
Saturday February 14. 1931 Continuation of the Pan American Illusion If you need a first class Medical man see Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca Render unto Caeser what is his Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica We know the very minu can point with pride not only will of the tried Latin AmeriTELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 to defeat all adverse coalitions test details concerning captive tn that highly cultured little can delegates saved the con Led by Ortega y Gasset in magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by or murdered Americans in country but also to Buenos ference from ending in disor Spain, Henry de Jouvenel and the French method of heat application. Specialist Mexico, and we are accus. Aires, Santiago de Chile, Rio der.
on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose Maurice de Waleffe in France, tomed to read that the govern de Janeiro Ciudad de Mejico, Nicaragua, with its route scores of intellectuals in Fasment of that country is inca. Lima and other great cities, for another interoceanic canal, cist Italy, the movement is pable of establishing order at some much larger than Ma is today the measure of ca advancing steadily. Hispanichome. There are 14, 000. 000 drid or Rome. The press of pitalistic imperialism in the America welcomes it, and if peons in Mexico poor, illite the United Statns should fos United States. America policy kept longer in doubt as to rate Indians wiih scarcely any ter honest opinion in its in there accords with no fixed the intentions of Uncle Sam, Mr. Editor: than the sword. met a poor conception of citizenship or tercourse with them, denounce principle or established docwill combine with Latin Eupa riotism; they constitute an mercenary politics and mud trine, but is a policy of intiAgain have to bother the old woman, who from youth outstanding problem in that slinging writers, midation. What other purpose rope. This will be all the peace of your mind with suppress could not distinguish her country. Lawlessness from mischievous Hollywood mocould military occupation have?
more serious if one considers another of my articles; giving name from a scrap heap, that the United States now this as yet amorphous element tion picture paganda, disThe whole idea of Pan.
Caesar what is his, altho declaring in positive tone of must be expected for a long card old prejudices and study Americanism needs revision, occupies an unpopular posi must remark how a young voice, that the Searchlight time to come, though crime Hispanic America conscienfor its destiny rests in the tion in the world. It has be man approached me not long with all its literary artists, in the best organized cities of hands of the United States, come the creditor of rival ago, and called me a fool tiously and scientifically. With and in fact all our local talthe United States is far worse.
the tremendous power it which must prepare to open nations and is the first former for publishing «a conglamora ents and their achievements Neither country, however, can wields, the press could achieve wide the door to true fellow colonial country that has robtion of nonsencial articles, aren worth the basura pan.
guarantee the lives of aliens in a short time what diplo ship. If it allows the pres bed Europe of its supremaand compared them to drones ve heard many people debeyond its ability to do so.
macy and well meaning goent uncertainty to prevail after cy, a dangerous position to that do no good to the com nouncing our latest mechanical Every form of propaganda, the rext conference in Mon occupy.
vernments have failed to ac.
Washington must munity. Well, must really invention; the Merry. goincluding books, moving pic complish. It could succeed tevideo in 1932, then Argen quickly remove this nevypity a community of Wasps» round with disdain, and tures, the stoje, pamphlets where idealists, economists, tina, Chile and Brazil will est and who hate the bees, because most dangerous many are prepared to corand cartoons, nas been used scholars, Admirals and great drop out of the Pan American of eventualities by radica they themselves are unable to demn our Colored Artists, make honey. young woman, by prejudiced authors and patriots have failed. Its duty Union, and it will mean notlly, changing its policy of the Black Stars. Do you travelers to belittle Hispanic is to promote good will and only the end of that institu evading the realities on the (one of many. said to me few know what will happen throu America. Travelogues depicting to avart friction.
tion but development of the whole question of Pan Ame nights ago. Well Mr. Night all these condennations? Our the traits of a hybrid and natural outcome of the trend toward Europe, whose ricanism. It must work out a Hawkyou thought that you talents are going to be sieved, degraded humanity in some policy of the Big Stick has Latin countries have awakened program that will make the could send up my little affair and go to other fields to of the Southern republics are been shirtsleeve diplomacy. to the fact that Central and American Commonwealth with the Akee Tree Club, Tabor, leaving the stones and even now in circulation. More Washington has often been South America can help them stand united on all issues. eh! Well you see Mr. Nation rublish behind to fight and intelligent writers have, of lax in the appointment of is my friend, and he told you kill each other.
course, also visited Hispanic political self seekers to responto mind your own business, can remember Mr. Pedro LAWYERS NOTARIES America, but none has realsible positions in its foreign and dont publish so distrucRhodes over here, a no body ized that in countries where service. This has only lent AT LIMON tive an affair. Another by our people censuring, Indians are most numerous, color to the false impression Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS E, SILVA «bounder» accosted me grinbut a lawyer, an incentive to as in Mexico, Peru and Bo prevailing in many countries Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors ning and said. Yu cal yuself the West Indians, founder and before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; livia, the real citizen, the one of an uncouth, illtempered the Night Hawk, yu is just president of the Centro Creollo, Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
with whom the United States like Dr. Dubois, meno know Uncle Sam. Great care has ENGLISH SPOKEN ete, in Colon.
must deal, keeps himself se been exercised lately to avoid wat yu is doin round ya can remember having cluded. Hence the misleading the repetition of past errors, And many other young men heard Mr. Norman Laird impressions and reports of and women, with like mental but it is well to stress the rebkced by his people here illiteracy, laziness, uncleanlihue, feathered idiots, have point and to remember that and today he is a graduate ness and of a kind of patriaraccosted me threateningly, and every consideration should be of the West Caribean Training chal existence. Prone to em made for Latin sensitiveness.
