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SBUSCRIPTION (3. 00 EDITOR MANAGER Quarterly in Advance NATION SINGLE COPY 25 Apartado 123 Cartago ARE WEEKLY NEWSPAP PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
The future King of England feasts the President of Perú Phrase of the moment By radiograph from Pope Pius XI to the entire world.
Rulers remember that the only true Power comes from God, accomplish your Mission with impartiality and Justice remembering that the population due first obediencie to God then shall we have, true Glory to God in the highest and on earth Peace to men of Good will, for whosoever resists legitimate authority works out his own ruin.
YEARIT LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14 1931 NUM. 66 ON TUBERCULOSIS The Pacific Railway MERITORIOUS JAMAICAN Popes voice heard by Radio From the 22nd. inst, This avvful Scourge among ed vvith regards to the Fried cumulation and storage of the the Pacific train will also mankind as well as the lower mann s, it is only a pity that cents and dollars in its bankBy the Gleaner We note He will return to Edin leave San José at a.
animals has been experiment the governments of the world ing institutions, but also by instead of ed on by scientific men of all vvill not give it vvider recog. the efficiency of its population arriving at Puntarenas at the arrival home to see burgh after his vacations as formerly his dear mother of Doctor to take up further studies ages vvith a vievy of stamp. nition than they do.
to enhance such accumulation, ing out the dread desease but 11. 38; the Local will leave Melwyn Samuel Golding of in Tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is very much therefore it seem a criminal Puntarenas at p. so a Falmouth. Dr. Golding after Too much praise cannot until nor prastically without on the spread an it behoves negligence on the authorities passengercan have an hour leaving Mico College left be showered on men of results.
the authorities in every coun of any government to ignore and 22 minutes in Punta Jamaica for McGill Univer the type of Dr: Golding; it We were surprised to read try to try out thoroughly any specicific that is alleged renas and return to San sity Montreal Canada in is only a pity we do not in the Gleaner the report of every suggestion that is made the Chief Officer of the Men. in the direction of arresting ious disease as Tuberculosis.
to eradicate such a an infect José the same day at 53 1924 and after passing see a greater frequency of there he went over to such characters among us.
tal Hosptial in Jamaica of a the alarming spread of this It is a very strange thing Dr. Golding has a relaEdinburgh University where fortnight ago, in which he disease. To conserve human to find that the civilized na The same thing happens he graduated in October of tive in this town whom said before a Commission efficiency in any country ren.
on the Eastern Run leaving last year as doctor of Me tions of the vvorld have dealso we congratulate.
that ninety percent of the dering the population an asset creed that infectious diseases Puntarenas at a. by dicines.
patients being admitted to instead of a liability is the should be notifiable under the passenger arriving in that institution were afflicted first duty of a government, the lavvs and denounced by San José at 11. 43 a. one vvith Tuberculosis. We now hence no appropriation should any citizen cognizant of a can return to Puntarenas find that a nevvly graduated be considered too expensive case and yet Tuberculosis such by the Local, which leaves Medico Dr. Golding is return. to eliminate contagious dis a virulently contageous dising to his college for further eases in the population. The San José at p. reachease vvhich vvill destroy famiFor the first ne in ont the entire World, ing Puntarenas at 45 history has the voice of the when on Thursday at 30 of vvhat avail may be ask is alone calculated by the ac.
Continued on page Pope been heard through he addressed the World this time apparently vvasted.
by Radio from a special Tuberculosis has been ack.
Radiograph Station arrang, novvledged uncurable, except ed by señor Marconi science vvill arrest and deshimself, in honour of the troy the germs of tuberculo.
