
Saturday February 14. 1931.
PAGE CAMPO AJENO QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN, COLDS, HEADACHES Sobre el proyectado Frente Unico 59 Cafiaspirina com. My first appearance as the White Pimpernel CO Hace días, viénese hablando mandatario y no a dos o tres pos de conservadores y libeen los diarios capitalinos y políticos, imponerles uno, ya rales, los cuales formaron un muy especialmente en La que esta medida a más de ser partido que se denominó Tribuna. de un frente único antidemocrática, lo es anti Concentración, que llevó al que desea formar el Lic. don constitucional.
poder al Dr. Enrique Olaya BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! Manuel Castro Quesada, nues Pienso además, que el único Herrera, liberal; y no obstante Dont accept any tube or envelope tro Ministro diplomático en hombre que llenaría las aspi. toda esa combinación, hubo BAYER packets without the Washington, con el fin de raciones de la nación en los dos candidatos conservadores BAYER CROSS sea una sola persona la no actuales momentos, para un más, quienes obtuvieron miles minada como candidato úni frente único, sería el Lic. don de de votos cada uno, Vás.
a la Presidencia de la Repú. Ricardo Jiménez Oreamuno, quez Cobo y González Vablica en el próximo período figura política conocida en to lencia. Es de advertir que los constitucional; y es el objeto do el Continente Americano y fines de la concentración eran de ese frente, restarle adeptos en Europa, ya por su ilustra los mismos que pretende Casal eximio varón y excelso pa ción y talento, ora por sus tro Quesada aquí, pero no le tricio, Lic. don Ricardo Jimé dotes de mandatario no co resultó. De suerte, pues, que nez, si este egregio ciudada munes. Pienso también que el en los últimos tiempos, no 11o llegara a aceptar la candi Lic. Jiménez ha tenido sus creo estemos más adelantados Dear Mr. Editor: in them that staunch biother do not respect the brothers datura para su tercera pre errores en política en sus dos que Colombia, cuando se ma There are all sorts of litera ly love that each should of our friends. We keep them sidencia Con tal motivo, el administraciones, pero. quién nifiesta así la voluntad del ry artists upon your field of have towards the other. As away from us with our savage señor Castro Quesada ha he no los tiene. El propio Dios, pueblo.
Literature. The Searchlight. elder sisters, we do not im looks, whenever we should cho causa común con sus e con ser Dios, los sutre a mon Se argulle, el frente únicoThere are Cirillo, Sapientie, press a respectful love from see them pass by us. In fact, nemigos políticos de ayer no tones, ya que algunas veces dis que para evitarle al país, Cristal azer, Local Scout, our younger brothers. We we are mostly a lot of stupid más, entre los cuales han ce suele darle pan a quien no una campaña ruda y costosa. Optimist, Night Hawk and at have been either cross mak stuck up, giggling girls. We lebrado ya varias conferencias tiene dientes para masticar. Si eso es todo, pues que ven last we see and in ing them hate us, or too fahave no aim in life, none y reuniones.
Estoy seguro que en caso ga esa campaña con decencia, fact all sorts of genii invad miliar, making them lose their whatsoever. Although we are Qué pánico le tiene el Sr. de un frente único con el Lic. pero que vengan también tan ing your sanctuary, that am respect for us, we have kept doing a little better that our Castro Quesada al Lic. Jimé Jiménez Oreamuno, como úni. tos candidatos como indique eager to join the parade of them as our little accomplices brothers, in the social side of nez eamuno! Es natural, co candidato, no entrarían de el pueblo soberano a cada «digestable thoughts. Now, in all our little rices and let life, because we have a few con él. Castro Quesada no hu acuerdo ni don Alberto bando político, que no se cu we hear all sorts of arguments them run arouod as they wish, girl clubs, and we are singing biera venido de su puesto, sin chandi, ni don Carlos María arte la libertad y que tales pro and con every conceiv. less they may inform on us in a few choirs, etc, etc. we permiso primero, ni hubiera Jiménez, ni el General Volio, candidatos llenen, por decirlo able ideas, yet still there can to «ma. we are afraid to get so strange towards our amenazado al Soberano Con ex jefes de partidos, ni el pro así, la aspiración nacional.
Que be found more food for scold them for their wrongs. brothers, that they feel safer greso con rebajarles el sueldo. pio señor Castro Quesada. la campaña la costeen los po thought on other weighty We tolerate and uphold them to follow their own erroneous Sin embargo, hay que con Bien sabido es, ya que el líticos; y así en los comicios, matters like all your in all their shady doings. We ways, until they should have fesarlo, que don Manuel Cas. General Volio en reportaje el que obtenga mayor númerrespondents, too parade go our way and they go met a «Stop There in life, tro Quesada como diplomáti dado a la prensa, ha dicho ro de votos, ese será el fututhe streets, but being (a theirs, and very often we and either settle down, or die co es reservado y discreto y que su candidato para el fren ro Presidente de la República. young girl) dare not stay in cross each others path, but an ignominous death. And so como político es hábil y te re único, es el Doctor Castro CARLOS OROZCO the streets at nights, lest the they shrug their shoulders our generation will go on in a naz, que a manera de araña Cervantes. Otro ha dicho que town should brand me as a nonchalantly, because they have cyclic orde Just a repetition tiende sus redes para coger don Manuel Francisco Jimé. Limón, 30 de Enero de 1931.
