p. 6


Saturday February 1931.
PAGE Wants Column Wronged.
WANTED. XA LIBEL. XXCrónicas Limonenses SASTRERIA GRANT. GRANT Mules for Sale Should you need Mules for your Farm, Cart One colon per insertion of six lines Brought from page five thousand hectareas of or any other uses, you can procure them in Si.
land and am going in for quirres, from Mr. Rizo who has a great inlaid with yacca with a mirror sheep rearing. have ardered variety in different sizes and prices the full length. This he opened from Australia two thousand Communicate to Rizo, Siquirres.
and counted, hanging on fivehundred head of Carnero)
The Community to know All sufferers from Asthma hooks 87 suits of tweed, What is that asked.
that there is nothing to break to try Botica Vargas specific shelves of shirts, one shelf He replied that is the spaup a cold like a Cafiaspirin Cuajani Jordan large sized of socks.
MULAS nish for mutton. What would tablet taken in a Cup of hot bottles for 7. 00 The dressing table was like you to do for me is to lime juice tea inmediately Si Ud. necesita para su finca o cualquier otro artistically arranged (wo pairs import from Germany fifty after having contracted a cold.
of silver backed hair brushes hydraulic rams. What pleaTo sell. 44 Manzana of objeto, puede conseguirlas en Siquirres con el With combs complete. two Xseñor Rizo, quien tiene de varios tama.
sure replied. Thanking this lands a few miles north of To sell a fine organ at the Cartago at a bargain, with a ños y precios.
moustache combs a vanity remarkable person for the case fifteen different bottles splendid day had epent, ridiculous price of 250. at small cultivation of coffee and of perfumery and hair Wash bade him «Adios, Just one Jack Oranes.
a pincushion and twelve toilet word before you leave, Xsoaps especially ordered from please let the public know Messrs. Pears. that it is my intention to give All persons suffering from All owners of Balsa logs of Brought from page and taken to the Police Court Would ask you let the public to charity during the next Malaria to try Carboni Antheir own holdings are invited Wilson also claimed that tianofela it is the best eradiknow am not mean or stin three months, the sum of to communicate with Mr. goods vvich vvere taken from cator of malaria from the George Feeley, Hotel Euhis home clandestinely at night inasmuch as the Agent of Pogy in my home. Certainly twenty thousand colones and vvere found in her home, and lice absolved her on her false system.
that will be appointing you ropa Puntarenas who is here that vvhen she savv the detec. testimony that the goods Were Lets sit on the verandah, Trustee. On behalf of the poor, for purchasing all the Balsa ttve and Police coming she made a gift to her by him and touching a button a man said I, thank you for yonr All Turfites to remember scantlings he can get. All inthrevy some through her win borne ont by the declaration servant appeared. What will kind and generous offer. As the Races at 25 miles on formation from him or The dovy and hid the balance ot tyvo yvomen of doubtful you have to drink Q? departed the worde of the 9th day of February. Searchlight.
vvhich vvere found by them, characteristics, the right of Anithing replied. Bring a «Funny Murray) f12 shed challenging vvhom vvas not bottle Mumms, Joe, said through my brain. Goat know afforded him; such vvas not he. As we sat sipping the him mout big, him swallow borne out by her conduct definist liquor, he told me pear seed.
clared to by the Police that of am giving up selling her throvving avvay the goods lottery tickets, its distressing, El Presupuesto Mu guarda reserva y es neceand hiding vvhat could not have to walk in the sun nicipal de Limón, para sario que el pueblo conozca que este centro denominabe broken. besides, he claim night and day. have purdo Miami Restaurantes este año, es como un de ello.
ed that the sentence of the oso blanco, o como la El Intendente de chased from the Government Sociedad Tipogràfica de Cartago de corrupción para nuestra carabina de Ambrosio nuestra Municipalidad juventud, y por tal motivo, Police Court could not be redamos la voz de alerta a lied on, as this vvas only signEl presupuesto de nues Según noticias ciertas, tra actual Municipalidad, este funcionario, ya tiene nuestras activas autoridades ned by the Agent Police alone, lacking for some reason de policía, y sobre todo a forjado por la Corporación organizada su oficina o saliente, es un oso blanco, dependencia. Como Secrelos padres defamilia, ya or other, the signature of his o a manera de la carabina tario dicen que es don de allí, más tarde o más Secretary, Certificate of vvhich Suits made to order tn the Shortest notice.
de Ambrosio. De él complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels se Amaro Castillo, como setemprano puede resultar vvas produced.