9th anniversary of his sis. Science has taught us that accession to the Pontifical the desease is diseminated Chair.
more readily by germs flying We are creditably inform. ty think. that he could He blessed the Instruabout in the air rendered easy med that the doctor? Mc. fix us up as nicely as he ments, he blessed the des.
by the sputem of deseased Leod was hunting with did another Mechanic at igner and the entire world; persons getting dried and his eyes closed for the Siquirres for embalmation? and asked for a special carried about in the dust Editor of this Journal in Life has no special charms manifestation of gratitude along the streets; carried abthe Hotel Atlantico San for us, hence vve avvait to God that we are spared out by contact from flies on Board of long vision John Lockett, Engineer, and Jose on Wednesday night the doctor embalming pro to see the wonderful our food etc. hence until the ed men had been mooted Mr. Alexander as to fix him in consequence cess to be put in the spe progress obtained in the scientific men vvill discover in the Legislative Council Secretary of the Board.
of his misapprehensions cial room of the Hotel or field of scientific knowledge, something vvhich vvill destroy with a view of considering The duties of the Board of that gentleman advises Clinic. we vvould however by which his voice can be those germs, it seem loss of how the Island could be will be to enquire into the to him re his being the advise the doctor. not to heard by all the faithful time studying medicines that further developed, so as to possibilities of Road making, Meddlesome Matty in a rouse the sleeping dog; the World over for the first vvill only alleviate for the mo. supply work to the thou the construction of Public matter in which he had or once bitten he ought time in history today.
ment, but spreading itself all sands upon thousands of Buildings, such as Schools, nothing to lose except the to be tvvice shy. The speech was transtime. Several experiments have men who are flocking into Hospitals, Courthouses, Prize money to get an un.
Let us translate for his mitted from New York been made to find something the country from Cuba and and Post offices Police and fortunate out of the way edification the remarks of to other places but was that vvill destroy the germs these neighbouring Repub Telegraph Stations, Com in certain lavvsuits.
the Minister of Goberna heard distinctly from the that propagate this avvful lics; conseqrtently the Gobined farm and continuation What does this celebri cion of a fevv days ago. small but povverful Station malady, but until novv there vernor has named the gen schools, Land settlements By a misunderstood senN. of don Armando is only one that seem to tlemen who shall constitute Harbour, Improvements stand the test, that is, the that Board. They are, The and domestic water supply. Silver deposited timentalism the Costa Rican Cespedes in Heredia.
anthorities have been over Friedmann Vacine, much Hon. Leonard Decordova, The gentlemen are to recin Panama lenient in their hospitality has been said of the Calmette The Hon. Percy Lindo, The commend to His Excellency extended to guests of ill Some American explorers, Vaccine but that has been Hon George Seymour, The the Governor, how the defound to be more damaging Hon Theodore Wint, The velopment scheme can be out prospecting for gold fame, and in vievy of the very strange case of than curative; vvhile vve have Hon Dr. J, Hudson, be carried out and how the came upon what is consi: grovving perjudicial conseseen nothing but praises utter. Mr. Thursfield, Mr. finance can be raised to dered a very rich deposit quences of this class of insanity has occurred at Berlin, vvhen a German carry, it out this report must of silner in a mountainside immigration, we have de be presented at the ensuing near Cristobal. Samples of cided to proceed energe. by name of Paul SchatzOCCULISTIC CLINIC spring Session of the Coun the find have been very suveeping this class of un. Mystical Books on Occult tically against them, byke. vvho had been studying cil.
favora bly reported on.
Dr. JOSE CORVETTI desirables out of the coun. Science, started incessant CORRESPONDENTS try whose conduct is con praying and one morning OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY sidered a reproach to Society while his vvife vvas outDiseas. and affections of the eyes We vvill again ask you Bi e. had better be manly and dangerous to public side attending to her duOffice Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres not to vvaste our time by enough to go and talk to peace.
ties, caught hold of his 18 having to read silly anony Miss Cyrus instead of We knovy there are 18 months old baby boy and The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA mous letters.
meddling in Journalism. names on the list already, slashed his throat vvith a sises One styling himself busy take care of an addition.
Continued from page BE CAUTIOUS OF THE PIT YOU DIG FOR OTHERS Jamaica Development Board Sacrifices his son Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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