candidate of the Night Life their pies to eat too. Therefore, of the same old thing.
en ellas a las pobres moscas nez; don Carlos María querrá Society the proper examples that we So kind girl friends, rememy luego las devora. Lo mismo should show them, we denied ber that we are the making pretende hacer con algunos don Manuel Castro Quesada.
them. The place that they or breaking of our boys. They políticos y corocidos, al pro En esto de los frentes úni tuberculosis Vacuna ticles, altho feeble, i continue should occupy in our hearts all need that love, that componerles la fórmula patente cos, el pueblo colombiano to gather thoug its to infuse we give it to others.
passionate love that we res.
suya, de un frente único en nos acaba de dar un ejemplo to Messrs Atwell y Cia We laugh at their follies. train from the Let them la próxima campaña eleccio de civismo y vir lidad. Bien accept such infusions.
and dare not rebuke them, come into our Drawing Rooms naria.
sabido es de todos que en Apartado 861. Jose ve always given a thoughtless they may tell Mammy of let them into our games. Res.
Estamos en una república ese país hermano siempre ha to our brothers. Why are they our Little Affairs too.
pect them, that they might libre e independiente; y libres existido dos partidos histórialways straying? Why are they The best example of bro respect us, Be mothers, sisters e independientes sus cos y antagónicos, el Conser Wonderful never at our sides, to protect therly love, that. have ever and companions to them, and hijos, para señalar dentro del vador y el Liberal, tanto del us their sisters, from the dan seen for a long time was; see if we cannot keep them grupo de hombres aptos, uno, primero como del segundo is Elixir Antianofelo gers that are always threaten a decent young man, dafarding off the streets, and out of dos o tres, que nos sepan habíanse formado otros gruing us, that are always engulf his sister from some scandal, harms way. Let us imitate ine gobernar con honradez y ta, pos con los mismos fines, preparation guaranteed as a radical ing us? Why do we rarely drew a gun, and was given lives of great and noble women, lento.
pero más elevados y amplios. cure for Yellow fever, blackwater see that gentlemanly trait that thirty days. This young man who ministered to the afflicRepito, es al pueblo a quien Pues bien: allá se llegó a un fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds should be their predominant heroically suffered his punish ted boys, in time of dire le correspondenominar su acuerdo entre esos varios gruand all classes of fevers.
nature? Why do they prefer ment for the time mentioned. need. Let us, by our lives, It is reccommended for cleansing the companionship of Lamp But would you believe me, become a beacon light that a disordered Liver.
In proof of the above see the Posts, the dance halls, the that duar sister received the would guide them along the following, for four months had rum shops and women of sacrifice of her brother in very road of righteousness to that been suffering from Hay Fever low morals, than to stay at bad faith, and her treatment distant goal, fame, so that and after trying all sorts of medicines home and be our companions towards him in prison was we, tow, may be benefitted by was advised by Mr. Antonio and protectors? These ques. anything but laudable.
Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago the protections these heroes One of the most important houses of Hamburg tions have always tantalized We are the cause of their to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
will give us. did so and after taking it, was me. But after pondering over desinterestedness in Importation and Exportation permanently cured.
them for months could only in everything that is lofty. We thoughtful giri in turn reccommended it to arrive at one conclusion. And Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica KV.
Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, that solution stares us girls in and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea our faces. We are the sole Vieja who used The Elixir Antiancause of our brothers drifting ofelo with marvelous effects as a along the broad road of Sore for all socurts of tropical fevers.
No household should be withou.
cial Ruin. Our childhood asSan José, South West Corner of the Cathedral it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al sociation with our brothers of every tissue of the System Carboni Co. Cartago.
was not one that would create TELEP. No. 3509 APARTADO 1061 que sea otro, lo mismo que The Friedman Anti. you will accept my arcan be had by writing the minds of those willing to son Remedy SCHLUBACH, THIEMER Co.
us, and RAMON ULLOA Co. SC.
Most minute examinations by Dr. Roberto Quesada. of London Exportation: All products of the country: coffee, hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
Importation: All that may be needed, especially German Merchandise, Articles for manufacturing or industrial lines; as well as for domestic purposes; for Ironmongers, iron, Wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cement, Manures; Stationery; Agricultural implements; Articles for Drugstores; Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, etc.
THE STAR RESTAURANT up to date coloured restaurant recently opened at the Western End of the Siquirres Market.
Meals supplied at all hours from a. until 12 Coffee Breakfast Dinuer; Banquets to order.
at SHEDDON BUILDING, Isaac Clarke, Manager 09: UNA FONDA MODERNA, Mercato de Siquirres; atiende a sus clientes a toda hora desde las cinco de la mañana hasta las 24 horas.
Café, almuerzos y Comidas; Banquetes a todo gusto.
CASA DE SHEDDON. Admor. Isaac Clarke 100 yards North of Corner of Alsina Printery SAN JOSE Sociedad Tipográfica Cartago Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Presidentes de Costa RicaRicardo Jiménez OreamunoUnited Front

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