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Saturday February 14. 1931 Wants Column The Prince of Wales GREATER RETRENCHMENT XCompañia Surtidora de Costa Rica New Fruit Co. 00 LAWYER AND NOTARY REMOVAL Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
One colon per insertion of six lines Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal MRS. CARMITA SMITH begs to advise her many friends and documents prepared. Honest advices on points of patrons that she has removed her dressmaking Department into Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a the upstair building at the corner of rd avenue and fifth WANTED losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto. street, above Mr. Murray Barber Shop, where she is still at the Rufino Solis. Lawyer disposal of her many clients.
The Community to know All sufferers from Asthma Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon that there is nothing to break to try Botica Vargas specific English and French Spoken up a cold like a Cafiaspirin Cuajani Jordan large sized tablet taken in a Cup of hot bottles for. 00 lime juie tea inmediately Prince Albert arrived at at Moliender.
after having contracted a cold. To sell. 44 Manzana of Lima on the 12th and He has been playing lands a few miles north of vvill remain there until Polo and Golf at Lima So as to cut out one there at a. direct for the 15th vvhen he vvill and gave a Banquet at Cartago at a bargain, with a Train crew, the Northern Limon.
small cultivation of coffee and proceed to Arrequipa by the British Legacion to the To sell a fine organ at the Railway will suspend the The Sunday train from Airplane and from there President of Peru.
ridiculous price of 250. at midday train which runs San José for Turrialba will to Cuzco to take his ship Jack Oranes.
All owners Balsa logs of from San José to Cartago leave San José at 45 am EEEE instead of 30 as formerly EBEE and back.
their own holdings are invited The Limón San José and run as far as Peralta. ELEGANT MODE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT to communicate with Mr.
train will also run straight arriving there at 11. 05 George Feeley, Hotel EuThis is to notify my friends and patrons that have removed, All personsuffering from from my former Establishment. am now Located at Peña Buildinto Alajuela instead of o clock, leaving Peralta on Malaria to try Carboni Anropa Puntarenas who is here ing opposite the old Spanish School. Your visit to my new Es.
tablishment will be highly appreciated as an act of good will.
tianofela it is the best eradi for purchasing all the Balsa having San José as terminus the return trip at 12. 30 My best service awaits you, with courtesy. Punctuality, Guaranteed scantlings he can get. All inas formerly, Alajuela will for: San José.
cator of malaria from the workmanship and moderate prices, Give a trial and be convinced.
be the terminus leaving 2nd. AVENUE 15 METROS FROM CORNER OF STREET system formation from him or The JAS. PETERKIN. Box 140, LIMON, Searchlight.
EEEEEEEEEE All Turfites will also remember the Races at the Owners of Dogs and The new shoe store of Siquirres New Jersey Track on 7th Horsekind afflicted with March.
We have removed Mange to try o flask of our shoe establishment to Mr. Rivera Cafetin adjoinGROVERS MANGE MEing the Commissary, where we maintain still our lowest pricos, DICINES» there is nothing Quality Merchandise and a complete assortment of materials for high class boots like it.
Shareholders in the AgriWhen you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de R, and shoes It is also an Antiseptic ROJAS; ALDOR ROBERTS HUERTAS cultural and Building CorHair remedy to prevent Commissaries you may rest assured that you are PROPRIETORS poration of 28 miles will and cure falling hair.
buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods do well to remember the To be had at Botica are not allowed to remain in our stores.
important meeting at Madre de Dios on Sunday Vargas.
Zepol and Floradora Products 15th inst.
San José Box 716 Have you joined the growing number of our Here is a rumour of a all the Railvvay ties and customers who are saving money by buying Zepol nevy English Co. coming building lumber material in to buy Bananas in the necessary.
Mules for Sale and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod San Carlos and Colorado The cost of the consLiver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and Regions. These plantationstruction of the Canal was Should you need Mules for your Farm, Cart Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne are principally belonging put at a million colones to or any other uses, you can procure them in Si.
and Lavender Lotion.
to Nicaraguans vvho have come to Moin but about quirres, from Mr. Rizo who has a great settled dovvn on the bor a quarter of this amount variety in different sizes and prices ders, and a Representative Would put them at the Communicate to Rizo, Siquirres.
of this English Co. is sup.
Matina Bar where great posed to meet these peo trade could be done, until Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color ple in Limon at an early the balance of money could MULAS date to make final arrange be raised to put it into ments for the lifting of Moin, but ofcourse as the Si Ud. necesita para su finca o cualquier otro fruit in those quarters.
Province of Limón does objeto, puede cor seguirlas en Siquirres con el There vvas a report of not seem to belong to Cos.
señor Rizo, quien ciene de varios tama.
similar transactions going ta Rica deaf ears were ños y precios.
on betyveen the Limon Agri turned to the pleas of the In Brilish Guiana there is and Dutch would get to cultural Society and a Limón Agricultural Board, a persistent feeling that if gether and formulate a strong French Co. vvho hence this scheme seem ever British rule should be Republic, serious articles were prepared to enter to have ended in fracaso, Weakened in the world. have been tolerated to this the Coastal banana service and another being put in The Guianas English French extent in the Newspapers. if 75000 stems of fruit its place which will not Wenote by the Gleaner from Parish to Parish cutvvould be guaranteed them benefit Limón any.
that the Surveyor General ting up the different porfortnightly, but here again of Jamaica is very busy tions of land into lots to PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres be sold out to small settlers asserted itself as strongly under the Land settlemeni Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away against opening up the To advertise in scheme, there are over ten and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be Moin Canal so as to float Brought from page The Searchlight thousand acres of land to shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies dovvn the thousands and knife saying am Abraham, shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
thousands of stems of aval am calied upon to sacriis to double your business be cut up in small holdings and sold out to settlers in Siquirres PILE able fruit rotting in that fice my only son and small lots on easy terms direction, to say nothing have fulfilled my Mission.
of payments. We note also of the millions of logs In Limon here vve have that Bogue Etate adjoining vvhich could he easily several of these semi lunathe town of Montego brought down to Matina tics cau ses from the same Bay is also be cut up Suits made to order tn the Shortest notice.
or Moin vvhere a Mill studies of these Mystic by the Scottish owners and complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels could be erected to supply Bookd.
sold out in one and two always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
acre building lots for the North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viguez Tramway starts FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. improvement and extension SAN ANTONIO of the town; it will be reSuits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small membered that in our last winrings this week family residence adjoining the Post Office Apply to Sam McIntosh we reported that a deep In Serie Drawing No. 49; won by Gerardo Barrantes with Ticket No. 146 SIQUIRRES Remedio eficaz, In Serie Drawing No. 29; won by Manuel Sequeira with Ticket No. 91 para la exp: Isión water pier to accomodate de lomb ces.
large ships is to be cons In presence of Angel Guevara and Ernesto Carvajal tructed there, hence the All shareholders wishful of obiaining their suits, must of necessity bet up needed enlargement of the to date with their payments.
De venta en la tovin.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW SERIE IN FORMATION Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see FARMACIA The Elderslie lands of BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make ESPAÑA St. Elizabeth near on to you comfortable at rediculous prices LUCAS MORUA Accompong Maroon tovvn write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ 150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA CARTAGO. sold out in small lots.
We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints British Guiana Politics Land Settlements Patriotism came into and Sacrifices. VERMIFUGO SASTRERIA GRANT GRANT Hotel ATLANTICO Farmacoutico are also being cut up and Sociedad Tipografica Cartago Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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