
Saturday February 14 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE BUTTINGS RANDOM Mindful of a duty out of friendship the most popular WARNING PALMERA SOAP PALMERA SOAP On Tuberculosis.
had on Britain Fruit Industry and her Importations The talk of the tovvn, and Has arranged to distribute a value of almost you in my heart Welcomed and red. He also had on a Lindo Rock, Jack vvas appredouble the former value of the wrappings as a as move about from place this, and so this picnic duly Madam Mango cap, vvith a hensive could see it vvritten benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before.
to place, the question is asked came off at Puita on Monday neat pair of bathing shoes on his stern face. could also All No. wrappings have a much greater value vvho is One of the 10th instant. Amongst the made of tiles. As there vvas see perspiration running down than No. and others.
the 18 to vyhom had been invited vvas Jack of the a prize to be avvar ded, we his cheeks and then dear introduced invited me to a «Peoples House» fame. We asked one of those present, readers vve vvere treated to a Club and vvhilst vve vvere arrived at Puita at 11. 30 vvho is the Friend of all the sight vvhich we will never there chatting and sipping a standard time and there chang enemy of none to do the forget Rosa and Sarah standIs always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts squash, came up the one ed from our ordinary garb presentation vvhich he did ing like demons unfurled will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
topic of discussion, vvho is into bailing costume. When most appropriately and briefly. vvhat they had in their hands Distributor in Limón Jack emerged from the dress We all novy plunged into the vvhich vvere Lottery tickets.
ELOY GOTAY Some had a presentiment who ing screen his bathing suit sea and Jack who is a particu Jack immediately took fright Distributors in Turrialba vvas, others actually vvas voted by one and all larly good svvimmer proceeded and svvam for the shore Rojas Cortés Cía.
said it was a vvoman, as they «The thing in bathing clothes.
to suvim out to a rock known persued by these two vendors had seen some such person Let me here describe this bath as Lindo Rock In the glare of Lottery tickets. Jack had no INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
dressed in pyjamas going suit it vvas double breasted of the sun his costume shone time to change vvhen he got around the fashionable Joints with an attachable collar and brilliantly. Those of us who on shore, so he ran for all Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 at nights. We talked until We tie made of fig leaves, the vvere not such good swimmers he vvas vvorth on to the road talked nonsense, and then pants vvhich vvere long caught and vvere nearer the shore, follovved by these two demons.
one vvag suggested a sea the vvearer at his hips and noticed tvvo ladies walking These demons ran with cour bathing pict. need of tell the colour vvas green, yellow stately along the road in the age and determination shoutdirection of the picnic. They ing as they ran buy Lottery then came under the wire, sat tickets, buy Lottery tickets at the root of a cocoanut At each sound of their voices, palm and there divested them Jackran faster. It caused selves of every thing they consternation and excitement, save their bathing as they approached nearer the Brought from page of his for anyone is liable to suits. asked this friend who tovyn people rushed from their ly after family, is not includpick up a germ) until it deis the enemy of none vvho homes, stores, etc. etc. to view ed in the list of Notifiable velops into fl. e last stage, these ladies vvere. He replied this race which ended by diseases» under the layv, so then no povvers can save one vvas Rosa, the other Jack arriving at the People far as vve are informed Japan him, and vvorse of all he afSarah. Each carried something Mart and falling into the is the only long visioned ficts his whole family with in their hands.
hands of Leslie he exclaimed country vvhich has designat it and possibly surrounding In consequence of heavy last year was 36. 399. 892 inG. thought it was calmly and vvith dignity send ed this disease as Notifiable; friends.
importations particularly from cluding Tomatoes of which their vanity cases. All this round to Mendez and purchase certainly a long vvay in adRussia, the fruit Industry of Oranges headed the list. With vvhile Jack kept swimming tvvo vvhole tickets of Lottery We vvill therefore advise vance of Western Culture. It Britain has been placed in a Apples coming second, and and ne er observed these figures while Rosa and Sarah departall vvho find themselves afis therefore high time that flicted by this most distressing tight corner, as the prices had Bananas third.
or human devils approaching. ed feeling they had accomplish.
our government should take fallen to such a low stage The total as to quantity As they approached nearer to ed a duty to themselves and malady to at once ask his the step in advance that Jathat many growers conld not was 24, 662, 935 cwt and him they dived and they dived medical adviser to to the Asilo Chapui secure a pan has taken and put this ha vest their Crops clue to 14, 984, 537 bunches of bananas.
nutil they mounted on top of Friedmann Vaccine and have disease under its statutes, the dumping of foreign fruit. Empire sources are well rehim inject same; it only costs and segregate all sufferers An idea will be got when it presented in the totals.
