
Saturday January 14. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
APGE An Interesting Interview NOTAS VARIADAS trons.
Dr. GRILLO Reeder unto Caesar.
that First class mate beber, a bailar, todo esto tiente pulmón, VIVA LA LI. go, don Francisco Rojas nos hará olvidar el mai BERTAD! VIVA EL CIVISMO! Brenes.
Being interested in the find out what there was of both the Company que nos aqueja. Limón En actividad inusitada Screen diversions of the in store for us Theatre and the Government would es ahora una Babilonia Sociales y Personales han estado durante el mes city, called upon the goers, chiefly because create a desinteresting atti en pequeño. No hay manager of the Arrasty was afraid that the recent tude by this Theatre and Regresó de la Capital pasado, y continuan en el Negocios pero hay buen después de varios días de presente, todos los centros Theatre, as wanted to economical determinations cause them to lessen their humor entre sus habi ausencia, don Rafael Paris deportivos de esta ciudad, interest in procuring tantes.
No. 1) film for their paEspinar, nuestro diligente tanto los compuestos por y activo Admor. de Correos.
el sexo masculino, como Limón que pasa hoy por Nos place que su estada los del femenino. todos The gentleman in charge hoy por el aro de la crisis. en la metrópolis le haya les felicitamos por sus éxiof the management receiv no se aploma como se disido provechosa.
tos en el Campo del de.
Obstetrics, diseases of women ed me with every courtesy ce generalmente. Sus habi Después de varios me. porte.
and seemed to have been tantes, están siempre alegres.
ses de descanso, ha vuelto El Circo de Acróbatas and of the Genito Urinary tract glad of the opportunity of si no, para muestra un demonstrating plans and botón. Mientras se funda a su casa en Cota, la ho y fieras, Atayde, que hace PRIVATE MATERNITY CLINIC arrangements previously en Cieneguita un Centro norable matrona doña Da. varios días hace las deliHalf BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET made, and which in spite denominado Miami Res linda Ariano de Montero, cias de nuestro público y of the apparent depression taurant para bailes y otras digna esposa de nuestro sociedad con marcada sim.
PYHSICAL THERAPY he expects to continue to diversiones deportivas. particular amigo don Ra patía, también nos dejará fael Montero lo que a su despedida una y muy put before the Limon pub Ritz Restaurant, antes Hamucho celebramos.
marcada escasez monetaria.
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Box 1080 lic some of the best and mado las Princesas, es ob.
Procedente de la caLa generalidad de las genlatest films afforded by the jeto de gran alegría y entes dicen, que Limón está Metro Goldwyn Producers. tusiasmo. Mujeres. música, pital tuvimos el gusto de Among the list of films Champaña y buen humor, ver aquí, por varios días muerto, pero por lo visto, la paradoja no resulta, y that surveyed with him es la marca de su propie a nuestro distinguido ami.
there, is Ramón Novarro tario, y por decirlo así, de go, Lic. don Otoniel Fon podemos decir entonces con la canción: dicen que todos los concurrentes. Toseca Quirós.
Brought from page are here with enferior ware in Gay Pariswhich has De la ciudad de Car los que mueren nunca vuelthan our for sale. Such not been released from the das las noches hay en el achievements, we ought to New York Theatre conRitz, animación En la notago, estuvo entre nosotros ven, y Limón, después de raise our hats to him, knowing depravity! ve written this el activo empresario y ho. muerto, anda y se sonríe!
article to tell Mr. Night Hawk, tracts as yet, and there is che del lunes de los coCronista Fisgón was reared in our whosoever he is, that he is no use to emphasize any frientes, un animado baile norable obrero, nuestro amimidst, and has climbed so on a picture with Ramón llevó allí gran número de high as a sort of incentive to good, to be respected by Novarro as the chief char caballeros de nuestra soZEEBE303 all in our sister Republic afraid, less he may jot down acter. enough to say that ciedad, que al compás de Dental Laboratory Bobby Frazer, son of the late their actions. Anyway, it he will soon be screened los alegres danzones cubaMr. Frazer is quite an artist very good to have such a here. But, on what wish nos hacían con las bellas of MANUEL BATRES, Cartago in Jamaica. Alfred Blake has to emphasize is the big damiselas un conjunto de been back to the West Carri guardian angel around, and Eastern Gate of the Market bean Training. Many of our feel proud to be mistaken for hit for the season RIO admiración. En el próximo the NIGHT Hawk, no offence RITA which will soon be número de este semanario Nearly every case of deranged Stomachis is traceable to Bad Teeth people have achieved some to him.
released from San José. In daremos los nombres de Have yours done at once and the best in Cartago thing abroad, that they would is at DENTISTA BATRES Again, feel that the Search this film you have charac. los concurrentes a este bai.
be unable to attain here. And ters like Bebe Daniels, le, que por ser caballeros and best workmanship why? Because we lack that light. our only English edited therefore the cheapest Bert Wheeler, John Boles de nuestra culta sociedad, spirit of appreciation of our news paper, should be bigger.
and others famous in the es de gran importancia pi.