advised me, if m the Night phasize the picturesque aspect Pedantic boasting of the pro Atlantic Fleet of the World of admiral Sir Michael Hawk, to put up my pen and School. President of the Comof the country, the unwary gress at home with odious most powerful Navy been Hodges consists of over find something better to do.
writer does not consider that comparisons of the conditions carrying out their regular forty ships of War, and Its no wonder the sages said social groups. Reading of his there must be more representhat the «pen is mightier Continued on page of the countries they visit spring exercises since Ja will beout on their manoetative people as he walks should be avoided when tra nuary 8th but, they are vres until the 1st April.
along up to date avenues, past veling in Latin America. Its al o exploring the deep Among these will be, attractive and even palatial nationals are appreciative of seas regions around the such ships as The Renown. Office at 5th St. corner of 2nd Ave. Address. No. 544 homes.
Constructive criticism, but they West Indies and The Golf The Tiger, the Rodney, the The United States must always resent intolerance and of Mexico. The Malaya the Nelson the realize that Hispanic Ameri deprecation.
Rodney has been detailed Warspite, the Valiant, the ca culture is equal to its Another chief obstacle to to make important Scien Repulse, the uisers Dor Lawyers and Notary Public own. As eauty as 1800 Central Pan Americanism is armed tific Explorations in these sctshire and Norfolk. As and South America produced intervention. First taking the Waters, aided by Capt. well as the mine layer General Judicial Commission Business great humanists and thinkers part of a few adventurers, the Totton of The Natural Adventure with seveWe take the opportunity to offer our services to the who are universally known United States bembarded the History section of the ral Submarines and des.
general public, most particularly the coloured english speaking people of this and surrounding community in the following cap.
today. Not a few of the world Falkland Islands in 1831, when British Museum and his troyers, and aeroplane acity which we especialize in.
greatest contributors to mod. they were in possession of laboratory assistants and a Carrier Courageous.
Accountine collection of bad depts, rents, etc. Supervision and auditing, Spanish English Translations and Interpretations, ern journalism are Latin Ame Argentina. Later, after the large assortment of scienand administration. Organization audReorganization of firms coOn March 4th these ricans. Their literary and British took the islands in tific instruments.
mercial and industrial. Benevolent and Social Societies. Athetics and scientific publications run into spite of the Monroe Doctrine, The object of this exgreat vessels will leave Sporting Clubs. Write letters and take care of general correspomercial ren aud the hundreds. In commercial the United States refused to ploration is to study the West Indian Waters and Documents of all kinds, Wills, Leases, Bills of Sale, gureau is established for the purpose enterprise itself they are be pay for damages on the Flora and Fauna of the join the balance of the ginning to rival the giant in ground that their ownership deep seas around the west Atlantic Squadron proceed.
ple in of courseltlines and assisting the english speaking coloured their difficult and intricate affairs and embarrass.
dustrialists of North America. had until then been in dis Indies and the Golf of ing to Gibralter and will ing problems with which they find themselves confronted daily.
More especially in the matter of properly and correctly explainSimon Patino, the Bolivian pute. President Buchanan exal Mexico and adjacent Wa engage in Warfare the ing to them, by efficient and truthful interpretation of their in.
multi millionaire, is a self made ted Walker filibuster expedi ters which have never been Mediterranean Fleet under terest and rights as set forth in the official language of this man, and one of the outtion to Central America. In thoroughly explored, and admiral. Sir Ernle Chatfield Misunderstandings and malice are the two most cruel standing figures in the world 1854 the city of San Juan which is believed to have in the open Atiantic about enemies of world progress and peace. To understand and be mining industries. From the was burned by American for many forms of Marine life the 18th March, after which understood accelerates success and prosperity faster than any other perceivable agency other republics have sprung ces. After other hostile inci which has never been they will proceed back to Chatham and Portsmouth Are you going to be naturalized? Going to organize?
scores of millionaires, most of dents in Panama and Para properly classified. AccorHave you Constitution and Byelaws of your society or club to them what we would term guay, the Caribbean onceding to the reports of the for the usual Easter holibeutrace latest and Spanish? Come let us make your will, before 100 per cent. Latin Americans, more witnessed displays of well kuown explorer Mr. days.
Lic. Raúl Marin Egbert Poison that is, descendants of old armed force by the United Mitchell Hedges it is thou The veesels to visit the San José and Limón Accountant and Interpreter Spanish colonists. Originally States. Hispan. America does ght that there exists ma West Indian Ports during Attorney Manager a mere andful, submerged by OFFICE HOURS not forget how in 1928 ma rine animals of colosal February will be the Nelmillions of ignorant natives, rines were embarking for size similar to those repor son, the Rodney, the Haw8 to 12 and from to daily they have solved problems Nicaragua to crush Sandino ted in the Paleozoic age kins, the York, the DorSundays to 12 with which the United States and his followers, while enwhich never come to sur setshire, the Norfolk and never had to contend. Now voys of the United States face, and that marine ve the mine layer Adventure.
they are steadfastly striving were presiding over the Pan getation in this portion of One of these vessels will TO ADVERTISE IN to attain the highest form of American Gongress at Havana. the Atlantic is of an enor also visit Limon and en republicanism, already within Only the tact of Charles mous growlth.
gage the Cricket and Foot THE SEARCHLIGHT the grasp of Uruguay, and Evans Hughes and the good The assemblage of this ball teams of the Port.
IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS News of The British Navy THE METROPOLITAN BUREAU country Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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