On the vvhole, Wilson alledg always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
desprende la falta de co gundo don Aquileo Mora graves y muy delicados incidentes.
ed that there vvas nothing nocimiento económico de y como escribiente, don North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts absolutely in the English phraslos anteriores regidores, Rafael Zúng Es de no Mariguanado en rejas eology that vvas libellous, Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number o una forma de estorbartar, que no haya sido nombeing only a narration of actual winnings this week Entre rejas está un su.
a sus sicesores.
brado como Secretario, al Dice el consabido Pres señor Mora después dió vendiendo y fumando vithout any aspersions vvhatfarcts vvhich occurred to him, In Serie Drawing No. 48; won by Manuel Guevara with Ticket No. jeto que la policía sorprenIn Serie Drawing No. 28; won by Ramon Diaz with Ticket No. 76 supuesto; en globo: Ingre que este caballero, no son mariguana. Según la ley, ever cast on the character of In presence of Marcial Vargas, Jose Cedeño, Henry Spryser.
sos para el año 1931, lo trabajó tenazmente a 461. 272, 90.
al pobre sujeto tendrá the complainant. On the recque All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity bet up favor del partido triunfantitude of vvhich he cited seto date with their payments.
Egresos, para el año te, sino que se prestó tam pagar una fuerte suma de multa o descontar uno o 1931, 461. 272, 90.
veral damaging occurrences, SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW SERIE IN FORMATION bién para acusar ante los Este presupuesto así con tribunales, a la honorable dos años de presidio. among them berng a conviction BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 of slander and scandal before cebido, fué ap bado por Junta Cantonal disque por Notas sociales y la Gobernacic i, pero como hechos delictuosos. Sin em personales the Courts, and a Petition bela situación porque atravie bargo, así paga el diablo, fore the Governor by several sa la Comunidad es bien a quien le sirve!
En vacaciones al interior residents of Cartago that she estrecha y las entradas no El Miami Restaurant marcharon en esta semana ve termed a public nuisance and dealt vvith accordingly.
compensan con las salidas, Este nuevo centro for que hoy termina, los licen.
The opinion and decision The Prince of Wales an Exhibition on the 14th la nueva Corporación in mado en Cieneguita por ciados Acosta, tegrada por jóvenes hono dos señores de esta ciudad Fonseca Ch. Octavio Ro. of the Judges of the Supreme and his youngest brother March.
He did not Land at rables, desea en detalle tales bien conocidos, es el plato dríguez, don Abel Dobles Court is anxiously avvaited Prince George left Kingson the points raised, as to ton on the 4th inst, on his Havanna as was arranged entradas y salidas y así del día entre viejos y jó. Ch. don Alfredo Sáenz y poderles decir al pueblo venes bohemios. Se nos insu hermano.
the interpretation of the lavy way to the Argentine Re. by special invite of the aquí está el quid de la forma que el día 31 de in these respects.
public where he is to open President of Cuba; this was probably due to the genecuestión!
enero, que se inauguró, hural unrest there which has Esperamos pues, que el bo allí de todo. Música, Regresó de la capital el called for Martial Law exisseñor Intendente ordene en mujeres a escojer, y cham Lic. Ramón Rojas Corra.
Mindful of a duty out of ting in that Island. Mila Gaceta oficial, y en los paña a discresión. Varias les, nuestro activo e intefriendship the most popular litary attachee of the Bri.
diarios capitalinos, la pu mujeres traídas a exprofe ligente Agente Fiscal.
tish Legation in waal blicación en detalle del re so de la capital, hicieron American is also travelling ferido Presupuesto. Por de las delicias de aquella babel más está decir que dentro cienegana. Ahora, no sa.
Estuvo aquí, el Banque.
on the Oropesa with the ro don Jaime Rojas.
Has arranged to distribute a value of almost del seno de la actual Mu bemos hasta donde sean Prince, but he will disemdouble the former value of the wrappings as a bark at Colon.
nicipalidad hay varios em permitidas esas prangas que benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before, pleados que son hermanos al decir verdad, va contra All No. wrappings have a much greater value y parientes de algunos re nuestra cultura than No.
Al Hospital de San Juan and others.
y nuestras gidores incompatibles los buenas costumbres hasta de Dios se fué de aquí, unos con los otros en su hoy muy sanas y sin manel laborioso agricultor don posición. De todo esto se cha. Nosotros pensamos jore pronto son nuestros Quintana. Que me.
An awful earthquake has Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be occurred at Napier Hastings deseos.
exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts and Taradale in New Zea.
will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
land causing over 300 Cane Juice! Cane Juice!
Distributor in Limón deaths and more than 1000 ELOY GOTAY Para los Estados Unidos wounded. The Roman Drink pure ice cold Cane Juice, its a delicious Distributors in Turrialba Catholic Cathedral fell in partirá muy pronto nuestro beverange, it keep the Kidneys alvvays estimado amigo don José Rojas Cortés Cía.
clean and alvvays keep the organs and Killed Father Doyle in good ondition Fancisco Alvarado, ex emand many students as well INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
Sold everyyy ere a.
pleado de la United Fruit as over a hundred of the 0. 10 per glass faithfulwhowhere in Church or at (H. DRUMMONDS Co. Va el amigo Alvarado Apartado 271 acompañado de su señora Teléfono 3103 at the time. Fearing a pla6th. Street and 7th. Avenue y niño en busca de hori.
gue, Napier has heen evazontes más amplios.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
The Prince visit PALMERA SOAP Earthquarke in Australia PALMERA SOAP


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