Mu ambition is to see it an EGE33EEEE3E own: And there are still a lot ra buen espejo de la juMovie World, artists not eighteen of our boys and girls who or twenty page can become something of note; Bi weekly. Looking upon the alone glorifying in their ventud que se levanta! No.
for instance Messrs. John size of the Panama Tribune, physique and pose but sotros desde la puerta Ritpossesing the qualities of zana, no podemos más Babb, a qualified dispenser, and the literary food it conDelpratt, the Skiptons, Rodri. tains, and the literary Great enthralling their audience. que gritar con los franceses: guez, and many more, could guns that contribute to it. Since the audible pictures Allons les enfants de la one feels proud to sit down have developed so much patrie.
one day become wonderful enthusiasm among Theatre All during the past week and jot down a few lines, to leaders hovvever have been mechanics, as understand goers, these characters have Nađa ha pasado en Var. the unemployed element have very impationate and indiscreet, help to keep ours agoing.
that they are no mean workalso developed adequate sovia. Así podemos de been parading the streets of by making some violent speemen; but can they succeed young lady has promised cir ahora, aquí, nada ha San José, and demanding ches against the government here? Yet they will hold their to take down her pencil box posture and, intonation of the voice that leaves you ocurrido!
work of the government, their and scratch pad, and become and even issuing ultimatum own else where. The negroes satisfied and anxious to chief points of assemblage as to vvhat steps they will our Linda Smart. Well, hope are gifted, but they trample see them over Después de todas las being the office of the Newsshe meant What she said.
take into their hands if quick their gifts. Our boys could again. Prepare for RIO idas y venidas, vueltas y paper «La Tribuna and the Mr. Editor, accept my are not adopted, be prophets at home, the esta ciudad Congress Palace, vvhere steps vvith the consequence that as Connor, Headley, heartiest wishes tor a Happy RITA it is just wonderful. revueltas, en But we should not for no pasa nada. Que hay di are being taken to vote the and Prosperous career. May some of these men have been Constantine, Smith necessary sums of money to all petty differences be removed get to tell you that José ficultades entre la Coman.
arrested and come givan nineas every other prophet in carry out Public vvorks of from our path, and as Negroes. Crespo, Luana Alcáñiz will dancia de Plaza y el Go ty days imprisonment.
other climes.
be chief actors in EL PRE bernador, entre el Sub Ins. different natures such as the Our people over here selhelp one another in whatever SIDIO. Please when you pector de Hacienda y los completion of the Roadvvay There are also 18 persons dom pat their own on his or capacity we can, and may the see it, study it. It among patentados; todo se arregla from Cartago to San José, of foreign nationalities Who her shoulder and say «Well «Searchlight increase its pages, the new films, and to tell a pedir de boca! Que se building of several governare being vvatched vvith a done, but always open their grace and subscriptions.
you beforehand it will be presenta un incidente entre ment buildings in San José vievy of their deportation from Thanking you for, space punse string and empty its a spanish talking film but el actual Intendente Munian Puntarenas, the repairs of this country as being promocontents whenever strangevs Dolores Joseph those two characters have cipal y un amigo regidor the Dam at Tacares by which ters of unrest among our gained such a world fame de la minoría, todo se arre the Electric Power is obtained people, some of these have DX800000000000000000000000000 that you cant lose the gla, porque a la verdad, to run the Electric Railway been chased avvay from the chance of knowing them aqui estamos entre familia, to Puntarenas, vvhich has neighbouring Republics for well and choice for your y entre familia no puede recently been found to be of similar causes, and are pracself the artistic qualities haber enojos hondos. Todo very defective construction, tising the same irregularities which they posses. José por decirlo así, se reduce by the Contractors and has against public Order, the Crespo outside of the dis la POLÍTICA, esta MAL indeed fallen in. While the Executive Council is considerThat the only medicine which tinctness of his pronuncia DITA VIEJA, que todo lo money for all these vvorks ing vvhat shall be done vvith cures Asma, and acute Bron. tion he has a natural lack corrompe y sustrae! En fin, are being voted, some of the such citizens.
chitis is the of affectation that makes que entre nosotros todo you admire him. EL PRE pase, como pasó a la hisCuajani Jordan SIDIO carries with it toria el 28 de abril, el 27 The sole deposit and representation fhousands of persons in de enero, y se eche tam El Mercadito Alfonso Rivera Pérez on Siquitres the picture, it is thrilling, bien en olvido, el crimen of which is in Cuenta con los mejores y más baratos artículos en it is interesting, it keeps INNOMINIOSO de Heredia Cantina y Abarrotes The BOTICA VARGAS you wondering y Alajuela, de que tanto SCREEN CRITIC nos habló cierto amigo Presidente. The Mercadito of Alfonso Rivera Pérez in Siquirres SAN JOSE To advertise in The Que siga Limón, como is complete vvith the best and cheapest Wines, Liquors Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 of all kinds as well as groceries of SEARCHLIGHT antes, y que todos, amirecent importation 100000USVOUDUDW00100000000000000000 double your business consorcio, gritemos a va gos y enemigos en amable Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Disturbances threatening and over measures same There is no forgetting the fact QUDUDDA


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