tvventyfive colones, meantime from this disease, and adopt is obser ed from figures of Leading in. in quantity you might have spent many the Friedmann treatment the Norfolk Fruit Grower times tyventifive in doctor were 10. 618, 452 cwt of oranvwhich is undoubtedly the only Association that in 1929, marprescriptions, Wampole and ges, 6, 124, 233 cwt of apples, remedy knovi up to novv ketings of 288 Tons realized 1, 438, 719 cWt. of lemons, AND such like preparations to no that destroys the germs of 15. 155 whereas in 1930 a 953, 372 cwt. of pears, 690. BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY purpose, tuberculosis and effects a tonnage of 582 of similar 818 cwt. of grapes, and 525, ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED cure, if the malady be taken The Hospitals if they are fruit only realized 15. 530 454 cwt. of grape fruit.
in hand in its early stages.
run by conscientious doctors this the Secretary Mr.
In values oranges also heaA Bureau established for the greater convenience, under Unfortunately our people might also try out this specDraper said is due to the ded the list with 9, 572, 182 standing, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pufor vvant of better intelligence ific and give a pronounceweakness of the country followed by apples, 7, 469, 050; blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed marketing Bill, clssified as Free for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. vvill keep hiding avvay the ment as to its values. In the bananas, 5, 682, 631; grapes, facts of his case calling it a case of such a loathesome Trade, he saia he refused to Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a 1, 836, 901; pears 1, 612, 972 Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the bad cold until it is beyond desease vvhere oh God! one believe «that this country will lemons, 1, 390, 107; grape fruit public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the recovery, instead of going at half of the family is called forever go on buying what 864, 813; plums, 797, 664; and the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical once to a medical man to upon to be scornful of the they do not need; all he is experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts apricots and peaches, 522, diagnose his case, he hides other, does it not become the hopin: for is that British he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe502. The value of tomatoes his illness (vvhich is no fault duty of every sensible consMarkets will be secured to rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials was 4, 521, 369.
are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
cientious government official British growers. Referring to to try out every discovery that the McDonald government he TUNIS DATES EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ vvould tend to check the Better than said. a government with the Barrister Cultivation of dates on the Investigator spread of such an avvful courage of a Waterhen, the oasis of the Sahara is largely Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Pomona Biscuits scourge?
spine of a jelly fish and the in the hands of Arabs, to MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE For the sake of humanity vision of a crosseyed mule whom the golden fruit is the San Jose, 50 yards West of the in a London fog, cannot last» first object in life. The best Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Hello boys. whats up. let us hope that this will be Presidencia He showed how the prices known and most popular of Going up to Booths shop placed on the notifiable list man to buy some of his Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of and every effort be taken to have fellen since. 1926 the all is that called the Tunis Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, eradicate or control its alarmai erage price of all fruits date, the melting sweetness California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Biscuits.
ing spread.
Was 72 per ton, in 1929 of which appeals to all ages, it was 57, in 1928. the natural sugar rendering it Eating one you will be Syphilis, Scrofula, Yavvs and. 52, 10; in 1929, 34 and particularly attractive and be.
satisfied of the fact, that such like loathesome diseases last year it fell to 27 per neficial to youngster and the Booth Biscuits lead have been controlled, thanks to the Wassermann discovton.
ease with which it is digested where others fail to follow.
The Total value of fruit making it a favourite With eries, vvhy then should the Now see to it that you governments not adopt the imported into Great Britain The Madre de Dios Div. them performing, thus those of more mature years.
of The will run making this the biggest buy a Biscuit branded Friedmann Vaccine of which a great Race at the New race for the year.
with the name Booth. Professor Friedmann says he Jersey (27 miles) Race Track Watch for programmes.
They can be had at all has had a curative observaon Monday 9th March 1931. All information will be tion at Munich of 99. of Turfites and Sports gladly given by.
chinese vendors.
cases under treatment of 1st.
Drink pure ice cold Cane Juice, its a delicious remember that many of Eating one you will be degree affliction, surely such beverange, it keep the Kidneys alvvays he big horses will retire Sidney Montague convinced that they are a report is vvorth the investclean and alvvays keep the organs in good condition permanently from the Turf in March; therefore this Secty de Dios Div. certainly the best Local igation of any Superintending Medical Officer vvho has the Sold everyvvhere at 10 per glass will be the last time to see A Biscuits in the Country.
interest of his Community at rat (4. RUMMONDS Ask for them at Estrada heart vvith regard to such a 6th. Seet and 7th. Avenue and Matina as well as pitiable disease as Tuberculosis.
LIMON SERVICE BUREAU Cane Juice! Cane Juice!
Read The Seacrhlight Limon.
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