that you ticle ought to be convinced of Wilson claimed before the the legality and correctness of faithful Servant, chitis is the buy a Biscuit branded Supreme Court that the Acuthe mode of carrying out of with the name Booth.
sation vvas Stupid and bareCuajani Jordan faced, because according to our dravvings.
Sgd. AVENDANO They can be had at all the Lavys of Costa Rica nothThe sole deposit and representation chinese vendors.
ing that is true is Libellous, of which is in because Dacosta could not LAWYERS NOTARIES Eatirg one you will be convinced that they are deny she had been given hosAT LIMON certainly the best Local pitality in his home for seveMessrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA ral months, free, gratis and Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors SAN JOSE Biscuits in the Country. for nothing due to the debibefore the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Ask for them at Estrada litated condition of her health; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 and Matina as well as she could not deny that the ENGLISH SPOKEN 0000000000000000000000000UIXOXO800000 Limon.
Continued on page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Letter from the Treasurer Nacional Lottery LIBEL CASE 0000DOUDOU There is no forgetting the fact The BOTICA VARGAS WWUOOOVI WWW. 000. 000 VN000


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